Ejemplo n.º 1
def getConfig():
    parser = utils.ArgParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@',
        description="Resilient virtual private network application.")
    _ = parser.add_argument
    _('-V', '--version', action='version', version=version.version)

    _('--ip', action='append', default=[],
        help="IP address advertised to other nodes. Special values:\n"
             "- upnp: redirect ports when UPnP device is found\n"
             "- any: ask peers our IP\n"
             " (default: like 'upnp' if miniupnpc is installed,\n"
             "  otherwise like 'any')")
    _('--registry', metavar='URL', required=True,
        help="Public HTTP URL of the registry, for bootstrapping.")
    _('-l', '--log', default='/var/log/re6stnet',
        help="Path to the directory used for log files:\n"
             "- re6stnet.log: log file of re6stnet itself\n"
             "- babeld.log: log file of router\n"
             "- <iface>.log: 1 file per spawned OpenVPN\n")
    _('-r', '--run', default='/var/run/re6stnet',
        help="Path to re6stnet runtime directory:\n"
             "- babeld.pid (option -I of babeld)\n"
             "- babeld.sock (option -R of babeld)\n")
    _('-s', '--state', default='/var/lib/re6stnet',
        help="Path to re6stnet state directory:\n"
             "- cache.db: cache of network parameters and peer addresses\n"
             "- babeld.state: see option -S of babeld\n")
    _('-v', '--verbose', default=2, type=int, metavar='LEVEL',
        help="Log level of re6stnet itself. 0 disables logging. 1=WARNING,"
             " 2=INFO, 3=DEBUG, 4=TRACE. Use SIGUSR1 to reopen log."
             " See also --babel-verb and --verb for logs of spawned processes.")
    _('-i', '--interface', action='append', dest='iface_list', default=[],
        help="Extra interface for LAN discovery. Highly recommanded if there"
             " are other re6st node on the same network segment.")
    _('-I', '--main-interface', metavar='IFACE', default='lo',
        help="Set re6stnet IP on given interface. Any interface not used for"
             " tunnelling can be chosen.")
    _('--up', metavar='CMD',
        help="Shell command to run after successful initialization.")
    _('--daemon', action='append', metavar='CMD',
        help="Same as --up, but run in background: the command will be killed"
             " at exit (with a TERM signal, followed by KILL 5 seconds later"
             " if process is still alive).")
    _('--test', metavar='EXPR',
        help="Exit after configuration parsing. Status code is the"
             " result of the given Python expression. For example:\n"
             "  main_interface != 'eth0'")
    _('--console', metavar='SOCK',
        help="Socket path to Python console that can be used to inspect or"
             " patch this process. Use:\n"
             "   socat - UNIX:<SOCK>\n"
             "to access it.")

    _ = parser.add_argument_group('routing').add_argument
    _('-B', dest='babel_args', metavar='ARG', action='append', default=[],
        help="Extra arguments to forward to Babel.")
    _('-D', '--default', action='store_true',
        help="Access internet via this network (in this case, make sure you"
             " don't already have a default route), or if your kernel was"
             " compiled without support for source address based routing"
             " (CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES). Meaningless with --gateway.")
    _('--table', type=int, choices=(0,),
        help="DEPRECATED: Use --default instead of --table=0")
    _('--gateway', action='store_true',
        help="Act as a gateway for this network (the default route will be"
             " exported). Do never use it if you don't know what it means.")

    _ = parser.add_argument_group('tunnelling').add_argument
    _('-O', dest='openvpn_args', metavar='ARG', action='append', default=[],
        help="Extra arguments to forward to both server and client OpenVPN"
             " subprocesses. Often used to configure verbosity.")
    _('--ovpnlog', action='store_true',
        help="Tell each OpenVPN subprocess to log to a dedicated file.")
    _('--pp', nargs=2, action='append', metavar=('PORT', 'PROTO'),
        help="Port and protocol to be announced to other peers, ordered by"
             " preference. For each protocol (udp, tcp, udp6, tcp6), start one"
             " openvpn server on the first given port."
             " (default: --pp 1194 udp --pp 1194 tcp)")
        help="File containing Diffie-Hellman parameters in .pem format"
             " (default: DH from registry)")
    _('--ca', required=True, help=parser._ca_help)
    _('--cert', required=True,
        help="Local peer's signed certificate in .pem format."
             " Common name defines the allocated prefix in the network.")
    _('--key', required=True,
        help="Local peer's private key in .pem format.")
    _('--client-count', type=int,
        help="Number of client tunnels to set up."
             " (default: value from registry)")
    _('--max-clients', type=int,
        help="Maximum number of accepted clients per OpenVPN server."
             " (default: value from registry)")
    _('--remote-gateway', action='append', dest='gw_list',
        help="Force each tunnel to be created through one the given gateways,"
             " in a round-robin fashion.")
    _('--disable-proto', action='append',
        choices=('none', 'udp', 'tcp', 'udp6', 'tcp6'),
        help="Do never try to create tunnels using given protocols."
             " 'none' has precedence over other options."
             " (default: %r)" % DEFAULT_DISABLED_PROTO)
    _('--client', metavar='HOST,PORT,PROTO[;...]',
        help="Do not run any OpenVPN server, but only 1 OpenVPN client,"
             " with specified remotes. Any other option not required in this"
             " mode is ignored (e.g. client-count, max-clients, etc.)")
    _('--neighbour', metavar='CN', action='append', default=[],
        help="List of peers that should be reachable directly, by creating"
             " tunnels if necesssary.")

    return parser.parse_args()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    parser = utils.ArgParser(
        description="re6stnet registry used to bootstrap nodes"
        " and deliver certificates.")
    _ = parser.add_argument
      help="Port on which the server will listen.")
    _('-4', dest='bind4', default='', help="Bind server to this IPv4.")
    _('-6', dest='bind6', default='::', help="Bind server to this IPv6.")
      help="Path to SQLite database file. It is automatically initialized"
      " if the file does not exist.")
      help="File containing Diffie-Hellman parameters in .pem format."
      " To generate them, you can use something like:\n"
      "openssl dhparam -out dh2048.pem 2048")
    _('--ca', required=True, help=parser._ca_help)
      help="CA private key in .pem format. For example:\nopenssl"
      " genpkey -out ca.key -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048")
      help="SMTP host to send confirmation emails. For debugging"
      " purpose, it can also be an absolute or existing path to"
      " a mailbox file")
      help="Default length of allocated prefixes."
      " If 0, registration by email is disabled.")
      help="Length of allocated anonymous prefixes."
      " If 0 or unset, anonymous registration is disabled.")
      metavar=("IP/N", "PLEN"),
      help="Enable ipv4. Each node is assigned a subnet of length PLEN"
      " inside network IP/N.")
      help="Path to logging file.")
      help="Path to re6stnet runtime directory:\n"
      "- babeld.sock (option -R of babeld)\n")
      help="Log level. 0 disables logging. 1=WARNING, 2=INFO,"
      " 3=DEBUG, 4=TRACE. Use SIGUSR1 to reopen log.")
      help="Reject nodes that are too old. Current is %s." % version.protocol)

    _ = parser.add_argument_group('routing').add_argument
      help="Hello interval in seconds, for both wired and wireless"
      " connections. OpenVPN ping-exit option is set to 4 times the"
      " hello interval. It takes between 3 and 4 times the"
      " hello interval for Babel to re-establish connection with a"
      " node for which the direct connection has been cut.")

    _ = parser.add_argument_group('tunnelling').add_argument
      help='Specify that tunnels should be encrypted.')
      help="Number of client tunnels to set up.")
      help="Maximum number of accepted clients per OpenVPN server. (default:"
      " client-count * 2, which actually represents the average number"
      " of tunnels to other peers)")
      help="Interval in seconds between two tunnel refresh: the worst"
      " tunnel is closed if the number of client tunnels has reached"
      " its maximum number (client-count).")

    config = parser.parse_args()

    if not version.min_protocol <= config.min_protocol <= version.protocol:
            "--min-protocol: value must between %s and %s (included)" %
            (version.min_protocol, version.protocol))

    if config.ipv4:
        ipv4, plen = config.ipv4
            ip, n = ipv4.split('/')
            config.ipv4 = "%s/%s" % (socket.inet_ntoa(
                socket.inet_aton(ip)), int(n)), int(plen)
        except (socket.error, ValueError):
            parser.error("invalid argument --ipv4")

    utils.setupLog(config.verbose, config.logfile)

    if config.max_clients is None:
        config.max_clients = config.client_count * 2

    server = registry.RegistryServer(config)

    def requestHandler(request, client_address, _):
        RequestHandler(request, client_address, server)

    server_dict = {}
    if config.bind4:
        r = HTTPServer4((config.bind4, config.port), requestHandler)
        server_dict[r.fileno()] = r._handle_request_noblock
    if config.bind6:
        r = HTTPServer6((config.bind6, config.port), requestHandler)
        server_dict[r.fileno()] = r._handle_request_noblock
    if server_dict:
        while True:
            args = server_dict.copy(), {}, []