Ejemplo n.º 1
def do_genkey (library, documents):
	empty = True
	s = ""
	assigned_keys = {}

	format = referencer.pref_get ("genkey_format")
	if (len(format)==0):
		format = "%a%y"

	# Prompt the user for the key format
	dialog = gtk.Dialog (buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))
	dialog.set_has_separator (False)
	dialog.vbox.set_spacing (6)
	hbox = gtk.HBox (spacing=6)
	label = gtk.Label ("Key format:")
	entry = gtk.Entry ()
	entry.set_text (format)
	dialog.vbox.pack_start (hbox)
	hbox.pack_start (label)
	hbox.pack_start (entry)
	label = gtk.Label ("Markers:\n\t%y = two-digit year\n\t%Y = four-digit year\n\t%a = first author's surname\n\t%t = title without spaces\n\t%w = first meaningful word of title")
	dialog.vbox.pack_start (label)

	dialog.show_all ()
	response = dialog.run ()
	dialog.hide ()

	if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT):
		return False
	format = entry.get_text ()

	for document in documents:
		author = document.get_field ("author")
		author = author.split("and")[0].split(",")[0].split(" ")[0]
		year = document.get_field ("year")
		title = document.get_field ("title")
		for c in ":-[]{},+/*.?":
			title = title.replace(c, '')
		title_capitalized = "".join([w[0].upper()+w[1:] for w in title.split()])
		first_word = [w for w in title.split() if 
			w.lower() not in ('a', 'an', 'the')][0]
		title = title.replace(' ', '')

		shortYear = year
		if len(year) == 4:
			shortYear = year[2:4]

		key = format
		key = key.replace ("%y", shortYear)
		key = key.replace ("%Y", year)
		key = key.replace ("%a", author)
		key = key.replace ("%t", title)
		key = key.replace ("%T", title_capitalized)
		key = key.replace ("%w", first_word)

		# Make the key unique within this document set
		append = "b"
		if assigned_keys.has_key (key):
			key += append
		# Assumes <26 identical keys
		while assigned_keys.has_key (key):
			append = chr(ord(append[0]) + 1)
			key = key[0:len(key) - 1]
			key += append

		print key
		assigned_keys[key] = True
		document.set_key (key)

	referencer.pref_set ("genkey_format", format)

	return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_MAXRECORDS():
    maxrecords = referencer.pref_get ("isi_maxrecords")
    if (len(maxrecords)==0):
        maxrecords = DEFAULTMAXRECORDS
    return int(maxrecords)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_MAXRECORDS():
    maxrecords = referencer.pref_get("isi_maxrecords")
    if (len(maxrecords) == 0):
        maxrecords = DEFAULTMAXRECORDS
    return int(maxrecords)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def do_genkey(library, documents):
    empty = True
    s = ""
    assigned_keys = {}

    format = referencer.pref_get("genkey_format")
    if (len(format) == 0):
        format = "%a%y"

    # Prompt the user for the key format
    dialog = gtk.Dialog(buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT,
                                 gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))
    hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=6)
    label = gtk.Label("Key format:")
    entry = gtk.Entry()

    label = gtk.Label(
        "Markers:\n\t%y = two-digit year\n\t%Y = four-digit year\n\t%a = first author's surname\n\t%t = title without spaces\n\t%w = first meaningful word of title"

    response = dialog.run()

    if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT):
        return False

    format = entry.get_text()

    for document in documents:
        author = document.get_field("author")
        author = author.split("and")[0].split(",")[0].split(" ")[0]
        year = document.get_field("year")
        title = document.get_field("title")
        for c in ":-[]{},+/*.?":
            title = title.replace(c, '')
        title_capitalized = "".join(
            [w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in title.split()])
        first_word = [
            w for w in title.split() if w.lower() not in ('a', 'an', 'the')
        title = title.replace(' ', '')

        shortYear = year
        if len(year) == 4:
            shortYear = year[2:4]

        key = format
        key = key.replace("%y", shortYear)
        key = key.replace("%Y", year)
        key = key.replace("%a", author)
        key = key.replace("%t", title)
        key = key.replace("%T", title_capitalized)
        key = key.replace("%w", first_word)

        # Make the key unique within this document set
        append = "b"
        if assigned_keys.has_key(key):
            key += append

        # Assumes <26 identical keys
        while assigned_keys.has_key(key):
            append = chr(ord(append[0]) + 1)
            key = key[0:len(key) - 1]
            key += append

        print key
        assigned_keys[key] = True


    referencer.pref_set("genkey_format", format)

    return True