Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(self):
    def weight_sort(a, b):
        return cmp(a.getWeight(), b.getWeight())
    drawing = Drawing(600, 300)
    lc = LinePlot()
    # Determine axis dimensions and create data set
    maxval = 0
    minval = 0    
    dimension_one_values = []
    dimension_two_values = []
    dimension_one_answeroptions_as_objects = []
    dimension_two_answeroptions_as_objects = []
    counter = 0
    for question in self.getQuestions():        
        weights = [int(weight) for weight in question.getAnswerOptionsWeights()]
        answeroptions = list(question.getAnswerOptions())

        # This is used by the legend. Sort on weight.
        if counter == 0:
            dimension_one_answeroptions_as_objects = question.getAnswerOptionsAsObjects()
            dimension_two_answeroptions_as_objects = question.getAnswerOptionsAsObjects()

        # Minmax
        lmin = min(weights)
        lmax = max(weights)
        if lmin < minval:
            minval = lmin
        if lmax > maxval:
            maxval = lmax
        # Data
        for user, answer in question.answers.items():
            value = answer.get('value', None)            
            weight = None
            if value is not None:                
                # Lookup the integer weight of this answer
                if value in answeroptions:
                    index = answeroptions.index(value)
                    weight = weights[index]
            # Always add to the list. ReportLab deals with None.    
            if counter == 0:
        counter += 1

    # Set minmax
    absmax = max(abs(minval), abs(maxval)) * 1.1    
    lc.xValueAxis.valueMin = -absmax
    lc.xValueAxis.valueMax = absmax    
    lc.yValueAxis.valueMin = -absmax
    lc.yValueAxis.valueMax = absmax
    # Zip to create data
    data = [zip(dimension_one_values, dimension_two_values)]
    if not len(data[0]):
    lc.x = 0
    lc.y = 0
    # Misc setup
    lc.height = 300
    lc.width = 300
    lc.data = data
    lc.joinedLines = 0
    lc.fillColor = None
    lc.lines[0].strokeColor = colors.red
    lc.lines[0].symbol = makeMarker('FilledCircle')

    # Add a grid
    grid = DoubleGrid()
    lc.background = grid
    lc.background = None
    # Finetune the grid
    grid.grid0.strokeWidth = 0.2
    grid.grid1.strokeWidth = 0.2
    # Add to drawing else it overwrites the center Y axis
    # Add a Y axis to pass through the origin
    yaxis = YValueAxis()
    yaxis.setPosition(lc.width/2, 0, lc.height)
    yaxis.strokeColor = colors.blue

    # Color X-Axis
    lc.xValueAxis.strokeColor = colors.green


    # Legend for Dimension One
    drawing.add(String(lc.width+20, lc.height-12, 'Dimension One (X-Axis):', 
        fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12, fillColor=colors.green))
    legend = Legend()
    legend.alignment = 'right'
    legend.x = lc.width + 20
    legend.y = lc.height - 20
    legend.fontName = 'Helvetica'
    legend.fontSize = 12
    legend.columnMaximum = 7
    items = []
    for ob in dimension_one_answeroptions_as_objects:
        items.append( ( StringWidget(ob.getWeight()), ob() ) )
    legend.colorNamePairs = items
    drawing.add(legend, 'legend1')

    # Legend for Dimension Two
    drawing.add(String(lc.width+20, lc.height/2-12, 'Dimension Two (Y-Axis):', 
        fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12, fillColor=colors.blue))
    legend = Legend()
    legend.alignment = 'right'
    legend.x = lc.width + 20
    legend.y = lc.height/2 - 20
    legend.fontName = 'Helvetica'
    legend.fontSize = 12
    legend.columnMaximum = 7
    items = []
    for ob in dimension_two_answeroptions_as_objects:
        items.append( ( StringWidget(ob.getWeight()), ob() ) )
    legend.colorNamePairs = items
    drawing.add(legend, 'legend2')

    # Write out
    data = drawing.asString('png')
    request = self.REQUEST
    response = request.RESPONSE
    response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
    response.setHeader('Content-Disposition','inline; filename=%s.png' % self.getId())
    response.setHeader('Content-Length', len(data))           
    response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 's-maxage=0')
    return data