Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(rdlfile, agent, analyze_keys):
    # prepare timestamp lists
    timestamps = OrderedDict()
    for key in analyze_keys:
        timestamps[key] = []

    # go through the frames
    rdlFile = RDLFile(args.file)
    frameCounter = 0
    for frame in rdlFile.frames:
        if agent in frame.data.keys():
            for key in frame.data[agent].keys():
                if key in analyze_keys:
                    item = frame.data[agent][key]
                    t = item.timestamp[0] + 1e-6 * item.timestamp[1]
        # next
        frameCounter += 1

    # check for missing keys
    for key in analyze_keys:
        if key not in timestamps.keys():
            raise Exception('no data found for agent {}, key {}'.format(agent, key))
        if len(timestamps[key]) == 0:
            raise Exception('no data found for agent {}, key {}'.format(agent, key))

    # analyze
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RDLBallDataAdapter():
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = OrderedDict()  # key: age, value: BallData

    def load(self, rdlfile, timestamp, timewindow=0.001):
        # create a list of BallData objects (one per age) which can be browsed
        # form age list
        frequency = 30.0
        ageList = [timestamp]
        c = 1
        while c / frequency < timewindow:
            ageList = [timestamp - c / frequency
                       ] + ageList + [timestamp + c / frequency]
            c += 1
        # maintain a list with latest RTDB item, to handle sparsity of RDL
        latestData = {}
        # load RDL
        self.rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)
        # iterate over frames
        c = 0  # index of ageList currently being constructed
        for frame in self.rdl.frames:
            # store as BallData
            if frame.age > ageList[c]:
                bd = BallData()
                key2function = {}
                key2function["BALL_CANDIDATES_FCS"] = bd.feedBallCandidates
                # it is not useful anymore to look at BALL_CANDIDATES_FCS,
                # since the plotter now browses through a few timestamps of tracker-associated data,
                # instead of plotting point clouds from entire time ranges at once
                key2function["BALLS"] = bd.feedBallResults
                key2function["DIAG_WORLDMODEL_LOCAL"] = bd.feedBallDiagnostics
                # feed the items
                for agent in range(0, NUMROBOTS + 1):
                    if agent in frame.data:
                        agentData = frame.data[agent]
                        for key in key2function.keys():
                            akey = str((agent, key))
                            if key in agentData and akey in latestData:
                                del latestData[
                                    akey]  # prevent item being copied into next BallData
                # store
                self.data[ageList[c]] = bd
                # next
                c += 1
                if c >= len(ageList):
            # update latestData
            if (frame.age >= timestamp - timewindow - 1.0
                    and frame.age <= timestamp + timewindow):
                for agent in range(0, NUMROBOTS + 1):
                    if agent in frame.data:
                        agentData = frame.data[agent]
                        # feed the items
                        for key in keys:
                            if key in agentData:
                                akey = str((agent, key))
                                latestData[akey] = agentData[key]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_events(rdl_file_or_frames):
    result = []
    # allow two kind of arguments: rdl file name (string) or rdl frames (list)
    if isinstance(rdl_file_or_frames, str):
        rdlfile = rdl_file_or_frames
        # load RDL
        rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)
        rdlframes = rdl.frames
        rdlframes = rdl_file_or_frames
    # helper
    seen = {}

    def handle(events, agent):
        for e in events:
            if not str(e) in seen:
                result.append(Event(e, agent))
                seen[str(e)] = True

    # iterate over frames
    key = "EVENT_LIST"
    for frame in rdlframes:
        for agent in range(0, 20):
            if agent in frame.data:
                agentData = frame.data[agent]
                if key in agentData:
                    handle(agentData[key].value, agent)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
class RDLDiagnostics(FolderWriter):
    def __init__(self, rdlfile, agent, folder="/var/tmp/kstplot"):
        # setup FolderWriter
        FolderWriter.__init__(self, folder)
        # setup the rest
        self.agent = agent
        # guess agent from rdl file
        if agent == 0:
            self.agent = analyze_lib.get_agent_from_rdl_filename(rdlfile)
        self.keys = set()
        self.handles = {}
        self.prependTimestamp = True
        # load RDL
        self.rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)
        self.rdl.parseRDL()  # TODO improve slowness and mem consumption

    def subscribe(self, key, handle=str):
        Subscribe to a key. The value may be nicely formatted through a custom function.
        self.handles[key] = handle

    def handle(self, key, item):
        Handle a RTDB frame item.
            valueAsString = self.handles[key](item.value)
            print("WARNING: blacklisting key " + key +
                  " after callback failure:")
        line = valueAsString
        if self.prependTimestamp:
            line = "%d.%06d %s" % (item.timestamp[0], item.timestamp[1], line)
        self.output(line, key)

    def run(self):
        nodata = True
        for frame in self.rdl.frames:
            if frame.data.has_key(self.agent):
                agentData = frame.data[self.agent]
                for key in list(self.keys):
                    if agentData.has_key(key):
                        item = agentData[key]  # type: RtDBFrameItem
                        self.handle(key, item)
                        nodata = False
        if nodata:
            raise Exception("no matching data found for agent " +
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, rdlfile, agent, folder="/var/tmp/kstplot"):
     # setup FolderWriter
     FolderWriter.__init__(self, folder)
     # setup the rest
     self.agent = agent
     # guess agent from rdl file
     if agent == 0:
         self.agent = analyze_lib.get_agent_from_rdl_filename(rdlfile)
     self.keys = set()
     self.handles = {}
     self.prependTimestamp = True
     # load RDL
     self.rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)
     self.rdl.parseRDL()  # TODO improve slowness and mem consumption
Ejemplo n.º 6
class RdlParser():
    def __init__(self, rdlfile):
        self.current_frame = 0
        self.rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)

    def readFrame(self):
        if (self.current_frame + 1) < len(self.rdl.frames):
            self.current_frame = self.current_frame + 1
            return self.rdl.frames[self.current_frame]
            return None

    def rewind(self):
        self.current_frame = 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, rdlfile):
     self.current_frame = 0
     self.rdl = RDLFile(rdlfile)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    "4. Move to a position where the ball is visible", "5. Get the ball",
    "6. Move to the center", "7. Shoot the Ball \n The ball hits the robot"

file = "/home/robocup/ball_tracking/exp/190829/20190829_193432_r3.rdl"

k = 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # check if file exists
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        print "Error: '%s' not found." % (file)

    # go through the frames
    rdlFile = RDLFile(file)
    frameCounter = 0

    ## Collected data
    # timesamp
    T = []

    # ball position
    X = []
    Y = []
    Z = []

    # ball candidate
    X0 = []
    Y0 = []
Ejemplo n.º 9
    if not os.path.exists(args.file):
        print("Error: '%s' not found." % (args.file))

    # expand default arguments, resolve time frame, etc.
    ageMin = 0
    ageMax = 1e9
    if args.agent == []:
        args.agent = range(0, 10)
    if args.timestamp != "all":
        # for now: age -- TODO: parse human-readable timestamp (e.g. '2019-02-28,23:01:33.221551' or substrings without date/microseconds)
        ageMin = float(args.timestamp) - args.deltatime
        ageMax = float(args.timestamp) + args.deltatime

    # go through the frames
    rdlFile = RDLFile(args.file)
    rdlFile.parseRDL(ageMin, ageMax)
    frameCounter = 0
    for frame in rdlFile.frames:
        # determine whether this frame needs to be shown
        inspectFrame = True
        if (frame.age < ageMin or frame.age > ageMax):
            inspectFrame = False
        # print?
        if inspectFrame:
            # header?
            print("frame=%d/%d age=%.3fs" %
                  (frameCounter, len(rdlFile.frames), frame.age))
            # TODO include human-readable timestamp, without date
            for agent in frame.data.keys():
                showAgent = False
Ejemplo n.º 10
    # expand default arguments, resolve time frame, etc.
    ageMin = 0
    ageMax = 1e9
    #if args.agent == []:
    #    args.agent = range(0,10)
    if args.timestamp != "all":
        # for now: age -- TODO: parse human-readable timestamp (e.g. '2019-02-28,23:01:33.221551' or substrings without date/microseconds)
        ageMin = float(args.timestamp) - args.deltatime
        ageMax = float(args.timestamp) + args.deltatime

    # setup output file and load input entirely into memory (TODO: make nicer)
    if args.inputfile == args.outputfile:
        print("Error: input and outputfiles may not be equal.")
    rdlInputFile = RDLFile(args.inputfile)
    rdlInputFile.parseRDL(ageMin, ageMax)
    rdlOutputFile = RDLFile(args.outputfile)

    # go through the frames
    for frame in rdlInputFile.frames:
        # determine whether this frame needs to be kept
        if (frame.age >= ageMin and frame.age <= ageMax):
            # correct frame.age w.r.t. new creation timestamp
            frame.age = frame.age - ageMin
            frame.raw_frame[0] = frame.age  # TODO: make nicer
            # keep
            # TODO: satisfy other options (agent, key)
            # TODO: minimize code duplication w.r.t. rdlDump
Ejemplo n.º 11
def analyzeRDL(rdlfile):
    # TODO: improve mem usage by rdlLib and remove the need for calling parseRDL()
    f = RDLFile(rdlfile)
    # helpers
    result = {}
    emptyCal = {
        'robotId': None,
        'leftArm': {
            'down': 1e6,
            'up': 0.0
        'rightArm': {
            'down': 1e6,
            'up': 0.0

    def processItem(agent, angleLeft, angleRight):
        # zero reading might be produced by peripheralsInterface at init time, ignore them
        if angleLeft == 0.0 or angleRight == 0.0:
        if not result.has_key(agent):
            result[agent] = copy.deepcopy(emptyCal)
        result[agent]['robotId'] = agent
        result[agent]['leftArm']['down'] = min(
            result[agent]['leftArm']['down'], angleLeft)
        result[agent]['leftArm']['up'] = max(result[agent]['leftArm']['up'],
        result[agent]['rightArm']['down'] = min(
            result[agent]['rightArm']['down'], angleRight)
        result[agent]['rightArm']['up'] = max(result[agent]['rightArm']['up'],

    # work through the data
    robotsWithoutBall = set()
    robotsWithBall = set()
    for frame in f.frames:
        for agent in frame.data.keys():
            # store the ballHandler angles
            key = "BALLHANDLERS_FEEDBACK"
            if frame.data[agent].has_key(key):
                item = frame.data[agent][key]
                angleLeft = item.value[0]
                angleRight = item.value[1]
                processItem(agent, angleLeft, angleRight)
            # extra check on ball possession, since calibration only makes sense if the robot was
            # without ball for a while, AND with ball
            key = "ROBOT_STATE"
            if frame.data[agent].has_key(key):
                item = frame.data[agent][key]
                hasball = item.value[4]
                if hasball:
    # warn for bad data regarding ball possession
    for agent in result.keys():
        if agent in AGENTS_IGNORE:
        if agent not in robotsWithoutBall:
            print "WARNING: agent %d never lost the ball, so DOWN value is unreliable" % (
        if agent not in robotsWithBall:
            print "WARNING: agent %d never got the ball, so UP value is unreliable" % (
    return result