Ejemplo n.º 1
 def create_blob(self, user, web_id, content, mime_type=None, title=None, tags=[], revises=[]) :
     if web_id not in [w.id for w in models.UserWebAccess.get_for_user(user)] :
         raise Exception("no such web") # makes sure has explicit access
     web = models.Web.get_by_id(web_id)
     content_type = "mime:" + (mime_type or "plain/text")
     c = models.Content.get_by_stuff(str(content))
     b = models.Blob.make_blob(user, content_type, c)
     models.WebBlobAccess.add_for_blob(web, b)
     for puuid in revises :
         parent_blob = models.Blob.get_by_uuid(puuid)
         if parent_blob :
             relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "revises", b, parent_blob)
     # we don't want to just add tags and title; we want to ensure their presence
     inherited = relations.get_inherited_relations(web, b)
     if title :
         inherited_title = [r for r in inherited if not r.deleted and r.name == "title"]
         for r in inherited_title :
             if r.payload != title :
                 relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "deletes", b, r.blob)
                 print "deleting",r
         if not any(r.payload == title for r in inherited_title) :
             relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "title", b, title)
             print "adding"
     tags = set([t.strip() for t in tags if t.strip()])
     inherited_tags = [r for r in inherited if not r.deleted and r.name == "tag"]
     inherited_tags_payloads = set(r.payload for r in inherited_tags)
     for r in inherited_tags :
         if r.payload not in tags :
             relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "deletes", b, r.blob)
     for tag in tags :
         if tag not in inherited_tags_payloads :
             relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "tag", b, tag)
     return b.uuid
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def remove_tag(self, user, web_id, uuid, tag) :
     if web_id not in [w.id for w in models.UserWebAccess.get_for_user(user)] :
         raise Exception("no such web") # makes sure has explicit access
     web = models.Web.get_by_id(web_id)
     b = models.Blob.get_by_uuid(uuid)
     inherited = relations.get_inherited_relations(web_id, b)
     inherited_tags = [r for r in inherited if not r.deleted and r.name == "tag"]
     for r in inherited_tags :
         if r.payload == tag :
             relations.BinaryRelation.make(web, user, "deletes", b, r.blob)
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_blob_metadata(self, user, web_id, uuids) :
     if web_id not in [w.id for w in models.UserWebAccess.get_for_user(user)] :
         raise Exception("no such web") # makes sure has explicit access
     blobs = []
     for uuid in set(uuids) :
         b = models.Blob.get_by_uuid(uuid)
         if b != None :
             srels = relations.get_inherited_relations(web_id, uuid)
             orels = relations.CachedRelation.get_for_object(web_id, uuid)
             blobs.append({"blob" : self.blob_as_dict(b),
                           "srels" : [self.rel_as_dict(r) for r in srels],
                           "orels" : [self.rel_as_dict(r) for r in orels]})
     return blobs