Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_relation(filename, defname=None):
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print (colorize(
            "%s is not a file" % filename, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None

    f = filename.split('/')
    if defname == None:
        defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower()
        if defname.endswith(".csv"):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

    if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname):
        print (colorize(
            "%s is not a valid relation name" % defname, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename)

        printtty(colorize("Loaded relation %s" % defname, 0x00ff00))
        return defname
    except Exception as e:
        print (colorize(e, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _run_multiline(self):
        query = self.ui.txtMultiQuery.toPlainText()
        self.settings.setValue('multiline/query', query)

        queries = query.split('\n')

        for query in queries:
            if query.strip() == '':

            parts = query.split('=', 1)
            parts[0] = parts[0].strip()
            if len(parts) > 1 and rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(parts[0].strip()):
                relname = parts[0].strip()
                query = parts[1]
                relname = 'last_'

                expr = parser.parse(query)
                print ('%s <- %s' % (relname, expr))
                result = eval(expr, self.relations)
                self.relations[relname] = result
            except Exception as e:
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), u"%s\n%s" %
                                              (QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), str(e)))
        self.updateRelations()  # update the list
        self.selectedRelation = result
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def newRelation(self):
        import creator
        result = creator.edit_relation()

        if result == None:
        res = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(
            QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"),
                "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"),
            QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, '')
        if res[1] == False or len(res[0]) == 0:

        # Patch provided by Angelo 'Havoc' Puglisi
        name = compatibility.get_py_str(res[0])

        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
            r = QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name))
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r)

            self.relations[name] = result
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" %
                                          (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__()))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def execute(self):
        '''Executes the query'''

        query = compatibility.get_py_str(self.ui.txtQuery.text())
        res_rel = compatibility.get_py_str(
            self.ui.txtResult.text())  # result relation's name

        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(res_rel):
            QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", "Error"), QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Wrong name for destination relation."))

            # Converting string to utf8 and then from qstring to normal string
            expr = parser.parse(query)  # Converting expression to python code
            print query, "-->", expr  # Printing debug
            result = eval(expr, self.relations)  # Evaluating the expression

                res_rel] = result  # Add the relation to the dictionary
            self.updateRelations()  # update the list
            self.selectedRelation = result
                              # Show the result in the table
        except Exception, e:
            #print e.__unicode__()
            QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), u"%s\n%s" %
                                          (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__unicode__()))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def loadRelation(self, filenames=None):
        '''Loads a relation. Without parameters it will ask the user which relation to load,
        otherwise it will load filename, giving it name.
        It shouldn't be called giving filename but not giving name.'''
        # Asking for file to load
        if not filenames:
            f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", "Load Relation"), "", QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Relations (*.csv);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"))
            filenames = f[0]

        for f in filenames:
            # Default relation's name
            name = os.path.basename(f).lower()

            if len(name) == 0:

            if (name.endswith(".csv")):  # removes the extension
                name = name[:-4]

            if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
                name = self.promptRelationName()

            if name is None:

                self.relations[name] = relation.relation(f)
            except Exception as e:
                print (e)
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" %
                                              (QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__()))

Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_relation(filename: str, defname:Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[str]:
    Loads a relation into the set. Defname is the given name
    to the relation.

    Returns the name to the relation, or None if it was
    not loaded.
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            "%s is not a file" % filename, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None

    if defname is None:
        f = filename.split('/')
        defname = f[-1].lower()
        if defname.endswith(".csv"):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

    if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname):
            "%s is not a valid relation name" % defname, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None
        relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename)

        printtty(colorize("Loaded relation %s" % defname, COLOR_GREEN))
        return defname
    except Exception as e:
        print(colorize(str(e), ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def load_relation(filename, defname=None):
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print (colorize(
            "%s is not a file" % filename, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None

    f = filename.split('/')
    if defname == None:
        defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower()
        if defname.endswith(".csv"):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

    if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname):
        print (colorize(
            "%s is not a valid relation name" % defname, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename)

        printtty(colorize("Loaded relation %s" % defname, 0x00ff00))
        return defname
    except Exception as e:
        print (colorize(e, ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load_relation(filename: str,
                  defname: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
    Loads a relation into the set. Defname is the given name
    to the relation.

    Returns the name to the relation, or None if it was
    not loaded.
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print(colorize("%s is not a file" % filename, ERROR_COLOR),
        return None

    if defname is None:
        f = filename.split('/')
        defname = f[-1].lower()
        if defname.endswith(".csv"):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

    if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname):
        print(colorize("%s is not a valid relation name" % defname,
        return None
        relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename)

        printtty(colorize("Loaded relation %s" % defname, COLOR_GREEN))
        return defname
    except Exception as e:
        print(colorize(str(e), ERROR_COLOR), file=sys.stderr)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 9
def parse_tokens(expression: List[Union[list, str]]) -> Node:
    '''Generates the tree from the tokenized expression
    If no expression is specified then it will create an empty node'''

    # If the list contains only a list, it will consider the lower level list.
    # This will allow things like ((((((a))))) to work
    while len(expression) == 1 and isinstance(expression[0], list):
        expression = expression[0]

    if len(expression) == 0:
        raise ParserException(_('Failed to parse empty expression'))

    # The list contains only 1 string. Means it is the name of a relation
    if len(expression) == 1:
        assert isinstance(expression[0], str)
        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(expression[0]):
            raise ParserException(
                f'{expression[0]!r} is not a valid relation name')
        return Variable(expression[0])  #FIXME Move validation in the object

    # Expression from right to left, searching for binary operators
    # this means that binary operators have lesser priority than
    # unary operators.
    # It finds the operator with lesser priority, uses it as root of this
    # (sub)tree using everything on its left as left parameter (so building
    # a left subtree with the part of the list located on left) and doing
    # the same on right.
    # Since it searches for strings, and expressions into parenthesis are
    # within sub-lists, they won't be found here, ensuring that they will
    # have highest priority.
    for i in range(len(expression) - 1, -1, -1):
        if expression[i] in b_operators:  # Binary operator

            if len(expression[:i]) == 0:
                raise ParserException(
                    _('Expected left operand for %s') % repr(expression[i]))

            if len(expression[i + 1:]) == 0:
                raise ParserException(
                    _('Expected right operand for %s') % repr(expression[i]))
            return Binary(expression[i], parse_tokens(expression[:i]),
                          parse_tokens(expression[i + 1:]))  # type: ignore
    '''Searches for unary operators, parsing from right to left'''
    for i in range(len(expression)):
        if expression[i] in u_operators:  # Unary operator
            if len(expression) <= i + 2:
                raise ParserException(
                    _('Expected more tokens in %s') % repr(expression[i]))
            elif len(expression) > i + 3:
                raise ParserException(
                    _('Too many tokens in %s') % repr(expression[i]))

            return Unary(
                expression[i],  # type: ignore
                prop=expression[1 + i].strip(),  # type: ignore
                child=parse_tokens(expression[2 + i])  # type: ignore
    raise ParserException(_('Parse error on %s') % repr(expression))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def execute(self, query, relname='last_'):
        '''Executes a query, returns the result and if
        relname is not None, adds the result to the
        dictionary, with the name given in relname.'''
        if not is_valid_relation_name(relname):
            raise Exception('Invalid name for destination relation')

        expr = parser.parse(query)
        result = expr(self.relations)
        self.relations[relname] = result
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def execute(self, query: str, relname: str = 'last_') -> Relation:
        '''Executes a query, returns the result and if
        relname is not None, adds the result to the
        dictionary, with the name given in relname.'''
        if not is_valid_relation_name(relname):
            raise Exception(_('Invalid name for destination relation'))

        expr = parser.parse(query)
        result = expr(self.relations)
        self.relations[relname] = result
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def loadRelation(self, filename=None, name=None):
        '''Loads a relation. Without parameters it will ask the user which relation to load,
        otherwise it will load filename, giving it name.
        It shouldn't be called giving filename but not giving name.'''
        #Asking for file to load
        if filename == None:
            filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Load Relation"),
                    "Relations (*.csv);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"))
            filename = compatibility.get_filename(filename)

        #Default relation's name
        f = filename.split('/')  #Split the full path
        defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower()  #Takes only the lowercase filename

        if len(defname) == 0:

        if (defname.endswith(".csv")):  #removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

        if name == None:  #Prompt dialog to insert name for the relation
            res = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"),
                    "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"),
                QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, defname)
            if res[1] == False or len(res[0]) == 0:

            #Patch provided by Angelo 'Havoc' Puglisi
            name = compatibility.get_py_str(res[0])

        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
            r = QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name))
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r)

            self.relations[name] = relation.relation(filename)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
                None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"),
                "%s\n%s" % (QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                    "Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__()))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def promptRelationName(self):
     while True:
         res = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(
             self, _("New relation"),
             _("Insert the name for the new relation"),
             QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, '')
         if res[1] == False:  # or len(res[0]) == 0:
             return None
         name = res[0]
         if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
                 self, _("Error"),
                 _('Wrong name for destination relation: {name}.'))
         return name
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def split_query(query: str, default_name='last_') -> Tuple[str, str]:
        Accepts a query which might have an initial value
        a = query

        Returns a tuple with

        result_name, query
        sq = query.split('=', 1)
        if len(sq) == 2 and is_valid_relation_name(sq[0].strip()):
            default_name = sq[0].strip()
            query = sq[1].strip()
        return default_name, query
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def split_query(query, default_name='last_'):
        Accepts a query which might have an initial value
        a = query

        Returns a tuple with

        result_name, query
        sq = query.split('=', 1)
        if len(sq) == 2 and is_valid_relation_name(sq[0].strip()):
            default_name = sq[0].strip()
            query = sq[1].strip()
        return default_name, query
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def promptRelationName(self):
     while True:
         res = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(
             QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"),
             QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"),
         if res[1] == False:  # or len(res[0]) == 0:
             return None
         name = res[0]
         if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
             r = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name))
             QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r)
         return name
Ejemplo n.º 17
def exec_query(command):
    '''This function executes a query and prints the result on the screen
    if the command terminates with ";" the result will not be printed

    #If it terminates with ; doesn't print the result
    if command.endswith(';'):
        command = command[:-1]
        printrel = False
        printrel = True

    # RZ avisamos que estamos enviando un utf-8 para que no se complique
    command = command.encode('utf-8')
    #Performs replacements for weird operators
    command = replacements(command)

    #Finds the name in where to save the query
    parts = command.split('=', 1)

    if len(parts) > 1 and rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(parts[0]):
        relname = parts[0]
        query = parts[1]
        relname = 'last_'
        query = command

    query = unicode(query, 'utf-8')
    #Execute query
        pyquery = parser.parse(query)
        result = eval(pyquery, relations)
        out = ""
        #out = colored("-> query: %s" % pyquery, 'green')

        if printrel:
            out += ""
            out += str(result)

        relations[relname] = result

        return out
    except Exception, e:
        print e
        return colored(e, 'red')
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def loadRelation(self, filename=None, name=None):
        '''Loads a relation. Without parameters it will ask the user which relation to load,
        otherwise it will load filename, giving it name.
        It shouldn't be called giving filename but not giving name.'''
        # Asking for file to load
        if filename == None:
            filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", "Load Relation"), "", QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Relations (*.csv);;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"))
            filename = compatibility.get_filename(filename)

        # Default relation's name
        f = filename.split('/')  # Split the full path
        defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower()  # Takes only the lowercase filename

        if len(defname) == 0:

        if (defname.endswith(".csv")):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

        if name == None:  # Prompt dialog to insert name for the relation
            res = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"), QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                    "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"),
                QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, defname)
            if res[1] == False or len(res[0]) == 0:

            # Patch provided by Angelo 'Havoc' Puglisi
            name = compatibility.get_py_str(res[0])

        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
            r = QtGui.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name))
                self, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r)

            self.relations[name] = relation.relation(filename)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), "%s\n%s" %
                                          (QtGui.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), e.__str__()))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def suggest_name(self, filename):
        Returns a possible name for a relation, given
        a filename.

        If it is impossible to extract a possible name,
        returns None
        name = os.path.basename(filename).lower()
        if len(name) == 0:
            return None

        if (name.endswith(".csv")):  # removes the extension
            name = name[:-4]

        if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
            return None
        return name
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def promptRelationName(self):
     while True:
         res = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(
             self, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "New relation"),
                 "Form", "Insert the name for the new relation"),
             QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, '')
         if res[1] == False:  # or len(res[0]) == 0:
             return None
         name = res[0]
         if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(name):
             r = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate(
                 str("Wrong name for destination relation: %s." % name))
                 self, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), r)
         return name
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def suggest_name(self, filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
        Returns a possible name for a relation, given
        a filename.

        If it is impossible to extract a possible name,
        returns None
        name = os.path.basename(filename).lower()
        if len(name) == 0:
            return None

        if (name.endswith(".csv")):  # removes the extension
            name = name[:-4]

        if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
            return None
        return name
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def execute(self):
        '''Executes the query'''
        if self.multiline:
            return self._run_multiline()

        #Single line query
        query = self.ui.txtQuery.text()
        res_rel = self.ui.txtResult.text()  # result relation's name

        if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(res_rel):
            QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate(
                "Form", "Error"), QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Wrong name for destination relation."))

            # Converting string to utf8 and then from qstring to normal string
            expr = parser.parse(query)  # Converting expression to python code
            print (query, "-->", expr)  # Printing debug
            result = eval(expr, self.relations)  # Evaluating the expression

                res_rel] = result  # Add the relation to the dictionary
            self.updateRelations()  # update the list
            self.selectedRelation = result
                              # Show the result in the table
        except Exception as e:
            print (str(e))
            QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Error"), u"%s\n%s" %
                                              (QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Check your query!"), str(e)))

        # Adds to history
        item = u'%s = %s' % (
        hitem = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(None, 0)

        self.qcounter += 1
        self.ui.txtResult.setText(u"_last%d" % self.qcounter)  # Sets the result relation name to none
Ejemplo n.º 23
def exec_query(command):
    '''This function executes a query and prints the result on the screen
    if the command terminates with ";" the result will not be printed
    command = unicode(command, 'utf-8')

    # If it terminates with ; doesn't print the result
    if command.endswith(';'):
        command = command[:-1]
        printrel = False
        printrel = True

    # Performs replacements for weird operators
    command = replacements(command)

    # Finds the name in where to save the query
    parts = command.split('=', 1)

    if len(parts) > 1 and rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(parts[0]):
        relname = parts[0]
        query = parts[1]
        relname = 'last_'
        query = command

    # Execute query
        pyquery = parser.parse(query)
        result = eval(pyquery, relations)

        print colorize("-> query: %s" % pyquery.encode('utf-8'), 0x00ff00)

        if printrel:
            print result

        relations[relname] = result

    except Exception, e:
        print colorize(str(e), ERROR_COLOR)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def load_relation(filename, defname=None):
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        return colored("%s is not a file" % filename, 'red')

    f = filename.split('/')
    if defname == None:
        defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower()
        if defname.endswith(".csv"):  # removes the extension
            defname = defname[:-4]

    if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname):
        return colored("%s is not a valid relation name" % defname, 'red')

        relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename)

        out = colored("Loaded relation %s" % defname, 'green', attrs=['bold'])
        return out + " " + defname
    except Exception, e:
        return colored(e, 'red')
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def suggest_name(self, filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
        Returns a possible name for a relation, given
        a filename.

        If it is impossible to extract a possible name,
        returns None
        name = os.path.basename(filename).lower()
        if len(name) == 0:
            return None

        # Removing the extension
            pos = name.rindex('.')
        except ValueError:
            return None
        name = name[:pos]

        if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
            return None
        return name
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, expression=None):
        '''Generates the tree from the tokenized expression
        If no expression is specified then it will create an empty node'''
        if expression == None or len(expression) == 0:

        # If the list contains only a list, it will consider the lower level list.
        # This will allow things like ((((((a))))) to work
        while len(expression) == 1 and isinstance(expression[0], list):
            expression = expression[0]

        # The list contains only 1 string. Means it is the name of a relation
        if len(expression) == 1:
            self.kind = RELATION
            self.name = expression[0]
            if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(self.name):
                raise ParserException(
                    u"'%s' is not a valid relation name" % self.name)

        '''Expression from right to left, searching for binary operators
        this means that binary operators have lesser priority than
        unary operators.
        It finds the operator with lesser priority, uses it as root of this
        (sub)tree using everything on its left as left parameter (so building
        a left subtree with the part of the list located on left) and doing
        the same on right.
        Since it searches for strings, and expressions into parenthesis are
        within sub-lists, they won't be found here, ensuring that they will
        have highest priority.'''
        for i in range(len(expression) - 1, -1, -1):
            if expression[i] in b_operators:  # Binary operator
                self.kind = BINARY
                self.name = expression[i]

                if len(expression[:i]) == 0:
                    raise ParserException(
                        u"Expected left operand for '%s'" % self.name)

                if len(expression[i + 1:]) == 0:
                    raise ParserException(
                        u"Expected right operand for '%s'" % self.name)

                self.left = node(expression[:i])
                self.right = node(expression[i + 1:])
        '''Searches for unary operators, parsing from right to left'''
        for i in range(len(expression) - 1, -1, -1):
            if expression[i] in u_operators:  # Unary operator
                self.kind = UNARY
                self.name = expression[i]

                if len(expression) <= i + 2:
                    raise ParserException(
                        u"Expected more tokens in '%s'" % self.name)

                self.prop = expression[1 + i].strip()
                self.child = node(expression[2 + i])

        raise ParserException(u"Unable to parse tokens")
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, expression: Optional[list] = None) -> None:
        '''Generates the tree from the tokenized expression
        If no expression is specified then it will create an empty node'''
        if expression == None or len(expression) == 0:

        # If the list contains only a list, it will consider the lower level list.
        # This will allow things like ((((((a))))) to work
        while len(expression) == 1 and isinstance(expression[0], list):
            expression = expression[0]

        # The list contains only 1 string. Means it is the name of a relation
        if len(expression) == 1:
            self.kind = RELATION
            self.name = expression[0]
            if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(self.name):
                raise ParserException(u"'%s' is not a valid relation name" %

        # Expression from right to left, searching for binary operators
        # this means that binary operators have lesser priority than
        # unary operators.
        # It finds the operator with lesser priority, uses it as root of this
        # (sub)tree using everything on its left as left parameter (so building
        # a left subtree with the part of the list located on left) and doing
        # the same on right.
        # Since it searches for strings, and expressions into parenthesis are
        # within sub-lists, they won't be found here, ensuring that they will
        # have highest priority.
        for i in range(len(expression) - 1, -1, -1):
            if expression[i] in b_operators:  # Binary operator
                self.kind = BINARY
                self.name = expression[i]

                if len(expression[:i]) == 0:
                    raise ParserException(u"Expected left operand for '%s'" %

                if len(expression[i + 1:]) == 0:
                    raise ParserException(u"Expected right operand for '%s'" %

                self.left = node(expression[:i])
                self.right = node(expression[i + 1:])
        '''Searches for unary operators, parsing from right to left'''
        for i in range(len(expression) - 1, -1, -1):
            if expression[i] in u_operators:  # Unary operator
                self.kind = UNARY
                self.name = expression[i]

                if len(expression) <= i + 2:
                    raise ParserException(u"Expected more tokens in '%s'" %

                self.prop = expression[1 + i].strip()
                self.child = node(expression[2 + i])

        raise ParserException("Expected operator in '%s'" % expression)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def set_relation(self, name, rel):
     '''Sets the relation corresponding to name.'''
     if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
         raise Exception('Invalid name for destination relation')
     self.relations[name] = rel
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def set_relation(self, name, rel):
     '''Sets the relation corresponding to name.'''
     if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
         raise Exception('Invalid name for destination relation')
     self.relations[name] = rel
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def set_relation(self, name: str, rel: Relation) -> None:
     '''Sets the relation corresponding to name.'''
     if not is_valid_relation_name(name):
         raise Exception(_('Invalid name for destination relation'))
     self.relations[name] = rel