Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_clock_groups(top):

    # default empty assignment
    if "groups" not in top['clocks']:
        top['clocks']['groups'] = []

    error = 0
    for group in top['clocks']['groups']:
        error = check_keys(group, clock_groups_required, clock_groups_optional,
                           clock_groups_added, "Clock Groups")

        # Check sw_cg values are valid
        if group['sw_cg'] not in ['yes', 'no', 'hint']:
            log.error("Incorrect attribute for sw_cg: {}".format(
            error += 1

        # Check combination of src and sw are valid
        if group['src'] == 'yes' and group['sw_cg'] != 'no':
            log.error("Invalid combination of src and sw_cg: {} and {}".format(
                group['src'], group['sw_cg']))
            error += 1

        # Check combination of sw_cg and unique are valid
        unique = group['unique'] if 'unique' in group else 'no'
        if group['sw_cg'] == 'no' and unique != 'no':
                "Incorrect attribute combination.  When sw_cg is no, unique must be no"
            error += 1

        if error:

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_pad(top: Dict, pad: Dict, known_pad_names: Dict,
              valid_connections: List[str], prefix: str) -> int:
    error = 0
    error += check_keys(pad, pad_required, pad_optional, pad_added, prefix)

    # check name uniqueness
    if pad['name'] in known_pad_names:
        log.warning('Pad name {} is not unique'.format(pad['name']))
        error += 1
    known_pad_names[pad['name']] = 1

    if not is_valid_pad_type(pad['type']):
        log.warning('Unkown pad type {}'.format(pad['type']))
        error += 1

    if pad['bank'] not in top['pinout']['banks']:
        log.warning('Unkown io power bank {}'.format(pad['bank']))
        error += 1

    if pad['connection'] not in valid_connections:
        log.warning('Connection type {} of pad {} is invalid'.format(
            pad['connection'], pad['name']))
        error += 1

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 3
def validate_top(top, ipobjs, xbarobjs):
    # return as it is for now
    error = check_keys(top, top_required, top_optional, top_added, "top")

    if error != 0:
        log.error("Top HJSON has top level errors. Aborting")
        return top, error

    component = top['name']

    # MODULE check
    err, ip_idxs = check_target(top, ipobjs, Target(TargetType.MODULE))
    error += err

    # XBAR check
    err, xbar_idxs = check_target(top, xbarobjs, Target(TargetType.XBAR))
    error += err

    # MEMORY check
    error += check_flash(top)

    # Power domain check
    error += check_power_domains(top)

    # Clock / Reset check
    error += check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs)

    # Clock group check
    error += check_clock_groups(top)

    # RV_PLIC check

    # PINMUX & PADS check
    if "padctrl" not in top:
        log.warning("padsctrl field doesn't exist in top. Skipping pads \
                     generation. Top input/output are directly connected from \
    # Pads configuration check
        error += check_padctrl(top, component)

    if "pinmux" not in top:
        log.warning("Top {} has no 'pinmux' field. Please consider specifying \
                        pinmux and pads configuration")
        top["pinmux"] = OrderedDict()
    # checking pinmux after pads as dio connects to PAD

    error += check_pinmux(top, component)

    return top, error
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs):

    # check clock fields are all there
    for src in top['clocks']['srcs']:
        check_keys(src, clock_srcs_required, {}, {}, "Clock source")

    # all defined clock/reset nets
    reset_nets = [reset['name'] for reset in top['resets']]
    clock_srcs = [clock['name'] for clock in top['clocks']['srcs']]
    error = 0

    # Check clock/reset port connection for all IPs
    for ipcfg in top['module']:
        ipcfg_name = ipcfg['name'].lower()
        log.info("Checking clock/resets for %s" % ipcfg_name)
        error += validate_reset(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], reset_nets)
        error += validate_clock(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], clock_srcs)

        if error:
            log.error("module clock/reset checking failed")

    # Check clock/reset port connection for all xbars
    for xbarcfg in top['xbar']:
        xbarcfg_name = xbarcfg['name'].lower()
        log.info("Checking clock/resets for xbar %s" % xbarcfg_name)
        error += validate_reset(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
                                reset_nets, "xbar")
        error += validate_clock(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
                                clock_srcs, "xbar")

        if error:
            log.error("xbar clock/reset checking failed")

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 5
def check_flash(top):
    error = 0

    for mem in top['memory']:
        if mem['type'] == "eflash":
            error = check_keys(mem, eflash_required, eflash_optional,
                               eflash_added, "Eflash")

    flash = Flash(mem)
    error += 1 if not flash.check_values() else 0

    if error:
        log.error("Flash check failed")

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 6
def validate_top(top, ipobjs, xbarobjs):
    # return as it is for now
    error = check_keys(top, top_required, top_optional, top_added, "top")

    if error != 0:
        log.error("Top HJSON has top level errors. Aborting")
        return top, error

    component = top['name']

    # Check module instantiations
    error += check_modules(top, component)

    # MODULE  check
    err, ip_idxs = check_target(top, ipobjs, Target(TargetType.MODULE))
    error += err

    # XBAR check
    err, xbar_idxs = check_target(top, xbarobjs, Target(TargetType.XBAR))
    error += err

    # MEMORY check
    error += check_flash(top)

    # Power domain check
    error += check_power_domains(top)

    # Clock / Reset check
    error += check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs)

    # Clock group check
    error += check_clock_groups(top)

    # RV_PLIC check

    # Pinout, pinmux and target checks
    # Note that these checks must happen in this order, as
    # the pinmux and target configs depend on the pinout.
    error += check_pinout(top, component)
    error += check_pinmux(top, component)
    error += check_implementation_targets(top, component)

    return top, error
Ejemplo n.º 7
def validate_reset(top, inst, reset_nets, prefix=""):
    # Gather inst port list
    error = 0

    # Handle either an IpBlock (generated by reggen) or an OrderedDict
    # (generated by topgen for a crossbar)
    if isinstance(inst, IpBlock):
        name = inst.name
        reset_signals = inst.clocking.reset_signals()
        name = inst['name']
        reset_signals = ([inst.get('reset_primary', 'rst_ni')] +
                         inst.get('other_reset_list', []))

    log.info("%s %s resets are %s" % (prefix, name, reset_signals))

    # Check if reset connections are properly formatted
    # There are two options
    # The reset connection for a particular port must be a str
    # The reset connection for a paritcular port must be a dict
    # If value is a string, the module can only have ONE domain
    # If value is a dict, it must have the keys name / domain, and the
    # value of domain must match that defined for the module.
    for port, reset in top["reset_connections"].items():
        if isinstance(reset, str):
            top["reset_connections"][port] = {}
            top["reset_connections"][port]['name'] = reset

            if len(top["domain"]) > 1:
                raise ValueError(f"{top['name']} reset connection {reset} "
                                 "has no assigned domain")
                top["reset_connections"][port]['domain'] = top["domain"][0]

        if isinstance(reset, dict):
            error += check_keys(reset, reset_connection_required,
                                'dict structure for reset connections')

            if reset['domain'] not in top["domain"]:
                error += 1
                    f"domain {reset['domain']} defined for reset {reset['name']} "
                    f"is not a domain of {top['name']}")

    # Check if the reset connections are fully populated
    if len(top['reset_connections']) != len(reset_signals):
        error += 1
        log.error("%s %s mismatched number of reset ports and nets" %
                  (prefix, name))

    missing_port = [
        port for port in top['reset_connections'].keys()
        if port not in reset_signals

    if missing_port:
        error += 1
        log.error("%s %s Following reset ports do not exist:" % (prefix, name))
        [log.error("%s" % port) for port in missing_port]

    missing_net = [
        net['name'] for net in top['reset_connections'].values()
        if net['name'] not in reset_nets

    if missing_net:
        error += 1
        log.error("%s %s Following reset nets do not exist:" % (prefix, name))
        [log.error("%s" % net) for net in missing_net]

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_implementation_targets(top: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
    error = 0
    known_names = {}
    for target in top['targets']:
        error += check_keys(target, target_required, target_optional,
                            target_added, prefix + ' Targets')

        # check name uniqueness
        if target['name'] in known_names:
            log.warning('Target name {} is not unique'.format(target['name']))
            error += 1
        known_names[target['name']] = 1

        error += check_keys(target['pinmux'], target_pinmux_required,
                            target_pinmux_optional, target_pinmux_added,
                            prefix + ' Target pinmux')

        error += check_keys(target['pinout'], target_pinout_required,
                            target_pinout_optional, target_pinout_added,
                            prefix + ' Target pinout')

        # Check special pad signals
        known_entry_names = {}
        for entry in target['pinmux']['special_signals']:
            error += check_keys(entry, special_sig_required,
                                special_sig_optional, special_sig_added,
                                prefix + ' Special signal')

            # check name uniqueness
            if entry['name'] in known_entry_names:
                log.warning('Special pad name {} is not unique'.format(
                error += 1
            known_entry_names[entry['name']] = 1

            # The pad key needs to refer to a valid pad name.
            is_muxed = False
            for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
                if entry['pad'] == pad['name']:
                    is_muxed = pad['connection'] == 'muxed'
                log.warning('Unknown pad {}'.format(entry['pad']))
                error += 1

            if not is_muxed:
                # If this is not a muxed pad, we need to make sure this refers to
                # DIO that is NOT a manual pad.
                for sig in top['pinmux']['signals']:
                    if entry['pad'] == sig['pad']:
                        'Special pad {} cannot refer to a manual pad'.format(
                    error += 1

        # Check pads to remove and stub out
        for entry in target['pinout']['remove_pads']:
            # The pad key needs to refer to a valid pad name.
            for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
                if entry == pad['name']:
                log.warning('Unknown pad {}'.format(entry))
                error += 1

        # Check pads to add
        known_pad_names = {}
        for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
            known_pad_names.update({pad['name']: 1})

        for pad in target['pinout']['add_pads']:
            error += check_pad(top, pad, known_pad_names, ['manual'],
                               prefix + ' Additional Pad')

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 9
def check_pinmux(top: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
    error = check_keys(top['pinmux'], pinmux_required, pinmux_optional,
                       pinmux_added, prefix + ' Pinmux')

    # This is used for the direct connection accounting below,
    # where we tick off already connected direct pads.
    known_direct_pads = {}
    direct_pad_attr = {}
    for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
        if pad['connection'] == 'direct':
            known_direct_pads[pad['name']] = 1
            direct_pad_attr[pad['name']] = pad['type']

    # Note: the actual signal crosscheck is deferred until the merge stage,
    # since we have no idea at this point which IOs comportable IPs expose.
    for sig in top['pinmux']['signals']:
        error += check_keys(sig, pinmux_sig_required, pinmux_sig_optional,
                            pinmux_sig_added, prefix + ' Pinmux signal')

        if sig['connection'] not in ['direct', 'manual', 'muxed']:
            log.warning('Invalid connection type {}'.format(sig['connection']))
            error += 1

        # The pad needs to refer to a valid pad name in the pinout that is of
        # connection type "direct". We tick off all direct pads that have been
        # referenced in order to make sure there are no double connections
        # and unconnected direct pads.
        padname = sig.setdefault('pad', '')
        if padname != '':
            if padname in known_direct_pads:
                if known_direct_pads[padname] == 1:
                    known_direct_pads[padname] = 0
                    padattr = direct_pad_attr[padname]
                        'Warning, direct pad {} is already connected'.format(
                    error += 1
                log.warning('Unknown direct pad {}'.format(padname))
                error += 1

        # Check port naming scheme.
        port = sig.setdefault('port', '')
        pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\[[0-9]*\]){0,1}'
        matches = re.match(pattern, port)
        if matches is None:
            log.warning('Port name {} has wrong format'.format(port))
            error += 1

        # Check that only direct connections have pad keys
        if sig['connection'] == 'direct':
            if sig.setdefault('attr', '') != '':
                    'Direct connection of instance {} port {} '
                    'must not have an associated pad attribute field'.format(
                        sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1
            # Since the signal is directly connected, we can automatically infer
            # the pad type needed to instantiate the correct attribute CSR WARL
            # module inside the pinmux.
            sig['attr'] = padattr

            if padname == '':
                    'Instance {} port {} connection is of direct type '
                    'and therefore must have an associated pad name.'.format(
                        sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1
            if port == '':
                    'Instance {} port {} connection is of direct type '
                    'and therefore must have an associated port name.'.format(
                        sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1
        elif sig['connection'] == 'muxed':
            # Muxed signals do not have a corresponding pad and attribute CSR,
            # since they first go through the pinmux matrix.
            if sig.setdefault('attr', '') != '':
                    'Muxed connection of instance {} port {} '
                    'must not have an associated pad attribute field'.format(
                        sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1
            if padname != '':
                log.warning('Muxed connection of instance {} port {} '
                            'must not have an associated pad'.format(
                                sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1
        elif sig['connection'] == 'manual':
            # This pad attr key is only allowed in the manual case,
            # as there is no way to infer the pad type automatically.
            sig.setdefault('attr', 'BidirStd')
            if padname != '':
                log.warning('Manual connection of instance {} port {} '
                            'must not have an associated pad'.format(
                                sig['instance'], sig['port']))
                error += 1

    # At this point, all direct pads should have been ticked off.
    for key, val in known_direct_pads.items():
        if val == 1:
            log.warning('Direct pad {} has not been connected'.format(key))
            error += 1

    return error
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_padctrl(top, prefix):
    error = check_keys(top["padctrl"], padctrl_required, padctrl_optional,
                       padctrl_added, prefix + " PadControl")
    return error
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs):

    error = 0

    # there should only be one each of pwrmgr/clkmgr/rstmgr
    pwrmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'pwrmgr']
    clkmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'clkmgr']
    rstmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'rstmgr']

    if len(pwrmgrs) == 1 * len(clkmgrs) == 1 * len(rstmgrs) != 1:
        log.error("Incorrect number of pwrmgr/clkmgr/rstmgr")
        error += 1

    # check clock fields are all there
    ext_srcs = []
    for src in top['clocks']['srcs']:
        check_keys(src, clock_srcs_required, clock_srcs_optional, {},
                   "Clock source")

    # check derived clock sources
    log.info("Collected clocks are {}".format(ext_srcs))
    for src in top['clocks']['derived_srcs']:
        check_keys(src, derived_clock_srcs_required, {}, {}, "Derived clocks")
        except Exception:
            error += 1
            log.error("{} is not a valid src for {}".format(
                src['src'], src['name']))

    # all defined clock/reset nets
    reset_nets = [reset['name'] for reset in top['resets']['nodes']]
    clock_srcs = [
        for clock in top['clocks']['srcs'] + top['clocks']['derived_srcs']

    # Check clock/reset port connection for all IPs
    for ipcfg in top['module']:
        ipcfg_name = ipcfg['name'].lower()
        log.info("Checking clock/resets for %s" % ipcfg_name)
        error += validate_reset(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], reset_nets)
        error += validate_clock(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], clock_srcs)

        if error:
            log.error("module clock/reset checking failed")

    # Check clock/reset port connection for all xbars
    for xbarcfg in top['xbar']:
        xbarcfg_name = xbarcfg['name'].lower()
        log.info("Checking clock/resets for xbar %s" % xbarcfg_name)
        error += validate_reset(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
                                reset_nets, "xbar")
        error += validate_clock(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
                                clock_srcs, "xbar")

        if error:
            log.error("xbar clock/reset checking failed")

    return error