Ejemplo n.º 1
def submit_direct(request,state_abbr):
    "save direct info in Rocky, returns json"
    if not request.method == "POST":
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':'incorrect method','message':'this url expects POST'}))

    submitted_form = request.POST.copy()

    #set home_state_id from url
    submitted_form['home_state_id'] = state_abbr

    cleaned_form = cleanup_form(submitted_form)

    #submit to rocky
    rtv_response = rtv_proxy('POST',cleaned_form,'/api/v2/gregistrations.json')
    if rtv_response.has_key('error'):
        return HttpResponseServerError(rtv_response)

    return HttpResponse('OK')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def submit_direct(request,state_abbr):
    "save direct info in Rocky, returns json"
    if not request.method == "POST":
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':'incorrect method','message':'this url expects POST'}))

    submitted_form = request.POST.copy()

    #set home_state_id from url
    submitted_form['home_state_id'] = state_abbr

    cleaned_form = cleanup_form(submitted_form)

    #submit to rocky
    rtv_response = rtv_proxy('POST',cleaned_form,'/api/v3/gregistrations.json')
    print 'Submitting to Rocky'
    if rtv_response.has_key('error'):
        return HttpResponseServerError(rtv_response)

    #submit to covr
    print 'Submitting to State:' + state_abbr
    if state_abbr == 'CA':
        print 'Submitting to CA'
        covr_response = covr_proxy(cleaned_form)
        #covr_token = 'TOKEN-TOKEN-TOKEN-TOKEN'
        covr_token = covr_response.Token
        print 'Token: ' + covr_token
        #request.session['covr_token'] = 'REQUEST-TOKEN-TOKEN-TOKEN'
        #context = {}
        #context['covr_token'] = 'CONTEXT-TOKEN-TOKEN-TOKEN'
        #print 'form_%s_direct.html' % state_abbr.lower()
        #return render_to_response('form_%s_direct.html' % state_abbr.lower(), context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        covr_token = '';
    return HttpResponse(covr_token)
    return render_to_response('form_%s_direct.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def submit(request):
    "Submit the posted form to the Rocky API"

    if request.method != "POST":
        return redirect('/registrants/new/')
    submitted_form = request.POST.copy()
    #make a mutable copy
    #fill in missing city/state fields if we have zipcodes
    zip_fields = ['home','mailing','prev']
    for f in zip_fields:
        zipcode = submitted_form.get(f+'_zip_code').strip()
        city = submitted_form.get(f+'_city')
        if empty(city) and not empty(zipcode):
                place = ZipCode.objects.get(zipcode=zipcode)
                submitted_form[f+'_city'] = place.city.lower().title()
                submitted_form[f+'_state_id'] = place.state
            except (ZipCode.DoesNotExist,ValueError,IndexError):
    #this can happen if the user has to go back and resubmit the form, but the zipcode lookup js doesn't re-run
    #should probably also fix this client side...

    cleaned_form = cleanup_form(submitted_form)

    #send questions to api if answers were set
    #defaults first
    question_1 = "If you are in school, where do you go?"
    question_2 = "What issue do you care most about?"

    #then check cobrand and custom form
    branding = get_branding({'partner':cleaned_form['partner_id'],'language':cleaned_form['lang']})
    if branding.get('cobrandform'):
        cobrand = branding['cobrandform']
        if cobrand.question_1:
            question_1 = cobrand.question_1
        if cobrand.question_2:
            question_2 = cobrand.question_2
    elif branding.get('customform'):
        customform = branding.get('customform')
        if customform.question_1:
            question_1 = customform.question_1
        if customform.question_2:
            question_2 = customform.question_2
    if cleaned_form.has_key('survey_answer_1'):
        cleaned_form['survey_question_1'] = question_1
    if cleaned_form.has_key('survey_answer_2'):
        cleaned_form['survey_question_2'] = question_2

    #hit the rocky api
    rtv_response = rtv_proxy('POST',cleaned_form,'/api/v3/registrations.json')
    context = {}
    if rtv_response.has_key('pdfurl'):
        context['pdfurl'] = rtv_response['pdfurl']
    if rtv_response.has_key('error'):
        #something went wrong that wasn't caught in the frontend validation
        #clean up error message for human consumption
            context['error'] = True
            messages.error(request, rtv_response['error']['message'].lower(),
                extra_tags=rtv_response['error']['field_name'].replace('_',' ').title())
            #also mail the admins to see if there's a persistent problem
            logger.error('rocky error: validating %s' % rtv_response['error']['field_name'],
                exc_info=True, extra={'request':request})
        except KeyError:
            context['error'] = True
            messages.error(request, rtv_response['error'],
                extra_tags="Rocky API")
            logger.error('rocky error: api issue',exc_info=True,

    #check state id against list of valid abbreviations
        context['state_name'] = STATE_NAME_LOOKUP[submitted_form.get('home_state_id')]
    except KeyError:
        #unrecognized state
        context['error'] = True
        messages.error(request, _("Unrecognized state or zip. Most likely your zip code wasn't recognized. Please try another one."))

    #get toplevel org for partner proxy submit
    if branding.get('cobrandform'):
        customform = branding['cobrandform'].toplevel_org
        submitted_form['cobrand'] = branding['cobrandform'].name
        #If customform and cobrand form, RTV and custom share main optin,
        #so use opt_in_email for partner_proxy_signup
        partner_proxy_signup = submitted_form['opt_in_email']
    elif branding.get('customform'):
        customform = branding['customform']
        #If customform but not cobrand form, set partner_proxy_signup to partner_opt_in_email
        partner_proxy_signup = submitted_form['opt_in_email']
        customform = None
        partner_proxy_signup = None

    #if a custom form has endpoint, and we got user permission, post to the partner proxy
    if customform and customform.list_signup_endpoint and partner_proxy_signup:
        proxy_response = customform.submit(submitted_form)
        if proxy_response.get('error'):
            logger.error('rocky error: custom form:  %s' % customform.name,
            context['error'] = True
            messages.error(request, _("Unknown error: the web administrators have been contacted."),

    #append branding to context, so partner logos appear in submit page

    #send branding partner ids to context, for trackable social media links
    context['partner'] = submitted_form.get('partner_id')
    context['source'] = submitted_form.get('partner_tracking_id')
    context['email_address'] = submitted_form.get("email_address")

    #don't show partner for testing partner ids
    if request.GET.get('partner'):
        if request.GET.get('partner') in DEFAULT_PARTNER_IDS:
            context['has_partner'] = False
            context['has_partner'] = True
        context['has_partner'] = False

    if context.has_key('error'):
        return redirect('/registrants/error/')
        return render_to_response('submit.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))