Ejemplo n.º 1
def _listWrapOn(F, availWidth, canv, mergeSpace=1, obj=None, dims=None):
    '''return max width, required height for a list of flowables F'''
    doct = getattr(canv, '_doctemplate', None)
    cframe = getattr(doct, 'frame', None)
    if cframe:
        from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import _addGeneratedContent, Indenter

        doct_frame = cframe
        from copy import deepcopy

        cframe = doct.frame = deepcopy(doct_frame)
        cframe._generated_content = None
        del cframe._generated_content
        W = 0
        H = 0
        pS = 0
        atTop = 1
        F = F[:]
        while F:
            f = F.pop(0)
            if hasattr(f, 'frameAction'):
                from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import Indenter

                if isinstance(f, Indenter):
                    availWidth -= f.left + f.right
            w, h = f.wrapOn(canv, availWidth, 0xfffffff)
            if dims is not None: dims.append((w, h))
            if cframe:
                _addGeneratedContent(F, cframe)
            if w <= fl._FUZZ or h <= fl._FUZZ: continue
            # THE HACK
            # W = max(W,min(availWidth, w))
            W = max(W, w)
            H += h
            if not atTop:
                h = f.getSpaceBefore()
                if mergeSpace:
                    if getattr(f, '_SPACETRANSFER', False):
                        h = pS
                    h = max(h - pS, 0)
                H += h
                if obj is not None: obj._spaceBefore = f.getSpaceBefore()
                atTop = 0
            s = f.getSpaceAfter()
            if getattr(f, '_SPACETRANSFER', False):
                s = pS
            pS = s
            H += pS
        if obj is not None: obj._spaceAfter = pS
        return W, H - pS
        if cframe:
            doct.frame = doct_frame
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _listWrapOn(F, availWidth, canv, mergeSpace=1, obj=None, dims=None):
    '''return max width, required height for a list of flowables F'''
    doct = getattr(canv, '_doctemplate', None)
    cframe = getattr(doct, 'frame', None)
    if cframe:
        from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import _addGeneratedContent, Indenter

        doct_frame = cframe
        from copy import deepcopy

        cframe = doct.frame = deepcopy(doct_frame)
        cframe._generated_content = None
        del cframe._generated_content
        W = 0
        H = 0
        pS = 0
        atTop = 1
        F = F[:]
        while F:
            f = F.pop(0)
            if hasattr(f, 'frameAction'):
                from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import Indenter

                if isinstance(f, Indenter):
                    availWidth -= f.left + f.right
            w, h = f.wrapOn(canv, availWidth, 0xfffffff)
            if dims is not None: dims.append((w, h))
            if cframe:
                _addGeneratedContent(F, cframe)
            if w <= fl._FUZZ or h <= fl._FUZZ: continue
            # THE HACK
            # W = max(W,min(availWidth, w))
            W = max(W, w)
            H += h
            if not atTop:
                h = f.getSpaceBefore()
                if mergeSpace:
                    if getattr(f, '_SPACETRANSFER', False):
                        h = pS
                    h = max(h - pS, 0)
                H += h
                if obj is not None: obj._spaceBefore = f.getSpaceBefore()
                atTop = 0
            s = f.getSpaceAfter()
            if getattr(f, '_SPACETRANSFER', False):
                s = pS
            pS = s
            H += pS
        if obj is not None: obj._spaceAfter = pS
        return W, H - pS
        if cframe:
            doct.frame = doct_frame
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _listWrapOn(F, availWidth, canv, mergeSpace=1, obj=None, dims=None):
    '''return max width, required height for a list of flowables F'''
    doct = getattr(canv, '_doctemplate', None)
    if doct:
        from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import _addGeneratedContent
        doct_frame = doct.frame
        cframe = doct.frame = deepcopy(doct_frame)
        cframe._generated_content = None
        del cframe._generated_content
        cframe = None
        W = 0
        H = 0
        pS = 0
        atTop = 1
        F = F[:]
        while F:
            f = F.pop(0)
            if hasattr(f, 'frameAction'): continue
            w, h = f.wrapOn(canv, availWidth, 0xfffffff)
            if dims is not None: dims.append((w, h))
            if cframe:
                _addGeneratedContent(F, cframe)
            if w <= _FUZZ or h <= _FUZZ: continue
            W = max(W, w)
            H += h
            if not atTop:
                h = f.getSpaceBefore()
                if mergeSpace: h = max(h - pS, 0)
                H += h
                if obj is not None: obj._spaceBefore = f.getSpaceBefore()
                atTop = 0
            pS = f.getSpaceAfter()
            H += pS
        if obj is not None: obj._spaceAfter = pS
        return W, H - pS
        if doct:
            doct.frame = doct_frame
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _listWrapOn(F,availWidth,canv,mergeSpace=1,obj=None,dims=None):
    '''return max width, required height for a list of flowables F'''
    doct = getattr(canv,'_doctemplate',None)
    if doct:
        from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import _addGeneratedContent
        doct_frame = doct.frame
        cframe = doct.frame = deepcopy(doct_frame)
        cframe._generated_content = None
        del cframe._generated_content
        cframe = None
        W = 0
        H = 0
        pS = 0
        atTop = 1
        F = F[:]
        while F:
            f = F.pop(0)
            if hasattr(f,'frameAction'): continue
            w,h = f.wrapOn(canv,availWidth,0xfffffff)
            if dims is not None: dims.append((w,h))
            if cframe:
            if w<=_FUZZ or h<=_FUZZ: continue
            W = max(W,w)
            H += h
            if not atTop:
                h = f.getSpaceBefore()
                if mergeSpace: h = max(h-pS,0)
                H += h
                if obj is not None: obj._spaceBefore = f.getSpaceBefore()
                atTop = 0
            pS = f.getSpaceAfter()
            H += pS
        if obj is not None: obj._spaceAfter = pS
        return W, H-pS
        if doct:
            doct.frame = doct_frame
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def handle_flowable(self, flowables):
        overriding base method!!!

        try to handle one flowable from the front of list flowables.

        added a dirty workaround to scale images
        if their boundingBox exceeds the borders of the frame.

        #allow document a chance to look at, modify or ignore
        #the object(s) about to be processed
        f = flowables[0]
        del flowables[0]
        if f is None:
        if isinstance(f, PageBreak):
            npt = f.nextTemplate
            if npt and not self._samePT(npt):
                npt = NextPageTemplate(npt)
            if isinstance(f, SlowPageBreak):
                #print( f.__class__.__name__, self.frame.id )
        elif isinstance(f, ActionFlowable):
            frame = self.frame
            canv = self.canv
            if self.debug:
            #handle scaling to fit a PdfImage on self.frame
            if isinstance(f, Table):
                pass  # controls default behaviour for Table typed flowables
                #f.setStyle([("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.black)])
            elif isinstance(f, Spacer):
            if isinstance(f, ap.PdfImage):
                #print("height of image:",f.drawHeight)
                #print("height of frame:",frame._aH)
                xfactor = getattr(f, "_userScaleFactor", None)
                factor = 1.

                if xfactor is not None:
                    #print( "applying scale", xfactor)
                    factor = xfactor
                    f = self._scaleApply(f, factor)
                    setattr(f, "_userScaleFactor", None)

                #resizing image if drawWidth is exceeding the available frame Width _aW
                if f.drawWidth > frame._aW:
                    factor = frame._aW / f.drawWidth
                    f = self._scaleApply(f, factor)
                    if self.debug:
                        print("PdfImage exceeds available width on frame:",
                              frame.id, frame._aW / cm, frame._aH / cm,
                              f.drawWidth / cm, f.drawHeight / cm,
                              "rescaling to fit frame geometry.")

                #resizing image if drawHeight is exceeding the available frame Width _aH
                if f.drawHeight > frame._aH:

                    #print("PdfImage height exceeds height of available space on frame:",
                    #      frame.id,
                    #      "rescaling to fit frame geometry..." )

                    factor = frame._aH / f.drawHeight
                    f = self._scaleApply(f, factor)
                #print("spaceBelow:",frame._aH-f.drawHeight )
                #print("spaceBesides:",frame._aW-f.drawWidth )

                #try to fit it then draw it
            if frame.add(f, canv, trySplit=self.allowSplitting):
                if not isinstance(f, FrameActionFlowable):
                    self._curPageFlowableCount += 1
                _addGeneratedContent(flowables, frame)
                if self.allowSplitting:
                    # see if this is a splittable thing
                    S = frame.split(f, canv)
                    n = len(S)
                    n = 0
                if n:
                    if not isinstance(S[0], (PageBreak, SlowPageBreak,
                                             ActionFlowable, DDIndenter)):
                        if not frame.add(S[0], canv, trySplit=0):
                            ident = "Splitting error(n==%d) on page %d in\n%s\nS[0]=%s" % \
                             self._fIdent(f, 60, frame),
                             self._fIdent(S[0], 60, frame))
                            #leave to keep apart from the raise
                            raise LayoutError(ident)
                        self._curPageFlowableCount += 1
                        flowables[0:0] = S[
                            1:]  # put rest of splitted flowables back on the list
                        _addGeneratedContent(flowables, frame)
                            0:0] = S  # put splitted flowables back on the list
                    if hasattr(f, '_postponed'):
                        #print( f.__class__.__name__, self.frame.id, f.drawWidth, f.drawHeight, )

                        # ident = "Flowable %s%s too large on page %d in frame %r%s of template %r" % \
                        # (self._fIdent(f, 60, frame),
                        #  _fSizeString(f),
                        #  self.page,
                        #  self.frame.id,
                        #  self.frame._aSpaceString(),
                        #  self.pageTemplate.id)
                        # #leave to keep apart from the raise
                        # raise LayoutError(ident)
                    # this ought to be cleared when they are finally drawn!
                    f._postponed = 1
                    mbe = getattr(self, '_multiBuildEdits', None)
                    if mbe:
                        mbe((delattr, f, '_postponed'))
                    # put the flowable back
                    flowables.insert(0, f)