Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        self.x = x_init
        self.bounds = env.bounds
        self.u_max = env.get_u_max()
        self.min_dist = min_dist
        self.nfourier = nfourier
        self.t_horizon = t_horizon
        self.nagents = x_init.shape[0]
        self.tp_rate = env.tp_rate
        self.fp_rate = env.fp_rate
        self.u = [np.zeros((2, t_horizon)) for i in range(self.nagents)]

        K1, K2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nfourier),
        self.k1 = K1.flatten() * np.pi
        self.k2 = K2.flatten() * np.pi

        self.hk = np.ones(self.k1.shape[0])
        self.hk[self.k1 != 0] *= np.sqrt(.5)
        self.hk[self.k2 != 0] *= np.sqrt(.5)

        s = (2 + 1) / 2
        self.Lambdak = (1 + np.square(self.k1) + np.square(self.k2))**(-s)

        self.t_history = t_history
        self.ck_history_cum = []

        r = env.target_r + env.view_r
        npix = int(np.ceil(r / env.grid_dx) * 2 + 1)
        reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(npix, npix),
                                radius=r / env.grid_dx)
        self.footprint_mask = reg.to_mask(mode='exact').data

        self.image1 = None
        self.image2 = None
        self.lines = None

        # self.change_paramt0 = 5
        # self.change_param = .01

        self.change_paramt0 = .1
        self.change_param = .01

        self.mode = mode
        self.gui = gui
Ejemplo n.º 2
def makeMask(xs, ys, radius, cenx, ceny):
    shape = (xs, ys)
    fin_mask = np.zeros(shape)
    for i in np.arange(len(cenx)):
        if radius[i] > 5:
            radius[i] = 6
        center = PixCoord(cenx[i], ceny[i])
        circle = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius[i] - 1)
        mask = circle.to_mask()
        newmask = mask.to_image(shape)
        fin_mask += newmask
    fin_mask[fin_mask > 1] = 1
    return fin_mask
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def find_regions(self):
        """Find reflected regions."""
        curr_angle = self._angle + self._min_ang + self.min_distance_input
        reflected_regions = []
        while curr_angle < self._max_angle:
            test_pos = self._compute_xy(self._pix_center, self._offset, curr_angle)
            test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, self._pix_region.radius)
            if not self._is_inside_exclusion(test_reg, self._distance_image):
                refl_region = test_reg.to_sky(self.exclusion_mask.wcs)
                log.debug('Placing reflected region\n{}'.format(refl_region))
                curr_angle = curr_angle + self._min_ang
                curr_angle = curr_angle + self.angle_increment

        log.info('Found {} reflected regions'.format(len(reflected_regions)))
        self.reflected_regions = reflected_regions
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_regions_pixel(self):
        from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

        # Out-of-bounds should still overlay the overlapped part.
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)
        self.imviz.load_static_regions({'my_reg': my_reg})
        assert self.imviz.get_interactive_regions() == {}
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_regions_fully_out_of_bounds(self):
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=100, y=100), radius=5)
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='failed to load, skipping'):
            bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions(
                {'my_oob_reg': my_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 1

        # BUG: https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/issues/2275
        self.verify_region_loaded('my_oob_reg', count=1)  # Should be: count=0
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def find_regions(self):
        """Find reflected regions."""
        curr_angle = self._angle + self._min_ang + self.min_distance_input
        reflected_regions = []
        while curr_angle < self._max_angle:
            test_pos = self._compute_xy(self._pix_center, self._offset, curr_angle)
            test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, self._pix_region.radius)
            if not self._is_inside_exclusion(test_reg, self._distance_image):
                refl_region = test_reg.to_sky(self.reference_map.geom.wcs)
                log.debug("Placing reflected region\n{}".format(refl_region))
                curr_angle = curr_angle + self._min_ang
                if self.max_region_number <= len(reflected_regions):
                curr_angle = curr_angle + self.angle_increment

        log.debug("Found {} reflected regions".format(len(reflected_regions)))
        self.reflected_regions = reflected_regions
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_region_mask():
    mask = SkyImage.empty(nxpix=5, nypix=4)

    # Test with a pixel region
    region = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=2, y=1), radius=1.1)
    actual = mask.region_mask(region)
    expected = [
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    assert_equal(actual.data, expected)

    # Test with a sky region
    # Output is the same in this case, because the sky region
    # represents roughly the same region as the pixel region
    sky_region = region.to_sky(wcs=mask.wcs)
    actual = mask.region_mask(sky_region)
    assert_equal(actual.data, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_region_mask():
    mask = SkyImage.empty(nxpix=5, nypix=4)

    # Test with a pixel region
    region = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=2, y=1), radius=1.1)
    actual = mask.region_mask(region)
    expected = [
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    assert_equal(actual.data, expected)

    # Test with a sky region
    # Output is the same in this case, because the sky region
    # represents roughly the same region as the pixel region
    sky_region = region.to_sky(wcs=mask.wcs)
    actual = mask.region_mask(sky_region)
    assert_equal(actual.data, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_wcslink_affine_with_extras(self):
        from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)
        links = self.imviz.app.data_collection.external_links
        assert len(links) == 1
        assert isinstance(links[0], OffsetLink)

        # Customize display on second image (last loaded).
        self.imviz.stretch = 'sqrt'
        self.imviz.cuts = (0, 100)

        # Add subsets, both interactive and static.
        self.imviz._apply_interactive_region('bqplot:circle', (1.5, 2.5), (3.6, 4.6))
            'my_reg': CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)})

        # Add markers.
        tbl = Table({'x': (0, 0), 'y': (0, 1)})
        self.imviz.add_markers(tbl, marker_name='xy_markers')
        assert 'xy_markers' in self.imviz.app.data_collection.labels

        # Run linking again, does not matter what kind.
        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)

        # Ensure display is still customized.
        assert self.viewer.state.layers[1].cmap.name == 'viridis'
        assert self.viewer.state.layers[1].stretch == 'sqrt'
        assert_allclose((self.viewer.state.layers[1].v_min, self.viewer.state.layers[1].v_max),
                        (0, 100))

        # Ensure subsets are still there.
        assert 'Subset 1' in self.imviz.get_interactive_regions()
        assert 'my_reg' in [layer.layer.label for layer in self.viewer.state.layers]

        # Ensure markers are deleted.
        # Zoom and pan will reset in this case, so we do not check those.
        assert 'xy_markers' not in self.imviz.app.data_collection.labels
        assert len(self.imviz._marktags) == 0

        # Pan/zoom.
        self.imviz.center_on((5, 5))
        self.imviz.zoom_level = 0.789
        ans = (self.viewer.state.x_min, self.viewer.state.y_min,
               self.viewer.state.x_max, self.viewer.state.y_max)

        # Run linking again, does not matter what kind.
        self.imviz.link_data(link_type='wcs', wcs_fallback_scheme=None, error_on_fail=True)

        # Ensure pan/zoom does not change when markers are not present.
        assert_allclose((self.viewer.state.x_min, self.viewer.state.y_min,
                        self.viewer.state.x_max, self.viewer.state.y_max), ans)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def angle_in_circle(image_filename, position_of_star, rht_data, radius):
    """ Gets a star, draws a circle around it and returns the average rht angle and standard deviation in this circle. """

    ipoints, jpoints, hthets, naxis1, naxis2, wlen, smr, thresh, thets_deg = rht_data

    c = CirclePixelRegion(PixCoord(

    # Check which RHT data is in this region, these are the indices:
    indices = c.contains(PixCoord(ipoints, jpoints))
    # hthets[indices] are all the pixel angle distributions found in the circle

    # Loop through pixels:
    # We multiply by thets_deg to get angle distribution, then normalise by dividing by the sum of the distribution, and finally take the sum of all values to get the average angle.
    average_on_pixel = []
    for i, v in enumerate(hthets[indices]):
            (hthets[indices][i] * thets_deg / hthets[indices][i].sum()).sum())

    return np.mean(average_on_pixel), np.std(average_on_pixel)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_regions_pixel(self):
        # A little out-of-bounds should still overlay the overlapped part.
        my_reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=6, y=2), radius=5)
        bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions({'my_reg': my_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 0

        # Unsupported shape but a valid region
        my_pt_reg = PointPixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=1, y=1))
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='failed to load, skipping'):
            bad_regions = self.imviz.load_static_regions(
                {'my_pt_reg': my_pt_reg})
        assert len(bad_regions) == 1
        self.verify_region_loaded('my_pt_reg', count=0)

        assert self.imviz.get_interactive_regions() == {}
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pix_region(center=([49,49]), radius=5):
    Creat a region file, with pixel units
        center: The center of the region, with ([reg_x, reg_y]);
        radius: The radius of the region.
        A region which is ds9-like.
    center= PixCoord(x=center[0],y=center[1])
    region = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius)
    return region
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cutout(filename, position, size, circ):
    """ Cut out a square of size size at center position position of the filename filename. Returns: the cut out filename, so it can be used in other scripts. """

    # Load the image and the WCS
    hdu = fits.open(filename)[0]
    naxis = hdu.header['NAXIS']
    wcs = WCS(hdu.header, naxis=naxis)

    # Make the cutout, including the WCS
    cutout = Cutout2D(hdu.data, position=position, size=size, wcs=wcs)

    # Put the cutout image in the FITS HDU
    hdu.data = cutout.data

    # Update the FITS header with the cutout WCS

    # Choose whether you want a circle or a square
    if (circ):
        # Define a circle region and keep only data that is in that region
        circle_pix = CirclePixelRegion(
            PixCoord(len(cutout.data[:, 1]) // 2,
                     len(cutout.data[1, :]) // 2),
            radius=np.min(size) / 2)  # region object
        for i in range(len(cutout.data[:, 1])):
            for j in range(len(cutout.data[1, :])):
                if not PixCoord(i, j) in circle_pix:
                    cutout.data[i, j] = 'nan'

        # Write the cutout to a new FITS file
        cutout_filename = filename.split(
            '.')[0] + '_cutout_circ.' + filename.split('.')[1]
        hdu.writeto(cutout_filename, overwrite=True)

        print("Made circle cutout, output: " + cutout_filename)

        # Write the cutout to a new FITS file
        cutout_filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_cutout.' + filename.split(
        hdu.writeto(cutout_filename, overwrite=True)

        print("Made cutout, output: " + cutout_filename)

    # Return the output filename so we can use it in other scripts
    return cutout_filename
Ejemplo n.º 14
def pix_region(center=[49.0, 49.0], radius=5):
    Creat a region file, in pixel units.
            The center of the region, with [reg_x, reg_y].
            The radius of the region.
        A region which is ds9-like.
    center = PixCoord(x=center[0], y=center[1])
    region = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius)
    return region
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _detail_check(eph, polygon_pix, observation_coords, start_date, end_date, radius=0.0083, aggressive_check=False):
    # A more detailed check for polygon footprint matching.
    # This checks each location in the original ephemerides and confirms if an observation intersects it

    flag = False
    for row in eph:
        if aggressive_check:
            if ((row['datetime_jd'] - 2400000.5) > end_date) or ((row['datetime_jd'] - 2400000.5) < start_date):
                flag = False

        target_coords = PixCoord(row['RA'], row['DEC'])
        if radius is None or radius < 0 and observation_coords is not None:
            flag = target_coords in polygon_pix
            target_circle = CirclePixelRegion(center=target_coords, radius=radius)
            flag = (target_coords in polygon_pix) or (observation_coords in target_circle)

        if flag:

    return flag
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def write_ds9_region_file(self, region_file):
     """Write a ds9-format region file (image coordinates) of
        the stars within the photometry table.
     # TODO pick color based on Filter
     reg_color = 'red'
     pix_fmt   =  '.2f' # 0.01 pixels (for degrees use .6f)
     num_stars = len(self._phot_table)
     ap_radius = math.ceil(self._ap_fwhm_mult * self._search_fwhm)
     regions = []
     for x,y,id in zip(self._phot_table['xcenter'], 
         # There is no need to convert from python 0-based to FITS
         # 1-based as the region class(es) do this for us.
         xpos      = x
         ypos      = y
         meta_dict = {'name': id}
         vis_dict  = {'color': reg_color}
         cpr       = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(xpos, ypos), 
         regions.append( cpr )
     reg_str = ds9_objects_to_string(regions, 
     with open(region_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out:
     self._logger.debug(f'Wrote ds9-format region file to {region_file}')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def read_sextractor(infile=None):
    This function will read in a sectractor output and return a list of regions. Working notes:
    - how do the SexTractor coordinates work? the test files ones don't make sense for MIRI.
    - infile: the sextractor output file

    # sextractor files can be read in with astropy.io.ascii hurrah
    t = ascii.read(infile)

    # now format each line into a CirclePixelRegion object
    coord_list = []

    for i in range(len(t)):
        reg = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=t['X_IMAGE'][i],
                                radius=t['FWHM_IMAGE'][i] / 2.)

    return coord_list
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __call__(self, abs_sci_name):
        PCA-based background subtraction, for a single frame so as to parallelize job

        abs_sci_name: science array filename

        # start the timer
        start_time = time.time()

        # read in the science frame from raw data directory
        sciImg, header_sci = fits.getdata(abs_sci_name, 0, header=True)

        # apply mask over weird detector regions to science image
        sciImg = np.multiply(sciImg, make_first_pass_mask(self.quad_choice))

        ## mask the PSF

        # define region
        psf_loc = find_airy_psf(sciImg)  # center of science PSF
        print("PSF location in " + os.path.basename(abs_sci_name) + ": [" +
              str(psf_loc[0]) + ", " + str(psf_loc[1]) + "]")
        radius = 30.  # radius around PSF that will be masked
        center = PixCoord(x=psf_loc[1], y=psf_loc[0])
        region = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius)
        mask_psf_region = region.to_mask()

        # apply the mask to science array
        psf_mask = np.ones(np.shape(
            sciImg))  # initialize arrays of same size as science image
            mask_psf_region.data ==
            1] = np.nan  # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
        mask_psf_region.data[mask_psf_region.data == 0] = 1
        ##mask_psf_region.data[mask_psf_region.data == -99999] = 0 # have to avoid nans in the linear algebra
            slices] = mask_psf_region.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans

        # I don't know why, but the sciImg nans in weird detector regions become zeros by this point, and I want them to stay nans
        # so, re-apply the mask over the bad regions of the detector
        sciImg = np.multiply(sciImg, make_first_pass_mask(self.quad_choice))

        sciImg_masked = np.multiply(
            sciImg, psf_mask)  # this is now the masked science frame

        # subtract the median (just a constant) from the remaining science image
        sciImg_psf_masked = np.subtract(
            sciImg_masked, np.nanmedian(sciImg_masked))  # where PSF is masked
        sciImg_psf_not_masked = np.subtract(
            sciImg, np.nanmedian(sciImg_masked))  # where PSF is not masked

        # apply the PSF mask to PCA slices, with which we will do the fitting
        pca_cube_masked = np.multiply(self.pca_cube, psf_mask)

        ## PCA-decompose

        # flatten the science array and PCA cube
        pca_not_masked_1ds = np.reshape(
             np.shape(self.pca_cube)[1] * np.shape(self.pca_cube)[2]))
        sci_masked_1d = np.reshape(
            (np.shape(sciImg_masked)[0] * np.shape(sciImg_masked)[1]))
        pca_masked_1ds = np.reshape(
             np.shape(pca_cube_masked)[1] * np.shape(pca_cube_masked)[2]))

        ## remove nans from the linear algebra

        # indices of finite elements over a single flattened frame
        idx = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(pca_masked_1ds[0, :]),

        # reconstitute only the finite elements together in another PCA cube and a science image
        pca_masked_1ds_noNaN = np.nan * np.ones(
            (len(pca_masked_1ds[:, 0]), np.sum(idx))
        )  # initialize array with slices the length of number of finite elements
        for t in range(
                0, len(pca_masked_1ds[:, 0])
        ):  # for each PCA component, populate the arrays without nans with the finite elements
            pca_masked_1ds_noNaN[t, :] = pca_masked_1ds[t, idx]
        sci_masked_1d_noNaN = np.array(1, np.sum(idx))  # science frame
        sci_masked_1d_noNaN = sci_masked_1d[idx]

        # the vector of component amplitudes
        soln_vector = np.linalg.lstsq(pca_masked_1ds_noNaN[0:self.n_PCA, :].T,

        # reconstruct the background based on that vector
        # note that the PCA components WITHOUT masking of the PSF location is being
        # used to reconstruct the background
        recon_backgrnd_2d = np.dot(self.pca_cube[0:self.n_PCA, :, :].T,
        # now do the same, but for the channel bias variation contributions only (assumes 32 elements only)
        recon_backgrnd_2d_channels_only_no_psf_masking = np.dot(
            self.pca_cube[0:32, :, :].T,
            soln_vector[0][0:32]).T  # without PSF masking
        recon_backgrnd_2d_channels_only_psf_masked = np.dot(
            self.pca_cube[0:32, :, :].T,
            soln_vector[0][0:32]).T  # with PSF masking

        # do the actual subtraction:
        # all-background subtraction
        sciImg_subtracted = np.subtract(sciImg_psf_not_masked,
        # background subtraction of channels only:
        # without PSF masking
        #sciImg_subtracted_channels_only_no_psf_masking = np.subtract(sciImg_psf_not_masked,recon_backgrnd_2d_channels_only)
        # with PSF masking
        sciImg_subtracted_channels_only_psf_masked = np.subtract(
                        np.multiply(self.pca_cube, psf_mask)))

        # add last reduction step to header
        header_sci["RED_STEP"] = "pca_background_subtracted"

        # save reconstructed background for checking
        abs_recon_bkgd = str(self.config_data["data_dirs"]["DIR_OTHER_FITS"] +
                             'recon_bkgd_quad_' +
                             str("{:0>2d}".format(self.quad_choice)) +
                             '_PCAseqStart_' +
                             str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_start_framenum)) +
                             '_PCAseqStop_' +
                             str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_stop_framenum)) +
                             '_' + os.path.basename(abs_sci_name))

        # save masked science frame BEFORE background-subtraction
        abs_masked_sci_before_bkd_subt = str(
            self.config_data["data_dirs"]["DIR_OTHER_FITS"] +
            'masked_sci_before_bkd_subt_quad_' +
            str("{:0>2d}".format(self.quad_choice)) + '_PCAseqStart_' +
            str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_start_framenum)) + '_PCAseqStop_' +
            str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_stop_framenum)) +

        # save masked, background-subtracted science frame
        background_subtracted_masked = np.multiply(
            sciImg_subtracted, make_first_pass_mask(self.quad_choice))
        background_subtracted_masked = np.multiply(
            background_subtracted_masked, psf_mask)
        abs_masked_sci_after_bkd_subt = str(
            self.config_data["data_dirs"]["DIR_OTHER_FITS"] +
            'masked_sci_after_bkd_subt_quad_' +
            str("{:0>2d}".format(self.quad_choice)) + '_PCAseqStart_' +
            str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_start_framenum)) + '_PCAseqStop_' +
            str("{:0>6d}".format(self.cube_stop_framenum)) +

        # save background-subtracted science frame
        sciImg_subtracted_name = str(
            self.config_data["data_dirs"]["DIR_PCAB_SUBTED"] +
        print('Background-subtracted frame ' + os.path.basename(abs_sci_name) +
              ' written out. PCA = ' + str(self.n_PCA))

        ## make FYI plots of the effectiveness of the background subtraction
        # (N.b. the PSF and weird detector regions are masked here)

        print('Elapsed time:')
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
Ejemplo n.º 19
def clean_up_results(t_init, obj_name, id_type='smallbody', location=None, radius=0.0083):
    Function to clean up results. Will check if the target is inside the observation footprint.
    If a radius is provided, will also construct a circle and check if the observation center is in the target circle.

    t_init: atropy Table
        Initial astropy Table

    obj_name: str
        Object name. May require specific formatting (i.e. selecting between
       the codes for Jupiter and Jupiter barycenter). See JPL Horizons documentation

    id_type: str
        Object ID type for JPL Horizons. Defaults to smallbody (an asteroid or comet).
       Best to be as specific as possible to find the correct body.

       majorbody: planets and satellites
       smallbody: asteroids and comets
       asteroid_name: name of asteroid
       comet_name: name of comet
       name: any target name
       designation: any asteroid or comet designation

    location: str
        Default of None uses a geocentric location for queries.
       For specific spacecrafts, insert location

       TESS: @TESS
       Hubble: @hst
       Kepler: 500@-227

    radius : float
        Size of target for intersection calculations

    t: astropy Table
        Astropy Table with only those where the moving target was in the footprint

    t = t_init.copy()

    # Add mid-point time and sort by that first
    t['t_mid'] = (t['t_max'] + t['t_min'])/2 + 2400000.5

    # Ephemerides results are sorted by time, hence the initial sort
    print('Verifying footprints...')
    eph = Horizons(id=obj_name, location=location, id_type=id_type, epochs=t['t_mid']).ephemerides()

    # For each row in table, check s_region versus target position at mid-time
    check_list = []
    for i, row in enumerate(t):
        # print(row['t_mid'], eph['datetime_jd'][i], eph['RA'][i], eph['DEC'][i])

        # Create a polygon for the footprint and check if target is inside polygon
            stcs = parse_s_region(row['s_region'])
            xs = stcs['ra']
            ys = stcs['dec']
            polygon_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=PixCoord(x=xs, y=ys))
            target_coords = PixCoord(eph['RA'][i], eph['DEC'][i])
            if radius is None or radius <= 0:
                flag = target_coords in polygon_pix
                target_circle = CirclePixelRegion(center=target_coords, radius=radius)
                observation_coords = PixCoord(row['s_ra'], row['s_dec'])
                flag = (target_coords in polygon_pix) or (observation_coords in target_circle)
            # print(stcs, flag)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"ERROR checking footprint for {row['obs_id']} with: {e}"
                  f"\nAssuming False")
            flag = False


    # Set the flags
    t['in_footprint'] = check_list

    return t[t['in_footprint']]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def clean_up_results(t_init, obj_name, orig_eph=None, id_type='smallbody', location=None, radius=0.0083,
    Function to clean up results. Will check if the target is inside the observation footprint.
    If a radius is provided, will also construct a circle and check if the observation center is in the target circle.
    TODO: This is a buggy for several reasons:
          1- regions doesn't have intersection of polygons yet so valid observations are missed
          2- the mid point for observations like TESS can be days away from the target location
          3- the _detail_check function is effectively re-adding most of what it clears

    t_init: atropy Table
        Initial astropy Table

    obj_name: str
        Object name. May require specific formatting (i.e. selecting between
       the codes for Jupiter and Jupiter barycenter). See JPL Horizons documentation

    orig_eph: astropy Table
        Original ephemerides table

    id_type: str
        Object ID type for JPL Horizons. Defaults to smallbody (an asteroid or comet).
       Best to be as specific as possible to find the correct body.

       majorbody: planets and satellites
       smallbody: asteroids and comets
       asteroid_name: name of asteroid
       comet_name: name of comet
       name: any target name
       designation: any asteroid or comet designation

    location: str
        Default of None uses a geocentric location for queries.
       For specific spacecrafts, insert location

       TESS: @TESS
       Hubble: @hst
       Kepler: 500@-227

    radius: float
        Size of target for intersection calculations

    aggressive_check: bool
        Perform additional time checks; can remove valid observations (Default: False)

    t: astropy Table
        Astropy Table with only those where the moving target was in the footprint

    if len(t_init) == 0:
        return None

    if radius is not None and not isinstance(radius, float):
        radius = float(radius)

    t = t_init.copy()

    # Sort by mid point time
    t['t_mid'] = (t['t_max'] + t['t_min']) / 2 + 2400000.5

    # Ephemerides results are sorted by time, hence the initial sort
    print('Verifying footprints...')

    # Fix for TESS
    if location is not None and location.upper() == '@TESS':
        print('Restriction for TESS observations')
        threshold = 2456778.50000  # 2018-05-01
        ind = t['t_mid'] > threshold
        t = t[ind]

    eph = Horizons(id=obj_name, location=location, id_type=id_type, epochs=t['t_mid']).ephemerides()

    # For each row in table, check s_region versus target position at mid-time
    check_list = []
    for i, row in enumerate(t):
        # print(row['t_mid'], eph['datetime_jd'][i], eph['RA'][i], eph['DEC'][i])

        # Create a polygon for the footprint and check if target is inside polygon
            stcs = parse_s_region(row['s_region'])
            xs = stcs['ra']
            ys = stcs['dec']
            polygon_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=PixCoord(x=xs, y=ys))
            target_coords = PixCoord(eph['RA'][i], eph['DEC'][i])
            observation_coords = PixCoord(row['s_ra'], row['s_dec'])
            if radius is None or radius < 0:
                flag = target_coords in polygon_pix
                target_circle = CirclePixelRegion(center=target_coords, radius=radius)
                flag = (target_coords in polygon_pix) or (observation_coords in target_circle)
            if orig_eph is not None and not flag:
                flag = _detail_check(orig_eph, polygon_pix, observation_coords,
                                     start_date=row['t_min'], end_date=row['t_max'],
                                     radius=radius, aggressive_check=aggressive_check)
            # print(row['obs_id'], flag)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"ERROR checking footprint for {row['obs_id']} with: {e}"
                  f"\nAssuming False")
            flag = False


    # Set the flags
    t['in_footprint'] = check_list

    return t[t['in_footprint']]
Ejemplo n.º 21

# Using regions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import PixCoord, PolygonSkyRegion, PolygonPixelRegion, CirclePixelRegion

patch_xs = parse_s_region(stcs)['ra']
patch_ys = parse_s_region(stcs)['dec']
polygon_sky = PolygonSkyRegion(
    vertices=SkyCoord(patch_xs, patch_ys, unit='deg', frame='icrs'))

# Treating as pixels for simplicity (and since I have no WCS)
polygon_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=PixCoord(x=patch_xs, y=patch_ys))
PixCoord(eph['RA'][1], eph['DEC'][1]) in polygon_pix
radius = 0.0083
target_coords = PixCoord(eph['RA'][0], eph['DEC'][0])
target_circle = CirclePixelRegion(center=target_coords, radius=radius)
intersection = target_circle & polygon_pix
# intersection.area # not implemented yet

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
patch = polygon_pix.as_artist(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', lw=2)
plt.plot([eph['RA'][1]], [eph['DEC'][1]], 'ko')
plt.xlim(84.2, 81.4)
plt.ylim(41.2, 41.5)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def fftMask(sciImg, wavel_lambda, plateScale):
    # sciImg: this is actually the FFT image, not the science detector image
    # wavel_lambda: wavelenth of the observation
    # plateScale: plate scale of the detector (asec/pixel)

    # make division lines separating different parts of the PSF
    line_M1diam_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(8.25,
                                      np.shape(sciImg)[0], wavel_lambda,
    line_center2center_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(14.4,
                                             np.shape(sciImg)[0], wavel_lambda,
    line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(22.65,
                                         np.shape(sciImg)[0], wavel_lambda,

    # define circles
    circRad = 60  # pixels in FFT space
    circle_highFreqPerfect_L = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(
        x=line_center2center_pixOnFFT[0], y=0.5 * np.shape(sciImg)[0]),
    circle_highFreqPerfect_R = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(
        x=line_center2center_pixOnFFT[1], y=0.5 * np.shape(sciImg)[0]),
    circle_lowFreqPerfect = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(
        x=0.5 * np.shape(sciImg)[1], y=0.5 * np.shape(sciImg)[0]),

    # define central rectangular region that includes all three nodes
    rect_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(
            line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[0], line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[1],
            line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[1], line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[0]
                              line_M1diam_pixOnFFT[1], line_M1diam_pixOnFFT[1],
                              line_M1diam_pixOnFFT[0], line_M1diam_pixOnFFT[0]

    # make the masks
    mask_circHighFreq_L = circle_highFreqPerfect_L.to_mask()
    mask_circHighFreq_R = circle_highFreqPerfect_R.to_mask()
    mask_circLowFreq = circle_lowFreqPerfect.to_mask()
    mask_rect = rect_pix.to_mask()

    # apply the masks
    sciImg1 = np.copy(
        sciImg)  # initialize arrays of same size as science image
    sciImg2 = np.copy(sciImg)
    sciImg3 = np.copy(sciImg)
    sciImg4 = np.copy(sciImg)

    # region 1
    sciImg1.fill(np.nan)  # initialize arrays of nans
        mask_circHighFreq_L.data ==
        0] = np.nan  # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
        slices] = mask_circHighFreq_L.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg1 = np.multiply(
        sciImg)  # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask

    # region 2
    sciImg2.fill(np.nan)  # initialize arrays of nans
        mask_circHighFreq_R.data ==
        0] = np.nan  # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
        slices] = mask_circHighFreq_R.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg2 = np.multiply(
        sciImg)  # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask

    # region 3
    sciImg3.fill(np.nan)  # initialize arrays of nans
        mask_circLowFreq.data ==
        0] = np.nan  # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
        slices] = mask_circLowFreq.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg3 = np.multiply(
        sciImg)  # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask

    # region 4
    sciImg4.fill(np.nan)  # initialize arrays of nans
        mask_rect.data ==
        0] = np.nan  # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
        slices] = mask_rect.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg4 = np.multiply(
        sciImg)  # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask

    # return medians of regions under masks
    med_highFreqPerfect_L = np.nanmedian(sciImg1)
    med_highFreqPerfect_R = np.nanmedian(sciImg2)
    med_lowFreqPerfect = np.nanmedian(sciImg3)
    med_rect = np.nanmedian(sciImg4)

    # return normal vectors corresponding to [x,y,z] to surfaces (x- and y- components are of interest)
    normVec_highFreqPerfect_L = normalVector(sciImg1)
    normVec_highFreqPerfect_R = normalVector(sciImg2)
    normVec_lowFreqPerfect = normalVector(sciImg3)
    normVec_rect = normalVector(sciImg4)

    # generate images showing footprints of regions of interest
    # (comment this bit in/out as desired)
    plt.imshow(sciImg1, origin='lower')
    plt.imshow(sciImg2, origin='lower')
    plt.imshow(sciImg3, origin='lower')
    plt.imshow(sciImg4, origin='lower')
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    cax = ax.imshow(sciImg, origin="lower")
    ax.add_patch(circle_highFreqPerfect_L.as_patch(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue')) 
    ax.add_patch(circle_highFreqPerfect_R.as_patch(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue')) 
    ax.add_patch(circle_lowFreqPerfect.as_patch(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue')) 
    ax.add_patch(rect_pix.as_patch(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red')) 
    cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)

    dictFFTstuff = {}
    dictFFTstuff["med_highFreqPerfect_L"] = med_highFreqPerfect_L
    dictFFTstuff["med_highFreqPerfect_R"] = med_highFreqPerfect_R
    dictFFTstuff["med_lowFreqPerfect"] = med_lowFreqPerfect
    dictFFTstuff["med_rect"] = med_rect
    # note vectors are [a,b,c] corresponding to the eqn Z = a*X + b*Y + c
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_highFreqPerfect_L"] = normVec_highFreqPerfect_L
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_highFreqPerfect_R"] = normVec_highFreqPerfect_R
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_lowFreqPerfect"] = normVec_lowFreqPerfect
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_rect"] = normVec_rect

    return dictFFTstuff
if not only_fulldisk_images:

	if(PRINTER.input_text("Automatically find most-intense region? [y/n]") == "y"):
		PRINTER.info_text("Identifying region")
		px = np.argwhere(MAPCUBE[0].data == MAPCUBE[0].data.max()) * u.pixel

		if len(px) > 1:
			temp = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(np.array(px))
			px = [px[int(temp[0] + 0.5)]]


		center = PixCoord(x = 2048, y = 2048)
		radius = 1600
		region = CirclePixelRegion(center, radius)
		point = PixCoord(px[0][1], px[0][0])

		if not region.contains(point):
			PRINTER.info_text("Identified region is outside the solar disk")
			PRINTER.info_text("Defaulting to user selection...")
			INIT_COORD = cutout_selection(MAPCUBE)
			INIT_COORD = MAPCUBE[0].pixel_to_world(px[0][1], px[0][0])

		auto_sel = True
		INIT_COORD = cutout_selection(MAPCUBE)
		auto_sel = False
Ejemplo n.º 24
def fftMask(sciImg,wavel_lambda,plateScale,fyi_string=''):
    Take a FFT image, generate masks to select interesting areas of the FFT, and 
    return data about those areas (amplitudes, normal vectors, etc.)

    sciImg: this is actually the FFT image, not the science detector image
    wavel_lambda: wavelength of the observation
    plateScale: plate scale of the detector (asec/pixel)
    fyi_string: an FYI string that could be used for plots

    dictFFTstuff: dictionary with keys corresponding to different parts of the FFT

    # make division lines separating different parts of the PSF
    line_M1diam_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(D,np.shape(sciImg)[0],wavel_lambda,plateScale)
    line_center2center_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(B_c2c,np.shape(sciImg)[0],wavel_lambda,plateScale)
    line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT = findFFTloc(B_e2e,np.shape(sciImg)[0],wavel_lambda,plateScale)

    # define circles
    circRad = 60 # pixels in FFT space
    circle_highFreqPerfect_L = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=line_center2center_pixOnFFT[0], y=0.5*np.shape(sciImg)[0]), radius=circRad)
    circle_highFreqPerfect_R = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=line_center2center_pixOnFFT[1], y=0.5*np.shape(sciImg)[0]), radius=circRad)
    circle_lowFreqPerfect = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=0.5*np.shape(sciImg)[1], y=0.5*np.shape(sciImg)[0]), radius=circRad)

    # define central rectangular region that includes all three nodes
    rect_pix = PolygonPixelRegion(vertices=PixCoord(x=[line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[0],line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[1],line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[1],line_edge2edge_pixOnFFT[0]], 

    # make the masks
    mask_circHighFreq_L = circle_highFreqPerfect_L.to_mask()
    mask_circHighFreq_R = circle_highFreqPerfect_R.to_mask()
    mask_circLowFreq = circle_lowFreqPerfect.to_mask()
    mask_rect = rect_pix.to_mask()

    ## apply the masks

    # initialize arrays of same size as science image
    sciImg1 = np.copy(sciImg)
    sciImg2 = np.copy(sciImg)
    sciImg3 = np.copy(sciImg)
    sciImg4 = np.copy(sciImg)

    # region 1: high-freq lobe, left
    sciImg1.fill(np.nan) # initialize arrays of nans
    mask_circHighFreq_L.data[mask_circHighFreq_L.data == 0] = np.nan    # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
    sciImg1[mask_circHighFreq_L.bbox.slices] = mask_circHighFreq_L.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg1 = np.multiply(sciImg1,sciImg) # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask
    sciImg1 = sciImg1.filled(fill_value=np.nan) # turn all masked '--' elements to nans

    # region 2: high-freq lobe, right
    sciImg2.fill(np.nan) # initialize arrays of nans
    mask_circHighFreq_R.data[mask_circHighFreq_R.data == 0] = np.nan    # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
    sciImg2[mask_circHighFreq_R.bbox.slices] = mask_circHighFreq_R.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg2 = np.multiply(sciImg2,sciImg) # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask
    sciImg2 = sciImg2.filled(fill_value=np.nan) # turn all masked '--' elements to nans

    # region 3: low-freq lobe
    sciImg3.fill(np.nan) # initialize arrays of nans
    mask_circLowFreq.data[mask_circLowFreq.data == 0] = np.nan    # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
    sciImg3[mask_circLowFreq.bbox.slices] = mask_circLowFreq.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg3 = np.multiply(sciImg3,sciImg) # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask
    sciImg3 = sciImg3.filled(fill_value=np.nan) # turn all masked '--' elements to nans

    # region 4: rectangular region containing parts of all lobes
    sciImg4.fill(np.nan) # initialize arrays of nans
    mask_rect.data[mask_rect.data == 0] = np.nan    # make zeros within mask cutout (but not in the mask itself) nans
    sciImg4[mask_rect.bbox.slices] = mask_rect.data  # place the mask cutout (consisting only of 1s) onto the array of nans
    sciImg4 = np.multiply(sciImg4,sciImg) # 'transmit' the original science image through the mask
    sciImg4 = sciImg4.filled(fill_value=np.nan) # turn all masked '--' elements to nans

    # return medians of regions under masks
    med_highFreqPerfect_L = np.nanmedian(sciImg1)
    med_highFreqPerfect_R = np.nanmedian(sciImg2)
    med_lowFreqPerfect = np.nanmedian(sciImg3)
    med_rect = np.nanmedian(sciImg4)

    # return normal vectors corresponding to [x,y,z] to surfaces (x- and y- components are of interest)
    normVec_highFreqPerfect_L = normalVector(sciImg1)
    normVec_highFreqPerfect_R = normalVector(sciImg2)
    normVec_lowFreqPerfect = normalVector(sciImg3)
    normVec_rect = normalVector(sciImg4)

    # return stdev in each region
    std_highFreqPerfect_L = np.nanstd(sciImg1)
    std_highFreqPerfect_R = np.nanstd(sciImg2)
    std_lowFreqPerfect = np.nanstd(sciImg3)
    std_rect = np.nanstd(sciImg4)

    # generate images showing footprints of regions of interest
    # (comment this bit in/out as desired)

    # initialize dictionary to contain FFT data
    # N.b. all the info in this dictionary is EITHER for
    # the FFT amplitude OR the FFT phase, depending on what
    # the 'sciImg' is
    dictFFTstuff = {}

    # median of high-freq lobe on left side, within circular region centered around 
    # where a perfect high-freq lobe would be
    dictFFTstuff["med_highFreqPerfect_L"] = med_highFreqPerfect_L

    # median of right-side high-freq lobe
    dictFFTstuff["med_highFreqPerfect_R"] = med_highFreqPerfect_R

    # median of low-frequency lobe
    dictFFTstuff["med_lowFreqPerfect"] = med_lowFreqPerfect

    # median of rectangle that is drawn to contain both high- and low-freq lobes
    dictFFTstuff["med_rect"] = med_rect

    # stdev of the same regions
    dictFFTstuff["std_highFreqPerfect_L"] = std_highFreqPerfect_L

    # median of right-side high-freq lobe
    dictFFTstuff["std_highFreqPerfect_R"] = std_highFreqPerfect_R

    # median of low-frequency lobe
    dictFFTstuff["std_lowFreqPerfect"] = std_lowFreqPerfect

    # median of rectangle that is drawn to contain both high- and low-freq lobes
    dictFFTstuff["std_rect"] = std_rect

    # normal vectors to the high- and low- frequency 
    # note vectors are [a,b,c] corresponding to the eqn Z = a*X + b*Y + c
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_highFreqPerfect_L"] = normVec_highFreqPerfect_L
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_highFreqPerfect_R"] = normVec_highFreqPerfect_R
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_lowFreqPerfect"] = normVec_lowFreqPerfect
    dictFFTstuff["normVec_rect"] = normVec_rect

    return dictFFTstuff
Ejemplo n.º 25
"""Example how to plot pixel regions on an image without WCS.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
region = CirclePixelRegion(center=PixCoord(x=3, y=5), radius=3)

data = np.arange(10 * 15).reshape((10, 15))
ax.imshow(data, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
region.plot(ax=ax, color='red')
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def to_object(self, subset):
        Convert a glue Subset object to a astropy regions Region object.

        subset : `glue.core.subset.Subset`
            The subset to convert to a Region object
        data = subset.data

        if data.pixel_component_ids[0].axis == 0:
            x_pix_att = data.pixel_component_ids[1]
            y_pix_att = data.pixel_component_ids[0]
            x_pix_att = data.pixel_component_ids[0]
            y_pix_att = data.pixel_component_ids[1]

        subset_state = subset.subset_state

        if isinstance(subset_state, RoiSubsetState):

            roi = subset_state.roi
            if isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):
                xcen = 0.5 * (roi.xmin + roi.xmax)
                ycen = 0.5 * (roi.ymin + roi.ymax)
                width = roi.xmax - roi.xmin
                height = roi.ymax - roi.ymin
                return RectanglePixelRegion(PixCoord(xcen, ycen), width,
            elif isinstance(roi, PolygonalROI):
                return PolygonPixelRegion(PixCoord(roi.vx, roi.vy))
            elif isinstance(roi, CircularROI):
                return CirclePixelRegion(PixCoord(*roi.get_center()),
            elif isinstance(roi, EllipticalROI):
                return EllipsePixelRegion(PixCoord(roi.xc, roi.yc),
                                          roi.radius_x, roi.radius_y)
            elif isinstance(roi, PointROI):
                return PointPixelRegion(PixCoord(*roi.center()))
            elif isinstance(roi, RangeROI):
                return range_to_rect(data, roi.ori, roi.min, roi.max)

            elif isinstance(roi, AbstractMplRoi):
                temp_sub = Subset(data)
                temp_sub.subset_state = RoiSubsetState(x_pix_att, y_pix_att,
                    return self.to_object(temp_sub)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "ROIs of type {0} are not yet supported".format(

                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "ROIs of type {0} are not yet supported".format(

        elif isinstance(subset_state, RangeSubsetState):
            if subset_state.att == x_pix_att:
                return range_to_rect(data, 'x', subset_state.lo,
            elif subset_state.att == y_pix_att:
                return range_to_rect(data, 'y', subset_state.lo,
                raise ValueError(
                    'Range subset state att should be either x or y pixel coordinate'

        elif isinstance(subset_state, MultiRangeSubsetState):
            if subset_state.att == x_pix_att:
                ori = 'x'
            elif subset_state.att == y_pix_att:
                ori = 'y'
                message = 'Multirange subset state att should be either x or y pixel coordinate'
                raise ValueError(message)
            if len(subset_state.pairs) == 0:
                message = 'Multirange subset state should contain at least one range'
                raise ValueError(message)
            region = range_to_rect(data, ori, subset_state.pairs[0][0],
            for pair in subset_state.pairs[1:]:
                region = region | range_to_rect(data, ori, pair[0], pair[1])
            return region

        elif isinstance(subset_state, PixelSubsetState):
            return PointPixelRegion(PixCoord(*subset_state.get_xy(data, 1, 0)))

        elif isinstance(subset_state, AndState):
            temp_sub1 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub1.subset_state = subset_state.state1
            temp_sub2 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub2.subset_state = subset_state.state2
            return self.to_object(temp_sub1) & self.to_object(temp_sub2)

        elif isinstance(subset_state, OrState):
            temp_sub1 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub1.subset_state = subset_state.state1
            temp_sub2 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub2.subset_state = subset_state.state2
            return self.to_object(temp_sub1) | self.to_object(temp_sub2)

        elif isinstance(subset_state, XorState):
            temp_sub1 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub1.subset_state = subset_state.state1
            temp_sub2 = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub2.subset_state = subset_state.state2
            return self.to_object(temp_sub1) ^ self.to_object(temp_sub2)

        elif isinstance(subset_state, MultiOrState):
            temp_sub = Subset(data=data)
            temp_sub.subset_state = subset_state.states[0]
            region = self.to_object(temp_sub)
            for state in subset_state.states[1:]:
                temp_sub.subset_state = state
                region = region | self.to_object(temp_sub)
            return region

            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Subset states of type {0} are not supported".format(
Ejemplo n.º 27
def find_reflected_regions(region,
                           angle_increment='0.1 rad',
                           min_distance='0 rad',
                           min_distance_input='0.1 rad'):
    """Find reflected regions.

    Converts to pixel coordinates internally.

    region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion`
    center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Rotation point
    exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.image.SkyImage`, optional
        Exclusion mask
    angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Rotation angle for each step
    min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Minimal distance between to reflected regions
    min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Minimal distance from input region

    regions : list of `~regions.SkyRegion`
        Reflected regions list
    angle_increment = Angle(angle_increment)
    min_distance = Angle(min_distance)
    min_distance_input = Angle(min_distance_input)

    # Create empty exclusion mask if None is provided
    if exclusion_mask is None:
        exclusion_mask = make_default_exclusion_mask(center, exclusion_mask,

    distance_image = exclusion_mask.distance_image

    reflected_regions_pix = list()
    wcs = exclusion_mask.wcs
    pix_region = region.to_pixel(wcs)
    pix_center = PixCoord(*center.to_pixel(wcs))

    # Compute angle of the ON regions
    dx = pix_region.center.x - pix_center.x
    dy = pix_region.center.y - pix_center.y
    offset = np.hypot(dx, dy)
    angle = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), 'rad')

    # Get the minimum angle a Circle has to be moved in order to not overlap
    # with the previous one
    min_ang = Angle(2 * np.arcsin(pix_region.radius / offset), 'rad')

    # Add required minimal distance between two off regions
    min_ang += min_distance

    # Maximum allowed angle before the an overlap with the ON regions happens
    max_angle = angle + Angle('360 deg') - min_ang - min_distance_input

    # Starting angle
    curr_angle = angle + min_ang + min_distance_input

    while curr_angle < max_angle:
        test_pos = _compute_xy(pix_center, offset, curr_angle)
        test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, pix_region.radius)
        if distance_image.lookup_pix(test_reg.center) > pix_region.radius:
            curr_angle = curr_angle + min_ang
            curr_angle = curr_angle + angle_increment

    reflected_regions = [_.to_sky(wcs) for _ in reflected_regions_pix]
    return reflected_regions
Ejemplo n.º 28
def find_reflected_regions(region,
    """Find reflected regions.

    Converts to pixel coordinates internally.

    region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion`
    center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Rotation point
    exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.image.SkyMask`, optional
        Exclusion mask
    angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Rotation angle for each step, default: 0.1 rad
    min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Minimal distance between to reflected regions, default: 0 rad
    min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
        Minimal distance from input region, default: 0.1 rad

    regions : list of `~regions.SkyRegion`
        Reflected regions list
    angle_increment = Angle('0.1 rad') if angle_increment is None else Angle(
    min_distance = Angle('0 rad') if min_distance is None else Angle(
    min_distance_input = Angle(
        '0.1 rad') if min_distance_input is None else Angle(min_distance_input)

    # Create empty exclusion mask if None is provided
    if exclusion_mask is None:
        min_size = region.center.separation(center)
        binsz = 0.02
        npix = int((3 * min_size / binsz).value)
        exclusion_mask = SkyMask.empty(name='empty exclusion mask',

    reflected_regions_pix = list()
    wcs = exclusion_mask.wcs
    pix_region = region.to_pixel(wcs)
    pix_center = PixCoord(*center.to_pixel(wcs))

    # Compute angle of the ON regions
    dx = pix_region.center.x - pix_center.x
    dy = pix_region.center.y - pix_center.y
    offset = np.hypot(dx, dy)
    angle = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), 'rad')

    # Get the minimum angle a Circle has to be moved in order to not overlap
    # with the previous one
    min_ang = Angle(2 * np.arcsin(pix_region.radius / offset), 'rad')

    # Add required minimal distance between two off regions
    min_ang += min_distance

    # Maximum allowd angle before the an overlap with the ON regions happens
    max_angle = angle + Angle('360deg') - min_ang - min_distance_input

    # Starting angle
    curr_angle = angle + min_ang + min_distance_input
    while curr_angle < max_angle:
        test_pos = _compute_xy(pix_center, offset, curr_angle)
        test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, pix_region.radius)
        if not _is_inside_exclusion(test_reg, exclusion_mask):
            curr_angle = curr_angle + min_ang
            curr_angle = curr_angle + angle_increment

    reflected_regions = [_.to_sky(wcs) for _ in reflected_regions_pix]
    log.debug('Found {} reflected regions:\n {}'.format(
        len(reflected_regions), reflected_regions))
    return reflected_regions