
            if re.findall(r'\b(' + abbrev + r')\b', location, re.IGNORECASE):
                states_freqs[abbrev] += 1

    return states_freqs

Q = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])

# Don't forget to pass in keyword parameters if you don't have
# a token file stored to disk

t = oauth_login()

_, screen_name_to_location, _ = analyze_users_in_search_results(t, q=Q, max_batches=5, count=100)
locations = screen_name_to_location.values()

# Resolve state abbreviations to the number of times these states appear
states_freqs = get_state_frequencies(locations)

# Munge the data to the format expected by Protovis for Dorling Cartogram

json_data = {}
for state, freq in states_freqs.items():
    json_data[state] = {'value': freq}

# Copy over some scripts for Protovis...
# Our html template references some Protovis scripts, which we can
# simply copy into out/
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Q = ' '.join(sys.argv[2:])


    g = geopy.geocoders.Google(GEOCODING_API_KEY)

    # Don't forget to pass in keyword parameters if you don't have
    # a token file stored to disk

    t = oauth_login()

    # This function returns a few useful maps. Let's use the
    # screen_name => location map and geocode the locations

    _, screen_name_to_location, _ = analyze_users_in_search_results(
        t, Q, max_pages=1)

    locations = screen_name_to_location.values()
    location2coords, location2description = geocode_locations(g, locations)

    # Doing something interesting like building up some KML to visualize in Google Earth/Maps
    # just involves some simple string munging...

    kml = build_kml(
        "Geocoded user profiles for Twitter search results for " + Q,

    if not os.path.isdir('out'):
    f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out', Q + ".kml"), 'w')

            if re.findall(r'\b(' + abbrev + r')\b', location, re.IGNORECASE):
                states_freqs[abbrev] += 1

    return states_freqs

Q = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])

# Don't forget to pass in keyword parameters if you don't have
# a token file stored to disk

t = oauth_login()

_, screen_name_to_location, _ = analyze_users_in_search_results(t, Q)
locations = screen_name_to_location.values()

# Resolve state abbreviations to the number of times these states appear
states_freqs = get_state_frequencies(locations)

# Munge the data to the format expected by Protovis for Dorling Cartogram

json_data = {}
for state, freq in states_freqs.items():
    json_data[state] = {'value': freq}

# Copy over some scripts for Protovis...
# Our html template references some Protovis scripts, which we can
# simply copy into out/