def random_species_with_multiple_photos(user = None): if user is not None: # Use set difference to avoid returning a species user has seen in # the past 100 goes species_set = USER_NOTSEEN_TEMP_SET % user.username r.sdiffstore(species_set, SPECIES_SET, USER_SEEN_SET % user.username) else: species_set = SPECIES_SET while True: pk = r.srandmember(species_set) if pk is None: update_redis_set() pk = r.srandmember(species_set) if pk is None: raise ValueError('No species has more than 1 visible photo') try: return Species.objects.get(pk = pk) except Species.DoesNotExist: r.srem(species_set, pk)
def process_submission(request): # Process the previous submission try: options = signed.loads(request.POST.get('options', '')) except ValueError: return {} if (int(time.time()) - options['time']) > (5 * 60): return {} # Form is too old if not utils.check_token(options['token']): return {} # Token invalid species_pk = options['species'] contestants = options['contestants'] winner = int(request.POST.get('winner', '')) if not winner: return {} loser = (set(contestants) - set([winner])).pop() # Record a win! context = utils.record_win(species_pk, winner, loser) if not request.user.is_anonymous(): utils.record_contribution_from(request.user.username) photos = Photo.objects.select_related( 'created_by' ).in_bulk([winner, loser]) last_species = Species.objects.get(pk = species_pk) description = ''' %s: <a href="%s">%s</a>: <a href="%s"><img src="%s"></a> beat <a href="%s"><img src="%s"></a> ''' % ( str(, last_species.get_absolute_url(), last_species.common_name, photos[winner].get_absolute_url(), photos[winner].thumb_75_url(), photos[loser].get_absolute_url(), photos[loser].thumb_75_url(), ) if not request.user.is_anonymous(): description += ' (rated by <a href="%s">%s</a>)' % ( request.user.username, request.user.username ) # And record the species so we don't show it to them multiple times set_key = utils.USER_SEEN_SET % request.user.username list_key = utils.USER_SEEN_LIST % request.user.username r.push(list_key, species_pk, head=True) r.sadd(set_key, species_pk) if r.scard(set_key) >= SEEN_SPECIES_COUNT: r.srem(set_key, r.pop(list_key, tail=True)) r.push('bestpic-activity', description, head=True) r.ltrim('bestpic-activity', 0, 200) context.update({ 'last_species': last_species, 'last_winner': photos[winner], 'last_loser': photos[loser], 'show_link_to_best': utils.species_has_top_10(last_species), }) return context