Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_multiple_contributors_crowdsourcer_fees(localFixture, universe,
                                                 market, cash,
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers push markets into the next round by funding dispute crowdsourcers
    amount = market.getTotalStake()
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a1,
                    "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()],
                                 startgas=long(6.7 * 10**6))
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a2,
                    "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()],
                                 startgas=long(6.7 * 10**6))

    newFeeWindowAddress = market.getFeeWindow()
    assert newFeeWindowAddress != feeWindow.address

    # fast forward time to the fee new window and generate additional fees
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', newFeeWindowAddress)
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # Fast forward time until the new fee window is over and we can redeem our winning stake, and dispute bond tokens and receive fees
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
    assert market.finalize()

    marketDisputeCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature(
        'DisputeCrowdsourcer', market.getReportingParticipant(1))

    # The dispute crowdsourcer contributors locked in REP for 2 rounds and staked twice the initial reporter so they split 2/3 of the total stake
    expectedFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(
    expectedFees = expectedFees / 3 * 2

    expectedRep = long(amount + amount / 2)
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep, tester.a1,
                    "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees / 2, tester.a1, localFixture.chain,
                        "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep + 1, tester.a2,
                    "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees - expectedFees / 2, tester.a2,
                        "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_participation_tokens(kitchenSinkFixture, universe, market, cash):
    reputationToken = kitchenSinkFixture.applySignature(
        "ReputationToken", universe.getReputationToken())

    disputeWindow = kitchenSinkFixture.applySignature(
        "DisputeWindow", universe.getOrCreateNextDisputeWindow(False))

    # Generate Fees
    generateFees(kitchenSinkFixture, universe, market)

    # We can't buy participation tokens until the window starts
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # Fast forward time until the new dispute window starts and we can buy some tokens
    assert reputationToken.transfer(kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[1], 100)
        disputeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -300, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[0],
                    "Buying sisnt take REP"):
        with TokenDelta(disputeWindow, 300, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[0],
                        "Buying didnt give PTs"):
            assert disputeWindow.buy(300)
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -100, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[1],
                    "Buying sisnt take REP"):
        with TokenDelta(disputeWindow, 100, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[1],
                        "Buying didnt give PTs"):
            assert disputeWindow.buy(100,

    # We can't redeem until the window is over
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # Fast forward time until the new dispute window is over and we can redeem
        disputeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)

    totalFees = cash.balanceOf(disputeWindow.address)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, 300, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[0],
                    "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(cash, totalFees * 3 / 4,
                        "Redeeming didn't give fees"):
            with TokenDelta(disputeWindow, -300,
                            "Redeeming didn't burn PTs"):
                assert disputeWindow.redeem(kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[0])

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, 100, kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[1],
                    "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(cash, totalFees * 1 / 4,
                        "Redeeming didn't give fees"):
            with TokenDelta(disputeWindow, -100,
                            "Redeeming didn't burn PTs"):
                assert disputeWindow.redeem(kitchenSinkFixture.accounts[1])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_one_round_crowdsourcer_fees(localFixture, universe, market, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())
    constants = localFixture.contracts["Constants"]

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers push markets into the next round by funding dispute crowdsourcers
    amount = 2 * market.getParticipantStake()
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a1, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount, "", sender=tester.k1)

    newFeeWindowAddress = market.getFeeWindow()
    assert newFeeWindowAddress != feeWindow.address

    # fast forward time to the fee new window and generate additional fees
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', newFeeWindowAddress)
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # Fast forward time until the new fee window is over and we can redeem our winning stake, and dispute bond tokens and receive fees
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
    assert market.finalize()

    initialReporter = localFixture.applySignature('InitialReporter', market.getReportingParticipant(0))
    marketDisputeCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature('DisputeCrowdsourcer', market.getReportingParticipant(1))

    # The dispute crowdsourcer contributor locked in REP for 2 rounds, as did the Initial Reporter
    expectedTotalFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(universe.getOrCreateFeeWindowBefore(feeWindow.address))

    expectedFees = expectedTotalFees * 2 / 3
    expectedRep = market.getParticipantStake()
    assert expectedRep == long(marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake() + marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake() / 2)
    disputeCrowdsourcerRedeemedLog = {
        "reporter": bytesToHexString(tester.a1),
        "disputeCrowdsourcer": marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.address,
        "amountRedeemed": marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake(),
        "repReceived": expectedRep,
        "reportingFeesReceived": expectedFees,
        "payoutNumerators": [0, market.getNumTicks()],
        "universe": universe.address,
        "market": market.address
    with AssertLog(localFixture, "DisputeCrowdsourcerRedeemed", disputeCrowdsourcerRedeemedLog):
        with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep, tester.a1, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1, sender=tester.k1)

    # The initial reporter gets fees even though they were not correct. They do not get their REP back though
    expectedFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(universe.getOrCreateFeeWindowBefore(feeWindow.address))
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, 0, tester.a0, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert initialReporter.redeem(tester.a0)
def test_one_round_crowdsourcer_fees(localFixture, universe, market, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())
    constants = localFixture.contracts["Constants"]

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers push markets into the next round by funding dispute crowdsourcers
    amount = 2 * market.getParticipantStake()
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a1, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount, sender=tester.k1)

    newFeeWindowAddress = market.getFeeWindow()
    assert newFeeWindowAddress != feeWindow.address

    # fast forward time to the fee new window and generate additional fees
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', newFeeWindowAddress)
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # Fast forward time until the new fee window is over and we can redeem our winning stake, and dispute bond tokens and receive fees
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
    assert market.finalize()

    initialReporter = localFixture.applySignature('InitialReporter', market.getReportingParticipant(0))
    marketDisputeCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature('DisputeCrowdsourcer', market.getReportingParticipant(1))

    # The dispute crowdsourcer contributor locked in REP for 2 rounds, as did the Initial Reporter
    expectedTotalFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(universe.getOrCreateFeeWindowBefore(feeWindow.address))

    expectedFees = expectedTotalFees * 2 / 3
    expectedRep = market.getParticipantStake()
    assert expectedRep == long(marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake() + marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake() / 2)
    disputeCrowdsourcerRedeemedLog = {
        "reporter": bytesToHexString(tester.a1),
        "disputeCrowdsourcer": marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.address,
        "amountRedeemed": marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.getStake(),
        "repReceived": expectedRep,
        "reportingFeesReceived": expectedFees,
        "payoutNumerators": [0, market.getNumTicks()],
        "universe": universe.address,
        "market": market.address
    with AssertLog(localFixture, "DisputeCrowdsourcerRedeemed", disputeCrowdsourcerRedeemedLog):
        with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep, tester.a1, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1, sender=tester.k1)

    # The initial reporter gets fees even though they were not correct. They do not get their REP back though
    expectedFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(universe.getOrCreateFeeWindowBefore(feeWindow.address))
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, 0, tester.a0, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert initialReporter.redeem(tester.a0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_failed_crowdsourcer_fees(finalize, localFixture, universe, market, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers contribute to a dispute but not reach the target
    amount = market.getParticipantStake()

    # confirm we can contribute 0
    assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, 0, "", sender=tester.k1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount + 1, tester.a1, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, amount - 1, "", sender=tester.k1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount + 1, tester.a2, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, amount - 1, "", sender=tester.k2)

    assert market.getFeeWindow() == feeWindow.address

    payoutDistributionHash = market.derivePayoutDistributionHash([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False)
    failedCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature("DisputeCrowdsourcer", market.getCrowdsourcer(payoutDistributionHash))

    # confirm we cannot contribute directly to a crowdsourcer without going through the market
    with raises(TransactionFailed):
        failedCrowdsourcer.contribute(tester.a0, 1)

    if finalize:
        # Fast forward time until the fee window is over and we can redeem to recieve the REP back and fees
        localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
        expectedTotalFees = getExpectedFees(localFixture, cash, failedCrowdsourcer, 1)
        # Continue to the next round which will disavow failed crowdsourcers and let us redeem once the window is over
        market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount * 2, "")
        assert market.getFeeWindow() != feeWindow.address
        localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
        expectedTotalFees = getExpectedFees(localFixture, cash, failedCrowdsourcer, 1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, amount - 1, tester.a1, "Redeeming did not refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedTotalFees / 2, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert failedCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, amount - 1, tester.a2, "Redeeming did not refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(cash.balanceOf(failedCrowdsourcer.address), tester.a2, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert failedCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a2)
def test_failed_crowdsourcer_fees(finalize, localFixture, universe, market, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers contribute to a dispute but not reach the target
    amount = market.getParticipantStake()

    # confirm we can contribute 0
    assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, 0, sender=tester.k1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount + 1, tester.a1, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, amount - 1, sender=tester.k1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount + 1, tester.a2, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False, amount - 1, sender=tester.k2)

    assert market.getFeeWindow() == feeWindow.address

    payoutDistributionHash = market.derivePayoutDistributionHash([1, market.getNumTicks()-1], False)
    failedCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature("DisputeCrowdsourcer", market.getCrowdsourcer(payoutDistributionHash))

    # confirm we cannot contribute directly to a crowdsourcer without going through the market
    with raises(TransactionFailed):
        failedCrowdsourcer.contribute(tester.a0, 1)

    if finalize:
        # Fast forward time until the fee window is over and we can redeem to recieve the REP back and fees
        localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
        expectedTotalFees = getExpectedFees(localFixture, cash, failedCrowdsourcer, 1)
        # Continue to the next round which will disavow failed crowdsourcers and let us redeem once the window is over
        market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount * 2)
        assert market.getFeeWindow() != feeWindow.address
        localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
        expectedTotalFees = getExpectedFees(localFixture, cash, failedCrowdsourcer, 1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, amount - 1, tester.a1, "Redeeming did not refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedTotalFees / 2, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert failedCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, amount - 1, tester.a2, "Redeeming did not refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(cash.balanceOf(failedCrowdsourcer.address), tester.a2, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert failedCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a2)
def test_multiple_contributors_crowdsourcer_fees(localFixture, universe, market, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())

    # We'll make the window active
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll have testers push markets into the next round by funding dispute crowdsourcers
    amount = market.getParticipantStake()
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a1, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount, sender=tester.k1)
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -amount, tester.a2, "Disputing did not reduce REP balance correctly"):
        assert market.contribute([0, market.getNumTicks()], False, amount, sender=tester.k2)

    newFeeWindowAddress = market.getFeeWindow()
    assert newFeeWindowAddress != feeWindow.address

    # fast forward time to the fee new window and generate additional fees
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', newFeeWindowAddress)
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)

    # Fast forward time until the new fee window is over and we can redeem our winning stake, and dispute bond tokens and receive fees
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)
    assert market.finalize()

    marketDisputeCrowdsourcer = localFixture.applySignature('DisputeCrowdsourcer', market.getReportingParticipant(1))

    # The dispute crowdsourcer contributors locked in REP for 2 rounds and staked twice the initial reporter so they split 2/3 of the total stake
    expectedFees = cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) + cash.balanceOf(universe.getOrCreateFeeWindowBefore(feeWindow.address))
    expectedFees = expectedFees / 3 * 2

    expectedRep = long(amount + amount / 2)
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep, tester.a1, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees / 2, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, expectedRep + 1, tester.a2, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees - expectedFees / 2, tester.a2, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert marketDisputeCrowdsourcer.redeem(tester.a2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_buyback_from_reporting_fees(localFixture, universe, auction, reputationToken, time, market, cash):
    # We'll quickly do the bootstrap auction and seed it with some ETH
    startTime = auction.getAuctionStartTime()
    assert time.setTimestamp(startTime)

    # Buy 5000 REP
    repSalePrice = auction.getRepSalePriceInAttoEth()
    repAmount = 5000 * 10 ** 18
    cost = repAmount * repSalePrice / 10 ** 18
    with BuyWithCash(cash, cost, tester.k0, "trade eth for rep"):
        assert auction.tradeEthForRep(repAmount)

    # Now we'll go to the first real auction
    endTime = auction.getAuctionEndTime()
    assert time.setTimestamp(endTime + 1)

    startTime = auction.getAuctionStartTime()
    assert time.setTimestamp(startTime)

    # Generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)
    feesGenerated = auction.feeBalance()

    # Now we'll sell some REP and we can see that the fees that were collected were used and that the REP provided was burned
    ethSalePrice = auction.getEthSalePriceInAttoRep()
    ethAmount = feesGenerated / 2
    cost = ethAmount * ethSalePrice / 10 ** 18
    totalRepSupply = reputationToken.totalSupply()
    assert auction.tradeRepForEth(ethAmount)

    assert totalRepSupply - reputationToken.totalSupply() == cost
    assert auction.feeBalance() == feesGenerated / 2

    # If we now sell some REP again but do so by selling more than could be covered by remaining fees only a proportional amount of REP is actually burned
    ethAmount = feesGenerated
    cost = ethAmount * ethSalePrice / 10 ** 18
    totalRepSupply = reputationToken.totalSupply()
    assert auction.tradeRepForEth(ethAmount)

    assert totalRepSupply - reputationToken.totalSupply() == cost / 2
    assert auction.feeBalance() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_initial_report_and_participation_fee_collection(
        localFixture, universe, market, categoricalMarket, scalarMarket, cash,
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())
    constants = localFixture.contracts["Constants"]

    # We cannot purchase participation tokens yet since the window isn't active
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll make the window active then purchase some participation tokens
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)
    feeWindowAmount = 100
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a0,
                    "Buying participation tokens didn't deduct REP correctly"):
        with TokenDelta(
                feeWindow, feeWindowAmount, tester.a0,
                "Buying participation tokens didn't increase participation token balance correctly"
            assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount)

    # As other testers we'll buy some more
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k1)
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k2)
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k3)

    # We can't redeem the participation tokens yet since the window isn't over
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # Now end the window and finalize
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)

    assert market.finalize()
    assert categoricalMarket.finalize()
    assert scalarMarket.finalize()

    marketInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature(
        'InitialReporter', market.getInitialReporter())
    categoricalInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature(
        'InitialReporter', categoricalMarket.getInitialReporter())
    scalarInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature(
        'InitialReporter', scalarMarket.getInitialReporter())

    reporterFees = 1000 * market.getNumTicks(
    ) / universe.getOrCacheReportingFeeDivisor()
    totalStake = feeWindow.getTotalFeeStake()
    assert cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) == reporterFees

    expectedParticipationFees = reporterFees * feeWindowAmount / totalStake

    # Cashing out Participation tokens will awards fees proportional to the total winning stake in the window
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a0,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(
                feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a0,
                "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"
            with EtherDelta(
                    expectedParticipationFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a0)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a1,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(
                feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a1,
                "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"
            with EtherDelta(
                    expectedParticipationFees, tester.a1, localFixture.chain,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a2,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(
                feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a2,
                "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"
            with EtherDelta(
                    expectedParticipationFees, tester.a2, localFixture.chain,
                    "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a2)

    logs = []
                        localFixture.contracts['Augur'], logs)

    marketStake = marketInitialReport.getStake()
    expectedFees = reporterFees * marketStake / totalStake
    winningsRedeemedLog = {
        "reporter": bytesToHexString(tester.a0),
        "reportingParticipant": marketInitialReport.address,
        "amountRedeemed": marketStake,
        "reportingFeesReceived": expectedFees,
        "payoutNumerators": [market.getNumTicks(), 0],
        "universe": universe.address,
        "market": market.address
    with AssertLog(localFixture, "WinningsRedeemed", winningsRedeemedLog):
        with TokenDelta(reputationToken, marketStake, tester.a0,
                        "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain,
                            "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert marketInitialReport.redeem(tester.a0)

    categoricalMarketStake = categoricalInitialReport.getStake()
    expectedFees = reporterFees * categoricalMarketStake / totalStake
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, categoricalMarketStake, tester.a0,
                    "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain,
                        "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert categoricalInitialReport.redeem(tester.a0)
def test_initial_report_and_participation_fee_collection(localFixture, universe, market, categoricalMarket, scalarMarket, cash, reputationToken):
    feeWindow = localFixture.applySignature('FeeWindow', market.getFeeWindow())
    constants = localFixture.contracts["Constants"]

    # We cannot purchase participation tokens yet since the window isn't active
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # generate some fees
    generateFees(localFixture, universe, market)

    # We'll make the window active then purchase some participation tokens
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getStartTime() + 1)
    feeWindowAmount = 100
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a0, "Buying participation tokens didn't deduct REP correctly"):
        with TokenDelta(feeWindow, feeWindowAmount, tester.a0, "Buying participation tokens didn't increase participation token balance correctly"):
            assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount)

    # As other testers we'll buy some more
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k1)
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k2)
    assert feeWindow.buy(feeWindowAmount, sender=tester.k3)

    # We can't redeem the participation tokens yet since the window isn't over
    with raises(TransactionFailed):

    # Now end the window and finalize
    localFixture.contracts["Time"].setTimestamp(feeWindow.getEndTime() + 1)

    assert market.finalize()
    assert categoricalMarket.finalize()
    assert scalarMarket.finalize()

    marketInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature('InitialReporter', market.getInitialReporter())
    categoricalInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature('InitialReporter', categoricalMarket.getInitialReporter())
    scalarInitialReport = localFixture.applySignature('InitialReporter', scalarMarket.getInitialReporter())

    reporterFees = 1000 * market.getNumTicks() / universe.getOrCacheReportingFeeDivisor()
    totalStake = feeWindow.getTotalFeeStake()
    assert cash.balanceOf(feeWindow.address) == reporterFees

    expectedParticipationFees = reporterFees * feeWindowAmount / totalStake

    # Cashing out Participation tokens will awards fees proportional to the total winning stake in the window
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a0, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a0, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedParticipationFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a0)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a1, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a1, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedParticipationFees, tester.a1, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a1)

    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, feeWindowAmount, tester.a2, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't refund REP"):
        with TokenDelta(feeWindow, -feeWindowAmount, tester.a2, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't decrease participation token balance correctly"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedParticipationFees, tester.a2, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming participation tokens didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert feeWindow.redeem(tester.a2)

    marketStake = marketInitialReport.getStake()
    expectedFees = reporterFees * marketStake / totalStake
    initialReporterRedeemedLog = {
        "reporter": bytesToHexString(tester.a0),
        "amountRedeemed": marketStake,
        "repReceived": marketStake,
        "reportingFeesReceived": expectedFees,
        "payoutNumerators": [market.getNumTicks(), 0],
        "universe": universe.address,
        "market": market.address
    with AssertLog(localFixture, "InitialReporterRedeemed", initialReporterRedeemedLog):
        with TokenDelta(reputationToken, marketStake, tester.a0, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
            with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
                assert marketInitialReport.redeem(tester.a0)

    categoricalMarketStake = categoricalInitialReport.getStake()
    expectedFees = reporterFees * categoricalMarketStake / totalStake
    with TokenDelta(reputationToken, categoricalMarketStake, tester.a0, "Redeeming didn't refund REP"):
        with EtherDelta(expectedFees, tester.a0, localFixture.chain, "Redeeming didn't increase ETH correctly"):
            assert categoricalInitialReport.redeem(tester.a0)