Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_listening_files(policy):
    if not utils.have_command("readelf") or not utils.have_command("nm"):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="readelf needed for this test")

    if not policy:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="Unable to find test config")

    predicate = lambda x: os.path.exists(x) and _is_elf(x)
    return _check_binaries(policy, utils.listening_executables(), predicate)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_listening_files(policy):
    if not utils.have_command("readelf") or not utils.have_command("nm"):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="readelf needed for this test")

    if not policy:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="Unable to find test config")

    predicate = lambda x: os.path.exists(x) and _is_elf(x)
    return _check_binaries(policy, utils.listening_executables(), predicate)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def firewall_whitelisting():
    if not utils.have_command('iptables-save'):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "iptables not available")

    rules = _list_rules()
    if rules is None:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "Cannot retrieve iptables rules")

    targets = _get_default_policy(rules)
    if b'filter' not in targets:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "Cannot find the filter table")

    failures = []

    filter_table = targets[b'filter']
    if b'INPUT' not in filter_table:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "Filter table doesn't include INPUT")
    if b'FORWARD' not in filter_table:
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "Filter table doesn't include FORWARD")

    if filter_table[b'INPUT'] == b'ACCEPT':
    if filter_table[b'FORWARD'] == b'ACCEPT':

    if failures:
        return TestResult(Result.FAIL,
                          "The following chains accept packets by "
                          "default: %s" % ', '.join(failures))
        return TestResult(Result.PASS, "Filter chains whitelist by default")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _check_binaries(policy, filelist, predicate):
    if not utils.have_command("readelf") or not utils.have_command("nm"):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="readelf needed for this test")

    results = GroupTestResult()
    for path in filelist:
        if predicate(path):
            actual = {
                "relro":        _check_relro(path),
                "pie":          _check_pie(path),
                "stack_canary": _check_stack_canary(path),
                "nx":           _check_nx(path),
                "fortify":      _check_fortify(path),
                "runpath":      _check_runpath(path)
            _check_policy(path, policy, actual, results)

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _check_binaries(policy, filelist, predicate):
    if not utils.have_command("readelf") or not utils.have_command("nm"):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, notes="readelf needed for this test")

    results = GroupTestResult()
    for path in filelist:
        if predicate(path):
            actual = {
                "relro": _check_relro(path),
                "pie": _check_pie(path),
                "stack_canary": _check_stack_canary(path),
                "nx": _check_nx(path),
                "fortify": _check_fortify(path),
                "runpath": _check_runpath(path)
            _check_policy(path, policy, actual, results)

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_list_sudoers():
    if not utils.have_command('sudo'):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "sudo not installed")

    # these can be moved to config if there is a good reason somebody would
    # ever want to change them, for now they stay here
    list_sudoer_command = ['sudo', '-U', '$USER', '-l']

    not_sudo_string = b'not allowed to run sudo'
    sudo_string = b'may run the following commands'
    nopasswd_string = b'NOPASSWD'

    passwd_entries = pwd.getpwall()

    user_accounts = []
    for entry in passwd_entries:
        if entry.pw_name != 'root':

    sudo_users = []
    nopasswd_users = []

    for user in user_accounts:
        # set the user in the sudo command template
        list_sudoer_command[2] = user
        proc = subprocess.Popen(list_sudoer_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        (output, _stderr) = proc.communicate()

        # if the output has the non-sudo user string in it, do nothing
        if not_sudo_string in output:
        # otherwise...
        elif sudo_string in output:
            # if NOPASSWD tag is found
            if nopasswd_string in output:
            # sudo user that requires a password

    # fail if there are NOPASSWD sudo users
    if len(nopasswd_users) > 0:
        result = Result.FAIL
        notes = "User(s) { " + str(nopasswd_users) + " } have password-less "
        notes += "sudo access!"
    # otherwise the test passes
        result = Result.PASS
        if len(sudo_users) > 0:
            notes = "User(s) { " + str(sudo_users) + " } have sudo access"
            notes = "No users have sudo access"

    return TestResult(result, notes)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_list_sudoers():
    if not utils.have_command('sudo'):
        return TestResult(Result.SKIP, "sudo not installed")

    # these can be moved to config if there is a good reason somebody would
    # ever want to change them, for now they stay here
    list_sudoer_command = ['sudo', '-U', '$USER', '-l']

    not_sudo_string = b'not allowed to run sudo'
    sudo_string = b'may run the following commands'
    nopasswd_string = b'NOPASSWD'

    passwd_entries = pwd.getpwall()

    user_accounts = []
    for entry in passwd_entries:
        if entry.pw_name != 'root':

    sudo_users = []
    nopasswd_users = []

    for user in user_accounts:
        # set the user in the sudo command template
        list_sudoer_command[2] = user
        proc = subprocess.Popen(list_sudoer_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        (output, _stderr) = proc.communicate()

        # if the output has the non-sudo user string in it, do nothing
        if not_sudo_string in output:
        # otherwise...
        elif sudo_string in output:
            # if NOPASSWD tag is found
            if nopasswd_string in output:
            # sudo user that requires a password

    # fail if there are NOPASSWD sudo users
    if len(nopasswd_users) > 0:
        result = Result.FAIL
        notes = "User(s) { " + str(nopasswd_users) + " } have password-less "
        notes += "sudo access!"
    # otherwise the test passes
        result = Result.PASS
        if len(sudo_users) > 0:
            notes = "User(s) { " + str(sudo_users) + " } have sudo access"
            notes = "No users have sudo access"

    return TestResult(result, notes)