Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: GHDL.py Proyecto: krabo0om/PoC
	def __WriteGHDLSection(self, binPath):
		if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"):
			ghdlPath = binPath / "ghdl.exe"
			ghdlPath = binPath / "ghdl"

		if not ghdlPath.exists():
			raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(ghdlPath)) from FileNotFoundError(

		# get version and backend
		output = check_output([str(ghdlPath), "-v"], universal_newlines=True)
		version = None
		backend = None
		versionRegExpStr = r"^GHDL (.+?) "
		versionRegExp = RegExpCompile(versionRegExpStr)
		backendRegExpStr = r"(?i).*(mcode|gcc|llvm).* code generator"
		backendRegExp = RegExpCompile(backendRegExpStr)
		for line in output.split('\n'):
			if version is None:
				match = versionRegExp.match(line)
				if match is not None:
					version = match.group(1)

			if backend is None:
				match = backendRegExp.match(line)
				if match is not None:
					backend = match.group(1).lower()

		self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = '<unknown>' if version is None else version
		self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Backend'] = '<unknown>' if backend is None else backend
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: GHDL.py Proyecto: krabo0om/PoC
def GHDLRunFilter(gen):
	#  Pattern                                                             Classification
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#  <path>:<line>:<column>: <message>                                -> Severity.Error (by (*))
	#  <path>:<line>:<column>:<severity>: <message>                     -> According to <severity>
	#  <path>:<line>:<column>:@<time>:(report <severity>): <message>    -> According to <severity>
	#  others                                                           -> Severity.Normal
	#  (*) -> unknown <severity>                                        -> Severity.Error

	filterPattern = r".+?:\d+:\d+:((?P<report>@\w+:\((?:report|assertion) )?(?P<severity>\w+)(?(report)\)):)? (?P<message>.*)"
	filterRegExp = RegExpCompile(filterPattern)

	lineno = 0
	for line in gen:
		if (lineno < 2):
			lineno += 1
			if ("Linking in memory" in line):
				yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)
			if ("Starting simulation" in line):
				yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Verbose)

		filterMatch = filterRegExp.match(line)
		if filterMatch is not None:
			yield LogEntry(line, Severity.ParseVHDLSeverityLevel(filterMatch.group('severity'), Severity.Error))

		yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def _DecodeXilinx(self, deviceString):
		self.__vendor = Vendors.Xilinx
		self.__generation = int(deviceString[2:3])

		familyToken = deviceString[3:4].lower()
		for fam in XilinxFamilies:
			if fam.Token == familyToken:
				self.__family = fam
			raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Xilinx device family.")

		deviceRegExpStr =  r"(?P<st1>[a-z]{0,2})"   # device subtype - part 1
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<no>\d{1,4})"       # device number
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<st2>[t]{0,1})"     # device subtype - part 2
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<sg>[-1-5]{2})"     # speed grade
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<pack>[a-z]{1,3})"  # package
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<pins>\d{1,4})"     # pin count
		deviceRegExp = RegExpCompile(deviceRegExpStr)
		deviceRegExpMatch = deviceRegExp.match(deviceString[4:].lower())

		if (deviceRegExpMatch is not None):
			subtype = deviceRegExpMatch.group('st1') + deviceRegExpMatch.group('st2')
			package = deviceRegExpMatch.group('pack')

			if (subtype != ""):    self.__subtype = SubTypes[subtype.upper()]
			else:                  self.__subtype = SubTypes.NoSubType

			self.__number =      int(deviceRegExpMatch.group('no'))
			self.__speedGrade =  int(deviceRegExpMatch.group('sg'))
			self.__package =    Packages[package.upper()]
			self.__pinCount =    int(deviceRegExpMatch.group('pins'))
			raise ConfigurationException("RegExp mismatch.")
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def _DecodeAltera(self, deviceString):
		self.__vendor = Vendors.Altera

		deviceRegExpStr  = r"(?P<gen>\d{1,2})"  # generation
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<fam>[acms])"  # family
		deviceRegExpStr += r"(?P<st>(ls|e|g|x|t|gs|gx|gt|gz|sx|st)?)"  # subtype
		deviceRegExp = RegExpCompile(deviceRegExpStr)
		deviceRegExpMatch = deviceRegExp.match(deviceString[2:].lower())

		if (deviceRegExpMatch is not None):
			self.__generation = int(deviceRegExpMatch.group('gen'))

			family = deviceRegExpMatch.group('fam')
			for fam in AlteraFamilies:
				if fam.Token == family:
					self.__family = fam
				raise ConfigurationException("Unknown Altera device family.")

			subtype = deviceRegExpMatch.group('st')
			if (subtype != ""):
				d = {"g": "gx", "x": "sx", "t": "gt"} # re-name for Stratix 10 and Arria 10
				if subtype in d: subtype = d[subtype]
				self.__subtype = SubTypes[subtype.upper()]
				self.__subtype = SubTypes.NoSubType

			raise ConfigurationException("RegExp mismatch.")
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def __GetQuestaSimVersion(self, binPath):
		if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"):
			vsimPath = binPath / "vsim.exe"
			vsimPath = binPath / "vsim"

		if not vsimPath.exists():
			raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(vsimPath)) from FileNotFoundError(

		# get version and backend
			output = check_output([str(vsimPath), "-version"], universal_newlines=True)
		except OSError as ex:
			raise ConfigurationException("Error while accessing '{0!s}'.".format(vsimPath)) from ex

		version = None
		versionRegExpStr = r"^.* vsim (.+?) "
		versionRegExp = RegExpCompile(versionRegExpStr)
		for line in output.split('\n'):
			if version is None:
				match = versionRegExp.match(line)
				if match is not None:
					version = match.group(1)

		self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = version
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: GHDL.py Proyecto: krabo0om/PoC
def GHDLAnalyzeFilter(gen):
	filterPattern = r".+?:\d+:\d+:(?P<warning>warning:)? (?P<message>.*)"			# <Path>:<line>:<column>:[warning:] <message>
	filterRegExp  = RegExpCompile(filterPattern)

	for line in gen:
		filterMatch = filterRegExp.match(line)
		if (filterMatch is not None):
			if (filterMatch.group('warning') is not None):
				yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Warning)

			message = filterMatch.group('message')
			if message.endswith("has changed and must be reanalysed"):
				raise GHDLReanalyzeException(message)
			yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Error)

		yield LogEntry(line, Severity.Normal)
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def __WriteGtkWaveSection(self, binPath):
		if (self._host.Platform == "Windows"):
			gtkwPath = binPath / "gtkwave.exe"
			gtkwPath = binPath / "gtkwave"

		if not gtkwPath.exists():
			raise ConfigurationException("Executable '{0!s}' not found.".format(gtkwPath)) from FileNotFoundError(

		# get version and backend
		output = check_output([str(gtkwPath), "--version"], universal_newlines=True)
		version = None
		versionRegExpStr = r"^GTKWave Analyzer v(.+?) "
		versionRegExp = RegExpCompile(versionRegExpStr)
		for line in output.split('\n'):
			if version is None:
				match = versionRegExp.match(line)
				if match is not None:
					version = match.group(1)

		self._host.PoCConfig[self._section]['Version'] = version
Ejemplo n.º 8
def transform(string, year):
    """Where possible, replace all runner's with their database ID numbers.
    May raise a key error."""
    result_list = load(string)
    schools = [(school, Regex("|".join(school.names())))
               for school in Schools.select()]
    for (school, pattern) in schools:
        for item in result_list:
            if pattern.match(item["school"]):
                item["school_id"] = school.id
                del item["school"]
    join = INNERJOINOn(Runners, Affiliations,
                       Runners.q.id == Affiliations.q.runner)
    for runner in Runners.select(Affiliations.q.year == year, join=join):
        for name in runner.given_names:
            last_first = r"%s,\s*%s" % (runner.surname, name)
            first_last = r"%s\s*%s" % (name, runner.surname)
            pattern = Regex(last_first + "|" + first_last, IGNORECASE)
            for item in result_list:
                if pattern.match(item["name"]):
                    item["runner_id"] = runner.id
                    del item["name"]
                    del item["school_id"]
    return dump(result_list)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def remove_comments(lines):
    """Remove all lines containing a comment."""
    comment_line = Regex("^\s*#.*$")
    eol_comment = Regex(r"(?<!\\)#.*$")
    return [eol_comment.sub("", line) for line in lines if not comment_line.match(line)]