Ejemplo n.º 1
def dfm(X, Spec, threshold=1e-5, max_iter=5000):
    # DFM()    Runs the dynamic factor model
    #  Syntax:
    #    Res = DFM(X,Par)
    #  Description:
    #   DFM() inputs the organized and transformed data X and parameter structure Par.
    #   Then, the function outputs dynamic factor model structure Res and data
    #   summary statistics (mean and standard deviation).
    #  Input arguments:
    #    X: Kalman-smoothed data where missing values are replaced by their expectation
    #    Par: A structure containing the following parameters:
    #      Par.blocks: Block loadings.
    #      Par.nQ: Number of quarterly series
    #      Par.p: Number of lags in transition matrix
    #      Par.r: Number of common factors for each block
    # Output Arguments:
    #   Res - structure of model results with the following fields
    #       . X_sm | Kalman-smoothed data where missing values are replaced by their expectation
    #       . Z | Smoothed states. Rows give time, and columns are organized according to Res.C.
    #       . C | Observation matrix. The rows correspond
    #          to each series, and the columns are organized as shown below:
    #         - 1-20: These columns give the factor loa dings. For example, 1-5
    #              give loadings for the first block and are organized in
    #              reverse-chronological order (f^G_t, f^G_t-1, f^G_t-2, f^G_t-3,
    #              f^G_t-4). Columns 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 give loadings for
    #              the second, third, and fourth blocks respectively.
    #       .R: Covariance for observation matrix residuals
    #       .A: Transition matrix. This is a square matrix that follows the
    #      same organization scheme as Res.C's columns. Identity matrices are
    #      used to account for matching terms on the left and righthand side.
    #      For example, we place an I4 matrix to account for matching
    #      (f_t-1; f_t-2; f_t-3; f_t-4) terms.
    #       .Q: Covariance for transition equation residuals.
    #       .Mx: Series mean
    #       .Wx: Series standard deviation
    #       .Z_0: Initial value of state
    #       .V_0: Initial value of covariance matrix
    #       .r: Number of common factors for each block
    #       .p: Number of lags in transition equation
    # References:
    #   Marta Banbura, Domenico Giannone and Lucrezia Reichlin
    #   Nowcasting (2010)
    #   Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry, editors,
    #   Oxford Handbook on Economic Forecasting.

    ## Store model parameters ------------------------------------------------

    # DFM input specifications: See documentation for details
    Par = {}
    Par["blocks"] = Spec.Blocks.copy()  # Block loading structure
    Par["nQ"] = (Spec.Frequency == "q").sum()  # Number of quarterly series
    Par["p"] = 1  # Number of lags in autoregressive of factor (same for all factors)
    Par["r"] = np.ones((1, Spec.Blocks.shape[1])).astype(
        np.int64)  # Number of common factors for each block
    # Par.r(1) =2;
    # Display blocks

    print("Table 3: Block Loading Structure")
    print("Estimating the dynamic factor model (DFM) \n\n")

    T, N = X.shape
    r = Par["r"].copy()
    p = Par["p"]
    nQ = Par["nQ"]
    blocks = Par["blocks"].copy()

    i_idio = np.append(np.ones(N - nQ), np.zeros(nQ)).reshape((-1, 1),
                                                              order="F") == 1

    # R*Lambda = q; Contraints on the loadings of the quartrly variables
    R_mat = np.array(
        [2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
         -1]).reshape((4, 5))
    q = np.zeros((4, 1))

    # Prepare data -----------------------------------------------------------
    Mx = np.nanmean(X, axis=0)
    Wx = np.nanstd(X, axis=0, ddof=1)
    xNaN = (X - np.tile(Mx, (T, 1))) / np.tile(Wx, (T, 1))

    # Initial Conditions------------------------------------------------------
    optNaN = {}
    optNaN["method"] = 2  # Remove leading and closing zeros
    optNaN["k"] = 3  # Setting for filter(): See remNaN_spline

    A, C, Q, R, Z_0, V_0 = InitCond(xNaN.copy(), r.copy(), p, blocks.copy(),
                                    optNaN, R_mat.copy(), q, nQ, i_idio.copy())

    # initialize EM loop values
    previous_loglik = -np.inf
    num_iter = 0
    LL = [-np.inf]
    converged = 0

    # y for the estimation is with missing data
    y = xNaN.copy().T

    # EM LOOP ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # The model can be written as
    # y = C*Z + e;
    # Z = A*Z(-1) + v
    # where y is NxT, Z is (pr)xT, etc

    # Remove the leading and ending nans
    optNaN["method"] = 3
    y_est, _ = remNaNs_spline(xNaN.copy(), optNaN)
    y_est = y_est.T

    max_iter = 5000
    while num_iter < max_iter and not converged:  # Loop until converges or max iter.

        # Applying EM algorithm
        C_new, R_new, A_new, Q_new, Z_0, V_0, loglik = EMstep(
            y_est, A, C, Q, R, Z_0, V_0, r, p, R_mat, q, nQ, i_idio, blocks)

        C = C_new.copy()
        R = R_new.copy()
        A = A_new.copy()
        Q = Q_new.copy()

        if num_iter > 2:  # Check convergence
            converged, decrease = em_converged(loglik, previous_loglik,
                                               threshold, 1)

        if (num_iter % 10) == 0 and num_iter > 0:
            print("Now running the {}th iteration of max {}".format(
                num_iter, max_iter))
            print('Loglik: {} (% Change: {})'.format(
                loglik, 100 * ((loglik - previous_loglik) / previous_loglik)))

        previous_loglik = loglik
        num_iter += 1

    if num_iter < max_iter:
        print('Successful: Convergence at {} interations'.format(num_iter))
        print('Stopped because maximum iterations reached')

    # Final run of the Kalman filter
    Zsmooth, _, _, _ = runKF(y, A, C, Q, R, Z_0, V_0)
    Zsmooth = Zsmooth.T
    x_sm = np.matmul(Zsmooth[1:, :], C.T)  # Get smoothed X

    # Loading the structure with the results --------------------------------
    Res = {
        "x_sm": x_sm.copy(),
        "X_sm": np.tile(Wx, (T, 1)) * x_sm + np.tile(Mx, (T, 1)),
        "Z": Zsmooth[1:, :].copy(),
        "C": C.copy(),
        "R": R.copy(),
        "A": A.copy(),
        "Q": Q.copy(),
        "Mx": Mx.copy(),
        "Wx": Wx.copy(),
        "Z_0": Z_0.copy(),
        "V_0": V_0.copy(),
        "r": r,
        "p": p,
        "loglik": LL

    # Display output
    # Table with names and factor loadings
    nQ = Par["nQ"]
    nM = Spec.SeriesID.shape[0] - nQ
    nLags = max(Par["p"], 5)
    nFactors = np.sum(Par["r"])

    print("\n Table 4: Factor Loadings for Monthly Series")
        pd.DataFrame(Res["C"][:nM, np.arange(0, nFactors * 5, 5)],

    print("\n Table 5: Quarterly Loadings Sample (Global Factor)")
            Res["C"][(-1 - nQ + 1):, :5],
            columns=['f1_lag0', 'f1_lag1', 'f1_lag2', 'f1_lag3', 'f1_lag4'],
            index=Spec.SeriesName[-1 - nQ + 1:]))

    # Table with AR model on factors (factors with AR parameter and variance of residuals)
    A_terms = np.diag(Res["A"]).copy()
    Q_terms = np.diag(Res["Q"]).copy()

    print('\n Table 6: Autoregressive Coefficients on Factors')
                'AR_Coefficient': A_terms[np.arange(0, nFactors * 5,
                'Variance_Residual': Q_terms[np.arange(0, nFactors * 5,

    # Table with AR model idiosyncratic errors (factors with AR parameter and variance of residuals)
    print('\n Table 7: Autoregressive Coefficients on Idiosyncratic Component')
    A_len = A.shape[0]
    Q_len = Q.shape[0]

    A_index = np.hstack([
        np.arange(nFactors * 5, nFactors * 5 + nM),
        np.arange(nFactors * 5 + nM, A_len, 5)
    Q_index = np.hstack([
        np.arange(nFactors * 5, nFactors * 5 + nM),
        np.arange(nFactors * 5 + nM, Q_len, 5)

                'AR_Coefficient': A_terms[A_index].copy(),
                'Variance_Residual': Q_terms[Q_index].copy()

    return Res
Ejemplo n.º 2
def InitCond(x, r, p, blocks, optNaN, Rcon, q, nQ, i_idio):
    #InitCond()      Calculates initial conditions for parameter estimation
    #  Description:
    #    Given standardized data and model information, InitCond() creates
    #    initial parameter estimates. These are intial inputs in the EM
    #    algorithm, which re-estimates these parameters using Kalman filtering
    #    techniques.
    #  - x:      Standardized data
    #  - r:      Number of common factors for each block
    #  - p:      Number of lags in transition equation
    #  - blocks: Gives series loadings
    #  - optNaN: Option for missing values in spline. See remNaNs_spline() for details.
    #  - Rcon:   Incorporates estimation for quarterly series (i.e. "tent structure")
    #  - q:      Constraints on loadings for quarterly variables
    #  - NQ:     Number of quarterly variables
    #  - i_idio: Logical. Gives index for monthly variables (1) and quarterly (0)
    #  - A:   Transition matrix
    #  - C:   Observation matrix
    #  - Q:   Covariance for transition equation residuals
    #  - R:   Covariance for observation equation residuals
    #  - Z_0: Initial value of state
    #  - V_0: Initial value of covariance matrix

    pC = Rcon.shape[1]  # Gives 'tent' structure size (quarterly to monthly)
    ppC = max(p, pC)
    n_b = blocks.shape[1]  # Number of blocks

    xBal, indNaN = remNaNs_spline(x.copy(), optNaN)  # Spline without NaNs

    T, N = xBal.shape  # Time T series number N
    nM = N - nQ  # Number of monthly series

    xNaN = xBal.copy()
    xNaN[indNaN] = np.nan  # Set missing values equal to NaNs
    res = xBal.copy(
    )  # Spline output equal to res Later this is used for residuals
    resNaN = xNaN.copy()  # Later used for residuals

    # Initialize model coefficient output
    C = None
    A = None
    Q = None
    V_0 = None

    # Set the first observations as NaNs: For quarterly-monthly aggreg. scheme
    indNaN[:pC - 1, :] = np.True_

    # Set the first observations as NaNs: For quarterly-monthly aggreg. scheme
    for i in range(n_b):  # Loop for each block
        r_i = r[0, i].copy()  # r_i = 1 when block is loaded

        # Observation equation -----------------------------------------------

        C_i = np.zeros(
            (N, r_i * ppC))  # Initialize state variable matrix helper
        idx_i = np.where(blocks[:,
                                i])[0]  # Returns series index loading block i
        idx_iM = idx_i[idx_i < nM]  # Monthly series indicies for loaded blocks
        idx_iQ = idx_i[idx_i >=
                       nM]  # Quarterly series indicies for loaded blocks

        # Returns eigenvector v w/largest eigenvalue d, CHECK: test if eig values are the same in Matlab
        d, v = eig(np.cov(res[:, idx_iM], rowvar=False))
        e_idx = np.where(d == np.max(d))[0]
        d = d[e_idx]
        v = v[:, e_idx]

        # Flip sign for cleaner output. Gives equivalent results without this section
        if np.sum(v) < 0:
            v = -v

        # For monthly series with loaded blocks (rows), replace with eigenvector
        # This gives the loading
        C_i[idx_iM, 0:r_i] = v.copy()
        f = np.matmul(res[:, idx_iM],
                      v)  # Data projection for eigenvector direction
        F = np.array(f[(pC - 1):f.shape[0], :]).reshape((-1, 1))

        # Lag matrix using loading. This is later used for quarterly series
        for kk in range(1, max(p + 1, pC)):
            F = np.concatenate((F, f[(pC - 1) - kk:f.shape[0] - kk, :]),

        Rcon_i = np.kron(Rcon,
                         np.eye(r_i))  # Quarterly-monthly aggregation scheme
        q_i = np.kron(q, np.zeros((r_i, 1)))

        # Produces projected data with lag structure (so pC-1 fewer entries)
        ff = F[:, 0:(r_i * pC)].copy()

        for j in idx_iQ:  # Loop for quarterly variables

            # For series j, values are dropped to accommodate lag structure
            xx_j = resNaN[(pC - 1):, j].copy()

            if sum(~np.isnan(xx_j)) < (ff.shape[1] + 2):
                xx_j = res[(pC - 1):, j].copy()

            ff_j = ff[~np.isnan(xx_j), :].copy()
            xx_j = xx_j[~np.isnan(xx_j)].reshape((-1, 1)).copy()

            iff_j = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(ff_j.T, ff_j))
            Cc = np.matmul(np.matmul(iff_j, ff_j.T), xx_j)

            a1 = np.matmul(iff_j, Rcon_i.T)
            a2 = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(Rcon_i, iff_j), Rcon_i.T))
            a3 = np.matmul(Rcon_i, Cc) - q_i

            # Spline data monthly to quarterly conversion
            Cc = Cc - np.matmul(np.matmul(a1, a2), a3)

            C_i[j, 0:pC * r_i] = Cc.T.copy()  # Place in output matrix

        # Zeros in first pC-1 entries (replace dropped from lag)
        ff = np.concatenate([np.zeros((pC - 1, pC * r_i)), ff], axis=0)

        # Residual Calculations
        res = res - np.matmul(ff, C_i.T)
        resNaN = res.copy()
        resNaN[indNaN] = np.nan

        # Combine past loadings together
        if i == 0:
            C = C_i.copy()
            C = np.hstack([C, C_i.copy()])

        # Transition equation ------------------------------------------------

        z = F[:, r_i - 1].copy()  # Projected data (no lag)
        Z = F[:, r_i:(r_i * (p + 1))].copy()  # Data with lag 1

        A_i = np.zeros(
            (r_i * ppC, r_i * ppC)).T  # Initialize transition matrix
        A_temp = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(Z.T, Z)), Z.T),
                           z)  # OLS: gives coefficient value AR(p) process

        A_i[:r_i, :r_i * p] = A_temp.T.copy()
        A_i[r_i:, :r_i * (ppC - 1)] = np.eye(r_i * (ppC - 1))

        Q_i = np.zeros((ppC * r_i, ppC * r_i))
        e = z - np.matmul(Z, A_temp)  # VAR residuals
        Q_i[:r_i, :r_i] = np.cov(e, rowvar=False)  # VAR covariance matrix

        initV_i = np.reshape(
                np.linalg.inv(np.eye((r_i * ppC)**2) - np.kron(A_i, A_i)),
                Q_i.flatten('F').reshape((-1, 1))), (r_i * ppC, r_i * ppC))

        # Gives top left block for the transition matrix
        if i == 0:
            A = A_i.copy()
            Q = Q_i.copy()
            V_0 = initV_i.copy()
            A = block_diag(A, A_i)
            Q = block_diag(Q, Q_i)
            V_0 = block_diag(V_0, initV_i)

    eyeN = np.eye(N)[:, i_idio.flatten('F')]  # Used inside observation matrix

    C = np.hstack([C, eyeN])
    # Monthly-quarterly agreggation scheme
    C = np.hstack([
            np.zeros((nM, 5 * nQ)),
                    np.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]).reshape((1, -1)))
    # Initialize covariance matrix for transition matrix
    R = np.diag(np.nanvar(resNaN, ddof=1, axis=0))

    ii_idio = np.where(i_idio)[0]  # Indicies for monthly variables
    n_idio = ii_idio.shape[0]  # Number of monthly variables
    BM = np.zeros(
        (n_idio, n_idio))  # Initialize monthly transition matrix values
    SM = np.zeros(
         n_idio))  # Initialize monthly residual covariance matrix values

    for i in range(n_idio):  # Loop for monthly variables

        # Set observation equation residual covariance matrix diagonal
        R[ii_idio[i], ii_idio[i]] = 1e-4

        # Subsetting series residuals for series i
        res_i = resNaN[:, ii_idio[i]].copy()

        # Returns number of leading/ending zeros
            leadZero = np.max(
                np.where(np.arange(1, T +
                                   1) == np.cumsum(np.isnan(res_i)))) + 1
        except ValueError:
            leadZero = None

            endZero = -(np.max(
                    np.arange(1, T +
                              1) == np.cumsum(np.isnan(res_i[::-1])))[0]) + 1)
        except ValueError:
            endZero = None

        # Truncate leading and ending zeros
        res_i = res[:, ii_idio[i]].copy()
        res_i = res_i[:endZero]
        res_i = res_i[leadZero:].reshape((-1, 1), order="F")

        # Linear regression: AR 1 process for monthly series residuals
        BM[i, i] = np.matmul(
            np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(res_i[:-1].T, res_i[:-1])),
                      res_i[:-1].T), res_i[1:])
        SM[i, i] = np.cov(res_i[1:] - (res_i[:-1] * BM[i, i]), rowvar=False)

    Rdiag = np.diag(R).copy()
    sig_e = (Rdiag[nM:] / 19)
    Rdiag[nM:] = 1e-4
    R = np.diag(Rdiag).copy()  # Covariance for obs matrix residuals

    # For BQ, SQ
    rho0 = np.array([[.1]])
    temp = np.zeros((5, 5))
    temp[0, 0] = 1

    # Blocks for covariance matrices
    SQ = np.kron(np.diag((1 - rho0[0, 0]**2) * sig_e), temp)
    BQ = np.kron(
            np.hstack([rho0, np.zeros((1, 4))]),
            np.hstack([np.eye(4), np.zeros((4, 1))])

    initViQ = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.eye((5 * nQ)**2) - np.kron(BQ, BQ)),
                        SQ.reshape((-1, 1))).reshape((5 * nQ, 5 * nQ))
    initViM = np.diag(1 / np.diag(np.eye(BM.shape[0]) - BM**2)) * SM

    # Output
    A = block_diag(A, BM, BQ)
    Q = block_diag(Q, SM, SQ)
    Z_0 = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1))
    V_0 = block_diag(V_0, initViM, initViQ)

    return A, C, Q, R, Z_0, V_0