Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_create_conflict():
    manager = ResourceManager()
    manager.inventory = {
        "already-exists": {
            "name": "already-exists",
            "type": "shell"
    with pytest.raises(ResourceAlreadyExistsError):
        manager.create("already-exists", "type-doesnt-matter")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_resource_manager_save(tmpdir):
    inventory = op.join(str(tmpdir), "subdir", "inventory.yml")
    manager = ResourceManager(inventory)
    manager.inventory = {
        "plain": {
            "name": "plain",
            "type": "foo-type",
            "id": "foo_id"
        "with-secret": {
            "name": "with-secret",
            "type": "bar-type",
            "secret_access_key": "SECRET",
            "id": "bar_id"
        "null-id": {
            "name": "null-id",
            "id": None,
            "type": "baz-type"
    assert op.exists(inventory)
    with open(inventory) as fh:
        content = fh.read()
    assert "plain" in content
    assert "with-secret" in content
    assert "SECRET" not in content
    assert "null-id" not in content

    # Reload that inventory, add another item, and save again.
    manager_reborn = ResourceManager(inventory)
    manager_reborn.inventory["added"] = {
        "name": "added",
        "type": "added-type",
        "id": "added-id"
    with open(inventory) as fh:
        content_reread = fh.read()
    for line in content:
        assert line in content_reread
    assert "added" in content_reread
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_resources():
    manager = ResourceManager()
    manager.inventory = {
        "myshell": {
            "name": "myshell",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "0-myshell-id"
        "ambig-id0": {
            "name": "ambig-id0",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "ambig-id"
        "ambig-id1": {
            "name": "ambig-id1",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "ambig-id"
        "id-name-same": {
            "name": "id-name-same",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "0-uniq-id"
        "same-id": {
            "name": "same-id",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "id-name-same"
        "00": {
            "name": "00",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "00s-id"
        "partial-is-other": {
            "name": "partial-is-other",
            "type": "shell",
            "id": "00-rest-of-id"

    with pytest.raises(ResourceError):
        manager.get_resource("not there")

    resource_uniq = manager.get_resource("myshell")
    assert resource_uniq.name == "myshell"
    # We can get the same resource by ID.
    assert manager.get_resource(resource_uniq.id).name == resource_uniq.name
    # ... or by a unique partial prefix match on ID.
    assert manager.get_resource("0-m").name == resource_uniq.name

    with pytest.raises(MultipleResourceMatches):

    # We get an exception if both if there is an name-ID collision...
    with pytest.raises(MultipleResourceMatches):
    # ... but we can disambiguate with resref_type.
    assert manager.get_resource("id-name-same", "name").id == "0-uniq-id"
    assert manager.get_resource("id-name-same", "id").id == "id-name-same"

    # Ambiguous prefix match on ID:
    with pytest.raises(MultipleResourceMatches):

    # When a name matches the partial ID match, we prefer the name.
    assert manager.get_resource("00").id == "00s-id"
    # We could do partial match on ID if we specify resref type, though.
    assert manager.get_resource("00-r", "id").id == "00-rest-of-id"

    # ... but it still must be unique.
    with pytest.raises(MultipleResourceMatches):
        assert manager.get_resource("00", "id")