def run_demo():
	# Define some constants 
	resolution_width = 1280 # pixels
	resolution_height = 720 # pixels
	frame_rate = 15  # fps
	dispose_frames_for_stablisation = 30  # frames
	# chessboard_width = 6 # squares
	# chessboard_height = 9 	# squares
	# square_size = 0.0253 # meters

		# Enable the streams from all the intel realsense devices
		rs_config = rs.config()
		rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.z16, frame_rate)
		rs_config.enable_stream(, 1, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.y8, frame_rate)
		rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.bgr8, frame_rate)

		# Use the device manager class to enable the devices and get the frames
		device_manager = DeviceManager(rs.context(), rs_config)
		# Allow some frames for the auto-exposure controller to stablise
		for frame in range(dispose_frames_for_stablisation):
			frames = device_manager.poll_frames()

		assert( len(device_manager._available_devices) > 0 )
		1: Calibration
		Calibrate all the available devices to the world co-ordinates.
		For this purpose, a chessboard printout for use with opencv based calibration process is needed.
		# Get the intrinsics of the realsense device 
		intrinsics_devices = device_manager.get_device_intrinsics(frames)
                # Set the chessboard parameters for calibration 
		# chessboard_params = [chessboard_height, chessboard_width, square_size] 
		# Estimate the pose of the chessboard in the world coordinate using the Kabsch Method
		# calibrated_device_count = 0
		# while calibrated_device_count < len(device_manager._available_devices):
		# 	frames = device_manager.poll_frames()
		# 	pose_estimator = PoseEstimation(frames, intrinsics_devices, chessboard_params)
		# 	transformation_result_kabsch  = pose_estimator.perform_pose_estimation()
		# 	object_point = pose_estimator.get_chessboard_corners_in3d()
		# 	calibrated_device_count = 0
		# 	for device in device_manager._available_devices:
		# 		if not transformation_result_kabsch[device][0]:
		# 			print("Place the chessboard on the plane where the object needs to be detected..")
		# 		else:
		# 			calibrated_device_count += 1

		# Save the transformation object for all devices in an array to use for measurements
		# transformation_devices={}
		# chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.array([-1,-1,-1]).transpose()
		# for device in device_manager._available_devices:
		# 	transformation_devices[device] = transformation_result_kabsch[device][1].inverse()
		# 	points3D = object_point[device][2][:,object_point[device][3]]
		# 	points3D = transformation_devices[device].apply_transformation(points3D)
		# 	chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.column_stack( (chessboard_points_cumulative_3d,points3D) )

		# # Extract the bounds between which the object's dimensions are needed
		# # It is necessary for this demo that the object's length and breath is smaller than that of the chessboard
		# chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.delete(chessboard_points_cumulative_3d, 0, 1)
		# roi_2D = get_boundary_corners_2D(chessboard_points_cumulative_3d)

		print("Calibration completed... \nPlace the box in the field of view of the devices...")

                2: Measurement and display
                Measure the dimension of the object using depth maps from multiple RealSense devices
                The information from Phase 1 will be used here


		# Enable the emitter of the devices

		# Load the JSON settings file in order to enable High Accuracy preset for the realsense

		# Get the extrinsics of the device to be used later
		extrinsics_devices = device_manager.get_depth_to_color_extrinsics(frames)

		# Get the calibration info as a dictionary to help with display of the measurements onto the color image instead of infra red image
		calibration_info_devices = defaultdict(list)
		for calibration_info in (transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices):
			for key, value in calibration_info.items():

		# Continue acquisition until terminated with Ctrl+C by the user
		while 1:
			 # Get the frames from all the devices
				frames_devices = device_manager.poll_frames()

				# Calculate the pointcloud using the depth frames from all the devices
				point_cloud = calculate_cumulative_pointcloud(frames_devices, calibration_info_devices, roi_2D)

				# Get the bounding box for the pointcloud in image coordinates of the color imager
				bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height = calculate_boundingbox_points(point_cloud, calibration_info_devices )

				# Draw the bounding box points on the color image and visualise the results
				visualise_measurements(frames_devices, bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height)

	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print("The program was interupted by the user. Closing the program...")
def run_demo():
	# Define some constants 
	resolution_width = 1280 # pixels
	resolution_height = 720 # pixels
	frame_rate = 15  # fps
	dispose_frames_for_stablisation = 30  # frames
	chessboard_width = 6 # squares
	chessboard_height = 9 	# squares
	square_size = 0.0253 # meters

		# Enable the streams from all the intel realsense devices
		rs_config = rs.config()
		rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.z16, frame_rate)
		rs_config.enable_stream(, 1, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.y8, frame_rate)
		rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.bgr8, frame_rate)

		# Use the device manager class to enable the devices and get the frames
		device_manager = DeviceManager(rs.context(), rs_config)
		# Allow some frames for the auto-exposure controller to stablise
		for frame in range(dispose_frames_for_stablisation):
			frames = device_manager.poll_frames()

		assert( len(device_manager._available_devices) > 0 )
		1: Calibration
		Calibrate all the available devices to the world co-ordinates.
		For this purpose, a chessboard printout for use with opencv based calibration process is needed.

		# Get the intrinsics of the realsense device 
		intrinsics_devices = device_manager.get_device_intrinsics(frames)
	 # Set the chessboard parameters for calibration 
		chessboard_params = [chessboard_height, chessboard_width, square_size] 
		# Estimate the pose of the chessboard in the world coordinate using the Kabsch Method
		calibrated_device_count = 0
		while calibrated_device_count < len(device_manager._available_devices):
			frames = device_manager.poll_frames()
			pose_estimator = PoseEstimation(frames, intrinsics_devices, chessboard_params)
			transformation_result_kabsch  = pose_estimator.perform_pose_estimation()
			object_point = pose_estimator.get_chessboard_corners_in3d()
			calibrated_device_count = 0
			for device in device_manager._available_devices:
				if not transformation_result_kabsch[device][0]:
					print("Place the chessboard on the plane where the object needs to be detected..")
					calibrated_device_count += 1

		# Save the transformation object for all devices in an array to use for measurements
		chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.array([-1,-1,-1]).transpose()
		for device in device_manager._available_devices:
			transformation_devices[device] = transformation_result_kabsch[device][1].inverse()
			points3D = object_point[device][2][:,object_point[device][3]]
			points3D = transformation_devices[device].apply_transformation(points3D)
			chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.column_stack( (chessboard_points_cumulative_3d,points3D) )

		# Extract the bounds between which the object's dimensions are needed
		# 	It is necessary for this demo that the object's length and breath is smaller than that of the chessboard
		chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.delete(chessboard_points_cumulative_3d, 0, 1)
		roi_2D = get_boundary_corners_2D(chessboard_points_cumulative_3d)

		print("Calibration completed... \nPlace the box in the field of view of the devices...")

		2: Measurement and display
		Measure the dimension of the object using depth maps from multiple RealSense devices
		The information from Phase 1 will be used here


		# Enable the emitter of the devices

		# Load the JSON settings file in order to enable High Accuracy preset for the realsense

		# Get the extrinsics of the device to be used later
		extrinsics_devices = device_manager.get_depth_to_color_extrinsics(frames)

		# Get the calibration info as a dictionary to help with display of the measurements onto the color image instead of infra red image
		calibration_info_devices = defaultdict(list)
		for calibration_info in (transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices):
			for key, value in calibration_info.items():

		# Continue acquisition until terminated with Ctrl+C by the user
		while 1:
			 # Get the frames from all the devices
				frames_devices = device_manager.poll_frames()

				# Calculate the pointcloud using the depth frames from all the devices
				point_cloud = calculate_cumulative_pointcloud(frames_devices, calibration_info_devices, roi_2D)

				# Get the bounding box for the pointcloud in image coordinates of the color imager
				bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height = calculate_boundingbox_points(point_cloud, calibration_info_devices )

				# Draw the bounding box points on the color image and visualise the results
				visualise_measurements(frames_devices, bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height)

	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print("The program was interupted by the user. Closing the program...")
def run_demo():
    # Define some constants 
    resolution_width = 640 # pixels
    resolution_height = 480 # pixels
    frame_rate = 15  # fps
    dispose_frames_for_stablisation = 30  # frames
    chessboard_width = 6 # squares
    chessboard_height = 9     # squares
    square_size = 0.0253 # meters
    align_to =
    align = rs.align(align_to)
        # Enable the streams from all the intel realsense devices
        rs_config = rs.config()
        rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.z16, frame_rate)
        rs_config.enable_stream(, 1, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.y8, frame_rate)
        rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.bgr8, frame_rate)

        # Use the device manager class to enable the devices and get the frames
        device_manager = DeviceManager(rs.context(), rs_config)
        # Allow some frames for the auto-exposure controller to stablise
        for frame in range(dispose_frames_for_stablisation):
            frames,maps = device_manager.poll_frames(align)

        assert( len(device_manager._available_devices) > 0 )

        1. Calibrate cameras and return transformation matrix (rotation matrix + translation vectors)


        chessboard_params = [chessboard_height, chessboard_width, square_size] 
        cameras = calibrateCameras(align,device_manager,frames,chessboard_params)

        2. Run OpenPose on each view frame


        # Enable the emitter of the devices

        # Load the JSON settings file in order to enable High Accuracy preset for the realsense

        # Get the extrinsics of the device to be used later
        extrinsics_devices = device_manager.get_depth_to_color_extrinsics(frames)

        # Get the calibration info as a dictionary to help with display of the measurements onto the color image instead of infra red image
#        calibration_info_devices = defaultdict(list)
#        for calibration_info in (transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices):
#            for key, value in calibration_info.items():
#                calibration_info_devices[key].append(value)
        depth_list = {}
        color_list = {}
        frame_id = 0
        points = {}
        # Continue acquisition until terminated with Ctrl+C by the user
        switch = True
        while 1:
            # Get the frames from all the devices
            if switch:
                frames_devices, maps = device_manager.poll_frames(align,500)
                # print(frames_devices)
                # List collector for display
                depth_color= []
                color = []
                devices = [i for i in maps]
                project_depth = []
                for i in devices:
                    # 1. Get depth map and colorize
                    temp = maps[i]['depth']
                    depth_colormap = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs(temp, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
                    # 2. Run OpenPose detector on image
                    if FLAGS_USE_BBOX:
                        box = bbox[i]
                        box = None
                    joints,img = predict_keypoints(maps[i]['color'],box)
                    # 3. Save annotated color image for display
                    # 4. Save keypoints for that camera viewpoint
                    cameras[i][frame_id] = joints
                    # 5. Save images to folder
                    if FLAGS_SAVE_IMGS:

                #Triangulate 3d keypoints
                points[frame_id] = find3dpoints_rt(cameras,0.2,frame_id)
                if points[frame_id] != 'Invalid Frame':
                    depth_projected = []
                    for img in project_depth:
                        points2d = project_2d(img[0],points[frame_id])
                        img_draw = draw_pose(points2d,'openpose',img[1],True,points[frame_id])
                        # print(img_draw.shape)
                    depth_color = depth_projected
                # proj_img = show_img(cameras,devices[0],frame_id,points)
                frame_id += 1    
                images = np.vstack((np.hstack(color),np.hstack(depth_color)))
                # images = proj_img

                # Show images for debugging
            cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
            cv2.imshow('RealSense', images)

            key = cv2.waitKey(1)
            if key == 32:
                switch = not(switch)
            # Press esc or 'q' to close the image window
            if key & 0xFF == ord('q') or key == 27:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("The program was interupted by the user. Closing the program...")
            cam_pkl = open('cameras.pkl','wb')
        points_pkl = open('3dpoints.pkl','wb')
Ejemplo n.º 4
class RealSense:
    def __init__(self):
        self.WIN_NAME = 'RealSense'
        self.pitch, self.yaw = math.radians(-10), math.radians(-15)
        self.translation = np.array([0, 0, -1], dtype=np.float32)
        self.distance = 2
        self.paused = False
        self.decimate = 1
        self.scale = True
        self.color = True

        # Define some constants
        self.resolution_width = 1280  # pixels
        self.resolution_height = 720  # pixels
        self.frame_rate = 15  # fps
        self.dispose_frames_for_stablisation = 25  # frames

        self.chessboard_width = 6  # squares
        self.chessboard_height = 9  # squares
        self.square_size = 0.0253  # meters
        # Allow some frames for the auto-exposure controller to stablise
        self.intrinsics_devices = None
        self.chessboard_params = None
        self.rs_config = rs.config()
        self.rs_config.enable_stream(, self.resolution_width,
                                     self.resolution_height, rs.format.z16,
        self.rs_config.enable_stream(, 1,
                                     self.resolution_height, rs.format.y8,
        self.rs_config.enable_stream(, self.resolution_width,
                                     self.resolution_height, rs.format.bgr8,

        # Use the device manager class to enable the devices and get the frames
        self.device_manager = DeviceManager(rs.context(), self.rs_config)
        for self.frame in range(self.dispose_frames_for_stablisation):
            self.frames = self.device_manager.poll_frames()
            #print('framm = ',self.frame)

    # assert( len(self.device_manager._available_devices) > 0 )
        print('realsense initialized!!')

    def calibaration(self):
        self.intrinsics_devices = self.device_manager.get_device_intrinsics(
        #print(' Set the chessboard parameters for calibration ')
        self.chessboard_params = [
            self.chessboard_height, self.chessboard_width, self.square_size

        # Estimate the pose of the chessboard in the world coordinate using the Kabsch Method
        calibrated_device_count = 0
        while calibrated_device_count < len(
            self.frames = self.device_manager.poll_frames()
            pose_estimator = PoseEstimation(self.frames,
            transformation_result_kabsch = pose_estimator.perform_pose_estimation(
            object_point = pose_estimator.get_chessboard_corners_in3d()
            calibrated_device_count = 0
            for device in self.device_manager._available_devices:
                if not transformation_result_kabsch[device][0]:
                        "Place the chessboard on the plane where the object needs to be detected.."
                    calibrated_device_count += 1
        print('calibrated_device_count =', calibrated_device_count)
        # Save the transformation object for all devices in an array to use for measurements
        self.transformation_devices = {}
        chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.array([-1, -1, -1]).transpose()
        for device in self.device_manager._available_devices:
            self.transformation_devices[device] = transformation_result_kabsch[
            points3D = object_point[device][2][:, object_point[device][3]]
            points3D = self.transformation_devices[
            chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.column_stack(
                (chessboard_points_cumulative_3d, points3D))

            ' Extract the bounds between which the objects dimensions are needed'
        # It is necessary for this demo that the object's length and breath is smaller than that of the chessboard
        chessboard_points_cumulative_3d = np.delete(
            chessboard_points_cumulative_3d, 0, 1)
        self.roi_2D = get_boundary_corners_2D(chessboard_points_cumulative_3d)
            "Calibration completed... \nPlace the box in the field of view of the devices..."

    def setEmitter(self):
        # print('Enable the emitter of the devices')
        # print('-------Enable the emitter of the devices')
        # Load the JSON settings file in order to enable High Accuracy preset for the realsense

        #print(' Get the extrinsics of the device to be used later')
        extrinsics_devices = self.device_manager.get_depth_to_color_extrinsics(

            ' Get the calibration info as a dictionary to help with display of the measurements onto the color image instead of infra red image'
        self.calibration_info_devices = defaultdict(list)
        for calibration_info in (self.transformation_devices,
                                 self.intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices):
            for key, value in calibration_info.items():
        print("CalibrasetEmittertion completed... ")

    def processing(self):
        frames_devices = self.device_manager.poll_frames()
        print('get frames')
        # Calculate the pointcloud using the depth frames from all the devices
        point_cloud = calculate_cumulative_pointcloud(
            frames_devices, self.calibration_info_devices, self.roi_2D)
        # Get the bounding box for the pointcloud in image coordinates of the color imager
        bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height = calculate_boundingbox_points(
            point_cloud, self.calibration_info_devices)
        print('길이=', length, ' 폭=', width, ' 높이', height)
        # Draw the bounding box points on the color image and visualise the results
        # visualise_measurements(frames_devices, bounding_box_points_color_image, length, width, height)

    def closeSense(self):