def main(): urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) os.chdir(sys.path[0]) # Get args args = cli.get_args() # Load config BRUTEFORCE = args.bruteforce or BRUTEFORCEREGION preset = PRESETS[args.preset] # Parse options preset['quality'] = [] preset['quality'].append('HI_RES') if preset['MQA_FLAC_24'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOSSLESS') if preset['FLAC_16'] else None preset['quality'].append('HIGH') if preset['AAC_320'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOW') if preset['AAC_96'] else None # Check for auth flag / session settings RSF = RedseaSessionFile('./config/') if args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) == 1: print('\nThe "auth" command provides the following methods:') print('\n list: Lists stored sessions if any exist') print(' add: Prompts for a TV or Mobile session. The TV option displays a 6 digit key which should be ' 'entered inside where the user can login. The Mobile option prompts for a Tidal username ' 'and password. Both options authorize a session which then gets stored in the sessions file') print(' remove: Removes a stored session from the sessions file by name') print(' default: Set a default account for redsea to use when the -a flag has not been passed') print(' reauth: Reauthenticates with server to get new sessionId') print('\nUsage: auth add\n') exit() elif args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) > 1: if args.urls[1] == 'list': RSF.list_sessions() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'add': if len(args.urls) == 5: RSF.create_session(args.urls[2], args.urls[3], args.urls[4]) else: RSF.new_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'remove': RSF.remove_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'default': RSF.set_default() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'reauth': RSF.reauth() exit() elif args.urls[0] == 'id': type = None md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) if len(args.urls) == 2: id = args.urls[1] if not id.isdigit(): # Check if id is playlist (UUIDv4) pattern = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$') if pattern.match(id): try: result = md.playlist_from_id(id) type = 'p' except TidalError: print("The playlist id " + str(id) + " could not be found!") exit() else: print('The id ' + str(id) + ' is not valid.') exit() else: print('Example usage: python id 92265335') exit() if type is None: type = md.type_from_id(id) if type: media_to_download = [{'id': id, 'type': type}] else: print("The id " + str(id) + " could not be found!") exit() elif args.urls[0] == 'explore': if len(args.urls) == 3: if args.urls[1] == 'dolby' and args.urls[2] == 'atmos': page = 'dolby_atmos' elif args.urls[1] == 'sony' and args.urls[2] == '360': page = '360' else: print("Example usage of explore: python explore (dolby atmos/sony 360)") exit() else: print("Example usage of explore: python explore (dolby atmos/sony 360)") exit() md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) page_content = show_more_link = page_content['rows'][len(page_content['rows'])-1]['modules'][0]['showMore']['apiPath'] now_available =[6:]) items = now_available['rows'][0]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['items'] total_items = len(items) for i in range(total_items): item = items[i] if item['audioModes'] == ['DOLBY_ATMOS']: specialtag = " [Dolby Atmos]" elif item['audioModes'] == ['SONY_360RA']: specialtag = " [360 Reality Audio]" else: specialtag = "" if item['explicit']: explicittag = " [E]" else: explicittag = "" date = " (" + item['streamStartDate'].split('T')[0] + ")" print(str(i + 1) + ") " + str(item['title']) + " - " + str( item['artists'][0]['name']) + explicittag + specialtag + date) print(str(total_items+1) + ") Exit") while True: chosen = int(input("Album Selection: ")) - 1 if chosen == total_items: exit() elif chosen > total_items or chosen < 0: print("Enter an existing number") else: break print() media_to_download = [{'id': str(items[chosen]['id']), 'type': 'a'}] elif args.urls[0] == 'search': md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) while True: searchresult = md.search_for_id(args.urls[2:]) if args.urls[1] == 'track': searchtype = 'tracks' elif args.urls[1] == 'album': searchtype = 'albums' elif args.urls[1] == 'video': searchtype = 'videos' else: print("Example usage of search: python search [track/album/video] Darkside Alan Walker") exit() # elif args.urls[1] == 'playlist': # searchtype = 'playlists' numberofsongs = int(searchresult[searchtype]['totalNumberOfItems']) if numberofsongs > 10: numberofsongs = 10 for i in range(numberofsongs): song = searchresult[searchtype]['items'][i] if searchtype != 'videos': if song['audioModes'] == ['DOLBY_ATMOS']: specialtag = " [Dolby Atmos]" elif song['audioModes'] == ['SONY_360RA']: specialtag = " [360 Reality Audio]" elif song['audioQuality'] == 'HI_RES': specialtag = " [MQA]" else: specialtag = "" else: specialtag = " [" + song['quality'].replace('MP4_', '') + "]" if song['explicit']: explicittag = " [E]" else: explicittag = "" print(str(i + 1) + ") " + str(song['title']) + " - " + str( song['artists'][0]['name']) + explicittag + specialtag) query = None if numberofsongs > 0: print(str(numberofsongs + 1) + ") Not found? Try a new search") while True: chosen = int(input("Song Selection: ")) - 1 if chosen == numberofsongs: query = input("Enter new search query: [track/album/video] Darkside Alan Walker: ") break elif chosen > numberofsongs: print("Enter an existing number") else: break print() if query: args.urls = ("search " + query).split() continue else: print("No results found for '" + ' '.join(args.urls[2:])) print("1) Not found? Try a new search") print("2) Quit") while True: chosen = int(input("Selection: ")) if chosen == 1: query = input("Enter new search query: [track/album/video] Darkside Alan Walker: ") break else: exit() print() if query: args.urls = ("search " + query).split() continue if searchtype == 'tracks': media_to_download = [{'id': str(searchresult[searchtype]['items'][chosen]['id']), 'type': 't'}] elif searchtype == 'albums': media_to_download = [{'id': str(searchresult[searchtype]['items'][chosen]['id']), 'type': 'a'}] elif searchtype == 'videos': media_to_download = [{'id': str(searchresult[searchtype]['items'][chosen]['id']), 'type': 'v'}] # elif searchtype == 'playlists': # media_to_download = [{'id': str(searchresult[searchtype]['items'][chosen]['id']), 'type': 'p'}] break else: media_to_download = cli.parse_media_option(args.urls, args.file) print(LOGO) # Loop through media and download if possible cm = 0 for mt in media_to_download: # Is it an acceptable media type? (skip if not) if not mt['type'] in MEDIA_TYPES: print('Unknown media type - ' + mt['type']) continue cm += 1 print('<<< Getting {0} info... >>>'.format(MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']])) # Create a new TidalApi and pass it to a new MediaDownloader md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) # Create a new session generator in case we need to switch sessions session_gen = RSF.get_session() # Get media info def get_tracks(media): media_name = None tracks = [] media_info = None track_info = [] while True: try: if media['type'] == 'f': lines = media['content'].split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(lines): print('Getting info for track {}/{}'.format(i, len(lines)), end='\r') tracks.append(md.api.get_track(l)) print() # Track elif media['type'] == 't': tracks.append(md.api.get_track(media['id'])) # Playlist elif media['type'] == 'p': # Get playlist title to create path playlist = md.api.get_playlist(media['id']) md.opts['path'] += '/' + md._sanitise_name(playlist['title']) # Make sure only tracks are in playlist items playlistItems = md.api.get_playlist_items(media['id'])['items'] for item in playlistItems: if item['type'] == 'track': tracks.append(item['item']) # Album elif media['type'] == 'a': # Get album information media_info = md.api.get_album(media['id']) # Get a list of the tracks from the album tracks = md.api.get_album_tracks(media['id'])['items'] # Video elif media['type'] == 'v': # Get video information tracks.append(md.api.get_video(media['id'])) # Artist else: # Get the name of the artist for display to user media_name = md.api.get_artist(media['id'])['name'] # Collect all of the tracks from all of the artist's albums albums = md.api.get_artist_albums(media['id'])['items'] + md.api.get_artist_albums_ep_singles(media['id'])['items'] eps_info = [] singles_info = [] for album in albums: if 'aggressive_remix_filtering' in preset and preset['aggressive_remix_filtering']: title = album['title'].lower() if 'remix' in title or 'commentary' in title or 'karaoke' in title: print('\tSkipping ' + album['title']) continue # remove sony 360 reality audio albums if there's another (duplicate) album that isn't 360 reality audio if 'skip_360ra' in preset and preset['skip_360ra']: if 'SONY_360RA' in album['audioModes']: is_duplicate = False for a2 in albums: if album['title'] == a2['title'] and album['numberOfTracks'] == a2['numberOfTracks']: is_duplicate = True break if is_duplicate: print('\tSkipping duplicate Sony 360 Reality Audio album - ' + album['title']) continue # Get album information media_info = md.api.get_album(album['id']) # Get a list of the tracks from the album tracks = md.api.get_album_tracks(album['id'])['items'] if 'type' in media_info and str(media_info['type']).lower() == 'single': singles_info.append((tracks, media_info)) else: eps_info.append((tracks, media_info)) if 'skip_singles_when_possible' in preset and preset['skip_singles_when_possible']: # Filter singles that also appear in albums (EPs) def track_in_ep(title): for tracks, _ in eps_info: for t in tracks: if t['title'] == title: return True return False for track_info in singles_info[:]: for t in track_info[0][:]: if track_in_ep(t['title']): print('\tSkipping ' + t['title']) track_info[0].remove(t) if len(track_info[0]) == 0: singles_info.remove(track_info) track_info = eps_info + singles_info if not track_info: track_info = [(tracks, media_info)] return media_name, track_info # Catch region error except TidalError as e: if 'not found. This might be region-locked.' in str(e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print('Checking info fetch with session "{}" in region {}'.format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions except StopIteration as s: print(e) raise s # Skip or halt else: raise(e) try: media_name, track_info = get_tracks(media=mt) except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print('None of the available accounts were able to get info for release {}. Skipping..'.format(mt['id'])) continue total = sum([len(t[0]) for t in track_info]) # Single if total == 1: print('<<< Downloading single track... >>>') # Playlist or album else: if mt['type'] == 'p': name = md.playlist_from_id(mt['id'])['title'] else: name = track_info[0][1]['title'] print('<<< Downloading {0} "{1}": {2} track(s) in total >>>'.format( MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']] + (' ' + media_name if media_name else ''), name, total)) if args.resumeon and len(media_to_download) == 1 and mt['type'] == 'p': print('<<< Resuming on track {} >>>'.format(args.resumeon)) args.resumeon -= 1 else: args.resumeon = 0 cur = args.resumeon for tracks, media_info in track_info: for track in tracks[args.resumeon:]: first = True # Actually download the track (finally) while True: try: md.download_media(track, preset, media_info, overwrite=args.overwrite) break # Catch quality error except ValueError as e: print("\t" + str(e)) traceback.print_exc() if args.skip is True: print('Skipping track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality'.format( track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) break else: print('Halting on track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality'.format( track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) quit() # Catch file name errors except OSError as e: print(e) print("\tFile name too long or contains apostrophes") file = open('failed_tracks.txt', 'a') file.write(str(track['url']) + "\n") file.close() break # Catch session audio stream privilege error except AssertionError as e: if 'Unable to download track' in str(e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: # Reset generator if this is the first attempt if first: session_gen = RSF.get_session() first = False session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print('Attempting audio stream with session "{}" in region {}'.format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions, skip track except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print('None of the available accounts were able to download track {}. Skipping..'.format(track['id'])) break elif 'Please use a mobile session' in str(e): print(e) print('Choose one of the following mobile sessions: ') RSF.list_sessions(True) break # Skip else: print(str(e) + '. Skipping..') # Progress of current track cur += 1 print('=== {0}/{1} complete ({2:.0f}% done) ===\n'.format( cur, total, (cur / total) * 100)) # Progress of queue print('> Download queue: {0}/{1} items complete ({2:.0f}% done) <\n'. format(cm, len(media_to_download), (cm / len(media_to_download)) * 100)) print('> All downloads completed. <') # since oauth sessions can change while downloads are happening if the token gets refreshed RSF._save()
def main(): os.chdir(sys.path[0]) # Get args args = cli.get_args() # Check for auth flag / session settings RSF = RedseaSessionFile('./config/') if args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) == 1: print('\nThe "auth" command provides the following methods:') print('\n list: list the currently stored sessions') print(' add: login and store a new session') print(' remove: permanently remove a stored session') print(' default: set a session as default') print(' reauth: reauthenticate with Tidal to get new sessionId') print('\nUsage: auth add\n') exit() elif args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) > 1: if args.urls[1] == 'list': RSF.list_sessions() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'add': if len(args.urls) == 5: RSF.create_session(args.urls[2], args.urls[3], args.urls[4]) else: RSF.new_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'remove': RSF.remove_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'default': RSF.set_default() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'reauth': RSF.reauth() exit() print(LOGO) # Load config BRUTEFORCE = args.bruteforce or BRUTEFORCEREGION preset = PRESETS[args.preset] # Parse options preset['quality'] = [] preset['quality'].append('HI_RES') if preset['MQA_FLAC_24'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOSSLESS') if preset['FLAC_16'] else None preset['quality'].append('HIGH') if preset['AAC_320'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOW') if preset['AAC_96'] else None media_to_download = cli.parse_media_option(args.urls, args.file) # Loop through media and download if possible cm = 0 for mt in media_to_download: # Is it an acceptable media type? (skip if not) if not mt['type'] in MEDIA_TYPES: print('Unknown media type - ' + mt['type']) continue cm += 1 print('<<< Getting {0} info... >>>'.format(MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']])) # Create a new TidalApi and pass it to a new MediaDownloader md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) # Create a new session generator in case we need to switch sessions session_gen = RSF.get_session() # Get media info def get_tracks(media): media_name = None tracks = [] media_info = None track_info = [] while True: try: if media['type'] == 'f': lines = media['content'].split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(lines): print('Getting info for track {}/{}'.format( i, len(lines)), end='\r') tracks.append(md.api.get_track(l)) print() # Track elif media['type'] == 't': tracks.append(md.api.get_track(media['id'])) # Playlist elif media['type'] == 'p': # Make sure only tracks are in playlist items playlistItems = md.api.get_playlist_items( media['id'])['items'] for item in playlistItems: if item['type'] == 'track': tracks.append(item['item']) # Album elif media['type'] == 'a': # Get album information media_info = md.api.get_album(media['id']) # Get a list of the tracks from the album tracks = md.api.get_album_tracks(media['id'])['items'] # Artist else: # Get the name of the artist for display to user media_name = md.api.get_artist(media['id'])['name'] # Collect all of the tracks from all of the artist's albums albums = md.api.get_artist_albums( media['id'] )['items'] + md.api.get_artist_albums_ep_singles( media['id'])['items'] eps_info = [] singles_info = [] for album in albums: if 'aggressive_remix_filtering' in preset and preset[ 'aggressive_remix_filtering']: title = album['title'].lower() if 'remix' in title or 'commentary' in title or 'karaoke' in title: print('\tSkipping ' + album['title']) continue # remove sony 360 reality audio albums if there's another (duplicate) album that isn't 360 reality audio if 'skip_360ra' in preset and preset['skip_360ra']: if 'SONY_360RA' in album['audioModes']: is_duplicate = False for a2 in albums: if album['title'] == a2[ 'title'] and album[ 'numberOfTracks'] == a2[ 'numberOfTracks']: is_duplicate = True break if is_duplicate: print( '\tSkipping duplicate Sony 360 Reality Audio album - ' + album['title']) continue # Get album information media_info = md.api.get_album(album['id']) # Get a list of the tracks from the album tracks = md.api.get_album_tracks( album['id'])['items'] if 'type' in media_info and str( media_info['type']).lower() == 'single': singles_info.append((tracks, media_info)) else: eps_info.append((tracks, media_info)) if 'skip_singles_when_possible' in preset and preset[ 'skip_singles_when_possible']: # Filter singles that also appear in albums (EPs) def track_in_ep(title): for tracks, _ in eps_info: for t in tracks: if t['title'] == title: return True return False for track_info in singles_info[:]: for t in track_info[0][:]: if track_in_ep(t['title']): print('\tSkipping ' + t['title']) track_info[0].remove(t) if len(track_info[0]) == 0: singles_info.remove(track_info) track_info = eps_info + singles_info if not track_info: track_info = [(tracks, media_info)] return media_name, track_info # Catch region error except TidalError as e: if 'not found. This might be region-locked.' in str( e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print( 'Checking info fetch with session "{}" in region {}' .format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions except StopIteration as s: print(e) raise s # Skip or halt else: raise (e) try: media_name, track_info = get_tracks(media=mt) except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print( 'None of the available accounts were able to get info for release {}. Skipping..' .format(mt['id'])) continue total = sum([len(t[0]) for t in track_info]) # Single if total == 1: print('<<< Downloading single track... >>>') # Playlist or album else: print('<<< Downloading {0}: {1} track(s) in total >>>'.format( MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']] + (' ' + media_name if media_name else ''), total)) if args.resumeon and len(media_to_download) == 1 and mt['type'] == 'p': print('<<< Resuming on track {} >>>'.format(args.resumeon)) args.resumeon -= 1 else: args.resumeon = 0 cur = args.resumeon for tracks, media_info in track_info: for track in tracks[args.resumeon:]: first = True # Actually download the track (finally) while True: try: md.download_media(track, preset['quality'], media_info, overwrite=args.overwrite) break # Catch quality error except ValueError as e: print("\t" + str(e)) traceback.print_exc() if args.skip is True: print( 'Skipping track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) break else: print( 'Halting on track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) quit() # Catch session audio stream privilege error except AssertionError as e: if 'Unable to download track' in str(e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: # Reset generator if this is the first attempt if first: session_gen = RSF.get_session() first = False session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print( 'Attempting audio stream with session "{}" in region {}' .format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions, skip track except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print( 'None of the available accounts were able to download track {}. Skipping..' .format(track['id'])) break # Skip else: print(str(e) + '. Skipping..') # Progress of current track cur += 1 print('=== {0}/{1} complete ({2:.0f}% done) ===\n'.format( cur, total, (cur / total) * 100)) # Progress of queue print('> Download queue: {0}/{1} items complete ({2:.0f}% done) <\n'. format(cm, len(media_to_download), (cm / len(media_to_download)) * 100)) print('> All downloads completed. <') # since oauth sessions can change while downloads are happening if the token gets refreshed RSF._save()
def main(): # Get args args = cli.get_args() # Check for auth flag / session settings RSF = RedseaSessionFile('./config/') if args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) == 1: print('\nThe "auth" command provides the following methods:') print('\n list: list the currently stored sessions') print(' add: login and store a new session') print(' remove: permanently remove a stored session') print(' default: set a session as default') print(' reauth: reauthenticate with Tidal to get new sessionId') print('\nUsage: auth add\n') exit() elif args.urls[0] == 'auth' and len(args.urls) > 1: if args.urls[1] == 'list': RSF.list_sessions() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'add': RSF.new_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'remove': RSF.remove_session() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'default': RSF.set_default() exit() elif args.urls[1] == 'reauth': RSF.reauth() exit() print(LOGO) # Load config BRUTEFORCE = args.bruteforce or BRUTEFORCEREGION preset = PRESETS[args.preset] # Parse options preset['quality'] = [] preset['quality'].append('HI_RES') if preset['MQA_FLAC_24'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOSSLESS') if preset['FLAC_16'] else None preset['quality'].append('HIGH') if preset['AAC_320'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOW') if preset['AAC_96'] else None media_to_download = cli.parse_media_option(args.urls) # Loop through media and download if possible cm = 0 for mt in media_to_download: # Is it an acceptable media type? (skip if not) if not mt['type'] in MEDIA_TYPES: print('Unknown media type - ' + mt['type']) continue cm += 1 print('<<< Getting {0} info... >>>'.format(MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']]), end='\r') # Create a new TidalApi and pass it to a new MediaDownloader md = MediaDownloader(TidalApi(RSF.load_session(args.account)), preset, Tagger(preset)) # Create a new session generator in case we need to switch sessions session_gen = RSF.get_session() # Get media info def get_tracks(media): tracks = [] media_info = None while True: try: # Track if media['type'] == 't': tracks.append(md.api.get_track(media['id'])) # Playlist elif media['type'] == 'p': # Make sure only tracks are in playlist items playlistItems = md.api.get_playlist_items( media['id'])['items'] for item in playlistItems: if item['type'] == 'track': tracks.append(item['item']) # Album else: # Get album information media_info = md.api.get_album(media['id']) # Get a list of the tracks from the album tracks = md.api.get_album_tracks(media['id'])['items'] return tracks, media_info # Catch region error except TidalError as e: if 'not found. This might be region-locked.' in str( e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print( 'Checking info fetch with session "{}" in region {}' .format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions except StopIteration as s: print(e) raise s # Skip or halt else: raise (e) try: tracks, media_info = get_tracks(media=mt) except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print( 'None of the available accounts were able to get info for release {}. Skipping..' .format(mt['id'])) continue total = len(tracks) # Single if total == 1: print('<<< Downloading single track... >>>') # Playlist or album else: print('<<< Downloading {0}: {1} track(s) in total >>>'.format( MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']], total)) cur = 0 for track in tracks: first = True # Actually download the track (finally) while True: try: md.download_media(track, preset['quality'], media_info) break # Catch quality error except ValueError as e: print("\t" + str(e)) if args.skip is True: print( 'Skipping track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) break else: print( 'Halting on track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) quit() # Catch session audio stream privilege error except AssertionError as e: if 'Unable to download track' in str(e) and BRUTEFORCE: # Try again with a different session try: # Reset generator if this is the first attempt if first: session_gen = RSF.get_session() first = False session, name = next(session_gen) md.api = TidalApi(session) print( 'Attempting audio stream with session "{}" in region {}' .format(name, session.country_code)) continue # Ran out of sessions, skip track except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print( 'None of the available accounts were able to download track {}. Skipping..' .format(track['id'])) break # Skip else: print(str(e) + '. Skipping..') # Progress of current track cur += 1 print('=== {0}/{1} complete ({2:.0f}% done) ===\n'.format( cur, total, (cur / total) * 100)) # Progress of queue print('> Download queue: {0}/{1} items complete ({2:.0f}% done) <\n'. format(cm, len(media_to_download), (cm / len(media_to_download)) * 100)) print('> All downloads completed. <')
def main(): # Get args args = cli.get_args() # Check for auth flag / session settings currentSession = SimpleSessionFile('./config/') deal_with_auth(currentSession, args) print(LOGO) # Load config try: preset = PRESETS[args.preset] except KeyError: print("Unknown preset : " + args.preset) exit(2) # Parse options preset['quality'] = [] preset['quality'].append('HI_RES') if preset['MQA_FLAC_24'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOSSLESS') if preset['FLAC_16'] else None preset['quality'].append('HIGH') if preset['AAC_320'] else None preset['quality'].append('LOW') if preset['AAC_96'] else None media_to_download = cli.parse_media_option(args.urls) # Loop through media and download if possible cm = 0 for mt in media_to_download: # Is it an acceptable media type? (skip if not) if not mt['type'] in MEDIA_TYPES: print('Unknown media type - ' + mt['type']) continue cm += 1 print('<<< Getting {0} info... >>>'.format(MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']]), end='\r') # Create a new TidalApi and pass it to a new MediaDownloader mediaDownloader = MediaDownloader( TidalApi(currentSession.load_session()), preset, Tagger(preset)) # Get media info try: tracks, media_info = get_tracks(mt, mediaDownloader) except StopIteration: # Let the user know we cannot download this release and skip it print( 'The account is not able to get info for release {}. Skipping..' .format(mt['id'])) continue total = len(tracks) # Single if total == 1: print('<<< Downloading single track... >>>') # Playlist or album or artist else: print('<<< Downloading {0}: {1} track(s) in total >>>'.format( MEDIA_TYPES[mt['type']], total)) cur = 0 for track in tracks: # Actually download the track (finally) while True: try: mediaDownloader.download_media(track, preset['quality'], args.outdir, media_info) break # Catch quality error except ValueError as e: print("\t" + str(e)) if args.skip is True: print( 'Skipping track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) break else: print( 'Halting on track "{} - {}" due to insufficient quality' .format(track['artist']['name'], track['title'])) quit() # Catch session audio stream privilege error except AssertionError as e: if args.skip is True: print(str(e) + '. Skipping...') break else: print(str(e) + '. Stopping. Use -s to skip instead') quit() # Progress of current track cur += 1 print('=== {0}/{1} complete ({2:.0f}% done) ===\n'.format( cur, total, (cur / total) * 100)) # Progress of queue print('> Download queue: {0}/{1} items complete ({2:.0f}% done) <\n'. format(cm, len(media_to_download), (cm / len(media_to_download)) * 100)) print('> All downloads completed. <')