Ejemplo n.º 1
def register_pairs(server=False):
    #TODO. Docstrings.
    results = []
    id_trans = transforms.CompositeTransform(2, [transforms.ScalingTransform(2, uniform=True), \

    ##### Running parameters to update each time #####
    modelname = 'dLDP'  #['alphaAMD', 'MI', 'MSE', 'dLDP']
    #    modelparams = {} #mse
    modelparams = {'version': 'dLDP_48'}  #dLDP versions: dLDP_8, dLDP_48, LDP
    #    modelparams = {'alpha_levels':7, 'symmetric_measure':True, 'squared_measure':False}
    #    modelparams = {'mutual_info_fun':'norm'}

    optname = 'bfgs'  #['gd', 'adam', 'gridsearch', 'bfgs']
    optparams = {'gradient_magnitude_threshold': 1e-9, 'epsilon': 0.05}  #bfgs
    #    optparams = {'bounds':gridBounds(id_trans, 0.05, 5, 10), 'steps':11} #gridsearch
    #    optparams = {'gradient_magnitude_threshold':1e-6} #adam, gd

    norm = True
    blur = 3.0
    skip = 0  #5 #manual way to skip pairs that have already been processed
    results_file = 'PartIII_test5.10_48bit.csv'
    limit = 25 - skip
    ##### End running parameters #####

        999)  #For testing, make sure we get the same transforms each time
    rndTransforms = [
        getRandomTransform(maxRot=5, maxScale=1.05, maxTrans=10)
        for _ in range(limit + skip + 1)
    #Reverse the list as we will pop transforms from the far end. Want these to be the same, even
    #if we change the limit later.

    folder = local_sr_folder
    if server:
        folder = server_sr_folder
    if server:
        outfile = server_separate_mpm_folder + results_file
        outfile = local_separate_mpm_folder + results_file

#    id_trans.set_params([1.,0.2,10.,10.]) #Nelder mead doesn't work starting from zeros

#OPTION: Starting from gridmax already found
#    grid_params = get_MI_gridmax(local_separate_mpm_folder+'PartI_test4.csv')

#    for slide, roi_idx, ref_im, flo_im in getNextSRPair(folder, order=True, verbose=True, server=server, norm=norm, blur=blur):
#    for slide, roi_idx, mpm_path, al_path in getNextPair():
    for slide, roi_idx, ref_im, flo_im in getNextMPMPair(verbose=True,
        # Take the next random transform
        rndTrans = rndTransforms.pop()

        if skip > 0:
            print("Skipping %s_%s" % (slide, roi_idx))
            skip -= 1
        limit -= 1
        if limit < 0:
        # Open and prepare the images: if using SRs then don't normalize (or do?)
#        ref_im, ref_im_orig = OpenAndPreProcessImage(al_path, copyOrig=True)
#        flo_im, flo_im_orig = OpenAndPreProcessImage(mpm_path, copyOrig=True)
#If aligning SHG + TPEF, keep a copy of the SHG (reference) image
#as it was before random transform is applied
#        flo_im_orig = flo_im.copy()
        ref_im_orig = ref_im.copy()

        print("Random transform applied: %r" % rndTrans.get_params())

        # Apply the transform to the reference image, increasing the canvas size to avoid cutting off parts
        ref_im = centreAndApplyTransform(
            ref_im, rndTrans,
            np.rint(np.array(ref_im.shape) * 1.5).astype('int'))

        # Show the images we are working with
        print("Aligning images for sample %s, region %s"%(slide, roi_idx) \
#              + ". A transform of %r has been applied to the reference image"%str(rndTrans.get_params())
#               + " from folder %s"%folder)

        if False:
            plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
            plt.imshow(ref_im, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
            plt.title("Reference image")
            plt.imshow(flo_im, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
            plt.title("Floating image")

        # Choose a model, set basic parameters for that model
        reg = Register(2)
        reg.set_model(modelname, **modelparams)

        # Choose an optimzer, set basic parameters for it
        reg.set_optimizer(optname, **optparams)

        # Since we have warped the original reference image, create a mask so that only the relevant
        # pixels are considered. Use the same warping function as above
        ref_mask = np.ones(ref_im_orig.shape, 'bool')
        ref_mask = centreAndApplyTransform(
            ref_mask, rndTrans,
            np.rint(np.array(ref_im_orig.shape) * 1.5).astype('int'))

        reg.set_image_data(ref_im, \
                           flo_im, \
                           ref_mask=ref_mask, \
                           flo_mask=np.ones(flo_im.shape, 'bool'), \
                           ref_weights=None, \

        ## Add pyramid levels
        if modelname.lower() == 'alphaamd':
            # Learning-rate / Step lengths [[start1, end1], [start2, end2] ...] (for each pyramid level)
            step_lengths = np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 0.5], [0.5, 0.1]])
            reg.add_pyramid_levels(factors=[4, 2, 1], sigmas=[5.0, 3.0, 0.0])
                0.5)  #very patchy with 0.1, also tried 0.25

            # I have seen no evidence so far, that pyramid levels lead the search towards the MI maximum.
            ], sigmas=[
            # Try with a blurred full-resolution image first (or only)
#            reg.add_pyramid_levels(factors=[1,1], sigmas=[5.0,0.0])

## Add initial transform(s), with parameter scaling if required
        if optname.lower() == 'gridsearch':
            #BFGS and AlphaAMD
            # Estimate an appropriate parameter scaling based on the sizes of the images (not used in grid search).
            diag = transforms.image_diagonal(
                ref_im) + transforms.image_diagonal(flo_im)
            diag = 2.0 / diag
            #            p_scaling = np.array([diag*100, diag*100, 5.0, 5.0])
            p_scaling = np.array([diag * 2.0, diag * 2.0, 1.0, 1.0])
            reg.add_initial_transform(id_trans, param_scaling=p_scaling)

            #OPTION: in addition to the ID transform, add a bunch of random starting points
            add_multiple_startpts(reg, count=20, p_scaling=p_scaling)

#            #OPTION: Starting from gridmax already found
#            if not (slide, roi_idx) in grid_params:
#                print(f'Grid results not found for slide {slide}, region {roi_idx}')
#                continue
#            starting_params = grid_params[(slide, roi_idx)]
#            s_trans = transforms.ScalingTransform(2, uniform=True)
#            s_trans.set_params(starting_params[0])
#            r_trans = transforms.Rigid2DTransform()
#            r_trans.set_params(starting_params[1:4])
#            starting_trans = transforms.CompositeTransform(2, [s_trans, r_trans])
#            reg.add_initial_transform(starting_trans, param_scaling=p_scaling)


        # Create output directory
        directory = os.path.dirname("./tmp/")
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        # Start the pre-processing
        reg.initialize("./tmp/", norm=norm)

        # Start the registration

        # Get the results and find the best one (for the case when there
        # was more than one starting point)
        out_transforms, values = reg.get_outputs()
        transform = out_transforms[np.argmin(values)]
        value = np.min(values)
        successFlag = reg.get_flags()
        if len(successFlag) == 0:
            successFlag = 'N/A'
            #Use the optimizer flag for the best output transform found. SuccessFlag
            #has one result for each pyramid level, just take the last level.
            successFlag = successFlag[np.argmin(values)][-1]

        ### Warp final image
        c = transforms.make_image_centered_transform(transform, ref_im, flo_im)

        #       # Print out transformation parameters
        #        print('Transformation parameters: %s.' % str(transform.get_params()))

        # Create the output image
        im_warped = np.zeros(ref_im.shape)

        # Transform the floating image into the reference image space by applying transformation 'c'
        c.warp(In=flo_im, Out=im_warped, mode='nearest', bg_value=0.0)

        # Show the images we ended up with
        if False:
            print("Aligned images for sample %s, region %s" % (slide, roi_idx))
            plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
            plt.imshow(ref_im, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
            plt.title("Reference image")
            plt.imshow(im_warped, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
            plt.title("Floating image")

        centred_gt_trans = transforms.make_image_centered_transform(rndTrans, \
                                                 ref_im, flo_im)

        gtVal = reg.get_value_at(rndTrans)
        err = get_transf_error(c, centred_gt_trans, flo_im.shape)
            "Estimated transform:\t [",
            ','.join(['%.4f'] * len(c.get_params())) % tuple(c.get_params()) +
            "] with value %.4f" % (value))
            "True transform:\t\t [",
            ','.join(['%.4f'] * len(rndTrans.get_params())) %
            tuple(rndTrans.get_params()) + "] with value %.4f" % (gtVal))
        print("Average corner error: %5f" % (err / 4))
        print("Value difference: %.5f" % (gtVal - value))
        #        print("Improvement over gridmax: %.5f"%(-value - float(starting_params[-1])))

        resultLine = (slide, roi_idx, *rndTrans.get_params(), \
                      gtVal, \
                      *c.get_params(), \
                      value, \
                      err, successFlag, \
                      time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        with open(outfile, 'a') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')