def test_isElectric() -> None:
    from resistics.common.checks import isElectric

    assert isElectric("Ex")
    assert isElectric("Ey")
    assert not isElectric("Hx")
    assert not isElectric("Hy")
    assert not isElectric("Hz")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getChanChopper(self, chan) -> bool:
        """Get channel chopper
        The chopper is an amplifier present in some instruments. There might be different calibration files for chopper on or off.

            Flag designating whether chopper is on or off
        echopper = self.getChanHeader(chan, "echopper")
        hchopper = self.getChanHeader(chan, "hchopper")
        # return true if the chopper amplifier was on
        if isElectric(chan) and echopper:
            return True
        if isMagnetic(chan) and hchopper:
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def view(self, **kwargs) -> Figure:
        """View timeseries data as a line plot

        sampleStart : int, optional
            Sample to start plotting from
        sampleStop : int, optional
            Sample to plot to                   
        fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional
            A figure object
        plotfonts : Dict, optional
            A dictionary of plot fonts
        chans : List[str]
            Channels to plot
        label : str, optional
            Label for the plots
        xlim : List, optional
            Limits for the x axis
        legened : bool
            Boolean flag for adding a legend
            Matplotlib figure object
        # the number of samples to plot
        sampleStart = 0
        sampleStop = 4096
        if "sampleStart" in kwargs:
            sampleStart = kwargs["sampleStart"]
        if "sampleStop" in kwargs:
            sampleStop = kwargs["sampleStop"]
        if sampleStop >= self.numSamples:
            sampleStop = self.numSamples - 1
        # get the x axis ready
        x = self.getDateArray()
        start = x[sampleStart]
        stop = x[sampleStop]

        # now plot
        fig = (plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else
               plt.figure(figsize=(20, 2 * self.numChans)))
        plotfonts = kwargs[
            "plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts()
        # suptitle
        st = fig.suptitle(
            "Time data from {} to {}, samples {} to {}".format(
                start, stop, sampleStart, sampleStop),
        # now plot the data
        dataChans = kwargs["chans"] if "chans" in kwargs else self.chans
        numDataChans = len(dataChans)
        for idx, chan in enumerate(dataChans):
            ax = plt.subplot(numDataChans, 1, idx + 1)
            plt.title("Channel {}".format(chan), fontsize=plotfonts["title"])

            # check if channel exists in data and if not, leave empty plot so it's clear
            if chan not in

            # label for plot
            lab = (kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else
                   "{}: {} to {}".format(chan, start, stop))
            # plot data
                x[sampleStart:sampleStop + 1],
      [chan][sampleStart:sampleStop + 1],
            # add time label
            if idx == numDataChans - 1:
                plt.xlabel("Time", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
            # set the xlim
            xlim = kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [start, stop]
            # y axis options
            if isElectric(chan):
                plt.ylabel("mV/km", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
                plt.ylabel("nT or mV", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
            # set tick sizes
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
            # legend
            if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]:

        # show if the figure is not in keywords
        if "fig" not in kwargs:
            plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.02, 1, 0.96])

        return fig
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def headersFromTable(self, tableData: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, List]:
        """Populate the headers from the table values
        tableData : OrderedDictDict
            Ordered dictionary with table data
        headers : Dict
            Dictionary of general headers
        chanHeaders : Dict
            List of channel headers
        # initialise storage
        headers = {}
        chanHeaders = []
        # get the sample freqs for each ts file
        self.tsSampleFreqs = []
        for tsNum in self.tsNums:
        # for sample frequency, use the continuous channel
        headers["sample_freq"] = self.tsSampleFreqs[self.continuousI]
        # these are the unix time stamps
        firstDate, firstTime, lastDate, lastTime = self.getDates(tableData)
        # the start date is equal to the time of the first record
        headers["start_date"] = firstDate
        headers["start_time"] = firstTime
        datetimeStart = datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(firstDate, firstTime),
                                          "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
        # the stop date
        datetimeLast = datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(lastDate, lastTime),
                                         "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
        # records are usually equal to one second (beginning on 0 and ending on the last sample before the next 0)
        datetimeStop = datetimeLast + timedelta(
            seconds=(1.0 - 1.0 / headers["sample_freq"]))
        # put the stop date and time in the headers
        headers["stop_date"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        headers["stop_time"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")
        # here calculate number of samples
        deltaSeconds = (datetimeStop - datetimeStart).total_seconds()
        # calculate number of samples - have to add one because the time given in SPAM recording is the actual time of the last sample
        numSamples = round(deltaSeconds * headers["sample_freq"]) + 1
        headers["num_samples"] = numSamples
        headers["ats_data_file"] = self.continuousF
        # deal with the channel headers
        # now want to do this in the correct order
        # chan headers should reflect the order in the data
        chans = ["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy", "Hz"]
        chanOrder = []
        for chan in chans:
        # sort the lists in the right order based on chanOrder
        chanOrder, chans = (list(x) for x in zip(
            *sorted(zip(chanOrder, chans), key=lambda pair: pair[0])))
        for chan in chans:
            chanH = self.chanDefaults()
            # set the sample frequency from the main headers
            chanH["sample_freq"] = headers["sample_freq"]
            # channel output information (sensor_type, channel_type, ts_lsb, pos_x1, pos_x2, pos_y1, pos_y2, pos_z1, pos_z2, sensor_sernum)
            chanH["ats_data_file"] = self.dataF[self.continuousI]
            chanH["num_samples"] = numSamples
            # channel information
            chanH["channel_type"] = consistentChans(
                chan)  # consistent chan naming

            # magnetic channels only
            if isMagnetic(chanH["channel_type"]):
                chanH["sensor_sernum"] = tableData["{}SN".format(
                chanH["sensor_type"] = "Phoenix"
                # channel input information (gain_stage1, gain_stage2, hchopper, echopper)
                chanH["gain_stage1"] = tableData["HGN"]
                chanH["gain_stage2"] = 1

            # electric channels only
            if isElectric(chanH["channel_type"]):
                # the distances
                if chan == "Ex":
                    chanH["pos_x1"] = float(tableData["EXLN"]) / 2.0
                    chanH["pos_x2"] = chanH["pos_x1"]
                if chan == "Ey":
                    chanH["pos_y1"] = float(tableData["EYLN"]) / 2.0
                    chanH["pos_y2"] = chanH["pos_y1"]
                # channel input information (gain_stage1, gain_stage2, hchopper, echopper)
                chanH["gain_stage1"] = tableData["EGN"]
                chanH["gain_stage2"] = 1

            # append chanHeaders to the list

        # data information (meas_channels, sample_freq)
        headers["meas_channels"] = len(
            chans)  # this gets reformatted to an int later
        # return the headers and chanHeaders from this file
        return headers, chanHeaders
Ejemplo n.º 5
def viewTime(projData: ProjectData, startDate: str, endDate: str,
             **kwargs) -> Union[Figure, None]:
    """View timeseries in the project

    projData : ProjectData
        The project data instance
    startDate : str
        The start of the data range to plot
    endDate : str
        The end of the date range to plot
    sites : List[str], optional
        List of sites 
    sampleFreqs : List[float], optional
        List of sample frequencies to plot
    chans : List[str], optional
        List of channels to plot
    polreverse :  Dict[str, bool]
        Keys are channels and values are boolean flags for reversing   
    scale : Dict[str, float]
        Keys are channels and values are floats to multiply the channel data by   
    calibrate : bool, optional
        Boolean flag to calibrate data
    normalise : bool, optional
        Boolean flag to normalise the data. Default is False and setting to True will normalise each channel independently.
    notch : List[float], optional
        List of frequencies to notch out
    filter : Dict, optional
        Filter parameters
    show : bool, optional
        Boolean flag to show the plot
    save : bool, optional
        Boolean flag to save the plot to images folder
    plotoptions : Dict
        Dictionary of plot options

    matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None
        A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed.
    from resistics.project.shortcuts import getCalibrator
    from resistics.project.preprocess import (
    from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsTime

    options = {}
    options["sites"]: List[str] = projData.sites
    options["sampleFreqs"]: Union[List[float],
                                  List[str]] = projData.getSampleFreqs()
    options["chans"]: List[str] = ["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy", "Hz"]
    options["polreverse"]: Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]] = False
    options["scale"]: Union[bool, Dict[str, float]] = False
    options["calibrate"]: bool = False
    options["normalise"]: bool = False
    options["filter"]: Dict = {}
    options["notch"]: List[float] = []
    options["show"]: bool = True
    options["save"]: bool = False
    options["plotoptions"]: Dict = plotOptionsTime()
    options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs)

    # prepare calibrator
    cal = getCalibrator(projData.calPath, projData.config)
    if options["calibrate"]:

    # format startDate and endDate
    start = datetime.strptime("{}.000".format(startDate),
                              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    stop = datetime.strptime("{}.000".format(endDate), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    # collect relevant data - dictionary to store timeData
    timeDataAll = {}
    for site in options["sites"]:
        siteData = projData.getSiteData(site)
        if isinstance(siteData, bool):
            # site does not exist
        measurements = siteData.getMeasurements()
        timeDataAll[site] = {}

        # loop over measurements and save data for each one
        for meas in measurements:
            sampleFreq = siteData.getMeasurementSampleFreq(meas)
            if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]:

            # check if data contributes to user defined time period
            siteStart = siteData.getMeasurementStart(meas)
            siteStop = siteData.getMeasurementEnd(meas)
            if siteStop < start or siteStart > stop:

            reader = siteData.getMeasurement(meas)
            # get the samples of the datetimes
            sampleStart, sampleStop = reader.time2sample(start, stop)
            # as the samples returned from time2sample are rounded use sample2time to get the appropriate start and end times for those samples
            readStart, readStop = reader.sample2time(sampleStart, sampleStop)
            # get the data for any available channels meaning even those sites with missing channels can be plotted
            timeData = reader.getPhysicalData(readStart, readStop)

                "Plotting measurement {} of site {} between {} and {}".format(
                    meas, site, readStart, readStop))

            # apply various options
            applyPolarisationReversalOptions(options, timeData)
            applyScaleOptions(options, timeData)
            applyCalibrationOptions(options, cal, timeData, reader)
            applyFilterOptions(options, timeData)
            applyNotchOptions(options, timeData)
            applyNormaliseOptions(options, timeData)
            timeDataAll[site][meas] = timeData

    # plot all the data
    plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"])
    for site in timeDataAll:
        for meas in timeDataAll[site]:
            timeData = timeDataAll[site][meas]
                sampleStop=timeDataAll[site][meas].numSamples - 1,
                label="{} - {}".format(site, meas),
                xlim=[start, stop],

    # add the suptitle
    st = fig.suptitle(
        "Time data from {} to {}".format(start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S"),
                                         stop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S")),

    # do the axis labels
    numChans = len(options["chans"])
    for idx, chan in enumerate(options["chans"]):
        plt.subplot(numChans, 1, idx + 1)
        # do the yaxis
        if isElectric(chan):
            plt.ylabel("mV/km", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
            if len(options["plotoptions"]["Eylim"]) > 0:
            if options["calibrate"]:
                plt.ylabel("nT", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
                plt.ylabel("mV", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"])
            if len(options["plotoptions"]["Hylim"]) > 0:
        plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize=plotfonts["legend"])

    # plot format
    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.02, 1, 0.96])

    # plot show and save
    if options["save"]:
        impath = projData.imagePath
        filename = "timeData_{}_{}".format(
        savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig)
        projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename))
    if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"])
    if not options["show"] and options["save"]:
        return None
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def view(self, **kwargs) -> Figure:
        """Plot spectra data

        fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional
            A figure object
        plotfonts : Dict, optional
            A dictionary of plot fonts
        chans : List[str], optional
            A list of channels to plot
        label : str, optional
            Label for the plots
        xlim : List, optional
            Limits for the x axis
        color : str, rgba Tuple
            The color for the line plot
        legend : bool
            Boolean flag for adding a legend

            Matplotlib figure object
        freqArray = self.freqArray
        fig = (plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else
               plt.figure(figsize=(20, 2 * self.numChans)))
        plotFonts = kwargs[
            "plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts()
        color = kwargs["color"] if "color" in kwargs else None
        # suptitle
        st = fig.suptitle(
            "Spectra data from {} to {}".format(self.startTime, self.stopTime),
        # now plot the data
        dataChans = kwargs["chans"] if "chans" in kwargs else self.chans
        numPlotChans = len(dataChans)
        for idx, chan in enumerate(dataChans):
            ax = plt.subplot(numPlotChans, 1, idx + 1)
            plt.title("Channel {}".format(chan), fontsize=plotFonts["title"])
            # plot the data
            if "label" in kwargs:
                plt.plot(freqArray, np.absolute([chan]), color=color)
            # add frequency label
            if idx == numPlotChans - 1:
                plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"])
            # x axis options
            xlim = kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [
                freqArray[0], freqArray[-1]
            # y axis options
            if isElectric(chan):
                plt.ylabel("[mV/km]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"])
                plt.ylabel("[nT]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"])
            # set tick sizes
            for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
            # legend
            if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]:

        # show if the figure is not in keywords
        if "fig" not in kwargs:
            plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.02, 1, 0.96])

        return fig
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def readHeaderXTR(self, headerFile: str) -> None:
        """Read a XTR header file

        The raw data for SPAM is in single precision Volts. However, if there are multiple data files for a single recording, each one may have a different gain. Therefore, a scaling has to be calculated for each data file and channel. This scaling will convert all channels to mV. 

        For the most part, this method only reads recording information. However, it does additionally calculate out the lsb scaling and store it in the ts_lsb channel header. More information is provided in the notes.

        The raw data for SPAM is in single precision floats and record the raw Voltage measurements of the sensors. However, if there are multiple data files for a single continuous recording, each one may have a different gain. Therefore, a scaling has to be calculated for each data file. 

        For electric channels, the scaling begins with the scaling provided in the header file in the DATA section. This incorporates any gain occuring in the device. This scaling is further amended by a conversion to mV and polarity reversal,

        .. math::
            scaling = read scaling from DATA section of header file \\
            scaling = 1000 * scaling , \\
            scaling = -1000 * scaling , \\
            ts_lsb = scaling , 
        where the reason for the 1000 factor in line 2 is not clear, nor is the polarity reversal. However, this information was provided by people more familiar with the data format.
        For magnetic channels, the scaling in the header file DATA section is ignored. This is because it includes a static gain correction, which would be duplicated at the calibration stage. Therefore, this is not included at this point.

        .. math:: 
            scaling = -1000 , \\
            ts_lsb = scaling ,
        This scaling converts the magnetic data from V to mV.

        headerFile : str
            The XTR header file to read in
        with open(headerFile, "r") as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        sectionLines = {}
        # let's get data
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.replace("'", " ")
            # continue if line is empty
            if line == "":
            if "[" in line:
                sec = line[1:-1]
                sectionLines[sec] = []
        # the base class is built around a set of headers based on ATS headers
        # though this is a bit more work here, it saves lots of code repetition
        headers = {}
        # recording information (start_time, start_date, stop_time, stop_date, ats_data_file)
        fileLine = sectionLines["FILE"][0]
        fileSplit = fileLine.split()
        headers["sample_freq"] = np.absolute(float(fileSplit[-1]))
        timeLine = sectionLines["FILE"][2]
        timeSplit = timeLine.split()
        # these are the unix time stamps
        startDate = float(timeSplit[1] + "." + timeSplit[2])
        datetimeStart = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(startDate)
        stopDate = float(timeSplit[3] + "." + timeSplit[4])
        datetimeStop = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(stopDate)
        headers["start_date"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        headers["start_time"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")
        headers["stop_date"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        headers["stop_time"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")
        # here calculate number of samples
        deltaSeconds = (datetimeStop - datetimeStart).total_seconds()
        # calculate number of samples - have to add one because the time given in SPAM recording is the actual time of the last sample
        numSamples = int(deltaSeconds * headers["sample_freq"]) + 1
        # put these in headers for ease of future calculations in merge headers
        headers["num_samples"] = numSamples
        # spam datasets only have the one data file for all channels
        headers["ats_data_file"] = fileSplit[1]
        # data information (meas_channels, sample_freq)
        chanLine = sectionLines["CHANNAME"][0]
        # this gets reformatted to an int later
        headers["meas_channels"] = chanLine.split()[1]
        numChansInt = int(headers["meas_channels"])
        # deal with the channel headers
        chanHeaders = []
        for iChan in range(0, numChansInt):
            chanH = self.chanDefaults()
            # set the sample frequency from the main headers
            chanH["sample_freq"] = headers["sample_freq"]
            # line data - read through the data in the correct channel order
            chanLine = sectionLines["CHANNAME"][iChan + 1]
            chanSplit = chanLine.split()
            dataLine = sectionLines["DATA"][iChan + 1]
            dataSplit = dataLine.split()
            # channel input information (gain_stage1, gain_stage2, hchopper, echopper)
            chanH["gain_stage1"] = 1
            chanH["gain_stage2"] = 1
            # channel output information (sensor_type, channel_type, ts_lsb, pos_x1, pos_x2, pos_y1, pos_y2, pos_z1, pos_z2, sensor_sernum)
            chanH["ats_data_file"] = fileSplit[1]
            chanH["num_samples"] = numSamples

            # channel information
            # spams often use Bx, By - use H within the software as a whole
            chanH["channel_type"] = consistentChans(chanSplit[2])
            # the sensor number is a bit of a hack - want MFSXXe or something - add MFS in front of the sensor number - this is liable to break
            # at the same time, set the chopper
            calLine = sectionLines["200{}003".format(iChan + 1)][0]
            calSplit = calLine.split()
            if isMagnetic(chanH["channel_type"]):
                chanH["sensor_sernum"] = calSplit[
                    2]  # the last three digits is the serial number
                sensorType = calSplit[1].split("_")[1][-2:]
                chanH["sensor_type"] = "MFS{:02d}".format(int(sensorType))
                if "LF" in calSplit[1]:
                    chanH["hchopper"] = 1
                chanH["sensor_type"] = "ELC00"
                if "LF" in calLine:
                    chanH["echopper"] = 1

            # data is raw voltage of sensors
            # both E and H fields need polarity reversal (from email with Reinhard)
            # get scaling from headers
            scaling = float(dataSplit[-2])
            if isElectric(chanH["channel_type"]):
                # the factor of 1000 is not entirely clear
                lsb = 1000.0 * scaling
                # volts to millivolts and a minus to switch polarity giving data in mV
                lsb = -1000.0 * lsb
                # volts to millivolts and a minus to switch polarity giving data in mV
                # scaling in header file is ignored because it duplicates static gain correction in calibration
                lsb = -1000.0
            chanH["ts_lsb"] = lsb

            # the distances
            if chanSplit[2] == "Ex":
                chanH["pos_x1"] = float(dataSplit[4]) / 2
                chanH["pos_x2"] = chanH["pos_x1"]
            if chanSplit[2] == "Ey":
                chanH["pos_y1"] = float(dataSplit[4]) / 2
                chanH["pos_y2"] = chanH["pos_y1"]
            if chanSplit[2] == "Ez":
                chanH["pos_z1"] = float(dataSplit[4]) / 2
                chanH["pos_z2"] = chanH["pos_z1"]

            # append chanHeaders to the list

        # check information from raw file headers
        self.headersFromRawFile(headers["ats_data_file"], headers)
        # return the headers and chanHeaders from this file
        return headers, chanHeaders
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getPhysicalSamples(self, **kwargs):
        """Get data scaled to physical values
        resistics uses field units, meaning physical samples will return the following:

        - Electrical channels in mV/km
        - Magnetic channels in mV
        - To get magnetic fields in nT, calibration needs to be performed

        Once Lemi B423 data is scaled (which optionally happens in getUnscaledSamples), the magnetic channels is in mV with gain applied and the electric channels is uV (microvolts). Therefore:
        - Electric channels need to divided by 1000 along with dipole length division in km (east-west spacing and north-south spacing) to return mV/km.
        - Magnetic channels need to be divided by the internal gain value which should be set in the headers
        To get magnetic fields in nT, they have to be calibrated.

        chans : List[str]
            List of channels to return if not all are required
        startSample : int
            First sample to return
        endSample : int
            Last sample to return
        remaverage : bool
            Remove average from the data
        remzeros : bool
            Remove zeroes from the data
        remnans: bool
            Remove NanNs from the data

            Time data object
        # initialise chans, startSample and endSample with the whole dataset
        options = self.parseGetDataKeywords(kwargs)
        # get unscaled data but with gain scalings applied
        timeData = self.getUnscaledSamples(
        # convert to field units and divide by dipole lengths
        for chan in options["chans"]:
            if isElectric(chan):
      [chan] =[chan] / 1000.0
                    "Dividing channel {} by 1000 to convert microvolt to millivolt"
            if isMagnetic(chan):
      [chan] =[chan] / self.getChanGain1(
                    "Removing gain of {} from channel {}".format(
                        self.getChanGain1(chan), chan))
            if chan == "Ex":
                # multiply by 1000/self.getChanDx same as dividing by dist in km
      [chan] = (1000.0 *[chan] /
                    "Dividing channel {} by electrode distance {} km to give mV/km"
                            self.getChanDx(chan) / 1000.0))
            if chan == "Ey":
                # multiply by 1000/self.getChanDy same as dividing by dist in km
                    chan] = 1000 *[chan] / self.getChanDy(chan)
                    "Dividing channel {} by electrode distance {:.6f} km to give mV/km"
                            self.getChanDy(chan) / 1000.0))

            # if remove zeros - False by default
            if options["remzeros"]:
      [chan] = removeZerosSingle([chan])
            # if remove nans - False by default
            if options["remnans"]:
      [chan] = removeNansSingle([chan])
            # remove the average from the data - True by default
            if options["remaverage"]:
      [chan] =[chan] - np.average(

        # add comments
            "Remove zeros: {}, remove nans: {}, remove average: {}".format(
                options["remzeros"], options["remnans"],
        return timeData