class ProxyHealthCheck:
	This class checks whether the proxies stored in redis database are working fine or not
	This is done by fetching the proxies with the status healthy from the redis 
	The proxies which arent healthy will then have their status changed as unhealthy
	def __init__(self):
		self.instance = RedisProxy()	
		self.healthy_proxies = self.instance.healthy_proxies()
		self.unhealthy_proxies = self.instance.unhealthy_proxies()

	def is_bad_proxy(self, proxy_dict):
		ip = "{ip}:{port_number}".format(ip=proxy_dict.get("ip"), port_number=proxy_dict.get("port"))
		print ip
			proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ip})
			opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
			opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
			req=urllib2.Request('')  # change the URL to test here
		except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
			print 'Error code: ', e.code
			return e.code
    		except Exception, detail:
			print "ERROR:", detail
			return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def redis(self):
		This method will take a proxy_list and then store it in the redis.
		In case, Unable to store in redis, A standard error will be raised with the exception messege from the class RDS
		which will then be handled here
		All the proxies scraped from xroxy will be put into redis with staus "unhealthy" as we would be not clear
		whether they are healthy or not, We will have to check them with our ProxyHealthCheck.
        redis_instance = RedisProxy()
            redis_instance.store_proxy_list(self.proxy_list, "unhealthy")
        except StandardError as e:
            print e
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def redis(self):
		This method will take a proxy_list and then store it in the redis.
		In case, Unable to store in redis, A standard error will be raised with the exception messege from the class RDS
		which will then be handled here
		All the proxies scraped from xroxy will be put into redis with staus "unhealthy" as we would be not clear
		whether they are healthy or not, We will have to check them with our ProxyHealthCheck.
        redis_instance = RedisProxy()
            redis_instance.store_proxy_list(self.proxy_list, "unhealthy")
        except StandardError as e:
            print e
	def __init__(self):
		self.instance = RedisProxy()	
		self.healthy_proxies = self.instance.healthy_proxies()
		self.unhealthy_proxies = self.instance.unhealthy_proxies()