def services_product(product): pageType = "product" qproduct = product if qproduct in SERV_DICT.keys(): database = SERV_DICT[qproduct] else: database = MALL_DICT[qproduct] return render_template('services.html', pageType=pageType, SERV_DICT=SERV_DICT, product=product, MALL_DICT=MALL_DICT) pageType = 'areachart' category = 'OverAll' a = read_database._check('sentiment_redmi') import json data = json.dumps(a[category]) data = a[category] title = {"text": "This is a test graph "} chart = { "renderTo": chartID, "type": chart_type, "height": chart_height, "zoomType": 'x' } series = [{"type": "line", "name": "OverAll Sentiment", "data": data}] return render_template('graph.html', pageType=pageType, chart=chart, chartID=chartID, series=series, title=title)
def area_graph(chartID = "chart_ID" , chart_type = 'line', chart_height = 500): pageType = 'areachart' category = 'OverAll' a = read_database._check('sentiment_redmi') import json data = json.dumps(a[category]) data = a[category] title = {"text":"This is a test graph "} chart = {"renderTo":chartID,"type": chart_type, "height":chart_height,"zoomType":'x'} series = [{"type":"line", "name":"OverAll Sentiment" , "data":data}] return render_template('graph.html',pageType = pageType, chart = chart, chartID = chartID, series = series, title = title)
def product_Overall(product, chartID='chart_ID2', chart_type='line', chart_height=500): """ Controls the coming of the graph on the first search and of course the subsequent ones. The product being searched comes via here """ product_list = product.split('_') product_name = product_list[0] import createproductdb createproductdb.c.execute( "SELECT trust FROM products WHERE productname='{}'".format( product_name)) x = createproductdb.c.fetchall() trust_value = x[0][0] database = DATABASE_DICT[product_name] category = product_list[1] product_dict = read_database._check(database) data = product_dict[category] length_of_product = len(CONT_DICT[product_name]) title = {"text": "Overall Sentiment"} chart = { "renderTo": chartID, "type": chart_type, "height": chart_height, "zoomType": 'x' } series = [{"type": "line", "name": "OverAll Sentiment", "data": data}] pageType = 'areachart' return render_template('graph.html', pageType=pageType, length_of_product=length_of_product, chart=chart, chartID=chartID, title=title, series=series, product_name=product_name, CONT_DICT=CONT_DICT, trust_value=trust_value)