Ejemplo n.º 1
    def lookup_transform_full(
        target_frame: str,
        target_time: Time,
        source_frame: str,
        source_time: Time,
        fixed_frame: str,
        timeout: Duration = Duration()
    ) -> TransformStamped:
        Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame using the advanced API.

        :param target_frame: Name of the frame to transform into.
        :param target_time: The time to transform to. (0 will get the latest)
        :param source_frame: Name of the input frame.
        :param source_time: The time at which source_frame will be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)
        :param fixed_frame: Name of the frame to consider constant in time.
        :param timeout: Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
        :return: The transform between the frames.
        goal = LookupTransform.Goal()
        goal.target_frame = target_frame
        goal.source_frame = source_frame
        goal.source_time = source_time.to_msg()
        goal.timeout = timeout.to_msg()
        goal.target_time = target_time.to_msg()
        goal.fixed_frame = fixed_frame
        goal.advanced = True

        return self.__process_goal(goal)
    def convert_bicycle_to_odometry(self, state: bicycleModel.BicycleState,
                                    now: Time) -> Odometry:
        odom_msg = Odometry()
        odom_msg.header.frame_id = self.param_state_frame
        odom_msg.child_frame_id = self.param_odom_child_frame
        odom_msg.header.stamp = now.to_msg()

        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = state.x - np.cos(
            state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = state.y - np.sin(
            state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0

        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = math.sin(state.phi / 2.0)
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = math.cos(state.phi / 2.0)

        odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = state.v
        odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0
        odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0

        odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0
        odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0
        if (self._current_command is None):
            odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.0
            odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = state.v \
                * math.tan(self._current_command.steering) / self.param_wheelbase

        return odom_msg
    def convert_bicycle_to_vehicle_kinematic_state(
            self, state: bicycleModel.BicycleState, now: Time,
            prev_state: bicycleModel.BicycleState,
            dt_sec: float) -> VehicleKinematicState:
        state_msg = VehicleKinematicState()
        # Transform odom_H_cog to odom_H_base_link
        # TODO(s.merkli): Double check
        state_msg.state.x = state.x - np.cos(
            state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
        state_msg.state.y = state.y - np.sin(
            state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle

        state_msg.state.heading = from_angle(state.phi)
        state_msg.state.longitudinal_velocity_mps = state.v
        state_msg.state.lateral_velocity_mps = 0.0  # not modeled in this
        state_msg.state.acceleration_mps2 = 0.0  # modeled as an input
        state_msg.state.heading_rate_rps = 0.0  # modeled as an input
        if (self._current_command is None):
            state_msg.state.front_wheel_angle_rad = 0.0
            state_msg.state.front_wheel_angle_rad = self._current_command.steering

        state_msg.state.rear_wheel_angle_rad = 0.0  # not modeled in this

        state_msg.header.stamp = now.to_msg()
        state_msg.header.frame_id = self.param_state_frame

        if prev_state is not None:
            # for rear-wheel center
            state_msg.state.heading_rate_rps = state.v * math.tan(self._current_command.steering) \
                / self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
            state_msg.state.acceleration_mps2 = (state.v -
                                                 prev_state.v) / dt_sec

        return state_msg
    def publish_trajectory(self, now: Time):
        kinematic_state = self.convert_bicycle_to_vehicle_kinematic_state(
            self._current_state, now, self._prev_state,
        # Initial trajectory, starting at the current state
        # TODO(s.merkli): Potentially use a fancier spoofer later
        init_trajectory_msg = self.create_curved_trajectory(

        # Use simulated time
        init_trajectory_msg.header.stamp = now.to_msg()
        # Use ROS time
        # init_trajectory_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
        init_trajectory_msg.header.frame_id = self.param_trajectory_frame

        # Send first data to mpc
        # Both publishes trigger a control calculation but for the first,
        # there is missing information, so nothing happens
        # Make sure trajectory is sent first - TODO(s.merkli) can this be done
        # more systematically?
        self._traj_cache = init_trajectory_msg
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_time_message_conversions_big_nanoseconds(self):
        time1 = Time(nanoseconds=1553575413247045598, clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME)
        builtins_msg = Builtins()
        builtins_msg.time_value = time1.to_msg()

        # Default clock type resulting from from_msg will be ROS time
        time2 = Time.from_msg(builtins_msg.time_value)
        assert isinstance(time2, Time)
        assert time1 == time2
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_time_message_conversions(self):
        time1 = Time(nanoseconds=1, clock_type=ClockType.ROS_TIME)
        builtins_msg = Builtins()
        builtins_msg.time_value = time1.to_msg()

        # Default clock type resulting from from_msg will be ROS time
        time2 = Time.from_msg(builtins_msg.time_value)
        assert isinstance(time2, Time)
        assert time1 == time2
        # Clock type can be specified if appropriate
        time3 = Time.from_msg(builtins_msg.time_value, clock_type=ClockType.SYSTEM_TIME)
        assert time3.clock_type == ClockType.SYSTEM_TIME
    def convert_bicycle_to_transform(self, state: bicycleModel.BicycleState,
                                     now: Time) -> TFMessage:
        transform = TransformStamped()
        transform.header.frame_id = self.param_state_frame
        transform.header.stamp = now.to_msg()
        transform.child_frame_id = self.param_odom_child_frame

        transform.transform.translation.x = \
            state.x - np.cos(state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
        transform.transform.translation.y = \
            state.y - np.sin(state.phi) * self.param_cog_to_rear_axle
        transform.transform.translation.z = 0.0
        transform.transform.rotation.x = 0.0
        transform.transform.rotation.y = 0.0
        transform.transform.rotation.z = math.sin(state.phi / 2.0)
        transform.transform.rotation.w = math.cos(state.phi / 2.0)

        return TFMessage(transforms=[transform])