Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setFillColor(self, aColor, alpha=None):
     """Takes a color object, allowing colors to be referred to by name"""
     if self._enforceColorSpace:
         aColor = self._enforceColorSpace(aColor)
     if isinstance(aColor, CMYKColor):
         d = aColor.density
         c,m,y,k = (d*aColor.cyan, d*aColor.magenta, d*aColor.yellow, d*aColor.black)
         self._fillColorObj = aColor
         name = self._checkSeparation(aColor)
         if name:
             self._code.append('/%s cs %s scn' % (name,fp_str(d)))
             self._code.append('%s k' % fp_str(c, m, y, k))
     elif isinstance(aColor, Color):
         rgb = (aColor.red, aColor.green, aColor.blue)
         self._fillColorObj = aColor
         self._code.append('%s rg' % fp_str(rgb) )
     elif isinstance(aColor,(tuple,list)):
         l = len(aColor)
         if l==3:
             self._fillColorObj = aColor
             self._code.append('%s rg' % fp_str(aColor) )
         elif l==4:
             self._fillColorObj = aColor
             self._code.append('%s k' % fp_str(aColor))
             raise ValueError('Unknown color %r' % aColor)
     elif isStr(aColor):
         raise ValueError('Unknown color %r' % aColor)
     if alpha is not None:
     elif getattr(aColor, 'alpha', None) is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def circleArcStream(size, r, arcs=(0,1,2,3), rotated=False):
     R = [].append
     rlen = R.__self__.__len__
     hsize = size * 0.5
     f = size / 20.0
     size *= f 
     hsize *= f 
     r *= f
     cp = fp_str(0.55231 * r)
     r = fp_str(r)
     hsize = fp_str(hsize)
     mx = '0.7071 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071' if rotated else '1 0 0 1'
     R('%(mx)s %(hsize)s %(hsize)s cm')
     if 0 in arcs:
         if rlen()==1: R('%(r)s 0 m')
         R('%(r)s %(cp)s %(cp)s %(r)s 0 %(r)s c')
     if 1 in arcs:
         if rlen()==1: R('0 %(r)s m')
         R('-%(cp)s %(r)s -%(r)s %(cp)s -%(r)s 0 c')
     if 2 in arcs:
         if rlen()==1: R('-%(r)s 0 m')
         R('-%(r)s -%(cp)s -%(cp)s -%(r)s 0 -%(r)s c')
     if 3 in arcs:
         if rlen()==1: R('0 -%(r)s m')
         R('%(cp)s -%(r)s %(r)s -%(cp)s %(r)s 0 c')
     return '\n'.join(R.__self__) % vars()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _issueT1String(self,fontObj,x,y,s):
        fc = fontObj
        code_append = self.code_append
        fontSize = self._fontSize
        fontsUsed = self._fontsUsed
        escape = self._escape
        if not isUnicode(s):
                s = s.decode('utf8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                i,j = e.args[2:4]
                raise UnicodeDecodeError(*(e.args[:4]+('%s\n%s-->%s<--%s' % (e.args[4],s[i-10:i],s[i:j],s[j:j+10]),)))

        for f, t in unicode2T1(s,[fontObj]+fontObj.substitutionFonts):
            if f!=fc:
                psName = asNative(f.face.name)
                code_append('(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(fontSize)))
                if psName not in fontsUsed:
                fc = f
            code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),escape(t)))
            x += f.stringWidth(t.decode(f.encName),fontSize)
        if fontObj!=fc:
            self._font = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __repr__(self):
     return "%s(%s%s%s%s%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
         fp_str(self.cyan*100, self.magenta*100, self.yellow*100, self.black*100).replace(' ',','),
         (self.spotName and (',spotName='+repr(self.spotName)) or ''),
         (self.density!=1 and (',density='+fp_str(self.density*100)) or ''),
         (self.knockout is not None and (',knockout=%d' % self.knockout) or ''),
         (self.alpha is not None and (',alpha=%s' % (fp_str(self.alpha*100))) or ''),
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setColor(self, color):
     if self._color!=color:
         self._color = color
         if color:
             if hasattr(color, "cyan"):
                 self.code_append('%s setcmykcolor' % fp_str(color.cyan, color.magenta, color.yellow, color.black))
                 self.code_append('%s setrgbcolor' % fp_str(color.red, color.green, color.blue))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setTextOrigin(self, x, y):
        if self._canvas.bottomup:
            self._code.append('1 0 0 1 %s Tm' % fp_str(x, y)) #bottom up
            self._code.append('1 0 0 -1 %s Tm' % fp_str(x, y))  #top down

        # The current cursor position is at the text origin
        self._x0 = self._x = x
        self._y0 = self._y = y
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def lines(self, lineList, color=None, width=None):
        # print "### lineList", lineList

        if self._strokeColor != None:
            codeline = '%s m %s l stroke'
            for line in lineList:
                self.code.append(codeline % (fp_str(line[0]), fp_str(line[1])))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def drawCurve(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, closed=0):
     codeline = '%s m %s curveto'
     data = (fp_str(x1, y1), fp_str(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4))
     if self._fillColor != None:
         self.code_append((codeline % data) + ' eofill')
     if self._strokeColor != None:
         self.code_append((codeline % data) +
                          ((closed and ' closepath') or '') + ' stroke')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ttf2ps(font, doc):
    create analytic fonts for inclusion in a postscript document
    state = font._assignState(doc,asciiReadable=False,namePrefix='.RLF')
    state.frozen = 1
    PS = []
    unitsPerEm = font.face.unitsPerEm
    scale = lambda x: int(x*unitsPerEm/1000. + 0.1)
    _fontBBox = list(map(scale,font.face.bbox))
    fontBBox = fp_str(*_fontBBox)
    for i,subset in enumerate(state.subsets):
        n = len(subset)
        psName = font.getSubsetInternalName(i,doc)[1:]
        metrics = []
        bboxes = []
        chardefs = []
        charmaps = []
        nglyphs = 0
        for c in range(n):
            g = subset[c]
            if g==32 and g!=c: continue
            u = uniChr(g).encode('utf8')
                P = u2P(font,u)
                P = []
            nglyphs += 1
                #if c==0 and g==0:
                #   P=[('moveTo', 30, 1473), ('lineTo', 30, 0), ('lineTo', 603, 0),('lineTo',603,1473), 'closePath',('moveTo',40,1463),('lineTo',593,1463),('lineTo',593,10),('lineTo',40,10),'closePath']
                #   continue
            gn = glyphName(c)
            if g==0 and c==0:
                uw = 633
                uw = font.stringWidth(u,unitsPerEm)
            if P:
                bb = definePath(P).getBounds()
                bb = [0,0,uw,0]
            bboxes.append('/%s [%s] def' % (gn,fp_str(*bb)))
            metrics.append('/%s %s def' % (gn, fp_str(uw)))
        if nglyphs<=0: continue
        metrics = '\n'.join(metrics)
        chardefs = '\n'.join(chardefs)
        charmaps = '\n'.join(charmaps)
        bboxes = '\n'.join(bboxes)
        uid = rl_config.eps_ttf_embed_uid and getUID(doc,metrics+chardefs+charmaps+bboxes+str(unitsPerEm)+fontBBox) or ''
        PS.append(_template % locals())
    return '\n'.join(PS)

    del font.state[doc]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def setColor(self, color):
     if self._color != color:
         self._color = color
         if color:
             if hasattr(color, "cyan"):
                 self.code_append('%s setcmykcolor' % fp_str(
                     color.cyan, color.magenta, color.yellow, color.black))
                     '%s setrgbcolor' %
                     fp_str(color.red, color.green, color.blue))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def drawCurve(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, closed=0):
     codeline = '%s m %s curveto'
     data = (fp_str(x1, y1), fp_str(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4))
     if self._fillColor != None:
         self.code_append((codeline % data) + ' eofill')
     if self._strokeColor != None:
         self.code_append((codeline % data)
                         + ((closed and ' closepath') or '')
                         + ' stroke')
 def __repr__(self):
     return "%s(%s%s%s%s%s)" % (
         fp_str(self.cyan, self.magenta, self.yellow, self.black).replace(
             ' ', ','),
         (self.spotName and (',spotName=' + repr(self.spotName)) or ''),
         (self.density != 1 and (',density=' + fp_str(self.density)) or ''),
         (self.knockout is not None and
          (',knockout=%d' % self.knockout) or ''),
         (self.alpha is not None and (',alpha=%s' % self.alpha) or ''),
 def _setCMYKColor(self, c):
     KO = getattr(c, 'knockout', None)
     if KO is None: KO = getattr(rl_config, 'PS_SEP_KNOCKOUT', 1)
     over = KO and 'false' or 'true'
     spotName = getattr(c, 'spotName', None)
     if spotName:
         return '%s (%s) 0\n/tint exch def\nfindcmykcustomcolor %s setoverprint\ntint %s exch sub setcustomcolor' % (
             fp_str(c.cmyk()), spotName, over, c._density_str())
         d = c.density
         return '%s setcmykcolor %s setoverprint' % (fp_str(
             c.cyan * d, c.magenta * d, c.yellow * d, c.black * d), over)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def polygon(self, p, closed=0, stroke=1, fill=1):
        assert len(p) >= 2, 'Polygon must have 2 or more points'

        start = p[0]
        p = p[1:]

        poly = []
        a = poly.append
        a("%s m" % fp_str(start))
        for point in p:
            a("%s l" % fp_str(point))
        if closed:

        self._fillAndStroke(poly, stroke=stroke, fill=fill)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def polygon(self, p, closed=0, stroke=1, fill=1):
        assert len(p) >= 2, 'Polygon must have 2 or more points'

        start = p[0]
        p = p[1:]

        poly = []
        a = poly.append
        a("%s m" % fp_str(start))
        for point in p:
            a("%s l" % fp_str(point))
        if closed:

Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setFont(self, psfontname, size, leading = None):
     """Sets the font.  If leading not specified, defaults to 1.2 x
     font size. Raises a readable exception if an illegal font
     is supplied.  Font names are case-sensitive! Keeps track
     of font anme and size for metrics."""
     self._fontname = psfontname
     self._fontsize = size
     if leading is None:
         leading = size * 1.2
     self._leading = leading
     font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)
     if font._dynamicFont:
         self._curSubset = -1
         pdffontname = self._canvas._doc.getInternalFontName(psfontname)
         self._code.append('%s %s Tf %s TL' % (pdffontname, fp_str(size), fp_str(leading)))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _rgbFind(self,color):
        "see if it matches any existing color in my list"
        C = self.cmykColors
        if isinstance(color,(list,tuple)):
            if len(color)==3: color = Color(color[0],color[1],color[2])
            elif len(color)==4: color = CMYKColor(color[0],color[1],color[2],color[3])
            else: raise ValueError("bad color %s"%repr(color))
        isCMYK = isinstance(color, CMYKColor)
        if not isCMYK:
            if isinstance(color,str):
                color = toColor(color)
            if colorDistance(color,black)<1e-8:
                isCMYK = 1
                color = PCMYKColor(0,0,0,100,100)
            elif colorDistance(color,white)<1e-8:
                isCMYK = 1
                color = PCMYKColor(0,0,0,0,100)
        rgb = color.red, color.green, color.blue
        if isCMYK:
            if color not in C: C.append(color)
            return self._setCMYKColor(color)
            for c in C:
                if (c.red, c.green, c.blue) == rgb:
                    return self._setCMYKColor(c)

        return '%s setrgbcolor' % fp_str(rgb)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _textOut(self, x, y, s, textRenderMode=0):
        if textRenderMode == 3: return
        xy = fp_str(x, y)
        s = self._escape(s)

        if textRenderMode == 0:  #the standard case
            self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (xy, s))

        fill = textRenderMode == 0 or textRenderMode == 2 or textRenderMode == 4 or textRenderMode == 6
        stroke = textRenderMode == 1 or textRenderMode == 2 or textRenderMode == 5 or textRenderMode == 6
        addToClip = textRenderMode >= 4
        if fill and stroke:
            if self._fillColor is None:
                op = ''
                op = 'fill '
            self.code_append('%s m (%s) true charpath gsave %s' % (xy, s, op))
            self.code_append('grestore ')
            if self._strokeColor is not None:
                self.code_append('stroke ')
        else:  #can only be stroke alone
            self.code_append('%s m (%s) true charpath stroke ' % (xy, s))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def tag_format(ttag):
     tag, attrs, content, where = ttag
     b = '\n!!!!! ' + (len(tag) + 2) * '\x20'
     if attrs:
         attrs = b + b.join(
             ('%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(attrs.items())))
         attrs = ''
     haveObj = isinstance(ttag, TagAndObj)
     objName = ttag.name if haveObj else ''
     if objName: objName = ' (%s)' % objName
     xtra = [].append
     if haveObj:
         if isinstance(ttag.obj, Table):
             irow = getattr(ttag.obj, '__rml_initial_row__', 0)
             rowH = [(h, i) for i, h in enumerate(ttag.obj._rowHeights)
                     if h is not None and h > 0]
             if rowH:
                 xtra(b + 'largest row heights = [%s]' % ', '.join(
                     ('|%d|=%s%s' %
                      (irow + i + 1, fp_str(h),
                      for h, i in rowH[:5])))
     xtra = xtra.__self__
     if xtra: xtra = '\n'.join(xtra)
     return '\n!!!!! <%s%s>%s%s%s' % (tag, attrs, objName,
                                      whereFormat(where), xtra)
    def _rgbFind(self, color):
        "see if it matches any existing color in my list"
        C = self.cmykColors
        if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)):
            if len(color) == 3: color = Color(color[0], color[1], color[2])
            elif len(color) == 4:
                color = CMYKColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
                raise ValueError("bad color %s" % repr(color))
        isCMYK = isinstance(color, CMYKColor)
        if not isCMYK:
            if isinstance(color, str):
                color = toColor(color)
            if colorDistance(color, black) < 1e-8:
                isCMYK = 1
                color = PCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 100, 100)
            elif colorDistance(color, white) < 1e-8:
                isCMYK = 1
                color = PCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 0, 100)
        rgb = color.red, color.green, color.blue
        if isCMYK:
            if color not in C: C.append(color)
            return self._setCMYKColor(color)
            for c in C:
                if (c.red, c.green, c.blue) == rgb:
                    return self._setCMYKColor(c)

        return '%s setrgbcolor' % fp_str(rgb)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def setFont(self, psfontname, size, leading = None):
     """Sets the font.  If leading not specified, defaults to 1.2 x
     font size. Raises a readable exception if an illegal font
     is supplied.  Font names are case-sensitive! Keeps track
     of font anme and size for metrics."""
     self._fontname = psfontname
     self._fontsize = size
     if leading is None:
         leading = size * 1.2
     self._leading = leading
     font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)
     if font._dynamicFont:
         self._curSubset = -1
         pdffontname = self._canvas._doc.getInternalFontName(psfontname)
         self._code.append('%s %s Tf %s TL' % (pdffontname, fp_str(size), fp_str(leading)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _issueT1String(self, fontObj, x, y, s, textRenderMode=0):
        fc = fontObj
        code_append = self.code_append
        fontSize = self._fontSize
        fontsUsed = self._fontsUsed
        escape = self._escape
        if not isUnicode(s):
                s = s.decode('utf8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                i, j = e.args[2:4]
                raise UnicodeDecodeError(
                    *(e.args[:4] +
                      ('%s\n%s-->%s<--%s' %
                       (e.args[4], s[i - 10:i], s[i:j], s[j:j + 10]), )))

        for f, t in unicode2T1(s, [fontObj] + fontObj.substitutionFonts):
            if f != fc:
                psName = asNative(f.face.name)
                code_append('(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' %
                            (psName, fp_str(fontSize)))
                if psName not in fontsUsed:
                fc = f
            self._textOut(x, y, t, textRenderMode)
            x += f.stringWidth(t.decode(f.encName), fontSize)
        if fontObj != fc:
            self._font = None
            self.setFont(fontObj.face.name, fontSize)
    def polyLine(self, points):
        assert len(points) >= 1, 'Polyline must have 1 or more points'

        if self._strokeColor != None:
            pts = ', '.join([fp_str(*p) for p in points])
            polyline = transformNode(self.doc, "polyline",
                points=pts, style=self._formatStyle(AREA_STYLES,fill=None))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def drawInlineImage(self, canvas, preserveAspectRatio=False,anchor='sw'):
     """Draw an Image into the specified rectangle.  If width and
     height are omitted, they are calculated from the image size.
     Also allow file names as well as images.  This allows a
     caching mechanism"""
     width = self.width
     height = self.height
     if width<1e-6 or height<1e-6: return False
     x,y,self.width,self.height, scaled = aspectRatioFix(preserveAspectRatio,anchor,self.x,self.y,width,height,self.imgwidth,self.imgheight)
     # this says where and how big to draw it
     if not canvas.bottomup: y = y+height
     canvas._code.append('q %s 0 0 %s cm' % (fp_str(self.width), fp_str(self.height, x, y)))
     # self._code.extend(imagedata) if >=python-1.5.2
     for line in self.imageData:
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def drawString(self,
     needFill = textRenderMode in (0, 2, 4, 6)
     needStroke = textRenderMode in (1, 2, 5, 6)
     if needFill or needStroke:
         if text_anchor != 'left':
             textLen = stringWidth(s, self._font, self._fontSize)
             if text_anchor == 'end':
                 x -= textLen
             elif text_anchor == 'middle':
                 x -= textLen / 2.
             elif text_anchor == 'numeric':
                 x -= numericXShift(text_anchor, s, textLen, self._font,
         fontObj = getFont(self._font)
         if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
             psName = asNative(fontObj.face.name)
                 _fontCodeLoc] = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (
                     psName, fp_str(self._fontSize))
             if psName not in self._fontsUsed:
         if angle != 0:
             self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' %
                              (fp_str(x, y), fp_str(angle)))
             x = y = 0
         oldColor = self._color
         if fontObj._dynamicFont:
             self._textOut(self, x, y, s, textRenderMode=textRenderMode)
         if angle != 0:
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def scaledRender(self,size,ds=0):
        >>> print(cbmarks['check'].scaledRender(20))
        12.97075 14.68802 m 15.00139 17.16992 l 15.9039 18.1727 17.93454 18.67409 19.2883 18.67409 c 19.46379 18.27298 l 17.13231 15.51532 l 11.91783 8.62117 l 8.307799 3.030641 l 7.430362 1.526462 l 7.305014 1.275766 7.154596 .97493 6.9039 .824513 c 6.577994 .674095 5.825905 .674095 5.47493 .674095 c 4.672702 .674095 4.497214 .674095 4.321727 .799443 c 4.071031 .97493 3.945682 1.325905 3.770195 1.67688 c 3.218663 2.830084 2.240947 5.337047 2.240947 6.590529 c 2.240947 7.016713 2.491643 7.21727 2.817549 7.442897 c 3.344011 7.818942 4.0961 8.245125 4.747911 8.245125 c 5.249304 8.245125 5.299443 7.818942 5.449861 7.417827 c 5.951253 6.239554 l 6.026462 6.038997 6.252089 5.337047 6.527855 5.337047 c 6.778552 5.337047 7.079387 5.913649 7.179666 6.089136 c 12.97075 14.68802 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['cross'].scaledRender(20))
        19.9104 17.43931 m 12.41908 10 l 19.9104 2.534682 l 18.37572 1 l 10.9104 8.491329 l 3.445087 1 l 1.910405 2.534682 l 9.427746 10 l 1.910405 17.46532 l 3.445087 19 l 10.9104 11.50867 l 18.37572 19 l 19.9104 17.43931 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['circle'].scaledRender(20))
        1.872576 9.663435 m 1.872576 14.64958 5.936288 18.61357 10.89751 18.61357 c 15.8338 18.61357 19.87258 14.59972 19.87258 9.663435 c 19.87258 4.727147 15.8338 .688366 10.89751 .688366 c 5.936288 .688366 1.872576 4.677285 1.872576 9.663435 c h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['star'].scaledRender(20))
        10.85542 18.3253 m 12.90361 11.84337 l 19.84337 11.84337 l 14.25301 7.650602 l 16.42169 1 l 10.85542 5.096386 l 5.289157 1 l 7.481928 7.650602 l 1.843373 11.84337 l 8.759036 11.84337 l 10.85542 18.3253 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['diamond'].scaledRender(20))
        17.43533 9.662031 m 15.63282 7.484006 l 10.85118 .649513 l 8.422809 4.329624 l 5.919332 7.659249 l 4.267038 9.662031 l 6.16968 12.0153 l 10.85118 18.64951 l 12.75382 15.4701 15.00695 12.49096 17.43533 9.662031 c h f
        #work out the scale and translation
        W = H = size - 2*ds
        xmin = self.xmin
        ymin = self.ymin
        w = self.xmax-xmin
        h = self.ymax-ymin
        slack = self.slack*min(W,H)
        sx = (W - 2*slack)/float(w)
        sy = (H - 2*slack)/float(h)
        sx = sy = min(sx,sy)
        w *= sx
        h *= sy
        dx = ds+(W - w)*0.5
        dy = ds+(H - h)*0.5
        xsc = lambda v: fp_str((v-xmin)*sx+dx)
        ysc = lambda v: fp_str((v-ymin)*sy+dy)

        opNames = self.opNames
        opCount = self.opCount
        C = [].append
        i = 0
        points = self.points
        for op in self.ops:
            c = opCount[op]
            for _ in xrange(c):
                i += 2
        return ' '.join(C.__self__)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def scaledRender(self, size, ds=0):
        >>> print(cbmarks['check'].scaledRender(20))
        12.97075 14.68802 m 15.00139 17.16992 l 15.9039 18.1727 17.93454 18.67409 19.2883 18.67409 c 19.46379 18.27298 l 17.13231 15.51532 l 11.91783 8.62117 l 8.307799 3.030641 l 7.430362 1.526462 l 7.305014 1.275766 7.154596 .97493 6.9039 .824513 c 6.577994 .674095 5.825905 .674095 5.47493 .674095 c 4.672702 .674095 4.497214 .674095 4.321727 .799443 c 4.071031 .97493 3.945682 1.325905 3.770195 1.67688 c 3.218663 2.830084 2.240947 5.337047 2.240947 6.590529 c 2.240947 7.016713 2.491643 7.21727 2.817549 7.442897 c 3.344011 7.818942 4.0961 8.245125 4.747911 8.245125 c 5.249304 8.245125 5.299443 7.818942 5.449861 7.417827 c 5.951253 6.239554 l 6.026462 6.038997 6.252089 5.337047 6.527855 5.337047 c 6.778552 5.337047 7.079387 5.913649 7.179666 6.089136 c 12.97075 14.68802 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['cross'].scaledRender(20))
        19.9104 17.43931 m 12.41908 10 l 19.9104 2.534682 l 18.37572 1 l 10.9104 8.491329 l 3.445087 1 l 1.910405 2.534682 l 9.427746 10 l 1.910405 17.46532 l 3.445087 19 l 10.9104 11.50867 l 18.37572 19 l 19.9104 17.43931 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['circle'].scaledRender(20))
        1.872576 9.663435 m 1.872576 14.64958 5.936288 18.61357 10.89751 18.61357 c 15.8338 18.61357 19.87258 14.59972 19.87258 9.663435 c 19.87258 4.727147 15.8338 .688366 10.89751 .688366 c 5.936288 .688366 1.872576 4.677285 1.872576 9.663435 c h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['star'].scaledRender(20))
        10.85542 18.3253 m 12.90361 11.84337 l 19.84337 11.84337 l 14.25301 7.650602 l 16.42169 1 l 10.85542 5.096386 l 5.289157 1 l 7.481928 7.650602 l 1.843373 11.84337 l 8.759036 11.84337 l 10.85542 18.3253 l h f
        >>> print(cbmarks['diamond'].scaledRender(20))
        17.43533 9.662031 m 15.63282 7.484006 l 10.85118 .649513 l 8.422809 4.329624 l 5.919332 7.659249 l 4.267038 9.662031 l 6.16968 12.0153 l 10.85118 18.64951 l 12.75382 15.4701 15.00695 12.49096 17.43533 9.662031 c h f
        #work out the scale and translation
        W = H = size - 2 * ds
        xmin = self.xmin
        ymin = self.ymin
        w = self.xmax - xmin
        h = self.ymax - ymin
        slack = self.slack * min(W, H)
        sx = (W - 2 * slack) / float(w)
        sy = (H - 2 * slack) / float(h)
        sx = sy = min(sx, sy)
        w *= sx
        h *= sy
        dx = ds + (W - w) * 0.5
        dy = ds + (H - h) * 0.5
        xsc = lambda v: fp_str((v - xmin) * sx + dx)
        ysc = lambda v: fp_str((v - ymin) * sy + dy)

        opNames = self.opNames
        opCount = self.opCount
        C = [].append
        i = 0
        points = self.points
        for op in self.ops:
            c = opCount[op]
            for _ in range(c):
                C(ysc(points[i + 1]))
                i += 2
        return ' '.join(C.__self__)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0):
     if self._fillColor != None:
         fontObj = getFont(self._font)
         if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
             psName = asNative(fontObj.face.name)
             self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]='(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(self._fontSize))
             if psName not in self._fontsUsed:
         if angle!=0:
             self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' % (fp_str(x,y),fp_str(angle)))
             x = y = 0
         if fontObj._dynamicFont:
             s = self._escape(s)
             self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),s))
         if angle!=0:
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0):
     if self._fillColor != None:
         fontObj = getFont(self._font)
         if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
             psName = asNative(fontObj.face.name)
             self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]='(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(self._fontSize))
             if psName not in self._fontsUsed:
         if angle!=0:
             self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' % (fp_str(x,y),fp_str(angle)))
             x = y = 0
         if fontObj._dynamicFont:
             s = self._escape(s)
             self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),s))
         if angle!=0:
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _setCMYKColor(self,c):
     KO = getattr(c,'knockout',None)
     if KO is None: KO = getattr(rl_config,'PS_SEP_KNOCKOUT',1)
     over = KO and 'false' or 'true'
     spotName = getattr(c,'spotName',None)
     if spotName:
             return '%s (%s) 0\n/tint exch def\nfindcmykcustomcolor %s setoverprint\ntint %s exch sub setcustomcolor' % (fp_str(c.cmyk()),spotName,over,c._density_str())
             d = c.density
             return '%s setcmykcolor %s setoverprint' % (fp_str(c.cyan*d,c.magenta*d,c.yellow*d,c.black*d),over)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def _formatText(self, text):
        "Generates PDF text output operator(s)"
        if log2vis and self.direction in ('LTR','RTL'):
            # Use pyfribidi to write the text in the correct visual order.
            text = log2vis(text, directionsMap.get(self.direction.upper(),DIR_ON),clean=True)
        canv = self._canvas
        font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)
        R = []
        if font._dynamicFont:
            #it's a truetype font and should be utf8.  If an error is raised,
            for subset, t in font.splitString(text, canv._doc):
                if subset!=self._curSubset:
                    pdffontname = font.getSubsetInternalName(subset, canv._doc)
                    R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (pdffontname, fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
                    self._curSubset = subset
                R.append("(%s) Tj" % canv._escape(t))
        elif font._multiByte:
            #all the fonts should really work like this - let them know more about PDF...
            R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (
            R.append("(%s) Tj" % font.formatForPdf(text))
            #convert to T1  coding
            fc = font
            if isBytes(text):
                    text = text.decode('utf8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                    i,j = e.args[2:4]
                    raise UnicodeDecodeError(*(e.args[:4]+('%s\n%s-->%s<--%s' % (e.args[4],text[max(i-10,0):i],text[i:j],text[j:j+10]),)))

            for f, t in pdfmetrics.unicode2T1(text,[font]+font.substitutionFonts):
                if f!=fc:
                    R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (canv._doc.getInternalFontName(f.fontName), fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
                    fc = f
                R.append("(%s) Tj" % canv._escape(t))
            if font!=fc:
                R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (canv._doc.getInternalFontName(self._fontname), fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
        return ' '.join(R)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _formatText(self, text):
        "Generates PDF text output operator(s)"
        if log2vis and self.direction in ('LTR','RTL'):
            # Use pyfribidi to write the text in the correct visual order.
            text = log2vis(text, directionsMap.get(self.direction.upper(),DIR_ON),clean=True)
        canv = self._canvas
        font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)
        R = []
        if font._dynamicFont:
            #it's a truetype font and should be utf8.  If an error is raised,
            for subset, t in font.splitString(text, canv._doc):
                if subset!=self._curSubset:
                    pdffontname = font.getSubsetInternalName(subset, canv._doc)
                    R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (pdffontname, fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
                    self._curSubset = subset
                R.append("(%s) Tj" % canv._escape(t))
        elif font._multiByte:
            #all the fonts should really work like this - let them know more about PDF...
            R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (
            R.append("(%s) Tj" % font.formatForPdf(text))
            #convert to T1  coding
            fc = font
            if isBytes(text):
                    text = text.decode('utf8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                    i,j = e.args[2:4]
                    raise UnicodeDecodeError(*(e.args[:4]+('%s\n%s-->%s<--%s' % (e.args[4],text[max(i-10,0):i],text[i:j],text[j:j+10]),)))

            for f, t in pdfmetrics.unicode2T1(text,[font]+font.substitutionFonts):
                if f!=fc:
                    R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (canv._doc.getInternalFontName(f.fontName), fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
                    fc = f
                R.append("(%s) Tj" % canv._escape(t))
            if font!=fc:
                R.append("%s %s Tf %s TL" % (canv._doc.getInternalFontName(self._fontname), fp_str(self._fontsize), fp_str(self._leading)))
        return ' '.join(R)
    def polygon(self, points, closed=0, link_info=None):
        assert len(points) >= 2, 'Polygon must have 2 or more points'

        if self._strokeColor!=None or self._fillColor!=None:
            pts = ', '.join([fp_str(*p) for p in points])
            polyline = transformNode(self.doc, "polygon",
                points=pts, style=self._formatStyle(AREA_STYLES))

            if link_info:
                polyline = self._add_link(polyline, link_info)

Ejemplo n.º 34
    def drawFigure(self, partList, closed=0):
        figureCode = []
        a = figureCode.append
        first = 1

        for part in partList:
            op = part[0]
            args = list(part[1:])

            if op == figureLine:
                if first:
                    first = 0
                    a("%s m" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                    a("%s l" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                a("%s l" % fp_str(args[2:]))

            elif op == figureArc:
                first = 0
                x1,y1,x2,y2,startAngle,extent = args[:6]

            elif op == figureCurve:
                if first:
                    first = 0
                    a("%s m" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                    a("%s l" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                a("%s curveto" % fp_str(args[2:]))
                raise TypeError("unknown figure operator: "+op)

        if closed:
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def drawFigure(self, partList, closed=0):
        figureCode = []
        a = figureCode.append
        first = 1

        for part in partList:
            op = part[0]
            args = list(part[1:])

            if op == figureLine:
                if first:
                    first = 0
                    a("%s m" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                    a("%s l" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                a("%s l" % fp_str(args[2:]))

            elif op == figureArc:
                first = 0
                x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extent = args[:6]
                a(self._genArcCode(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, extent))

            elif op == figureCurve:
                if first:
                    first = 0
                    a("%s m" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                    a("%s l" % fp_str(args[:2]))
                a("%s curveto" % fp_str(args[2:]))
                raise TypeError("unknown figure operator: " + op)

        if closed:
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def setTextTransform(self, a, b, c, d, e, f):
        "Like setTextOrigin, but does rotation, scaling etc."
        if not self._canvas.bottomup:
            c = -c    #reverse bottom row of the 2D Transform
            d = -d
        self._code.append('%s Tm' % fp_str(a, b, c, d, e, f))

        # The current cursor position is at the text origin Note that
        # we aren't keeping track of all the transform on these
        # coordinates: they are relative to the rotations/sheers
        # defined in the matrix.
        self._x0 = self._x = e
        self._y0 = self._y = f
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def setTextTransform(self, a, b, c, d, e, f):
        "Like setTextOrigin, but does rotation, scaling etc."
        if not self._canvas.bottomup:
            c = -c  #reverse bottom row of the 2D Transform
            d = -d
        self._code.append('%s Tm' % fp_str(a, b, c, d, e, f))

        # The current cursor position is at the text origin Note that
        # we aren't keeping track of all the transform on these
        # coordinates: they are relative to the rotations/sheers
        # defined in the matrix.
        self._x0 = self._x = e
        self._y0 = self._y = f
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0):
     if self._fillColor != None:
         fontSize = self._fontSize
         fontObj = getFont(self._font)
         dynamicFont = fontObj._dynamicFont
         embedding = self._ttf_embed and dynamicFont
         if not embedding and not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
             psName = fontObj.face.name
             self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]='(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(fontSize))
             if psName not in self._fontsUsed:
         if angle!=0:
             self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' % (fp_str(x,y),fp_str(angle)))
             x = y = 0
         if embedding:
             i = 0
             s = asUnicode(s)
             for subset, t in fontObj.splitString(s, self):
                 if subset!=self._curSubset:
                     psName = fontObj.getSubsetInternalName(subset, self)[1:]
                     sf = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (psName,fp_str(fontSize))
                     if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
                         self.code[self._fontCodeLoc] = sf
                     self._curSubset = subset
                 self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),self._escape(t)))
                 j = i + len(t)
                 x += fontObj.stringWidth(s[i:j],fontSize)
                 i = j
         elif dynamicFont:
             s = self._escape(s)
             self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x,y),s))
         if angle!=0:
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def _setFont(self, psfontname, size):
        """Sets the font and fontSize
        Raises a readable exception if an illegal font
        is supplied.  Font names are case-sensitive! Keeps track
        of font anme and size for metrics."""
        self._fontname = psfontname
        self._fontsize = size
        font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)

        if font._dynamicFont:
            self._curSubset = -1
            pdffontname = self._canvas._doc.getInternalFontName(psfontname)
            self._code.append('%s %s Tf' % (pdffontname, fp_str(size)))
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def _setFont(self, psfontname, size):
        """Sets the font and fontSize
        Raises a readable exception if an illegal font
        is supplied.  Font names are case-sensitive! Keeps track
        of font anme and size for metrics."""
        self._fontname = psfontname
        self._fontsize = size
        font = pdfmetrics.getFont(self._fontname)

        if font._dynamicFont:
            self._curSubset = -1
            pdffontname = self._canvas._doc.getInternalFontName(psfontname)
            self._code.append('%s %s Tf' % (pdffontname, fp_str(size)))
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def setFillColor(self, aColor, alpha=None):
     """Takes a color object, allowing colors to be referred to by name"""
     if self._enforceColorSpace:
         aColor = self._enforceColorSpace(aColor)
     if isinstance(aColor, CMYKColor):
         d = aColor.density
         c, m, y, k = (d * aColor.cyan, d * aColor.magenta,
                       d * aColor.yellow, d * aColor.black)
         self._fillColorObj = aColor
         name = self._checkSeparation(aColor)
         if name:
             self._code.append('/%s cs %s scn' % (name, fp_str(d)))
             self._code.append('%s k' % fp_str(c, m, y, k))
     elif isinstance(aColor, Color):
         rgb = (aColor.red, aColor.green, aColor.blue)
         self._fillColorObj = aColor
         self._code.append('%s rg' % fp_str(rgb))
     elif isinstance(aColor, (tuple, list)):
         l = len(aColor)
         if l == 3:
             self._fillColorObj = aColor
             self._code.append('%s rg' % fp_str(aColor))
         elif l == 4:
             self._fillColorObj = aColor
             self._code.append('%s k' % fp_str(aColor))
             raise ValueError('Unknown color %r' % aColor)
     elif isStr(aColor):
         raise ValueError('Unknown color %r' % aColor)
     if alpha is not None:
     elif getattr(aColor, 'alpha', None) is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 42
def P2PSC(P):
    C = []
    aC = C.append
    n = 0
    for p in P:
        if n>=80:
            n = 0
        if isinstance(p,tuple):
            n += 2+sum(map(len,C[-2:]))
            n += 1+len(C[-1])
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def moveCursor(self, dx, dy):
        """Starts a new line at an offset dx,dy from the start of the
        current line. This does not move the cursor relative to the
        current position, and it changes the current offset of every
        future line drawn (i.e. if you next do a textLine() call, it
        will move the cursor to a position one line lower than the
        position specificied in this call.  """

        # Check if we have a previous move cursor call, and combine
        # them if possible.
        if self._code and self._code[-1][-3:]==' Td':
            L = self._code[-1].split()
            if len(L)==3:
                del self._code[-1]
                self._code[-1] = ''.join(L[:-4])

            # Work out the last movement
            lastDx = float(L[-3])
            lastDy = float(L[-2])

            # Combine the two movement
            dx += lastDx
            dy -= lastDy

            # We will soon add the movement to the line origin, so if
            # we've already done this for lastDx, lastDy, remove it
            # first (so it will be right when added back again).
            self._x0 -= lastDx
            self._y0 -= lastDy

        # Output the move text cursor call.
        self._code.append('%s Td' % fp_str(dx, -dy))

        # Keep track of the new line offsets and the cursor position
        self._x0 += dx
        self._y0 += dy
        self._x = self._x0
        self._y = self._y0
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def moveCursor(self, dx, dy):
        """Starts a new line at an offset dx,dy from the start of the
        current line. This does not move the cursor relative to the
        current position, and it changes the current offset of every
        future line drawn (i.e. if you next do a textLine() call, it
        will move the cursor to a position one line lower than the
        position specificied in this call.  """

        # Check if we have a previous move cursor call, and combine
        # them if possible.
        if self._code and self._code[-1][-3:] == ' Td':
            L = self._code[-1].split()
            if len(L) == 3:
                del self._code[-1]
                self._code[-1] = ''.join(L[:-4])

            # Work out the last movement
            lastDx = float(L[-3])
            lastDy = float(L[-2])

            # Combine the two movement
            dx += lastDx
            dy -= lastDy

            # We will soon add the movement to the line origin, so if
            # we've already done this for lastDx, lastDy, remove it
            # first (so it will be right when added back again).
            self._x0 -= lastDx
            self._y0 -= lastDy

        # Output the move text cursor call.
        self._code.append('%s Td' % fp_str(dx, -dy))

        # Keep track of the new line offsets and the cursor position
        self._x0 += dx
        self._y0 += dy
        self._x = self._x0
        self._y = self._y0
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def drawString(self, x, y, s, angle=0):
     if self._fillColor != None:
         fontSize = self._fontSize
         fontObj = getFont(self._font)
         dynamicFont = fontObj._dynamicFont
         embedding = self._ttf_embed and dynamicFont
         if not embedding and not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
             psName = fontObj.face.name
                 _fontCodeLoc] = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (
                     psName, fp_str(fontSize))
             if psName not in self._fontsUsed:
         if angle != 0:
             self.code_append('gsave %s translate %s rotate' %
                              (fp_str(x, y), fp_str(angle)))
             x = y = 0
         if embedding:
             i = 0
             s = asUnicode(s)
             for subset, t in fontObj.splitString(s, self):
                 if subset != self._curSubset:
                     psName = fontObj.getSubsetInternalName(subset,
                     sf = '(%s) findfont %s scalefont setfont' % (
                         psName, fp_str(fontSize))
                     if not self.code[self._fontCodeLoc]:
                         self.code[self._fontCodeLoc] = sf
                     self._curSubset = subset
                 self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' %
                                  (fp_str(x, y), self._escape(t)))
                 j = i + len(t)
                 x += fontObj.stringWidth(s[i:j], fontSize)
                 i = j
         elif dynamicFont:
             s = self._escape(s)
             self.code_append('%s m (%s) show ' % (fp_str(x, y), s))
             self._issueT1String(fontObj, x, y, s)
         if angle != 0:
 def __repr__(self):
     return "Color(%s)" % fp_str(*(self.red, self.green, self.blue,
                                   self.alpha)).replace(' ', ',')
 def _density_str(self):
     return fp_str(self.density)
 def curveTo(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
     self._code_append('%s c' % fp_str(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3))
 def lineTo(self, x, y):
     self._code_append('%s l' % fp_str(x,y))
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def setLeading(self, leading):
     "How far to move down at the end of a line."
     self._leading = leading
     self._code.append('%s TL' % fp_str(leading))
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def setRise(self, rise):
     "Move text baseline up or down to allow superscript/subscripts"
     self._rise = rise
     self._y = self._y - rise    # + ?  _textLineMatrix?
     self._code.append('%s Ts' % fp_str(rise))
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def setHorizScale(self, horizScale):
     "Stretches text out horizontally"
     self._horizScale = 100 + horizScale
     self._code.append('%s Tz' % fp_str(horizScale))
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def setWordSpace(self, wordSpace):
     """Adjust inter-word spacing.  This can be used
     to flush-justify text - you get the width of the
     words, and add some space between them."""
     self._wordSpace = wordSpace
     self._code.append('%s Tw' % fp_str(wordSpace))
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def setCharSpace(self, charSpace):
      """Adjusts inter-character spacing"""
      self._charSpace = charSpace
      self._code.append('%s Tc' % fp_str(charSpace))
 def rect(self, x, y, width, height):
     """Adds a rectangle to the path"""
     self._code_append('%s re' % fp_str((x, y, width, height)))
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def setStrokeGray(self, gray, alpha=None):
     """Sets the gray level; 0.0=black, 1.0=white"""
     self._strokeColorObj = (gray, gray, gray)
     self._code.append('%s G' % fp_str(gray))
     if alpha is not None: