Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_column_density(wavelength, files):
	This function uses wavelengths and images at those wavelengths to 
	generate column density and temperature after properly convolving 
	and regriding the images.
	This uses following functions:
	resconvolve and regrid from required_functions
	make_maps and make_colour_map from colden_functions
	wavelengths : 1-D array
		array of all the wavelength in micron	
	file: 1-D array of srings
		Path and name of all the required flux files

	Temperature : 2-D array
	    map of temerature in Kelvin
	C_D : 2-D array
	    map of column density in cm^-2
	MassCD : 2-D array
	    map of column density in M_sun/pc^2 
	fitheader : header
		header needed for final images
	print "Total number of files:", len(files)

	# store all the images in one list
	im = []

	# resolution for each wavelength
	original_res = [beamsize['160'], beamsize['250'], beamsize['350'], beamsize['500']]

	# get the template wavelength and file name
	# template is the one that is not changed in the end
	template_wavelength = wavelength[-1]
	template_map_name = files[-1]
	print "Template wavelength:", template_wavelength
	print "Template image name:", template_map_name

	# get the resolution of the template file
	if template_wavelength == 160.:
		required_res = original_res[0]
	elif template_wavelength == 250.:
		required_res = original_res[1]
	elif template_wavelength == 350.:
		required_res = original_res[2]
	elif template_wavelength == 500.:
		required_res = original_res[3]
	print "Template resolution:", required_res

	# this loops goes though each file 
	for i in range(len(files)):

		print wavelength[i]
		# if the file is not the template file then 
		# 1) it is convolved to the resolution of template map
		# 2) it is regrid to the shape and size of template
		# 3) saved into an array
		if wavelength[i] != template_wavelength: 
			# file names used 
			conv_file = files[i][:-5]+'.conv.fits'			# convolve file
			resamp_file = conv_file[:-5]+'.resamp.fits'		# resampled image
			print conv_file
			print resamp_file
			# remove if these files are already there
			os.system("rm {0}".format(conv_file))
			os.system("rm {0}".format(resamp_file))
			# convolve the image 
			rf.resconvolve(files[i],required_res,original_res[i], resultimage = conv_file)
			# resample image 
			rf.regrid(conv_file, template_map_name, resultimage = resamp_file, header = None)
			# 3) open the resample file and store the data into the bigger list (im)
			image = fits.getdata(resamp_file)
			print "shape:", np.shape(image)
		# else if, the file is the template file then 
		# saved into an array without alteration	
		elif wavelength[i] == template_wavelength:
			image, fitheader= fits.getdata(files[i], header = True)
			print "shape:", np.shape(image)

	# make wavelength 0 for column density and temp dont have wavelength


	fitheader['FREQ_0'] = (nu0/1e9, '[GHz] frequency at which the opacity power law is locked')
	fitheader['KAPPA_0'] = (kappa0, '[cm^2/g] dust opacity at FREQ_0')
	fitheader['BETA'] = (beta, 'Dust emissivity')
	fitheader['GAS2DUST'] = (gastodust, 'gas to dus ratio')
	#fitheader['AUTHOR'] = ('Ayushi Singh')
	# run this function that will make column-density and temperature maps
	# parameters are: wavelength [micron], im: all the images in an array [MJy/sr], pixelsize used to calculate radius 
	# Dataset: used for the title, plots: this is false unless want plot at every 1000 value
	if len(files) > 2: 
		Temperature, C_D, MassCD = cf.make_SED_maps(wavelength, im)
	elif len(files) ==2 :
		Temperature, C_D, MassCD = cf.make_colour_map(wavelength, im)
	return Temperature, C_D, MassCD, fitheader
Ejemplo n.º 2
guideheader['NAXIS1'] = np.shape(high_res_template )[1]
guideheader['NAXIS2'] = np.shape(high_res_template )[0]
guideheader['META_1'] = np.shape(high_res_template )[1]
guideheader['META_1'] = np.shape(high_res_template )[0]
guideheader['FREQ_0'] = (nu0/1e9, '[GHz] frequency at which the opacity power law is locked')
guideheader['KAPPA_0'] = (kappa0, '[cm^2/g] dust opacity at FREQ_0')
guideheader['BETA'] = (beta, 'Dust emissivity')
guideheader['GAS2DUST'] = (gastodust, 'gas to dus ratio')
#guideheader['AUTHOR'] = ('Ayushi Singh')

os.system("rm {0}".format(template))
fits.writeto(template, high_res_template , guideheader)

# regriding all the image to a corresponding variable 
print "Final regriging started."
C_D_250 = rf.regrid(CD_250, template, savefile = False)
C_D_350 = rf.regrid(CD_350, template, savefile = False)
C_D_500 = rf.regrid(CD_500, template, savefile = False)
C_D_250_conv = rf.regrid(CD_250_conv, template, savefile = False)
C_D_350_conv = rf.regrid(CD_350_conv, template, savefile = False)

Temperature_250 = rf.regrid(T_250, template, savefile = False)
Temperature_350 = rf.regrid(T_350, template, savefile = False)
Temperature_500 = rf.regrid(T_500, template, savefile = False)
Temperature_250_conv = rf.regrid(T_250_conv, template, savefile = False)
Temperature_350_conv = rf.regrid(T_350_conv, template, savefile = False)
print "Final regriding ended. \n"

################################# high resolution CD map ##########################################
# calculating high resolution column density
hold1 = (C_D_350)-(C_D_350_conv)