Ejemplo n.º 1
def spoof_rhr_data():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/reflex_takktile2/hand_state', Hand, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('spoof_reflex_hand', anonymous=True)
    r = rospy.Rate(50)

    hand = Hand()
    counter = 0.0
    cycle_period = 40.0

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        sine_signal = sin(counter / cycle_period)
        finger_angle = (1.4 * sine_signal) + 1.4
        preshape_angle = (-(pi / 4) * sine_signal) + pi / 4
        if (sine_signal > 0):
            contact = True
            contact = False
        scalar = (40 * sine_signal) + 40

        for i in range(3):
            hand.finger[i].proximal = finger_angle  # Proximal joints
            hand.finger[i].distal_approx = 0.25 * finger_angle  # Distal joints
            for j in range(9):
                hand.finger[i].contact[j] = contact  # Finger tactile contact
                hand.finger[i].pressure[j] = scalar  # Finger pressure scalar
        hand.motor[3].joint_angle = preshape_angle

        counter += 1
def spoof_rhr_data():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/reflex_hand', Hand, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('spoof_reflex_hand', anonymous=True)
    r = rospy.Rate(50)

    hand = Hand()
    counter = 0.0
    rate_of_cycle = 40.0

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        sine = sin(counter/rate_of_cycle)
        fing_ang = (1.4*sine) + 1.4
        pre_ang = (-(pi/4)*sine)+pi/4
        if (sine > 0):
            contact = True
            contact = False
        scalar = (200*sine) + 200

        for i in range(3):
            hand.finger[i].proximal = fing_ang       # Proximal joints
            hand.finger[i].distal = 0.5*fing_ang     # Distal joints
            for j in range(9):                  
                hand.finger[i].contact[j] = contact     # Finger tactile contact
                hand.finger[i].pressure[j] = scalar     # Finger pressure scalar
        hand.palm.preshape = pre_ang
        for i in range(6):
            hand.palm.contact[i] = contact
            hand.palm.pressure[i] = scalar

Ejemplo n.º 3
  def __init__ (self):

    super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

    # motion parameters
    self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05         # radians / 0.01 second
    self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15   # radians / 0.01 second
    # Mabel added, for more speedy guarded_move for fast data collection
    self.FINGER_STEP_HUGE = 0.35    # radians / 0.01 second. ~20 degrees
    self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0           # max opening (radians)
    #self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0           # max closure (radians)
    # Mabel changed based on empirical. More than 3.14 penetrates palm!
    self.TENDON_MAX = 2.8           # max closure (radians)
    self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0         # max opening (radians)
    # Copied to preshape_# joint <limit> tag in
    #   urdf/full_reflex_model.urdf.xacro
    self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6         # max closure (radians)

    self.hand = Hand ()
    topic = '/reflex_hand'
    rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
    rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
# Example code for a script using the ReFlex Takktile hand
# Note: you must connect a hand by running "roslaunch reflex reflex.launch" before you can run this script

from math import pi, cos

import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import Empty

from reflex_msgs.msg import Command
from reflex_msgs.msg import PoseCommand
from reflex_msgs.msg import VelocityCommand
from reflex_msgs.msg import ForceCommand
from reflex_msgs.msg import Hand

hand_state = Hand()

def main():

    # Services can automatically call hand calibration
    calibrate_fingers = rospy.ServiceProxy('/reflex_plus/calibrate_fingers',
    calibrate_tactile = rospy.ServiceProxy('/reflex_plus/calibrate_tactile',

    # Services can set tactile thresholds and enable tactile stops
    # enable_tactile_stops = rospy.ServiceProxy('/reflex_takktile2/enable_tactile_stops', Empty)
    # disable_tactile_stops = rospy.ServiceProxy('/reflex_takktile2/disable_tactile_stops', Empty)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def handCB(self, msg):
     self.sensor_values = Hand(msg.finger, msg.palm, msg.joints_publishing,
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def publish_reflex_hand_state (self):

    # If not initialized yet, that means no contacts yet. Just init all to 0s
    if not self.contacts:
      self.reset_contacts ()

    sim_hand_msg = Hand ()

    # Currently not used
    sim_hand_msg.palm = Palm ()

    # Joint data

    # Populate sim_hand_msg, by packaging all contacts since the last time this
    #   fn was called (caller should enforce calling this fn only every
    #   1/HERTZ seconds, so can publish /reflex_hand at HERTZ rate).

    # I don't have joints data right now. Not sure how to get it from Gazebo
    #   yet, probably can through ros controller or something
    # This is not too important for sim, because Gazebo sim automatically
    #   publishes tf, which is all I use. Hardware needs this, because otherwise
    #   software has no way of knowing.
    sim_hand_msg.joints_publishing = True

    success, preshape_1_pos = self.get_joint_pos ('preshape_1')
    success, proximal_1_pos = self.get_joint_pos ('proximal_joint_1')
    success, distal_1_pos   = self.get_joint_pos ('distal_joint_1')

    # Don't need preshape2, it should be enforced as negative of preshape1,
    #   `.` on real hand, there is only one joint.
    success, proximal_2_pos = self.get_joint_pos ('proximal_joint_2')
    success, distal_2_pos   = self.get_joint_pos ('distal_joint_2')

    success, proximal_3_pos = self.get_joint_pos ('proximal_joint_3')
    success, distal_3_pos   = self.get_joint_pos ('distal_joint_3')

    # Populate msg
    if preshape_1_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.palm.preshape = preshape_1_pos [0]
    if proximal_1_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[0].proximal = proximal_1_pos [0]
    if distal_1_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[0].distal = distal_1_pos [0]
    if proximal_2_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[1].proximal = proximal_2_pos [0]
    if distal_2_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[1].distal = distal_2_pos [0]
    if proximal_3_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[2].proximal = proximal_3_pos [0]
    if distal_3_pos:
      sim_hand_msg.finger[2].distal = distal_3_pos [0]

    # Tactile data

    # True to indicate tactile values are accurate. For simulation, it's always
    #   accurate, `.` no zeroing is required.
    sim_hand_msg.tactile_publishing = True

    for i in range (0, len (self.contacts)):

      for j in range (0, len (self.contacts [i])):

        # If got a contact from this sensor, set to true, else false.
        if self.contacts [i] [j]:
          #sim_hand_msg.finger [i].contact.append (True)
          sim_hand_msg.finger [i].contact [j] = True
          sim_hand_msg.finger [i].pressure [j] = self.PRESSED

          #print ('Finger %d sensor %d set to True' % (i+1, j+1))

          #sim_hand_msg.finger [i].contact.append (False)
          sim_hand_msg.finger [i].contact [j] = False
          sim_hand_msg.finger [i].pressure [j] = 0.0

    # Debug: print first /reflex_hand msg
    #print (sim_hand_msg)

    # Publish msg

    # Publish 10 times, `.` UDP drops packages
    for i in range (0, 10):
      self.sim_hand_pub.publish (sim_hand_msg)

    #print ('Published /reflex_hand msg')

    # Restart a time segment, after having published this one
    self.restart_timer = True
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        super(ReFlex, self).__init__()

        # basic commands
        self.BASE_FINGER_COMMANDS = [
            'goto', 'guarded_move', 'guarded_move_fast', 'solid_contact',
            'solid_fingertips_contact', 'avoid_contact', 'maintain_contact',
            'dither', 'hold'
        self.FINGER_MAP = {'f1': 0, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2}

        # motion parameters
        self.FINGER_STEP = 0.05  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.FINGER_STEP_LARGE = 0.15  # radians / 0.01 second
        self.TENDON_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.TENDON_MAX = 4.0  # max closure (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MIN = 0.0  # max opening (radians)
        self.PRESHAPE_MAX = 1.6  # max closure (radians)

        # control loop logic parameters for safety checking
        self.ARRIVAL_ERROR = 0.05  #  error at which controller considers
        # position control finished
        self.BLOCKED_ERROR = 0.05  #  if the finger hasn't moved this far
        # in hand_hist steps, it's blocked
        self.BLOCKED_TIME = 0.3  #  seconds before checking for blockage
        # it's necessary to wait, otherwise the
        # finger will interpret the time spenthttp://answers.ros.org/question/197109/how-does-mavros-rc-override-work/?answer=200242#post-id-200242
        # still before movement as blocked

        # Initialize logic variables
        self.control_mode = ['goto', 'goto',
                             'goto']  # control mode for each finger
        self.working = [
            False, False, False
        ]  # completion criteria (service returns when all false)
        self.call_time = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
                          -1.0]  # used to track when commands are called
        self.cmd_spool = np.array(
            [-1.0, -1.0,
             -1.0])  # finger commanded position, radians spool rotation
        self.cmd_spool_old = deepcopy(
        )  # Previous cmd position. If current cmd position matches, give no command
        self.target_spool = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Set up publishers
        self.actuator_pub = rospy.Publisher('/set_reflex_hand',

        # Subscribe to sensor information
        self.hand_publishing = True
        self.hand = Hand()
        self.hand_hist = [
        ]  # history of incoming hand data, bounded in __hand_callback
        self.HISTORY_LENGTH = 15  # how many snapshots of old data to keep for checking motor stall, etc
        self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME = 5  # time (seconds) that code will wait for a subscription
        self.state_debugger = StateDebugger()

        topic = '/reflex_hand'
        rospy.loginfo('ReFlex class is subscribing to topic %s', topic)
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Hand, self.__hand_callback)
        time_waiting = 0.0
        while len(self.hand_hist) < 2\
              and time_waiting < self.SUBSCRIBE_TIME\
              and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            time_waiting += 0.01
        self.hand_publishing = did_subscribe_succeed(time_waiting, topic)
        if not self.hand_publishing:
                '\tCheck that your hand is plugged in to power and the ethernet port'

        rospy.loginfo('Reflex class is initialized')