Ejemplo n.º 1
spark_history_ui_port = config['configurations']['spark-defaults'][

spark_env_sh = config['configurations']['spark-env']['content']
spark_log4j_properties = config['configurations']['spark-log4j-properties'][
spark_metrics_properties = config['configurations'][
spark_javaopts_properties = config['configurations'][

hive_server_host = default("/clusterHostInfo/hive_server_host", [])
is_hive_installed = not len(hive_server_host) == 0

hdp_full_version = functions.get_hdp_version('spark-client')

spark_driver_extraJavaOptions = str(config['configurations']['spark-defaults']
if spark_driver_extraJavaOptions.find('-Dhdp.version') == -1:
    spark_driver_extraJavaOptions = spark_driver_extraJavaOptions + ' -Dhdp.version=' + str(

spark_yarn_am_extraJavaOptions = str(config['configurations']['spark-defaults']
if spark_yarn_am_extraJavaOptions.find('-Dhdp.version') == -1:
    spark_yarn_am_extraJavaOptions = spark_yarn_am_extraJavaOptions + ' -Dhdp.version=' + str(

spark_javaopts_properties = str(spark_javaopts_properties)
if spark_javaopts_properties.find('-Dhdp.version') == -1:
Ejemplo n.º 2
  'APP_TIMELINE_SERVER' : 'hadoop-yarn-timelineserver',
  'NODEMANAGER' : 'hadoop-yarn-nodemanager',
  'RESOURCEMANAGER' : 'hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager',
  'YARN_CLIENT' : 'hadoop-yarn-client'

# server configurations
config = Script.get_config()
tmp_dir = Script.get_tmp_dir()

stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)

# This is expected to be of the form #.#.#.#
stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
hdp_stack_version_major = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
hdp_stack_version = functions.get_hdp_version('hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager')

# New Cluster Stack Version that is defined during the RESTART of a Stack Upgrade.
# It cannot be used during the initial Cluser Install because the version is not yet known.
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)

hostname = config['hostname']

# hadoop default parameters
hadoop_libexec_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("libexec")
hadoop_bin = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("sbin")
hadoop_bin_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("bin")
hadoop_conf_dir = conf_select.get_hadoop_conf_dir()
hadoop_yarn_home = '/usr/lib/hadoop-yarn'
hadoop_mapred2_jar_location = "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce"
mapred_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/sbin"
Ejemplo n.º 3
config = Script.get_config()
tmp_dir = Script.get_tmp_dir()

stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)

# node hostname
hostname = config["hostname"]

# This is expected to be of the form #.#.#.#
stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
hdp_stack_version_major = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
stack_is_hdp21 = Script.is_hdp_stack_less_than("2.2")

# this is not available on INSTALL action because hdp-select is not available
hdp_stack_version = functions.get_hdp_version('hive-server2')

# New Cluster Stack Version that is defined during the RESTART of a Rolling Upgrade.
# It cannot be used during the initial Cluser Install because the version is not yet known.
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)

# current host stack version
current_version = default("/hostLevelParams/current_version", None)

# When downgrading the 'version' and 'current_version' are both pointing to the downgrade-target version
# downgrade_from_version provides the source-version the downgrade is happening from
downgrade_from_version = default("/commandParams/downgrade_from_version", None)

# Upgrade direction
upgrade_direction = default("/commandParams/upgrade_direction", None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
  'APP_TIMELINE_SERVER' : 'hadoop-yarn-timelineserver',
  'NODEMANAGER' : 'hadoop-yarn-nodemanager',
  'RESOURCEMANAGER' : 'hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager',
  'YARN_CLIENT' : 'hadoop-yarn-client'

# server configurations
config = Script.get_config()
tmp_dir = Script.get_tmp_dir()

stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)

# This is expected to be of the form #.#.#.#
stack_version_unformatted = str(config['hostLevelParams']['stack_version'])
hdp_stack_version_major = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
hdp_stack_version = functions.get_hdp_version('hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager')

# New Cluster Stack Version that is defined during the RESTART of a Rolling Upgrade.
# It cannot be used during the initial Cluser Install because the version is not yet known.
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)

hostname = config['hostname']

# hadoop default parameters
hadoop_libexec_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("libexec")
hadoop_bin = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("sbin")
hadoop_bin_dir = hdp_select.get_hadoop_dir("bin")
hadoop_conf_dir = conf_select.get_hadoop_conf_dir()
hadoop_yarn_home = '/usr/lib/hadoop-yarn'
hadoop_mapred2_jar_location = "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce"
mapred_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/sbin"
Ejemplo n.º 5
config = Script.get_config()
tmp_dir = Script.get_tmp_dir()

stack_name = default("/hostLevelParams/stack_name", None)

# node hostname
hostname = config["hostname"]

# This is expected to be of the form #.#.#.#
stack_version_unformatted = str(config["hostLevelParams"]["stack_version"])
hdp_stack_version_major = format_hdp_stack_version(stack_version_unformatted)
stack_is_hdp21 = Script.is_hdp_stack_greater_or_equal("2.0") and Script.is_hdp_stack_less_than("2.2")

# this is not available on INSTALL action because hdp-select is not available
hdp_stack_version = functions.get_hdp_version("hive-server2")

# New Cluster Stack Version that is defined during the RESTART of a Rolling Upgrade.
# It cannot be used during the initial Cluser Install because the version is not yet known.
version = default("/commandParams/version", None)

# current host stack version
current_version = default("/hostLevelParams/current_version", None)

# When downgrading the 'version' and 'current_version' are both pointing to the downgrade-target version
# downgrade_from_version provides the source-version the downgrade is happening from
downgrade_from_version = default("/commandParams/downgrade_from_version", None)

# Upgrade direction
upgrade_direction = default("/commandParams/upgrade_direction", None)