def get_re_jobid(jobid): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', db='JOB', passwd='123456', port=3306) print 'connect succeed' resu = [] # print "shshshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" try: cursor = conn.cursor() if int(jobid) <= 10000000: database = "JOB_log_all" elif int(jobid) <= 40500000: database = "JOB_log_4050" elif int(jobid) <= 41000000: database = "JOB_log_4100" elif int(jobid) <= 41500000: database = "JOB_log_4150" elif int(jobid) <= 42000000: database = "JOB_log_4200" else: database = "JOB_log" #Modified by tyzhang. To maintain all the trace in mysql. sql1 = "select JOBID,JOB_NAME,PROGRAM_NAME,STARTTIME,ENDTIME,RUNTIME,CNC,CORE,NODELIST from " + database + " where jobid=" + str( jobid) + " and RUNTIME<>0 order by PROGRAM_NAME" #sql1="select JOBID,USER,STATE,QUEUE,CNC,STARTTIME,ENDTIME,RUNTIME,PROGRAM_NAME,NODELIST from JOB_log where "+ite+" and "+item3+" order by PROGRAM_NAME" #print sql1 cursor.execute(sql1) result1 = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() cursor.close() #print result1 re = [] for date in result1: re.append(date) re.sort() #print re if len(re) < 1: print "NONE" else: for val in re: id = val[0] jname = val[1] pname = val[2] stime = str(val[3]) etime = str(val[4]) atime = val[5] cnc = val[6] core = val[7] node = val[8] node = node.split(",") resu.append( [id, jname, pname, stime, etime, atime, cnc, core, node]) except Exception as e: print e conn.rollback() return resu
def abh2str(li, re): attrsep = '' if upcsplit else ';' li = list(li) re = list(re) if shouldsort: li.sort() re.sort() return string.join(li, attrsep) + '->' + string.join(re, attrsep)
def searchjob(time1, time2): #ENDTIME between time1 and time2 conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', db='JOB', passwd='', port=3306) print 'connect succeed' try: cursor = conn.cursor() item1 = "STARTTIME <= '" + time2 + "' and ENDTIME > '" + time2 + "'" item2 = "ENDTIME > '" + time1 + "' and ENDTIME <= '" + time2 + "'" item3 = "ENDTIME = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" + " and STARTTIME < '" + time2 + "'" ite = "NODELIST <> '-' and RUNTIME <> 0" ite1 = "QUEUE not like '%x86%'" sql1 = "select JOBID,JOB_NAME,PROGRAM_NAME,STARTTIME,ENDTIME,RUNTIME,CNC,CORE,NODELIST from JOB_log_all where " + ite + " and " + ite1 + " and " + item2 + " order by PROGRAM_NAME" #sql1="select JOBID,USER,STATE,QUEUE,CNC,STARTTIME,ENDTIME,RUNTIME,PROGRAM_NAME,NODELIST from JOB_log where "+ite+" and "+item3+" order by PROGRAM_NAME" #print sql1 cursor.execute(sql1) result1 = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() cursor.close() re = [] for date in result1: re.append(date) re.sort() resu = [] if len(re) < 1: print "NONE" else: for val in re: id = val[0] jname = val[1] pname = val[2] stime = str(val[3]) etime = str(val[4]) atime = val[5] cnc = val[6] core = val[7] node = val[8] node = node.split(",") resu.append( [id, jname, pname, stime, etime, atime, cnc, core, node]) except Exception as e: print e conn.rollback() return resu
def scorehim(him): sample1=him tsample1=nltk.sent_tokenize(sample1) #print(tsample1) stopwrds=set(stopwords.words('english')) tsample=nltk.word_tokenize(sample1) #Refine Data ntsample2=[w for w in tsample if not w in stopwrds] ntsample=[] for i in ntsample2: ntsample.append(i.lower()) ntsampler=[i for i in ntsample if i.isalpha()] ntsampler = list(filter(None, ntsampler)) ntsampler.sort() #for i in ntsampler: #print(i) #print(ntsample,"\n") #print(ntsampler) #Word Count countsam=[] count=0 for i in range(len(ntsampler)): if ntsampler[i] not in countsam: countsam.append(ntsampler[i]) countsam.sort() b=[] for i in countsam: c=ntsampler.count(i) b.append(c) #print(countsam) #print(b) #Scoring exps = [np.exp(i) for i in b] sum_of_exps = sum(exps) f = [j/sum_of_exps for j in exps] g=dict(zip(countsam,f)) li=g.items() #Ranking Sentences senval=[] for i in tsample1: val=0 senword=nltk.word_tokenize(i) for j in senword: if j in countsam: pl=countsam.index(j) val+=f[pl] senval.append(val) d=[] re=[] d=senval d.sort() if len(d)<5: for i in d: re.append(i) else: for i in range(1,6): re.append(d[i]) re.sort() fs=dict(zip(tsample1,senval)) fs2=fs.items() #Selecting Sentence summary=[] for i in re: v=senval.index(i) summary.append(tsample1[v]) return(summary)