class Greed_Plan(object): def __init__(self, pntLst , typeLst, lst_x, lst_y, lst_z, pnt_A, pnt_B , a1 ,a2 ,b1 ,b2 ,th ): self._pntLst = pntLst self._pntNum = len(pntLst) self._pntBind = len(pntLst) - 1 self._typeLst = typeLst self._pnt_A = pnt_A self._pnt_B = pnt_B self._a1 = a1 self._a2 = a2 self._b1 = b1 self._b2 = b2 self._th = th # print(self._b1) # raise Exception('xx') self._lst_x = lst_x self._lst_y = lst_y self._lst_z = lst_z self._min_x = min(self._lst_x) self._min_y = min(self._lst_y) self._min_z = min(self._lst_z) self._max_x = max(self._lst_x) self._max_y = max(self._lst_y) self._max_z = max(self._lst_z) self.calDisMat() self._init_sta = STA(pos = self._pnt_A, er = ER(0,0)) self._tree = nx.DiGraph() self._openLst = [] # nx.Graph self._tree.add_node(0,sta = self._init_sta) self.updateOpenList(0) self._path = [] self._pathLst = [] def plan(self): # print(self._disMat) print('begin plan') # c_Pos = self._pnt_A # self.draw() searchTimes = 1 while True: randPnt = self.getRandPos() # print(randPnt) disLst = [] for ed,er in self._openLst: tPnt = self._pntLst[ed.tInd] dis = self.calDis(tPnt,randPnt) disLst.append(dis) if len(disLst)== 0: print('bug disLst') break minInd = disLst.index(min(disLst)) min_ed, min_er = self._openLst[minInd] # print('searchTimes = ', searchTimes) min_sta = STA(pos = self._pntLst[min_ed.tInd], er = min_er) if min_ed.tInd in self._tree: print('min_ed = ', min_ed.tInd) raise Exception('xx') self._tree.add_node(min_ed.tInd, sta = min_sta) self._tree.add_edge(min_ed.tInd,min_ed.sInd) # print(self._tree.number_of_nodes()) # raise Exception('xx') goal_valid, goal_er = self.calGoalER(min_sta) if goal_valid: # self._tree.add_node(self._pntBind, sta = STA(self._pnt_B,goal_er)) print('find path') _path = [self._pntBind] ind = min_ed.tInd while True: _path.append(ind) # print(self._path) lst = list(self._tree.neighbors(ind)) if len(lst) == 0: break ind = lst[0] _path = list(reversed(_path)) print(_path) print(len(_path)) self._pathLst.append(_path) # break # print(list(self._tree.neighbors(min_ed.tInd))) # raise Exception('xx') if min_ed.tInd == self._pntBind: raise Exception('xx') # print(self._openLst) self._openLst.remove(self._openLst[minInd]) # print(self._openLst) self.updateOpenList(min_ed.tInd) searchTimes += 1 if searchTimes > 600: break if searchTimes != self._tree.number_of_nodes(): print('searchTime = ',searchTimes) raise Exception('ssssss') print('pathLst', len(self._pathLst)) # nx.draw(self._tree) # # print(len(self._)) # for ind in self._tree: # print(self._typeLst[ind]) # self.drawTree() # self.draw() # raise Exception('xx') pass def earseOpenList(self,addInd): pass # while True: # for def updateOpenList(self,addInd): disLst = list(self._disMat[addInd, :]) ''' earse ''' earseLst = [] for ind in range(len(self._openLst)): ed,er = self._openLst[ind] if ed.tInd == addInd: earseLst.append(self._openLst[ind]) for unit in earseLst: self._openLst.remove(unit) # for ed,er in self._openLst: # ed.tInd # print(disLst) resLst = [(-1,sys.float_info.max,ER(-1,-1)) for i in range(5)] for i in range(self._pntNum): if i in self._tree: continue elif i == addInd: continue else: # print(resLst[0][1]) # print(disLst[i]) if resLst[0][1] > disLst[i]: sta = self._tree.nodes[addInd]['sta'] if i == 521: print('addInd', addInd) valid,er = self.calER(sta,self._pntLst[i],self._typeLst[i]) if valid: resLst[1] = (resLst[0][0],resLst[0][1],ER(resLst[0][2][0],resLst[0][2][1])) resLst[0] = (i,disLst[i],er) resLst = sorted(resLst, key = lambda x: x[1]) # print(resLst) for openInd,dis,er in resLst: if openInd == -1: continue self._openLst.append([ED(sInd= addInd, tInd= openInd),er]) # print(self._openLst) # print(resLst) # seqLst = sorted(disLst) # print(seqLst) # print(disLst) # raise Exception('xx') def calGoalER(self,sta: STA): e_h = self.calDis(sta.pos, self._pnt_B) / 1000 + e_v = self.calDis(sta.pos, self._pnt_B) / 1000 + # if e_v == 20.2911741348684: # raise Exception('xxx') if e_h < self._th and e_v < self._th: return True, ER(e_v = e_v, e_h = e_h) else: return False,ER(e_v = e_v, e_h = e_h) def calER(self, sta:STA, pos: Point3D, e_type): # e_h = self.calD(sta.pos, pos) / 1000 + # e_v = self.calV(sta.pos, pos) / 1000 + e_h = self.calDis(sta.pos, pos) / 1000 + e_v = self.calDis(sta.pos, pos) / 1000 + valid = False if e_type == CorType.Vertical: if e_v <= self._a1 and e_h <= self._a2: valid = True e_v = 0 if e_type == CorType.Horizontal: if e_v <= self._b1 and e_h <= self._b2: valid = True e_h = 0 return valid,ER(e_v = e_v, e_h = e_h) # # def find(self, self._init_sta , ): def getRandPos(self): # rand_x = np.random.randint(self._min_x,self._max_x) # rand_y = np.random.randint(self._min_y,self._max_y) # rand_z = np.random.randint(self._min_z,self._max_z) rand_x = np.random.random() *(self._max_x - self._min_x) + self._min_x rand_y = np.random.random() *(self._max_y - self._min_y) + self._min_y rand_z = np.random.random() *(self._max_z - self._min_z) + self._min_z return Point3D(rand_x, rand_y, rand_z) # print(self._pnt_A) # print(self._pnt_B) # print('xxx', self.calH(self._pnt_A,self._pnt_B)) def calDisMat(self): self._disMat = np.zeros((len(self._pntLst), len(self._pntLst))) for i in range(len(self._pntLst)): for j in range (len(self._pntLst)): if i == j: self._disMat[i][j] = 0 else: pa = self._pntLst[i] pb = self._pntLst[j] dis = math.sqrt((pa.x-pb.x)**2 + (pa.y-pb.y)**2 + (pa.z-pb.z)**2) self._disMat[i][j] = dis return True ''' 计算水平距离 ''' # def calH(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): # # print(pnt2d_a) # dis = math.sqrt((pos_a.x- pos_b.x)**2 + (pos_a.y- pos_b.y)**2) # return dis # ''' # 计算垂直距离 # ''' # def calV(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): # dis = abs(pos_b.z - pos_a.z) # return dis ''' 计算垂直距离 ''' def calDis(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): dis = math.sqrt((pos_a.x- pos_b.x)**2 + (pos_a.y- pos_b.y)**2 + (pos_a.z- pos_b.z)**2) return dis def draw(self): self._scatterLst = [] v_x = [] v_y = [] v_z = [] h_x = [] h_y = [] h_z = [] for i in range(len(self._pntLst)): if self._typeLst[i] == CorType.Vertical: v_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) v_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) v_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) else: h_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) h_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) h_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) s_x = [] s_y = [] s_z = [] for ind in self._tree: s_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) s_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) s_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) p_x = [] p_y = [] p_z = [] for ind in self._path: p_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) p_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) p_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) # print(len(v_x)) # raise Exception('XX') # print(h_x) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x= [0,2], y=[0,3], z=[0,1])) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = v_x ,y = v_y , z = v_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(color = 'blue', size = 5), name = '垂直')) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = h_x ,y = h_y , z = h_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(color = 'orangered', size = 5),name = '水平')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = v_x ,y = v_y , z = v_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8), name = '垂直')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = h_x ,y = h_y , z = h_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8),name = '水平')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_A.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_A.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_A.z)], mode = 'markers', marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'A')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_B.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_B.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_B.z)], mode = 'markers',marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'B')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=s_x, y=s_y, z=s_z, mode='markers', marker=dict(size= 5), name='search')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=p_x, y=p_y, z=p_z, mode='lines', line= dict(width = 3), name='path')) fig = go.Figure(data=self._scatterLst) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='test_ins_2.html') def drawTree(self): lst = [] for edge in self._tree.edges: # print(edge) s_x = self._pntLst[edge[0]].x s_y = self._pntLst[edge[0]].y t_x = self._pntLst[edge[1]].x t_y = self._pntLst[edge[1]].y lst.append((s_x,s_y,t_x,t_y)) # raise Exception('xx') # Pos(self._pntLst) # for ind in self._tree: # s_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) # s_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) # s_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) # _shapeLst = [] mark_x = [] mark_y = [] for p in range(len(lst)): pnt0 = Pnt(lst[p][0], lst[p][1]) pnt1 = Pnt(lst[p][2], lst[p][3]) mark_x.append(pnt0.x) mark_x.append(pnt1.x) mark_y.append(pnt0.y) mark_y.append(pnt1.y) line = Line(pnt0, pnt1) lineDic = line.line2dict() # print(randColor()) lineDic['line']['color'] = 'darkred' # lineDic['line']['color'] = 'rgba(15,15,15,0.5)' lineDic['line']['width'] = 3 _shapeLst.append(lineDic) # markTrace = go.Scatter(mode='markers', x=mark_x, y=mark_y, marker=dict(size=3), name='Spanning-Tree') _scatterLst = [] _scatterLst.append(markTrace) layout = dict() layout['shapes'] = _shapeLst fig = go.Figure(data = _scatterLst, layout = layout) # # sp.Point2D.distance() def checkPath(self): for _path in self._pathLst: sta = self._init_sta for i in range(1,len(_path)-1): ind = _path[i] valid, er = self.calER(sta, self._pntLst[ind], self._typeLst[ind]) print(ind,' ',self._tree.nodes[ind]['sta'].er) print(ind,' ',er) if valid == False: raise Exception('error bug') sta = STA(pos = self._pntLst[ind],er = er) valid, er = self.calGoalER(sta) print('end er = ',er) # print(self._pntBind, ' ', self._tree.nodes[self._pntBind]['sta'].er) if valid == False: raise Exception('error bug') def testP(self): vaild,er = self.calER(self._init_sta,self._pntLst[1],self._typeLst[1]) print(self._pntLst[1]) print(self._typeLst[1]) print(vaild) print(er) def savePathLst(self,case,randSeed): f_data = open('.//data//ins_'+str(case) + 'rs' + str(randSeed)+'_920_s.dat', 'w') i = 0 for path in self._pathLst: rd.writeConf(f_data,'path_' + str(i), path) i += 1 f_data.close()
def drawDubinsPath(self): p_data = open('.//data//ins_' + str(case) + 'Best' + '角度' + 'pro2_922_s.dat', 'w') print(self._chom) print(self._path) # gp._path = [0, 503, 200, 80, 237, 170, 278, 369, 214, 397, 612] # # gp._chrom = [51.12083145920054, 178.6546480374125, 96.53216136306273, 65.68120520420554, 339.2745239620836, 29.692324175129926, 357.1342339082977, 13.96126135651108, 24.67063637610153, 43.081945140688966, 343.72373332373553, 55.53416525291733, 294.97751482614825, 160.55714352603155, 335.62029387958466, 135.1113892974001, 272.2317633544588, 115.50965977974849, 131.70937812167222, 255.65689160142625, 174.68614612015506, 1.1100793596630467] # gp._chrom = [35.64144355095377, 136.07851338455714, 351.42728912239573, 73.16130147768374, 33.52748385753523, # 337.8683291201086, 14.20709305212051, 53.08119797734826, 70.25048824593296, 93.78034812463086, # 359.7118978558144, 29.566128322279766, 324.4248087013906, 267.3070360965535, 44.7340138926815, # 142.5291949602862, 30.810401439704037, 216.8063045595583, 311.32800296731324, 110.98127345792193, # 266.86503744086997, 201.95337987458723] self._chom = self._chrom # exit() # exit() psi_lst = [] gama_lst = [] init_psi = numpy.deg2rad(self._chom[0]) init_gama = numpy.deg2rad((self._chom[1] - 180)/2) psi_lst.append(init_psi) gama_lst.append(init_gama) dirPos_init = DirPoint3D(self._pntLst[0].x, self._pntLst[0].y, self._pntLst[0].z, init_psi, init_gama) sta = STADir(dir_pos= dirPos_init, er = ER(0,0)) # yawLst = [] # yawLst.append(0) # for i in range(2,len(self._chom)): # yawLst.append(self._chom[i]*math.pi*2) yawLst = [] yawLst.append(0) for i in range(2, len(self._chom)): yawLst.append(numpy.deg2rad(self._chom[i])) # print(yawLst) d_x = [] d_y = [] d_z = [] t_dis = 0 pos_dir_x = [] pos_dir_y = [] pos_dir_z = [] end_dir_x = [] end_dir_y = [] end_dir_z = [] dis_d_lst = [] for ind in range(1,len(self._path)): goal_x = self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].x goal_y = self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].y goal_z = self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].z drawB = False if ind > 5: drawB = False # break px, py, pz, dis_d, a_psi, a_gama, p3_x, p3_y, p3_z = gdb.Gdubins3D(sta.dir_pos.x,sta.dir_pos.y,sta.dir_pos.z, goal_x,goal_y,goal_z, sta.dir_pos.psi,sta.dir_pos.gama,yawLst[ind],drawB) dis_d_lst.append(dis_d) psi_lst.append(a_psi) gama_lst.append(a_gama) # exit() pos_dir_x.append(sta.dir_pos.x + 1000*math.cos(sta.dir_pos.psi)) pos_dir_y.append(sta.dir_pos.y + 1000*math.sin(sta.dir_pos.psi)) pos_dir_z.append(sta.dir_pos.z + 1000*math.sin(sta.dir_pos.gama)) end_dir_x.append(goal_x + 1000*math.cos(a_psi)*math.cos(a_gama)) end_dir_y.append(goal_y + 1000*math.sin(a_psi)*math.cos(a_gama)) end_dir_z.append(goal_z + 1000*math.sin(a_gama)) print(1000*math.cos(a_psi)*math.cos(a_gama)) print(1000*math.sin(a_psi)*math.cos(a_gama)) print(1000*math.sin(a_gama)) print('a_psi',a_psi) print('a_gama', a_gama) # d_x.extend(px) # d_y.extend(py) # d_z.extend(pz) # print(px) # print(py) # print(py) # print(pz) # print(px) # print(len(px)) # print(px[1]) for j in range(len(px)): d_x.append(px[j]) d_y.append(py[j]) d_z.append(pz[j]) # if ind >= 8: # # exit() # break # print(d_x) # exit() # print(d_y) # print(d_z) # break # exit() # print(goal_dir) # exit() dirPos = DirPoint3D(self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].x, self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].y, self._pntLst[self._path[ind]].z, a_psi, a_gama) print('draw ', ind) sta = STADir(dirPos, ER(0,0)) print(sum(dis_d_lst)) print(sum(dis_d_lst)) # exit() rd.writeConf(p_data,'psi',psi_lst) rd.writeConf(p_data,'gama',gama_lst) exit() self._scatterLst = [] v_x = [] v_y = [] v_z = [] h_x = [] h_y = [] h_z = [] for i in range(len(self._pntLst)): if self._typeLst[i] == CorType.Vertical: v_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) v_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) v_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) else: h_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) h_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) h_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) # s_x = [] # s_y = [] # s_z = [] # # for ind in self._tree: # s_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) # s_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) # s_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) p_x = [] p_y = [] p_z = [] for ind in self._path: p_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) p_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) p_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) f_data = open('.//data//ins_' + str(case) + 'Best' + 'rs' + 'pro2_922_s.dat', 'w') m_data = open('.//data//ins_' + str(case) + 'Best' + '局部' + 'pro2_922_s.dat', 'w') min_x = [] min_y = [] min_z = [] print(self._path[-2]) for i in range(0,len(d_x)): if gdb.distance([d_x[i],d_y[i],d_z[i]],[self._pntLst[self._path[-2]].x, self._pntLst[self._path[-2]].y, self._pntLst[self._path[-2]].z]) < 200: min_x.append(d_x[i]) min_y.append(d_y[i]) min_z.append(d_z[i]) rd.writeConf(m_data,'x',min_x) rd.writeConf(m_data,'y',min_y) rd.writeConf(m_data,'z',min_z) w_x = [] w_y = [] w_z = [] for i in range(0,len(d_x),10): w_x.append(d_x[i]) w_y.append(d_y[i]) w_z.append(d_z[i]) rd.writeConf(f_data,'x',w_x) rd.writeConf(f_data,'y',w_y) rd.writeConf(f_data,'z',w_z) f_data.close() f_data = open('.//data//ins_' + str(case) + 'Best' + 'rs' + 'dis_pro2_922_s.dat', 'w') rd.writeConf(f_data,'dis',dis_d_lst) f_data.close() # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = v_x ,y = v_y , z = v_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8), name = '垂直')) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = h_x ,y = h_y , z = h_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8),name = '水平')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_A.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_A.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_A.z)], mode = 'markers', marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'A')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_B.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_B.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_B.z)], mode = 'markers',marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'B')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = d_x, y = d_y, z = d_z, mode='lines', line= dict(width = 3) , name='dUBINS')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=p_x, y=p_y, z=p_z, mode='lines', line= dict(width = 3), name='path')) for i in range(len(pos_dir_x)): self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=[self._pntLst[self._path[i]].x, pos_dir_x[i] ], y=[self._pntLst[self._path[i]].y, pos_dir_y[i] ], z=[self._pntLst[self._path[i]].z, pos_dir_z[i] ], mode='lines', name = 'start',line=dict(width=5))) for i in range(len(pos_dir_x)): self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=[self._pntLst[self._path[i + 1]].x, end_dir_x[i] ], y=[self._pntLst[self._path[i + 1]].y, end_dir_y[i] ], z=[self._pntLst[self._path[i + 1]].z, end_dir_z[i] ], mode='lines', name = 'end', line=dict(width=5))) fig = go.Figure(data=self._scatterLst) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='test_ins_1_dubins.html')
for rowInd, colInd in componentUnit: _robUnReachRowLst.append(rowInd) _robUnReachColLst.append(colInd) print(len(_robReachRowLst)) print(len(_robUnReachColLst)) # for fileCfg = './/benchmarkData//r' + str(robNum) + '_r' + str(row) + '_c' + str(col) + '_s' + str(r_seed)\ + insName f_con = open(fileCfg, 'w') f_con.write('time ' +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + '\n') rd.writeConf(f_con, 'row', [row]) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'col', [col]) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robRow', rob_row_lst) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robCol', rob_col_lst) # rd.writeConf(f_con, 'obstacle', obstacleLst) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robReachRowLst', _robReachRowLst) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robReachColLst', _robReachColLst) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robUnReachRowLst', _robUnReachRowLst) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'robUnReachColLst', _robUnReachColLst) grid = [] for rowID, colID in np.ndindex(envMat.shape): grid.append(int(envMat[rowID][colID])) rd.writeConf(f_con, 'grid', grid) f_con.close()
def writeConf(robNum, taskNum, combConf): robPosLst = generatePos(robNum, combConf[0]) robAbiLst = generateRate(robNum, combConf[2], robPosLst) robPosLst = [(robPos.x, robPos.y) for robPos in robPosLst] robVelLst = [1 for x in range(robNum)] sum_robAbi = sum(robAbiLst) taskPosLst = generatePos(taskNum, combConf[1]) taskRateLst = generateRate(taskNum, combConf[3], taskPosLst) conLst = generateConRate(taskNum,combConf[4],taskPosLst) # deal with the unable instance for i in range(len(taskRateLst)): taskRate = taskRateLst[i] while taskRate * robNum / 2 > sum_robAbi: taskRate *= random.uniform(0.5, 1) taskRateLst[i] = taskRate taskPosLst = [(taskPos.x, taskPos.y) for taskPos in taskPosLst] for i in range(len(taskRateLst)): conLst[i] = conLst[i] * taskRateLst[i] taskStateLst = [1 for i in range(taskNum)] comp_threhold = 0.1 rob2tskDisMat = np.zeros((robNum, taskNum)) rob2tskDisLst = [] for i in range(robNum): for j in range(taskNum): d2 = float(EuclideanDis(robPosLst[i], taskPosLst[j])) rob2tskDisMat[i][j] = d2 rob2tskDisLst.append(d2) tskDisLst = [] tskDisMat = np.zeros((taskNum, taskNum)) for i in range(taskNum): for j in range(taskNum): d2 = EuclideanDis(taskPosLst[i], taskPosLst[j]) tskDisMat[i][j] = d2 tskDisLst.append(d2) nameLst = [] nameLst.append(robNum) nameLst.append(taskNum) for disType in combConf: nameLst.append( nameLst.append('thre' + str(comp_threhold)) nameLst = [str(x) for x in nameLst] sep = '_' sep = sep.join(nameLst) insFileDir = './conBenchmark/' insFileName = insFileDir + sep + 'MPDAins.dat' f_ins = open(insFileName, 'w') f_ins.write('time ' +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + '\n') f_ins.write(sep + '\n') rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'robNum', [robNum]) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'taskNum', [taskNum]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_cordx',[max_cordx]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_cordy',[max_cordy]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_vel',[max_vel]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_abi',[max_abi]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_rat',[max_rat]) # writeConf(f_ins,'max_state',[max_state]) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'comp_threhold', [comp_threhold]) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'rob2tskDis', rob2tskDisLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'tskDis', tskDisLst) f_ins.write('\n') rob_xLst = [x[0] for x in robPosLst] rob_yLst = [y[1] for y in robPosLst] rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'rob_x', rob_xLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'rob_y', rob_yLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'rob_vel', robVelLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'rob_abi', robAbiLst) f_ins.write('\n') tsk_xLst = [x[0] for x in taskPosLst] tsk_yLst = [y[1] for y in taskPosLst] rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'tsk_x', tsk_xLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'tsk_y', tsk_yLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'tsk_rat', taskRateLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins, 'tsk_state', taskStateLst) rd.writeConf(f_ins,'tsk_con',conLst) f_ins.close()
def calDubins(self,pos_a: Point3D,): # ''' # 计算水平距离 # ''' # def calH(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): # # print(pnt2d_a) # dis = math.sqrt((pos_a.x- pos_b.x)**2 + (pos_a.y- pos_b.y)**2) # return dis # ''' # 计算垂直距离 # ''' # def calV(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): # dis = abs(pos_b.z - pos_a.z) # return dis ''' 计算垂直距离 ''' def calDis(self,pos_a :Point3D, pos_b:Point3D): dis = math.sqrt((pos_a.x- pos_b.x)**2 + (pos_a.y- pos_b.y)**2 + (pos_a.z- pos_b.z)**2) return dis def draw(self): self._scatterLst = [] v_x = [] v_y = [] v_z = [] h_x = [] h_y = [] h_z = [] for i in range(len(self._pntLst)): if self._typeLst[i] == CorType.Vertical: v_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) v_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) v_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) else: h_x.append(float(self._pntLst[i].x)) h_y.append(float(self._pntLst[i].y)) h_z.append(float(self._pntLst[i].z)) s_x = [] s_y = [] s_z = [] for ind in self._tree: s_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) s_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) s_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) p_x = [] p_y = [] p_z = [] for ind in self._path: p_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) p_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) p_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) # print(len(v_x)) # raise Exception('XX') # print(h_x) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x= [0,2], y=[0,3], z=[0,1])) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = v_x ,y = v_y , z = v_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(color = 'blue', size = 5), name = '垂直')) # self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = h_x ,y = h_y , z = h_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(color = 'orangered', size = 5),name = '水平')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = v_x ,y = v_y , z = v_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8), name = '垂直')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = h_x ,y = h_y , z = h_z, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size = 8),name = '水平')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_A.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_A.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_A.z)], mode = 'markers', marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'A')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x = [float(self._pnt_B.x)] ,y = [float(self._pnt_B.y)] , z = [float(self._pnt_B.z)], mode = 'markers',marker = dict(size = 15),name = 'B')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=s_x, y=s_y, z=s_z, mode='markers', marker=dict(size= 5), name='search')) self._scatterLst.append(go.Scatter3d(x=p_x, y=p_y, z=p_z, mode='lines', line= dict(width = 3), name='path')) fig = go.Figure(data=self._scatterLst) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='test_ins_2.html') def drawTree(self): lst = [] for edge in self._tree.edges: # print(edge) s_x = self._pntLst[edge[0]].x s_y = self._pntLst[edge[0]].y t_x = self._pntLst[edge[1]].x t_y = self._pntLst[edge[1]].y lst.append((s_x,s_y,t_x,t_y)) # raise Exception('xx') # Pos(self._pntLst) # for ind in self._tree: # s_x.append(self._pntLst[ind].x) # s_y.append(self._pntLst[ind].y) # s_z.append(self._pntLst[ind].z) # _shapeLst = [] mark_x = [] mark_y = [] for p in range(len(lst)): pnt0 = Pnt(lst[p][0], lst[p][1]) pnt1 = Pnt(lst[p][2], lst[p][3]) mark_x.append(pnt0.x) mark_x.append(pnt1.x) mark_y.append(pnt0.y) mark_y.append(pnt1.y) line = Line(pnt0, pnt1) lineDic = line.line2dict() # print(randColor()) lineDic['line']['color'] = 'darkred' # lineDic['line']['color'] = 'rgba(15,15,15,0.5)' lineDic['line']['width'] = 3 _shapeLst.append(lineDic) # markTrace = go.Scatter(mode='markers', x=mark_x, y=mark_y, marker=dict(size=3), name='Spanning-Tree') _scatterLst = [] _scatterLst.append(markTrace) layout = dict() layout['shapes'] = _shapeLst fig = go.Figure(data = _scatterLst, layout = layout) # # sp.Point2D.distance() def checkPath(self): for _path in self._pathLst: sta = self._init_sta for i in range(1,len(_path)-1): ind = _path[i] valid, er = self.calER(sta, self._pntLst[ind], self._typeLst[ind]) print(ind,' ',self._tree.nodes[ind]['sta'].er) print(ind,' ',er) if valid == False: raise Exception('error bug') sta = STA(pos = self._pntLst[ind],er = er) valid, er = self.calGoalER(sta) print('end er = ',er) # print(self._pntBind, ' ', self._tree.nodes[self._pntBind]['sta'].er) if valid == False: raise Exception('error bug') def testP(self): vaild,er = self.calER(self._init_sta,self._pntLst[1],self._typeLst[1]) print(self._pntLst[1]) print(self._typeLst[1]) print(vaild) print(er) def savePathLst(self,case,randSeed): f_data = open('.//data//ins_'+str(case) + 'rs' + str(randSeed)+'_920_s.dat', 'w') i = 0 for path in self._pathLst: rd.writeConf(f_data,'path_' + str(i), path) i += 1 f_data.close()