Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, coco_instances_path, refexp_filename, image_root,
        Refexp.__init__(self, refexp_filename, coco_instances_path)
        self.image_refexp_pairs = []
        self.image_object_pairs = set()
        self.image_features = None
        self.imgs_with_errors = None
        self.image_feature_length = 0
        self.image_root = image_root
        self.img_to_refexps = defaultdict(list)

        sys.stdout.write("Collecting referring expressions... ")
        num_total = 0
        num_missing = 0
        image_ids = self.getImgIds()
        for image_id in image_ids:
            image_info = self.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
            image_path = '%s/%s' % (self.image_root, image_info['file_name'])
            if os.path.isfile(image_path):
                ann_ids = self.getAnnIds(image_id)
                anns = self.loadAnns(ann_ids)
                for ann in anns:
                    object_id_list = [-1, ann['annotation_id']
                                      ]  # -1 corresponds to the entire image
                    refexp_anns = self.loadRefexps(ann['refexp_ids'])
                    for refexp_ann in refexp_anns:
                        refexp = refexp_ann['tokens'] + [EOS_IDENTIFIER]
                        # image_refexp_pairs is used during extracting features for training
                            ((image_path, image_id), object_id_list, refexp))
                        # img_to_refexps is used during testing
                            " ".join(refexp),
                        # TODO: Remove redundancy in the above two data structures
                        for object_id in object_id_list:
                            if (image_id,
                                    object_id) not in self.image_object_pairs:
                                    (image_id, object_id))
                num_missing += 1
                print 'Warning (#%d): image not found: %s' % (num_missing,

            num_total += 1
            if split_name == "train_debug" and num_total == 10:

        print '%d/%d images missing' % (num_missing, num_total)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
     """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalGeneration class for evaluation.
   refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
     # handle refexp dataset file
     assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
     self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
     print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the generation task.'
     self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path,
                                  coco_data_path)  # Need to check - change
     self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(
         self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds())  # Need to check - change
  def __init__(self, coco_instances_path, refexp_filename, image_root, split_name):
    Refexp.__init__(self, refexp_filename, coco_instances_path)
    self.image_refexp_pairs = []
    self.image_object_pairs = set()
    self.image_features = None
    self.imgs_with_errors = None
    self.image_feature_length = 0
    self.image_root = image_root
    self.img_to_refexps = defaultdict(list)

    sys.stdout.write("Collecting referring expressions... ")
    num_total = 0
    num_missing = 0
    image_ids = self.getImgIds()
    for image_id in image_ids:
      image_info = self.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
      image_path = '%s/%s' % (self.image_root, image_info['file_name'])
      if os.path.isfile(image_path):
        ann_ids = self.getAnnIds(image_id)
        anns = self.loadAnns(ann_ids)
        for ann in anns:
          object_id_list = [-1, ann['annotation_id']]  # -1 corresponds to the entire image
          refexp_anns = self.loadRefexps(ann['refexp_ids'])
          for refexp_ann in refexp_anns:
            refexp = refexp_ann['tokens'] + [EOS_IDENTIFIER]
            # image_refexp_pairs is used during extracting features for training
            self.image_refexp_pairs.append(((image_path, image_id), object_id_list, refexp))
            # img_to_refexps is used during testing
            self.img_to_refexps[image_id].append({'image_id':image_id, 'refexp':" ".join(refexp),
            # TODO: Remove redundancy in the above two data structures
            for object_id in object_id_list:
              if (image_id, object_id) not in self.image_object_pairs:
                self.image_object_pairs.add((image_id, object_id))
        num_missing += 1
        print 'Warning (#%d): image not found: %s' % (num_missing, image_path)

      num_total += 1
      if split_name == "train_debug" and num_total == 10:

    print '%d/%d images missing' % (num_missing, num_total)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
        """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalComprehension class for evaluation.
      refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
      coco_data_path: path for the original coco dataset file (e.g. 'instances_train2014.json')
        # handle refexp dataset file
        assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
        self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
        print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the comprehension task.'
        self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path,
                                     coco_data_path)  # Need to check - change
        self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(
            self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds())  # Need to check - change
        self.gt_refexp_ids_set = frozenset(
            self.refexp_dataset.getRefexpIds())  # Need to check - change

        # reset evaluation state
 def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
   """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalGeneration class for evaluation.
     refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
   # handle refexp dataset file
   assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
   self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
   print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the generation task.'
   self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path) # Need to check - change
   self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds()) # Need to check - change
Ejemplo n.º 6
def preprocess_refexp():
    # get annotations
    coco_filename = '../external/coco/annotations/instances_train2014.json'
    refexp_filename = '../google_refexp_dataset_release/google_refexp_train_201511_coco_aligned.json'

    refexp = Refexp(refexp_filename, coco_filename)
    # ignore specific captions that have weird symbols in them
    ref_ids = [
        ref_id for ref_id in refexp.dataset['refexps'] if ref_id not in [
            146, 400, 923, 21409, 35384, 38589, 46630, 47673, 65639, 70715,
    captions = [
        for ref_id in ref_ids
    caption_seqs = [text_to_word_sequence(c) for c in captions]
    max_cap_len = max([len(seq) for seq in caption_seqs])

    database_stats = {'max_cap_len': max_cap_len}

    # create dictionaries for dataset
    unique = unique_words(caption_seqs)

    for i, word in enumerate(unique):
        # Start indices at 2 since 0 and 1 are reserved for start and stop tokens
        word_to_idx[word] = i + 2
        idx_to_word[i + 2] = word

    # Basic sanity checks
    assert (idx_to_word[word_to_idx['the']] == 'the')
    assert (word_to_idx[STOP_TOKEN] == STOP_TOKEN_IDX)
    assert (idx_to_word[STOP_TOKEN_IDX] == STOP_TOKEN)
    assert (word_to_idx[START_TOKEN] == START_TOKEN_IDX)
    assert (idx_to_word[START_TOKEN_IDX] == START_TOKEN)
    assert (word_to_idx[idx_to_word[2]] == 2)

    # Save the data
    with open('/refexp_word_to_idx', 'w+') as handle:
        pickle.dump(word_to_idx, handle)
    with open('/refexp_idx_to_word', 'w+') as handle:
        pickle.dump(idx_to_word, handle)
    with open('/refexp_stats', 'w+') as handle:
        pickle.dump(database_stats, handle)

    print 'Finished processing refexp dataset'
 def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
   """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalComprehension class for evaluation.
     refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
     coco_data_path: path for the original coco dataset file (e.g. 'instances_train2014.json')
   # handle refexp dataset file
   assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
   self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
   print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the comprehension task.'
   self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path) # Need to check - change
   self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds()) # Need to check - change
   self.gt_refexp_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getRefexpIds()) # Need to check - change
   # reset evaluation state
class RefexpEvalComprehension(object):
  def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
    """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalComprehension class for evaluation.
      refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
      coco_data_path: path for the original coco dataset file (e.g. 'instances_train2014.json')
    # handle refexp dataset file
    assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
    self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
    print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the comprehension task.'
    self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path) # Need to check - change
    self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds()) # Need to check - change
    self.gt_refexp_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getRefexpIds()) # Need to check - change
    # reset evaluation state
  def reset_eval_state(self):
    """Reset evaluation state."""
    self.pred_results_path = None
    self.pred_results = None
    self.flag_already_eval = False
  def evaluate(self, pred_results_path,
    """Evaluate the predicted results for the comprehension task.
      pred_results_path: path for the predicted results with the format
          described in ./cache_evaluation/format_comprehension_eval.md
      thresh_iou: threshold of the IoU ratio of the evaluation
      thresh_k: precision@k
      flag_ignore_non_existed_object: if set True, the evaluation process
          continues with an warning when encountered non existed objects in 
          self.refexp_dataset. Otherwise stops.
      flag_ignore_non_existed_gt_refexp: if set True, the evaluation process  
          continues when encountered non existed GT referring expressions.
          Otherwise stops.
      flag_missing_objects_verbose: if set true, will list the ids of all the 
          missing objects in self.refexp_dataset
      flag_missing_refexps_verbose: if set true, will list the ids of all the 
          missing referring expressions in self.refexp_dataset
      A two element tuple. The first element is precision@k. The second
      element is the predicted results (a dictionary) with an added field
      'best_iou' of the best iou for the top k bounding boxes.
    # Load predicted results
    print 'Loading predicted result file for the comprehension task.'
    with open(pred_results_path) as fin:
      self.pred_results = json.load(fin)
    # evaluation
    pred_ann_ids_set = set()
    pred_refexp_ids_set = set()
    score = 0.0
    num_valid_pred = 0
    for pred_elem in self.pred_results:
      # validate the predicted results
      assert 'annotation_id' in pred_elem, 'Object annotation id missing!'
      assert 'predicted_bounding_boxes' in pred_elem, \
             'list of predicted bounding boxes missing!'
      ann_id = pred_elem['annotation_id']
      gt_bbox = self._get_GT_bbox_with_annotation_id(ann_id) # Need to check - change
      if gt_bbox is None:
        if flag_ignore_non_existed_object:
          print ('Ignore COCO annotation id %d which does not exist in '
                 'Refexp dataset file for evaluation' % ann_id)
          pred_elem['best_iou'] = 0.0
          print ('COCO annotation id %d does not exist in Refexp '
                 'dataset file for evaluation!' % ann_id)
      if ('refexp_id' in pred_elem) and not(pred_elem['refexp_id'] in self.gt_refexp_ids_set):
        if flag_ignore_non_existed_gt_refexp:
          print ('Ignore refexp id %d which does not exist in '
                 'Refexp dataset file for evaluation' % pred_elem['refexp_id'])
          pred_elem['best_iou'] = 0.0
          print ('refexp id %d does not exist in Refexp '
                 'dataset file for evaluation!' % pred_elem['refexp_id'])
      if 'refexp_id' in pred_elem:
      num_valid_pred += 1
      # check whether it is a correct prediction
      pred_bboxes = pred_elem['predicted_bounding_boxes']
      best_iou = 0.0
      for k in xrange(min(thresh_k, len(pred_bboxes))):
        iou = cu.iou_bboxes(pred_bboxes[k], gt_bbox)
        best_iou = max(best_iou, iou)
      if best_iou >= thresh_iou:
        score += 1.0
      pred_elem['best_iou'] = best_iou
    score /= num_valid_pred
    # warning for missing objects and refexps
    gt_ann_ids_left_set = self.gt_ann_ids_set - pred_ann_ids_set
    gt_refexp_ids_left_set = self.gt_refexp_ids_set - pred_refexp_ids_set
    if gt_ann_ids_left_set:
      print ('Missing %d objects in the refexp dataset file in the predicted '
             'file' % len(gt_ann_ids_left_set))
      if flag_missing_objects_verbose:
        print ('The missing object annotation ids are:')
        print gt_ann_ids_left_set  # TODO pretty print format
    if gt_refexp_ids_left_set:
      print ('Missing %d refexps in the refexp dataset file in the predicted '
             'file' % len(gt_refexp_ids_left_set))
      if flag_missing_refexps_verbose:
        print ('The missing refexp ids are:')
        print gt_refexp_ids_left_set  # TODO pretty print format
    # summarize the results
    print 'The average prec@%d score is %.3f' % (thresh_k, score)
    return (score, self.pred_results)
  def _get_GT_bbox_with_annotation_id(self, ann_id):
    if not ann_id in self.gt_ann_ids_set:
      return None
    anns = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids = [ann_id])
    if len(anns) == 0:
      return None
    assert len(anns) == 1
    return anns[0]['bbox']
  def visualize_top_predicted_bbox(self, pred_sample, coco_image_dir):
    """Visualize the top predicted bounding box."""
    assert 'annotation_id' in pred_sample, 'Object annotation id missing!'
    assert 'predicted_bounding_boxes' in pred_sample, \
           'list of predicted bounding boxes missing!'
    if not pred_sample['predicted_bounding_boxes']:
      print 'Empty predicted bounding boxes.'
    bbox_pred_top = pred_sample['predicted_bounding_boxes'][0]
    ann_id = pred_sample['annotation_id']
    ann = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids=[ann_id])[0]
    image_id = ann['image_id']
    img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=[image_id])[0]
    iou = cu.iou_bboxes(bbox_pred_top, ann['bbox'])
    if 'refexp' in pred_sample or 'refexp_id' in pred_sample:
      print 'The Referring expression input to the model is:'
      if 'refexp' in pred_sample:
        print '  ' + pred_sample['refexp']
        refexp_tmp = self.refexp_dataset.loadRefexps(ids=pred_sample['refexp_id'])[0]
        print '  ' + refexp_tmp['raw']
    I = misc.imread(os.path.join(coco_image_dir, (img_coco['file_name'])))
    ax = plt.imshow(I)
    ax = plt.axis('off')
    ax = plt.title('IoU: %.3f, green bbox: GT, red bbox: predicted' % iou)
    cu.draw_bbox(plt.gca(), ann['bbox'], edge_color='green')
    cu.draw_bbox(plt.gca(), bbox_pred_top, edge_color='red')
class RefexpEvalGeneration(object):
  def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
    """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalGeneration class for evaluation.
      refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
    # handle refexp dataset file
    assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
    self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
    print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the generation task.'
    self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path) # Need to check - change
    self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds()) # Need to check - change
  def generate_AMT_csv_and_images(self, pred_results_path, 
    """Generate a csv file and images for AMT evaluation.
      pred_results_path: path for the predicted results with the format
          described in ./cache_evaluation/format_generation_eval.md
      public_image_url_prefix: image url prefix for the publicly accessible
          images. AMTurkers should be able to access images with this url prefix
          (see details in README.md, AMT section)
      AMT_csv_path: path for the generated csv file.
      num_refexp_group: the number of referring expressions that we plan to
          group as one HIT for AMT. default=5 (highly recommended, otherwise 
          need to change AMT_interface)
      flag_generate_images: if set true, will generate images for AMT
      coco_image_dir: directory that coco images can be found, e.g. 
      local_image_dir: directory to save the images locally.
    # Load predicted results
    print 'Loading predicted result file for the generation task.'
    with open(pred_results_path) as fin:
      self.pred_results = json.load(fin)
    assert len(self.pred_results) % num_refexp_group == 0, ('The number of '
        'generated sentences should be a multiple of num of images in the'
        'AMT group (i.e. %d)' % num_refexp_group)
    # Generate csv file for AMT
    pred_ann_ids = self._generate_AMT_csv_file(
        AMT_csv_path, public_image_url_prefix, 
    # Generate images for AMT if necessary
    if flag_generate_images:
      assert coco_image_dir, 'Missing the directory of original coco image'
      assert local_image_dir, 'Missing the local directory for storing images'
          coco_image_dir=coco_image_dir, local_image_dir=local_image_dir)
  def parse_AMT_results(self, csv_download_path, num_refexp_group=5):
    """Parse the AMT results from the downloaded csv file.
      csv_download_path: the path of the downloaded csv result file from AMT.
      num_refexp_group: the number of the refexp grouped in a HIT.
      A tuple with two numbers. They represent the ratio of the generated 
      referring expressions are considered to be better and similar 
    num_better = 0
    num_similar = 0
    num_row = 0
    with open(csv_download_path) as fin:
      reader = csv.DictReader(fin)
      for row in reader:
        for ind in xrange(num_refexp_group):
          key = 'Answer.choice_%d' % ind
          if row[key] == 'GEN':
            num_better += 1
          elif row[key] == 'similar':
            num_similar += 1
        num_row += 1
    ratio_better = num_better / float(num_row * num_refexp_group)
    ratio_similar = num_similar / float(num_row * num_refexp_group)
    print ('%.4f of the generated referring expressions are considered to be '
        'better than humans (groundtruth)' % ratio_better)
    print ('%.4f of the generated referring expressions are considered to be '
        'similar to humans (groundtruth)' % ratio_similar)
    return (ratio_better, ratio_similar)
  def _generate_AMT_csv_file(self, AMT_csv_path, public_image_url_prefix, 
    """Private function to generate csv file for AMT."""
    print 'Start to generate csv file to upload to AMT'
    fieldnames_template = ['image_url_o_%d', 'image_url_mask_%d',
                           'descrip_type_%d_0', 'descrip_type_%d_1',
                           'descrip_%d_0', 'descrip_%d_1']
    pred_ann_ids = []
    ind_cur = 0
    with open(AMT_csv_path, 'w') as fout:
      while ind_cur < len(self.pred_results):
        dct_row = {}
        fields_all = []
        for ind_group in xrange(num_refexp_group):
          # check pred_result format
          pred_elem = self.pred_results[ind_cur]
          assert 'annotation_id' in pred_elem, 'Object annotation id missing!'
          assert 'generated_refexp' in pred_elem, 'Generated refexp missing!'
          pred_ann_id = pred_elem['annotation_id']
          # load GT data
          assert pred_ann_id in self.gt_ann_ids_set, ('Cannot find object with'
              'annotation id %d' % pred_ann_id)
          gt_data = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids = [pred_ann_id])[0]  # Need to check - change
          gt_refexps = self.refexp_dataset.loadRefexps(ids = gt_data['refexp_ids'])  # Need to check - change
          # add fieldnames
          for field_template in fieldnames_template:
            fields_all.append(field_template % ind_group)
          # add image urls
          img_name = 'coco_%d.jpg' % gt_data['image_id']
          img_mask_name = 'coco_%d_ann_%d_masked.jpg' % (gt_data['image_id'], pred_ann_id)
          dct_row['image_url_o_%d' % ind_group] = public_image_url_prefix + img_name
          dct_row['image_url_mask_%d' % ind_group] = public_image_url_prefix + img_mask_name
          # get refexp and type, shuffle them (refexp, type)
          descrip_gen = (pred_elem['generated_refexp'], 'GEN')
          descrip_gt = (' '.join(gt_refexps[0]['tokens']), 'GT')  # Need to check - change
          list_descrip = [descrip_gen, descrip_gt]
          for ind in xrange(2):
            dct_row['descrip_%d_%d' % (ind_group, ind)] = list_descrip[ind][0]
            dct_row['descrip_type_%d_%d' % (ind_group, ind)] = list_descrip[ind][1]
          ind_cur += 1
        # write row to csv files
        assert len(dct_row) == len(fields_all)
        if ind_cur == num_refexp_group:
          writer = csv.DictWriter(fout, fieldnames=fields_all)
      print 'Finished to generate the csv file'
    return pred_ann_ids
  def _generate_images_for_AMT(self, pred_ann_ids, 
                               coco_image_dir=None, local_image_dir=None):
    """Private function to generated images to upload to AMT."""
    assert coco_image_dir and local_image_dir
    assert os.path.isdir(coco_image_dir)
    if not os.path.isdir(local_image_dir):
      print 'Input local image directory does not exist, create it'
    print 'Start to generate images for AMT in local hard disk'
    image_ids_saved = set()
    for (ind, pred_ann_id) in enumerate(pred_ann_ids):
      gt_data = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids = [pred_ann_id])[0]  # Need to check - change
      img = self._read_image(coco_image_dir, gt_data)
      mask = self._load_mask(gt_data)
      masked_img = cu.apply_mask_to_image(img, mask)
      masked_img_path = os.path.join(local_image_dir, ('coco_%d_ann_%d'
          '_masked.jpg' % (gt_data['image_id'], pred_ann_id)))
      misc.imsave(masked_img_path, masked_img)
      if not gt_data['image_id'] in image_ids_saved:
        img_path = os.path.join(local_image_dir, 'coco_%d.jpg' % gt_data['image_id'])
        misc.imsave(img_path, img)
    print ('Images generated in local hard disk, please make sure to make them '
           'publicly available online.')
  def _read_image(self, coco_image_dir, gt_data):
    """Private function to read an original coco image."""
    img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=gt_data['image_id'])[0]
    return misc.imread(os.path.join(coco_image_dir, img_coco['file_name']))
  def _load_mask(self, gt_data):
    """Private function to load the mask of a coco object."""
    img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=gt_data['image_id'])[0]
    mask = Image.new('L', (img_coco['width'], img_coco['height']), 0)
    for seg in gt_data['segmentation']:
      ImageDraw.Draw(mask).polygon(seg, outline='white', fill='white')
    return numpy.asarray(mask)
Ejemplo n.º 10
base_model = VGG19(weights='imagenet')
model = Model(input=base_model.input,
model2 = Model(input=base_model.input,
model3 = Model(input=base_model.input,

refexp_filename = '../google_refexp_dataset_release/google_refexp_train_201511_coco_aligned.json'
coco_filename = '../external/coco/annotations/instances_train2014.json'
datasetDir = '../external/coco/'
datasetType = 'images/train2014/COCO_train2014_'

# Create Refexp instance.
refexp = Refexp(refexp_filename, coco_filename)

# for x in captions['annotations']

def predict_image(file_id, bbox=[]):
    # img = refexp.loadImgs(file_id)[0]
    # img =
    # print img
    # print file_id
    # print img
    number = str(('_0000000000000' + str(file_id))[-12:])
    # img_path = '/Users/reuben/Downloads/train2014/COCO_train2014_'+number+'.jpg'

    # img_path = 'cat.jpg'
    x = image.load_img(datasetDir + datasetType + number + '.jpg',
Ejemplo n.º 11
class RefexpEvalComprehension(object):
    def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
        """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalComprehension class for evaluation.
      refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
      coco_data_path: path for the original coco dataset file (e.g. 'instances_train2014.json')
        # handle refexp dataset file
        assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
        self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
        print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the comprehension task.'
        self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path,
                                     coco_data_path)  # Need to check - change
        self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(
            self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds())  # Need to check - change
        self.gt_refexp_ids_set = frozenset(
            self.refexp_dataset.getRefexpIds())  # Need to check - change

        # reset evaluation state

    def reset_eval_state(self):
        """Reset evaluation state."""
        self.pred_results_path = None
        self.pred_results = None
        self.flag_already_eval = False

    def evaluate(self,
        """Evaluate the predicted results for the comprehension task.
      pred_results_path: path for the predicted results with the format
          described in ./cache_evaluation/format_comprehension_eval.md
      thresh_iou: threshold of the IoU ratio of the evaluation
      thresh_k: precision@k
      flag_ignore_non_existed_object: if set True, the evaluation process
          continues with an warning when encountered non existed objects in 
          self.refexp_dataset. Otherwise stops.
      flag_ignore_non_existed_gt_refexp: if set True, the evaluation process  
          continues when encountered non existed GT referring expressions.
          Otherwise stops.
      flag_missing_objects_verbose: if set true, will list the ids of all the 
          missing objects in self.refexp_dataset
      flag_missing_refexps_verbose: if set true, will list the ids of all the 
          missing referring expressions in self.refexp_dataset
      A two element tuple. The first element is precision@k. The second
      element is the predicted results (a dictionary) with an added field
      'best_iou' of the best iou for the top k bounding boxes.
        # Load predicted results
        print 'Loading predicted result file for the comprehension task.'
        with open(pred_results_path) as fin:
            self.pred_results = json.load(fin)

        # evaluation
        pred_ann_ids_set = set()
        pred_refexp_ids_set = set()
        score = 0.0
        num_valid_pred = 0
        for pred_elem in self.pred_results:
            # validate the predicted results
            assert 'annotation_id' in pred_elem, 'Object annotation id missing!'
            assert 'predicted_bounding_boxes' in pred_elem, \
                   'list of predicted bounding boxes missing!'
            ann_id = pred_elem['annotation_id']
            gt_bbox = self._get_GT_bbox_with_annotation_id(
                ann_id)  # Need to check - change
            if gt_bbox is None:
                if flag_ignore_non_existed_object:
                        'Ignore COCO annotation id %d which does not exist in '
                        'Refexp dataset file for evaluation' % ann_id)
                    pred_elem['best_iou'] = 0.0
                        'COCO annotation id %d does not exist in Refexp '
                        'dataset file for evaluation!' % ann_id)
            if ('refexp_id' in pred_elem) and not (pred_elem['refexp_id']
                                                   in self.gt_refexp_ids_set):
                if flag_ignore_non_existed_gt_refexp:
                        'Ignore refexp id %d which does not exist in '
                        'Refexp dataset file for evaluation' %
                    pred_elem['best_iou'] = 0.0
                        'refexp id %d does not exist in Refexp '
                        'dataset file for evaluation!' %
            if 'refexp_id' in pred_elem:
            num_valid_pred += 1

            # check whether it is a correct prediction
            pred_bboxes = pred_elem['predicted_bounding_boxes']
            best_iou = 0.0
            for k in xrange(min(thresh_k, len(pred_bboxes))):
                iou = cu.iou_bboxes(pred_bboxes[k], gt_bbox)
                best_iou = max(best_iou, iou)
            if best_iou >= thresh_iou:
                score += 1.0
            pred_elem['best_iou'] = best_iou
        score /= num_valid_pred

        # warning for missing objects and refexps
        gt_ann_ids_left_set = self.gt_ann_ids_set - pred_ann_ids_set
        gt_refexp_ids_left_set = self.gt_refexp_ids_set - pred_refexp_ids_set
        if gt_ann_ids_left_set:
                'Missing %d objects in the refexp dataset file in the predicted '
                'file' % len(gt_ann_ids_left_set))
            if flag_missing_objects_verbose:
                print('The missing object annotation ids are:')
                print gt_ann_ids_left_set  # TODO pretty print format
        if gt_refexp_ids_left_set:
                'Missing %d refexps in the refexp dataset file in the predicted '
                'file' % len(gt_refexp_ids_left_set))
            if flag_missing_refexps_verbose:
                print('The missing refexp ids are:')
                print gt_refexp_ids_left_set  # TODO pretty print format

        # summarize the results
        print 'The average prec@%d score is %.3f' % (thresh_k, score)
        return (score, self.pred_results)

    def _get_GT_bbox_with_annotation_id(self, ann_id):
        if not ann_id in self.gt_ann_ids_set:
            return None
        anns = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids=[ann_id])
        if len(anns) == 0:
            return None
        assert len(anns) == 1
        return anns[0]['bbox']

    def visualize_top_predicted_bbox(self, pred_sample, coco_image_dir):
        """Visualize the top predicted bounding box."""
        assert 'annotation_id' in pred_sample, 'Object annotation id missing!'
        assert 'predicted_bounding_boxes' in pred_sample, \
               'list of predicted bounding boxes missing!'
        if not pred_sample['predicted_bounding_boxes']:
            print 'Empty predicted bounding boxes.'

        bbox_pred_top = pred_sample['predicted_bounding_boxes'][0]
        ann_id = pred_sample['annotation_id']
        ann = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(ids=[ann_id])[0]
        image_id = ann['image_id']
        img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=[image_id])[0]
        iou = cu.iou_bboxes(bbox_pred_top, ann['bbox'])

        if 'refexp' in pred_sample or 'refexp_id' in pred_sample:
            print 'The Referring expression input to the model is:'
            if 'refexp' in pred_sample:
                print '  ' + pred_sample['refexp']
                refexp_tmp = self.refexp_dataset.loadRefexps(
                print '  ' + refexp_tmp['raw']

        I = misc.imread(os.path.join(coco_image_dir, (img_coco['file_name'])))
        ax = plt.imshow(I)
        ax = plt.axis('off')
        ax = plt.title('IoU: %.3f, green bbox: GT, red bbox: predicted' % iou)
        cu.draw_bbox(plt.gca(), ann['bbox'], edge_color='green')
        cu.draw_bbox(plt.gca(), bbox_pred_top, edge_color='red')
Ejemplo n.º 12
class RefexpEvalGeneration(object):
    def __init__(self, refexp_dataset_path, coco_data_path):
        """Constructor for GoogleRefexpEvalGeneration class for evaluation.
      refexp_dataset_path: path for the Google Refexp dataset file
        # handle refexp dataset file
        assert refexp_dataset_path, "Refexp dataset file missing!"
        self.refexp_dataset_path = refexp_dataset_path
        print 'Loading Google Refexp dataset file for the generation task.'
        self.refexp_dataset = Refexp(refexp_dataset_path,
                                     coco_data_path)  # Need to check - change
        self.gt_ann_ids_set = frozenset(
            self.refexp_dataset.getAnnIds())  # Need to check - change

    def generate_AMT_csv_and_images(self,
        """Generate a csv file and images for AMT evaluation.
      pred_results_path: path for the predicted results with the format
          described in ./cache_evaluation/format_generation_eval.md
      public_image_url_prefix: image url prefix for the publicly accessible
          images. AMTurkers should be able to access images with this url prefix
          (see details in README.md, AMT section)
      AMT_csv_path: path for the generated csv file.
      num_refexp_group: the number of referring expressions that we plan to
          group as one HIT for AMT. default=5 (highly recommended, otherwise 
          need to change AMT_interface)
      flag_generate_images: if set true, will generate images for AMT
      coco_image_dir: directory that coco images can be found, e.g. 
      local_image_dir: directory to save the images locally.
        # Load predicted results
        print 'Loading predicted result file for the generation task.'
        with open(pred_results_path) as fin:
            self.pred_results = json.load(fin)
        assert len(self.pred_results) % num_refexp_group == 0, (
            'The number of '
            'generated sentences should be a multiple of num of images in the'
            'AMT group (i.e. %d)' % num_refexp_group)

        # Generate csv file for AMT
        pred_ann_ids = self._generate_AMT_csv_file(

        # Generate images for AMT if necessary
        if flag_generate_images:
            assert coco_image_dir, 'Missing the directory of original coco image'
            assert local_image_dir, 'Missing the local directory for storing images'

    def parse_AMT_results(self, csv_download_path, num_refexp_group=5):
        """Parse the AMT results from the downloaded csv file.
      csv_download_path: the path of the downloaded csv result file from AMT.
      num_refexp_group: the number of the refexp grouped in a HIT.
      A tuple with two numbers. They represent the ratio of the generated 
      referring expressions are considered to be better and similar 
        num_better = 0
        num_similar = 0
        num_row = 0
        with open(csv_download_path) as fin:
            reader = csv.DictReader(fin)
            for row in reader:
                for ind in xrange(num_refexp_group):
                    key = 'Answer.choice_%d' % ind
                    if row[key] == 'GEN':
                        num_better += 1
                    elif row[key] == 'similar':
                        num_similar += 1
                num_row += 1
        ratio_better = num_better / float(num_row * num_refexp_group)
        ratio_similar = num_similar / float(num_row * num_refexp_group)
            '%.4f of the generated referring expressions are considered to be '
            'better than humans (groundtruth)' % ratio_better)
            '%.4f of the generated referring expressions are considered to be '
            'similar to humans (groundtruth)' % ratio_similar)
        return (ratio_better, ratio_similar)

    def _generate_AMT_csv_file(self,
        """Private function to generate csv file for AMT."""
        print 'Start to generate csv file to upload to AMT'
        fieldnames_template = [
            'image_url_o_%d', 'image_url_mask_%d', 'descrip_type_%d_0',
            'descrip_type_%d_1', 'descrip_%d_0', 'descrip_%d_1'

        pred_ann_ids = []
        ind_cur = 0
        with open(AMT_csv_path, 'w') as fout:
            while ind_cur < len(self.pred_results):
                dct_row = {}
                fields_all = []
                for ind_group in xrange(num_refexp_group):
                    # check pred_result format
                    pred_elem = self.pred_results[ind_cur]
                    assert 'annotation_id' in pred_elem, 'Object annotation id missing!'
                    assert 'generated_refexp' in pred_elem, 'Generated refexp missing!'
                    pred_ann_id = pred_elem['annotation_id']
                    # load GT data
                    assert pred_ann_id in self.gt_ann_ids_set, (
                        'Cannot find object with'
                        'annotation id %d' % pred_ann_id)
                    gt_data = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(
                        ids=[pred_ann_id])[0]  # Need to check - change
                    gt_refexps = self.refexp_dataset.loadRefexps(
                        ids=gt_data['refexp_ids'])  # Need to check - change
                    # add fieldnames
                    for field_template in fieldnames_template:
                        fields_all.append(field_template % ind_group)
                    # add image urls
                    img_name = 'coco_%d.jpg' % gt_data['image_id']
                    img_mask_name = 'coco_%d_ann_%d_masked.jpg' % (
                        gt_data['image_id'], pred_ann_id)
                    dct_row['image_url_o_%d' %
                            ind_group] = public_image_url_prefix + img_name
                        'image_url_mask_%d' %
                        ind_group] = public_image_url_prefix + img_mask_name
                    # get refexp and type, shuffle them (refexp, type)
                    descrip_gen = (pred_elem['generated_refexp'], 'GEN')
                    descrip_gt = (' '.join(gt_refexps[0]['tokens']), 'GT'
                                  )  # Need to check - change
                    list_descrip = [descrip_gen, descrip_gt]
                    for ind in xrange(2):
                        dct_row['descrip_%d_%d' %
                                (ind_group, ind)] = list_descrip[ind][0]
                        dct_row['descrip_type_%d_%d' %
                                (ind_group, ind)] = list_descrip[ind][1]
                    ind_cur += 1

                # write row to csv files
                assert len(dct_row) == len(fields_all)
                if ind_cur == num_refexp_group:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(fout, fieldnames=fields_all)
            print 'Finished to generate the csv file'
        return pred_ann_ids

    def _generate_images_for_AMT(self,
        """Private function to generated images to upload to AMT."""
        assert coco_image_dir and local_image_dir
        assert os.path.isdir(coco_image_dir)
        if not os.path.isdir(local_image_dir):
            print 'Input local image directory does not exist, create it'

        print 'Start to generate images for AMT in local hard disk'
        image_ids_saved = set()
        for (ind, pred_ann_id) in enumerate(pred_ann_ids):
            gt_data = self.refexp_dataset.loadAnns(
                ids=[pred_ann_id])[0]  # Need to check - change
            img = self._read_image(coco_image_dir, gt_data)
            mask = self._load_mask(gt_data)
            masked_img = cu.apply_mask_to_image(img, mask)
            masked_img_path = os.path.join(
                 '_masked.jpg' % (gt_data['image_id'], pred_ann_id)))
            misc.imsave(masked_img_path, masked_img)
            if not gt_data['image_id'] in image_ids_saved:
                img_path = os.path.join(local_image_dir,
                                        'coco_%d.jpg' % gt_data['image_id'])
                misc.imsave(img_path, img)
            'Images generated in local hard disk, please make sure to make them '
            'publicly available online.')

    def _read_image(self, coco_image_dir, gt_data):
        """Private function to read an original coco image."""
        img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=gt_data['image_id'])[0]
        return misc.imread(os.path.join(coco_image_dir, img_coco['file_name']))

    def _load_mask(self, gt_data):
        """Private function to load the mask of a coco object."""
        img_coco = self.refexp_dataset.loadImgs(ids=gt_data['image_id'])[0]
        mask = Image.new('L', (img_coco['width'], img_coco['height']), 0)
        for seg in gt_data['segmentation']:
            ImageDraw.Draw(mask).polygon(seg, outline='white', fill='white')
        return numpy.asarray(mask)
Ejemplo n.º 13
from refexp import Refexp
import numpy as np
from utils.preprocessing import preprocess_captions, preprocess_image, repeat_imgs
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
import cPickle as pickle

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Specify datasets path.
    datasetDir = 'external/coco/'
    datasetType = 'train2014'

    # Create Refexp instance.
    refexp = Refexp(refexp_filename, coco_filename)

    # Get image ids of all images containing human beings
    categoryIds = refexp.getCatIds(catNms=['person'])
    imgIds = refexp.getImgIds(catIds=categoryIds)
    nImgsAvailable = len(imgIds)

    # Select 2 random images
    nImgsDesired = 2
    nImgs = min(nImgsDesired, nImgsAvailable)
    randImgIndices = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, nImgs), size=(nImgs, 1), replace=False)
    randImgIds = [imgIds[int(idx)] for idx in randImgIndices]

    coco_imgs = refexp.loadImgs(randImgIds)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def preprocess_refexp_images(stream_num,

    coco_filename = coco_dir + '/annotations/instances_train2014.json'
    refexp_filename = '../google_refexp_dataset_release/google_refexp_train_201511_coco_aligned.json'

    refexp = Refexp(refexp_filename, coco_filename)

    # choose categories/images
    catIds = refexp.getCatIds(catNms=category_names)
    imgIds = list(set(refexp.getImgIds(catIds=catIds)))
    annIds = refexp.getAnnIds(imgIds=imgIds)
    anns = refexp.loadAnns(ids=annIds)

    refIds = []
    bboxes = []
    refImgIds = []
    # get all refexp ids and bboxes and imageids in these annotations, except for captions with weird symbols
    for ann in anns:
        for ref_id in ann['refexp_ids']:
            if ref_id not in [
                    146, 400, 923, 21409, 35384, 38589, 46630, 47673, 65639,
                    70715, 82742

    # get caption sequences, with added start and stop tokens
    captions = [
        for ref_id in refIds
    caption_seqs = [[START_TOKEN] + text_to_word_sequence(c) + [STOP_TOKEN]
                    for c in captions]
    caption_lengths = [len(seq) for seq in caption_seqs]

    # filter out the long captions
    refImgIds = [
        img_id for i, img_id in enumerate(refImgIds)
        if caption_lengths[i] <= max_cap_len
    bboxes = [
        bbox for i, bbox in enumerate(bboxes)
        if caption_lengths[i] <= max_cap_len
    caption_seqs = [
        seq for i, seq in enumerate(caption_seqs)
        if caption_lengths[i] <= max_cap_len
    caption_lengths = [l for l in caption_lengths if l <= max_cap_len
                       ]  # do not move this before the other filter steps!
    total_num_partial_captions = sum(caption_lengths)

    # repeat image id and bounding box for each partial caption
    repeated_ids = [[img_id] * (l - 1)
                    for img_id, l in zip(refImgIds, caption_lengths)]
    image_ids = [img_id for rep_id in repeated_ids for img_id in rep_id]
    repeated_bboxes = [[bbox] * (l - 1)
                       for bbox, l in zip(bboxes, caption_lengths)]
    cap_bbox = [bbox for rep_bbox in repeated_bboxes for bbox in rep_bbox]

    partial_caps, next_words = partial_captions_and_next_words(
        caption_seqs, word_to_idx, max_cap_len
    )  #preprocess_captions(caption_seqs, word_to_idx, max_cap_len)

    print(len(image_ids), len(partial_caps), len(cap_bbox))
    assert (len(image_ids) == len(partial_caps))
    assert (len(image_ids) == len(cap_bbox))
    # Determine how many (partial caption, image) examples to take to obtain
    # `num_imgs_to_sample` total distinct images (including all partial captions)
    if num_caps_to_sample < total_num_images:
        number_of_items = 0
        for i, l in enumerate(caption_lengths):
            if i >= num_caps_to_sample:
            number_of_items += l
        print total_num_images, ' were requested, but only ', num_caps_to_sample, \
            ' are available in this category. Processing all images in the category...'
        number_of_items = len(partial_caps)

    X = [0, 0]
    # TODO: handle the case where you request indices out of range
    number_of_items = min(stream_size, total_num_partial_captions)
    item_range = range((stream_num - 1) * stream_size,
                       stream_num * stream_size)
    ids_and_bboxes = zip(image_ids, cap_bbox)
    X[0] = ids_and_bboxes[((stream_num - 1) * stream_size):(stream_num *
    X[1] = np.asarray(partial_caps[item_range])
    y = np.asarray(next_words)[item_range]
    out = X, y

    with open(out_file, 'w') as handle:
        pickle.dump(out, handle)