Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, cell, w, l, layer=0):
     self.__cell = cell
     self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)
     self.__w = w
     self.__l = l
     self.__layer = layer
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, width, gap, cell, layer=0):
     self.__width = width
     self.__gap = gap
     self.__layer = layer
     self.__cell = cell
     self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self,cell, x_bound, y_bound,width = 0, gap = 0, layer=1):
     self.__xbound = x_bound
     self.__ybound = y_bound
     self.__cell = cell
     self.__layer = layer
     self.__width = width
     self.__gap = gap
     self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Trench():
    def __init__(self, width, gap, cell, layer=0):
        self.__width = width
        self.__gap = gap
        self.__layer = layer
        self.__cell = cell
        self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)

    def straight_trench(self,length, x0, y0, orient='H'):
        trench_list = self.__rs.straight_trench(length, 
                self.__width, self.__gap, x0, y0, orient)
        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list

    def thinning_trench(self,w1, w2, rat, x0, y0, H, orientation='N', strait=[0]):
        trench_list = self.__rs.thinning_trench(w1, w2, rat, x0, y0, H, orientation, strait)
        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list

    def taper(self,w1,g1,w2,g2,x0,y0,x1,y1):
        trench_list = self.__rs.taper(w1,g1,w2,g2,x0,y0,x1,y1)
        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list

    def quarterarc_trench(self, r, x0, y0, orient='NE', npoints=20):
        trench_list = self.__rs.quarterarc_trench(r, self.__width,
        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list

    def halfarc_trench(self, r, x0, y0, orient='E', npoints=40):
        trench_list = self.__rs.halfarc_trench(r, self.__width,

        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list
Ejemplo n.º 5
class BuildRect():
    def __init__(self, cell, w, l, layer=0):
        self.__cell = cell
        self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)
        self.__w = w
        self.__l = l
        self.__layer = layer

    def make(self, x0, y0, layer=0):
        rectangle = self.__rs.rect(self.__w, self.__l, x0, y0)
        rec = gdspy.Polygon(rectangle, layer)
        return rectangle
Ejemplo n.º 6
sub_x, sub_y = [9000, 4000]  # substrate dimensions
lcav, wcav, gcav = [8102.64, 21.60, 11.10]
lhigh, whigh, ghigh = [3566.62, 7.80, 18.00]
llow, wlow, glow = [4091.32, 36.60, 3.60]

rlow, rhigh = [40, 40]
rqarc = 100

coords = lambda x, dx=0: x + dx
xb_strt, yb_strt = [coords(1220), coords(2348.125)]

# Instantiate objects and creat geometry
# Setup gds cell and gds object
poly_cell = gdspy.Cell('POLYGONS')
rs = Shapes(poly_cell)
rt = ResTempFiles(poly_cell)

# Substrate [layer 0]
sub = BuildRect(poly_cell, sub_x, sub_y, layer=0)
sub.make(0, 0)

# Antidot array [layer 1]
layout = LayoutComponents(poly_cell, sub_x, sub_y, layer=1)
layout.make_antidot_array(0, 0, 5, 15, 0)

highZ = bragg.Bragg(whigh, ghigh, lhigh, poly_cell, radius=rhigh, layer=2)
lowZ = bragg.Bragg(wlow, glow, llow, poly_cell, radius=rlow, layer=2)

cavity = bragg.Bragg(wcav, gcav, lcav / 2, poly_cell, radius=rlow, layer=2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class LayoutComponents():
    def __init__(self,cell, x_bound, y_bound,width = 0, gap = 0, layer=1):
        self.__xbound = x_bound
        self.__ybound = y_bound
        self.__cell = cell
        self.__layer = layer
        self.__width = width
        self.__gap = gap
        self.__rs = Shapes(self.__cell)
    def straight_trench(self,length, x0, y0, orient='H'):
        trench_list = self.__rs.straight_trench(length, 
                self.__width, self.__gap, x0, y0, orient)
        t1 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[0],self.__layer)
        t2 = gdspy.Polygon(trench_list[1],self.__layer)
        return trench_list
    def antidot_array(self,x_origin, y_origin, w, s, n):
        return [[(ii*(s + w) + x_origin, jj*(s + w) + y_origin), (ii*(s + w) 
            + w + x_origin, jj*(s + w) + y_origin),(ii*(s + w) + w + x_origin, 
                jj*(s + w) + w + y_origin), (ii*(s + w) + x_origin, jj*(s + w) 
                    + w + y_origin)]
                   for ii in np.arange(-n, self.__xbound/(s+w) + n, 1)
                   for jj in np.arange(-n, self.__ybound/(s+w) + n, 1)]

    def make_antidot_array(self,x_origin, y_origin, w, s, n):
        dots = self.antidot_array(x_origin, y_origin, w, s, n)
        for i in dots:
            self.__cell.add(gdspy.Polygon(i, self.__layer))
        return dots

    def remove_triangle(self,feed,x0,y0):
        d = [(feed[0][0][0], y0), (feed[0][0][0]+1000, y0)]
        return d

    def feedbond_remove(self,feedlength,cc,rat,bond,x0,y0,xstr,ystr,xend,orientation):
        w1 = bond
        w2 = cc
        H = bond
        # w = H*rat
        # l = H*(1 + 2*rat)
        x0_rect = x0
        y0_rect = y0 - H+ cc/2

            straight_orient = 'V'
            #xstrt = self.__xbound - H/2
            w = H*(1 + 2*rat) + 50
            l = H*rat + 50
            xoff = xend-xstr
            xstrt = x0 + xoff/2
            feed_remove = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-w/2, y0_rect-l)]
            x0t = feed_remove[0][2][0]
            y0t = feed_remove[0][2][1]
            x1t = feed_remove[0][3][0]
            y1t = feed_remove[0][3][1]
            x2t = xstr
            y2t = ystr
            x3t = xend
            y3t = ystr
            straight_orient = 'V'
            w = H*(1 + 2*rat) + 50
            l = H*rat + 50
            xoff = xend-xstr
            xstrt = x0 + xoff/2
            feed_remove = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-w/2, y0+H)]

            x0t = feed_remove[0][0][0]
            y0t = feed_remove[0][0][1]
            x1t = feed_remove[0][1][0]
            y1t = feed_remove[0][1][1]
            x2t = xend
            y2t = ystr
            x3t = xstr
            y3t = ystr
            straight_orient = 'H'
            xstrt = self.__xbound - H/2
            w = H*rat
            l = H*(1 + 2*rat)
            straight_orient = 'H'
            xstrt = self.__xbound
            w = H*rat
            l = H*(1 + 2*rat)

        feed_remove += [self.triangle(x0t,y0t,x1t,y1t,x2t,y2t,x3t,y3t)]
        return feed_remove

    def feedbond(self,feedlength,cc,rat,bond,x0,y0,orientation='N'): 
        w1 = bond
        w2 = cc
        H = bond
        # w = H*rat
        # l = H*(1 + 2*rat)
        x0_rect = x0
        y0_rect = y0 - H + cc/2

        xstrt = self.__xbound - H/2
        xoff = self.__xbound - x0
        xoff = abs(xoff)

            straight_orient = 'V'
            w = H*(1 + 2*rat)
            l = H*rat
            straight = self.straight_trench(feedlength, x0 , y0-feedlength, straight_orient)
            feed = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-xoff, y0-H-l)]        
            straight_orient = 'V'
            w = H*(1 + 2*rat)
            l = H*rat
            straight = self.straight_trench(feedlength, x0, y0, straight_orient)
            feed = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-xoff, y0+H)]
            straight_orient = 'H'
            w = H*rat
            l = H*(1 + 2*rat)
            straight = self.straight_trench(feedlength, x0, y0-feedlength, straight_orient)
            feed = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-xoff, y0_rect-300)]
            straight_orient = 'H'
            w = H*rat
            l = H*(1 + 2*rat)
            straight = self.straight_trench(feedlength, x0, y0-feedlength, straight_orient)        
            feed = [self.rect(w,l, xstrt-xoff, y0_rect-300)]
        #feed = [self.rect(w,l, self.__xbound-H/2, y0_rect)]

        feed += self.thinning_trench(w1, w2, rat, feed[0][3][0], feed[0][3][1], 
                H, orientation,straight)
        #feed += self.thinning_trench(w1, w2, rat, xstrt, y0_rect+l, 
        #        H, orientation,straight)         
        return feed

    def make_feedbond(self,feedlength,cc,rat,bond, x0, y0, orientation='N'):
        feedbond = self.feedbond(feedlength,cc,rat,bond,x0, y0, orientation)
        for i in feedbond:
            self.__cell.add(gdspy.Polygon(i, self.__layer))    
        return feedbond

    def make_feedbond_remove(self,feedlength,cc,rat,bond, x0, y0,xstr,ystr,xend,orientation):
        feedbond = self.feedbond_remove(feedlength,cc,rat,bond,x0, y0,xstr,ystr,xend, orientation)
        for i in feedbond:
            self.__cell.add(gdspy.Polygon(i, self.__layer+1))    
        return feedbond
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ResTempFiles:

	def __init__(self,cell):
		self.__rs = Shapes(cell)
		self.coords = lambda x,dx=0: x+dx

	def lengths(self,w,g,r,l,lin=100,lout=100,no_arcs=4):

	    arclength = self.arclength(w,g,r)

	    tot_arc_length = no_arcs * arclength
	    tot_arc_length += arclength

	    lremain = l - tot_arc_length - lin - lout 
	    lremain += arclength

	    lstrait = lremain / no_arcs

	    ls = [lin]
	    # l.append(arclength)

	    # arc = [arclength]
	    # arc.append(arclength/2)

	    # print(3*lstrait + 4*arclength + arclength + lin + lout + 2*(lstrait/2 - arclength/2))

	    return ls, arclength

	def arclength(self,w,g,r):
	    out_LHS = g
	    out_RHS = 2*w + 3*g + 2*r 
	    diameter = out_RHS - out_LHS - (w/2)
	    arclength = .5 * diameter * np.pi
	    arctot = 2*arclength
	    return arctot

	# def feedbond(x0,y0,w,g,feedlength=300,bondlength=600,bondh=150):

	# 	bondw = 4*bondh

	# 	xbond = x0 - bondw/2 + gfeed + wfeed/2
	# 	ybond = y0 - feedlength - bondh - bondlength

	# 	x0b = x0
	# 	y0b = y0 - feedlength

	# 	x0b2 = x0b + gfeed + wfeed

	# 	x1 = xbond
	# 	y1 = ybond + bondh

	# 	x2 = xbond + bondw - bondh
	# 	y2 = ybond + bondh + feedlength

	# 	feed = [rs.rect(bondw,bondh, xbond, ybond)]
	# 	feed += [rs.rect(bondh,feedlength,xbond,ybond+bondh)]
	# 	feed += [rs.rect(bondh,feedlength,xbond+bondw-bondh,ybond+bondh)]

	# 	d1 = [(x0b, y0b), (x0b+gfeed, y0b), (x1+bondh, y2), (x1, y2)]
	# 	d2 = [(x0b2, y0b), (x0b2+gfeed, y0b), (x1+bondw, y2), (x1+bondw-bondh, y2)]
	# 	feed += [d1,d2]

	# 	return feed

	def feedbond(self,x0,y0,w,g,feedlength=300,bondlength=600,bondh=150,orientation='N'):

		if(orientation == 'E'):
			bondw = 4*bondh

			xbond = x0 - bondlength - bondh#- bondw/2 + gfeed + wfeed/2
			ybond = y0 - bondw/2 + g + w/2# - feedlength - bondh - bondlength

			feed = [self.__rs.rect(bondh,bondw, xbond, ybond)]
			feed += [self.__rs.rect(feedlength,bondh,xbond+bondh,ybond)]
			feed += [self.__rs.rect(feedlength,bondh,xbond+bondh,ybond+bondw-bondh)]

			xa = xbond+bondw-bondh
			ya = ybond+bondw

			xb = xa+feedlength
			yb = ya-bondw/2-g-w/2

			d1 = [(xa, ya), (xa, ya-bondh), (xb, yb+g+w), (xb, yb+2*g+w)]
			d2 = [(xa, ya-bondw), (xa, ya-bondw+bondh), (xb, yb+g), (xb, yb)]
			feed += [d1,d2]

		if(orientation == 'W'):
			bondw = 4*bondh

			# y0 = y0 + bondw

			xbond = x0  + bondlength#+ bondlength#+ bondlength + bondh 
			ybond = y0 - bondw/2 + g + w/2
			# xbond = x0 + bondw/2 + gfeed + wfeed/2 + feedlength
			# ybond = y0 - feedlength - bondh - bondlength

			feed = [self.__rs.rect(bondh,bondw, xbond, ybond)]
			feed += [self.__rs.rect(feedlength,bondh,xbond-2*bondh,ybond)]
			feed += [self.__rs.rect(feedlength,bondh,xbond-2*bondh,ybond+bondw-bondh)]

			xa = xbond-2*bondh
			ya = ybond+bondw

			xb = xa-feedlength
			yb = ya-bondw/2-g-w/2

			d1 = [(xa, ya), (xa, ya-bondh), (xb, yb+g+w), (xb, yb+2*g+w)]
			d2 = [(xa, ya-bondw), (xa, ya-bondw+bondh), (xb, yb+g), (xb, yb)]
			feed += [d1,d2]

		return feed

	def feedbond_remove(self,x0,y0,w,g,feedlength=300,bondlength=750,bondh=150,orientation='E'):

		# rm_width = 4*w + 2*g
		# bondw = 4*bondh
		# bondwr = 6*bondh
		# bondhr = bondh

		# xbond = x0 - bondwr/2 + g + w/2
		# ybond = y0 - feedlength - bondh - bondlength

		# x0b = x0
		# y0b = y0 - feedlength

		# x0b2 = x0b + g + w

		# x1 = xbond
		# y1 = ybond + bondh

		# x2 = xbond + bondwr - bondhr
		# y2 = ybond + bondhr + feedlength

		# fbondr = [self.__rs.rect(bondwr,bondwr-2*bondhr, xbond, ybond)]

		# trix0 = (x0b + g + w/2) - rm_width/2
		# triy1 = ybond - bondhr+bondh+bondw

		# d1 = [(trix0, y0b), (trix0+rm_width, y0b), (x1+bondwr, triy1), (x1, triy1)]
		# fbondr += [d1]

		rm_width = 4*w + 2*g
		bondw = 4*bondh
		bondwr = 5*bondh
		bondhr = bondh

		if(orientation == 'E'):

			xbond = x0 - bondlength - bondh - rm_width#- bondw/2 + gfeed + wfeed/2
			ybond = y0 - bondwr/2 + g + w/2# - feedlength - bondh - bondlength

			sqw = rm_width + bondw -bondh
			fbondr = [self.__rs.rect(sqw,bondwr, xbond, ybond)]
			xa = xbond + sqw
			ya = ybond + bondwr

			yb = ya - bondwr/2
			triy = rm_width/2

			d1 = [(xa,ya), (xa, ybond), (xa+2*bondhr,yb-triy),(xa+2*bondhr,yb+triy) ]
			fbondr += [d1]

		if(orientation == 'W'):

			xbond = x0 + 2*bondh#+ bondlength  - rm_width
			ybond = y0 - bondwr/2 + g + w/2

			sqw = rm_width + bondw -bondh
			fbondr = [self.__rs.rect(sqw,bondwr, xbond, ybond)]
			xa = xbond-2*bondhr
			ya = ybond + bondwr

			yb = ya - bondwr/2
			triy = rm_width/2

			d1 = [(xbond,ya), (xbond, ybond), (xa,yb-triy),(xa,yb+triy) ]
			fbondr += [d1]

		return fbondr 

	def quarterwave(wqw,gqw,rqw,xq0,yq0,lo=50,feedline_sep=30):

		xq1, yq1 = [self.coords(xq0,-gqw),self.coords(yq0,-feedline_sep)]
		qw = [self.__rs.rect(gqw,wqw+2*gqw,xq1, yq1)]

		xq2, yq2 = [self.coords(xq0),self.coords(yq0,-feedline_sep)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(ls,wqw,gqw, xq2, yq2, orientation='H')

		xq3, yq3 = [self.coords(xq2,ls),self.coords(yq2,-rqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq3,yq3,orient='E',npoints=40)

		xq4, yq4 = [self.coords(xq3),self.coords(yq3,-rqw-wqw-2*gqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(-ls,wqw,gqw, xq4, yq4, orientation='H')

		xq5, yq5 = [self.coords(xq4,-ls),self.coords(yq4,-rqw)]
		qw += self.vrs.halfarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq5,yq5,orient='W',npoints=40)

		xq6, yq6 = [self.coords(xq5),self.coords(yq5,-rqw-wqw-2*gqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(ls,wqw,gqw, xq6, yq6, orientation='H')

		xq7, yq7 = [self.coords(xq6,ls),self.coords(yq6,-rqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq7,yq7,orient='E',npoints=40)

		xq8, yq8 = [self.coords(xq7),self.coords(yq7,-rqw-wqw-2*gqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(-ls,wqw,gqw, xq8, yq8, orientation='H')

		xq9, yq9 = [self.coords(xq8,-ls),self.coords(yq8,-rqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq9,yq9,orient='W',npoints=40)

		xq10, yq10 = [self.coords(xq9),self.coords(yq9,-rqw-wqw-2*gqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(ls,wqw,gqw, xq10, yq10, orientation='H')

		xq11, yq11 = [self.coords(xq10,ls),self.coords(yq10,-rqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq11,yq11,orient='E',npoints=40)

		xq12, yq12 = [self.coords(xq11),self.coords(yq11,-rqw-wqw-2*gqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(-ls,wqw,gqw, xq12, yq12, orientation='H')

		xq13, yq13 = [self.coords(xq12,-ls),self.coords(yq12,-rqw)]
		qw += self.__rs.quarterarc_trench(rqw,wqw,gqw,xq13,yq13,orient='NW',npoints=40)

		xq14, yq14 = [self.coords(xq13,-rqw-2*gqw-wqw),self.coords(yq13)]
		qw += self.__rs.straight_trench(-lo,wqw,gqw, xq14, yq14, orientation='V')

		return qw

	def quarterwave_remove(self,wqw,gqw,rqw,xq0,yq0,lo=50,feedline_sep=30):

		rm_width = wqw + 4*gqw
		arcrad = rqw - rm_width/2 + gqw + wqw/2

		xq2, yq2 = [self.coords(xq0,-2*gqw),
			self.coords(yq0,-feedline_sep + gqw + wqw/2 - rm_width/2)]
		qwr = [self.__rs.rect(ls+2*gqw,rm_width, xq2, yq2)]

		xq3, yq3 = [self.coords(xq2,ls+2*gqw),self.coords(yq2,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.halfarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq3,yq3,orientation='E',npoints=40)]

		xq4, yq4 = [self.coords(xq3),self.coords(yq3,-arcrad-rm_width)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(-ls,rm_width, xq4, yq4)]

		xq5, yq5 = [self.coords(xq4,-ls),self.coords(yq4,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.halfarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq5,yq5,orientation='W',npoints=40)]

		xq6, yq6 = [self.coords(xq5),self.coords(yq5,-arcrad-rm_width)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(ls,rm_width, xq6, yq6)]

		xq7, yq7 = [self.coords(xq6,ls),self.coords(yq6,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.halfarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq7,yq7,orientation='E',npoints=40)]

		xq8, yq8 = [self.coords(xq7),self.coords(yq7,-arcrad-rm_width)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(-ls,rm_width, xq8, yq8)]

		xq9, yq9 = [self.coords(xq8,-ls),self.coords(yq8,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.halfarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq9,yq9,orientation='W',npoints=40)]

		xq10, yq10 = [self.coords(xq9),self.coords(yq9,-arcrad-rm_width)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(ls,rm_width, xq10, yq10)]

		xq11, yq11 = [self.coords(xq10,ls),self.coords(yq10,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.halfarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq11,yq11,orientation='E',npoints=40)]

		xq12, yq12 = [self.coords(xq11),self.coords(yq11,-arcrad-rm_width)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(-ls,rm_width, xq12, yq12)]

		xq13, yq13 = [self.coords(xq12,-ls),self.coords(yq12,-arcrad)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.quarterarc(arcrad,rm_width,xq13,yq13,orientation='NW',npoints=40)]

		xq14, yq14 = [self.coords(xq13,-arcrad-rm_width),self.coords(yq13)]
		qwr += [self.__rs.rect(rm_width,-lo, xq14, yq14)]

		return qwr

	def halfwaveresonator(self,x1,y1,w,g,r,rfeed,arc,lcap,l1,l2,l3):

		wtot = w + 2*g
		x2, y2 = [ self.coords(x1,lcap), self.coords(y1) ]
		resonator = self.__rs.straight_trench(l1, w, g, x1, y1, orientation='H')

		x3, y3 = [ self.coords(x2,l1-lcap), self.coords(y1,rfeed+wtot) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.quarterarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x3, y3, orient='SE')

		x4, y4 = [ self.coords(x3,rfeed), self.coords(y3) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(l2+arc/2, w, g, x4, y4, orientation='V')

		x5, y5 = [ self.coords(x4,rfeed+wtot), self.coords(y4,l2+arc/2) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x5, y5, orient='N')

		x6, y6 = [ self.coords(x5,rfeed), self.coords(y5) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(-l3, w, g, x6, y6, orientation='V')

		x7, y7 = [ self.coords(x6,rfeed+wtot), self.coords(y6,-l3) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x7, y7, orient='S')

		x8, y8 = [ self.coords(x7,rfeed), self.coords(y7) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(l3, w, g, x8, y8, orientation='V')

		x9, y9 = [ self.coords(x8,rfeed+wtot), self.coords(y8,l3) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x9, y9, orient='N')

		x10, y10 = [ self.coords(x9,rfeed), self.coords(y9) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(-l3, w, g, x10, y10, orientation='V')

		x11, y11 = [ self.coords(x10,rfeed+wtot), self.coords(y10,-l3) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.halfarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x11, y11, orient='S')

		x12, y12 = [ self.coords(x11,rfeed), self.coords(y11) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(l2, w, g, x12, y12, orientation='V')

		x13, y13 = [ self.coords(x12,rfeed+wtot), self.coords(y12,l2) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.quarterarc_trench(rfeed, w, g, x13, y13, orient='NW')

		x14, y14 = [ self.coords(x13), self.coords(y13,rfeed) ]
		resonator += self.__rs.straight_trench(l1, w, g, x14, y14, orientation='H')

		return resonator

	def feedline(x0,y0,wfeed,gfeed,feedwidth=3000,lbond=300,lfeed1=600):

		x1,y1 = [self.coords(x0),self.coords(y0,-lbond)]
		feed = rs.straight_trench(lfeed1,wfeed,gfeed, x1, y1, orientation='V')

		x2,y2 = [self.coords(x1,rfeed+wtot),self.coords(y1,lfeed1)]
		feed += rs.quarterarc_trench(rfeed,wfeed,gfeed,x2,y2,orient='NW',npoints=40)

		x3,y3 = [self.coords(x0,feedwidth),self.coords(y0,-lbond)]
		feed += rs.straight_trench(lfeed1,wfeed,gfeed, x3, y3, orientation='V')

		x4,y4 = [self.coords(x3,-rfeed),self.coords(y3,lfeed1)]
		feed += rs.quarterarc_trench(rfeed,wfeed,gfeed,x4,y4,orient='NE',npoints=40)

		lfeed2 = feedwidth - (x2-x0) - (x3-x4) #- 2*(x2-x0)
		x5,y5 = [self.coords(x2),self.coords(y2,rfeed)]
		feed += rs.straight_trench(lfeed2,wfeed,gfeed, x5, y5, orientation='H')

		feed_self.coords = [x5,y5,lfeed2]

		return feed,feed_self.coords

	def feedline_remove(x0,y0,wfeed,gfeed,rfeed,feedwidth=3000,lbond=300,lfeed1=600):

		rm_width = 4*wfeed + 2*gfeed
		arcrad = .5*(2*rfeed - 4*gfeed - wfeed)

		x1,y1 = [self.coords(x0,(wfeed/2)+gfeed-rm_width/2),self.coords(y0,-lbond)]
		feedr = [rs.rect(rm_width,lfeed1, x1, y1)]

		x2,y2 = [self.coords(x1,arcrad+rm_width),self.coords(y1,lfeed1)]
		feedr += [rs.quarterarc(arcrad,rm_width,x2,y2,orientation='NW',npoints=40)]

		x3,y3 = [self.coords(x1,feedwidth),self.coords(y0,-lbond)]
		feedr += [rs.rect(rm_width,lfeed1, x3, y3)]

		x4,y4 = [self.coords(x3,-arcrad),self.coords(y3,lfeed1)]
		feedr += [rs.quarterarc(arcrad,rm_width,x4,y4,orientation='NE',npoints=40)]

		lfeed2 = feedwidth - (x2-x1) - (x3-x4) 
		x5,y5 = [self.coords(x2),self.coords(y2,arcrad)]
		feedr += [rs.rect(lfeed2,rm_width, x5, y5)]

		return feedr

	def boolean(self,input_shape,bool_shape, input_layer=0, output_layer=0,mode='or'):

		# if(mode != str('or') or mode != str('not') or mode != str('and')):
		# 	raise Exception('mode should be either \'not\', \'or\', or \'and\'')

		for i in range(0,len(input_shape)):
			shape = gdspy.Polygon(input_shape[i],input_layer)
			bool_shape = gdspy.fast_boolean(bool_shape,shape,mode, 
				precision=1e-9, max_points=1000, layer=output_layer)

		return bool_shape

	def build(self,input_shape,cell,input_layer=0):

		# if(mode != str('or') or mode != str('not') or mode != str('and')):
		# 	raise Exception('mode should be either \'not\', \'or\', or \'and\'')

		for i in range(0,len(input_shape)):
			shape = gdspy.Polygon(input_shape[i],input_layer)
		return shape

	def build2(self,shape,cell):
		return cell.add(shape)
		for i in range(0,len(input_shape)):
			shape = gdspy.Polygon(input_shape[i],input_layer)
			output_bool = gdspy.fast_boolean(bool_shape,shape, mode, 
				precision=1e-9, max_points=1000, layer=output_layer)
		return shape, output_bool
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def __init__(self,cell):
		self.__rs = Shapes(cell)
		self.coords = lambda x,dx=0: x+dx