Ejemplo n.º 1
def play(url, uniquename="", pathId=""):
    # Retrieve the file URL if missing
    if uniquename != "":
        xbmc.log("Uniquename: " + uniquename)
        ondemand = OnDemand()
        (url, mediatype) = ondemand.getMediaUrl(uniquename)

    if pathId != "":
        xbmc.log("PathID: " + pathId)
        ondemand = OnDemand()
        url = ondemand.getVideoUrl(pathId)

    # Handle RAI relinker
    if url[:53] == "http://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm" or \
        url[:56] == "http://mediapolisvod.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm" or \
        url[:58] == "http://mediapolisevent.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm":
        xbmc.log("Relinker URL: " + url)
        relinker = Relinker()
        url = relinker.getURL(url)

    # Add the server to the URL if missing
    if url != "" and url.find("://") == -1:
        url = ondemand.baseUrl + url
    xbmc.log("Media URL: " + url)

    # It seems that all .ram files I found are not working
    # because upstream file is no longer present
    if url[-4:].lower() == ".ram":
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dialog.ok("Errore", "I file RealAudio (.ram) non sono supportati.")

    # Play the item
    item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url)
    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=handle, succeeded=True, listitem=item)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def play(title, url, thumbailUrl="", uniquename="", mediatype="RaiTv Media Video Item"):
    # Retrieve the file URL if missing
    if uniquename != "":
        ondemand = OnDemand()
        (url, mediatype) = ondemand.getMediaUrl(uniquename)

    # Handle RAI relinker
    if url[:53] == "http://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm" or \
        url[:56] == "http://mediapolisvod.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm":
        relinker = Relinker()
        url = relinker.getURL(url)
    # Add the server to the URL if missing
    if url !="" and url.find("://") == -1:
        url = ondemand.baseUrl + url
    print "Playing URL: %s" % url

    # It seems that all .ram files I found are not working
    # because upstream file is no longer present
    if url[-4:].lower() == ".ram":
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dialog.ok("Errore", "I file RealAudio (.ram) non sono supportati.")
    # Play the item
    item=xbmcgui.ListItem(title, thumbnailImage=thumbailUrl)
    if mediatype == "RaiTv Media Video Item":
        item.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": title})
    elif mediatype == "RaiTv Media Audio Item":
        item.setInfo(type="Audio", infoLabels={"Title": title})
    xbmc.Player().play(url, item)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def play(title,
         mediatype="RaiTv Media Video Item"):
    # Retrieve the file URL if missing
    if uniquename != "":
        ondemand = OnDemand()
        (url, mediatype) = ondemand.getMediaUrl(uniquename)

    # Handle RAI relinker
    if url[:53] == "http://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm" or \
        url[:56] == "http://mediapolisvod.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm":
        relinker = Relinker()
        url = relinker.getURL(url)

    # Add the server to the URL if missing
    if url != "" and url.find("://") == -1:
        url = ondemand.baseUrl + url
    print "Playing URL: %s" % url

    # It seems that all .ram files I found are not working
    # because upstream file is no longer present
    if url[-4:].lower() == ".ram":
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        dialog.ok("Errore", "I file RealAudio (.ram) non sono supportati.")

    # Play the item
    item = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, thumbnailImage=thumbailUrl)
    if mediatype == "RaiTv Media Video Item":
        item.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": title})
    elif mediatype == "RaiTv Media Audio Item":
        item.setInfo(type="Audio", infoLabels={"Title": title})
    xbmc.Player().play(url, item)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def show_ondemand_items(uniquename, mediatype):
    ondemand = OnDemand()
    items = ondemand.getItems(uniquename, mediatype)
    for item in items:
        # Change date format
        item["date"] = item["date"].replace("/", ".")
        item["date"] = item["date"].replace("-", ".")

        # Get best thumbnail available
        if "image_medium" in item and item["image_medium"] != "":
            thumb = item["image_medium"]
        elif "image" in item and item["image"] != "":
            thumb = item["image"]
            thumb = ondemand.nothumb

        # Add the server to the URL if missing
        if thumb[:7] != "http://":
            thumb = ondemand.baseUrl + thumb

        if mediatype == "V":
            # Get best video available
            if "h264" in item and item["h264"] != "":
                url = item["h264"]
            elif "wmv" in item and item["wmv"] != "":
                url = item["wmv"]
                url = item["mediaUri"]

            labels = {
                "title": item["name"],
                "plot": item["desc"],
                "date": item["date"]

            # Get length, if present
            if item["length"] != "":
                labels["duration"] = int(item["length"][:2]) * 60 + int(

            liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(item["name"], thumbnailImage=thumb)
            liStyle.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=labels)
            if url != "":
                        "mode": "play",
                        "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                        "url": url,
                        "thumbnail": thumb
                    }, liStyle)
                        "mode": "play",
                        "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                        "uniquename": item["itemId"],
                        "thumbnail": thumb
                    }, liStyle)

        elif mediatype == "A":
            liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(item["name"], thumbnailImage=thumb)
                                "title": item["name"],
                                "date": item["date"]
                    "mode": "play",
                    "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                    "uniquename": item["itemId"],
                    "thumbnail": thumb,
                    "mediatype": "RaiTv Media Audio Item"
                }, liStyle)

        elif mediatype == "P":
            (url, mediatype) = ondemand.getMediaUrl(item["itemId"])
            podcast = Podcast()
            poditems = podcast.getItems(url)

            for poditem in poditems:
                if poditem["thumbnail"] == "":
                    poditem["thumbnail"] = thumb

                labels = {
                    "title": item["name"],
                    "plot": item["desc"],
                    "date": item["date"]

                # Get length, if present
                if poditem["length"] != "":
                    labels["duration"] = int(poditem["length"][:2]) * 60 + int(

                liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(poditem["title"],
                liStyle.setInfo(type="Audio", infoLabels=labels)
                        "mode": "play",
                        "title": poditem["title"].encode('utf8'),
                        "url": poditem["url"],
                        "thumbnail": poditem["thumbnail"],
                        "mediatype": "RaiTv Media Audio Item"
                    }, liStyle)

    #xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(handle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=handle, succeeded=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def show_ondemand_items(uniquename, mediatype):
    ondemand = OnDemand()
    items = ondemand.getItems(uniquename, mediatype)
    for item in items:
        # Change date format
        item["date"] = item["date"].replace("/",".")
        item["date"] = item["date"].replace("-",".")
        # Get best thumbnail available
        if "image_medium" in item and item["image_medium"] != "":
            thumb = item["image_medium"]
        elif "image" in item and item["image"] != "":
            thumb = item["image"]
            thumb = ondemand.nothumb
        # Add the server to the URL if missing
        if thumb[:7] != "http://":
            thumb = ondemand.baseUrl + thumb

        if mediatype == "V":
            # Get best video available
            if "h264" in item and item["h264"] != "":
                url = item["h264"]
            elif "wmv" in item and item["wmv"] != "":
                url = item["wmv"]
                url = item["mediaUri"]
            labels = {"title": item["name"],
                "plot": item["desc"],
                "date": item["date"]}
            # Get length, if present
            if item["length"] != "":
                labels["duration"] = int(item["length"][:2]) * 60 + int(item["length"][3:5])

            liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(item["name"], thumbnailImage=thumb)
            liStyle.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels=labels)
            if url != "":
                addLinkItem({"mode": "play",
                    "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                    "url": url,
                    "thumbnail": thumb}, liStyle)
                addLinkItem({"mode": "play",
                    "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                    "uniquename": item["itemId"],
                    "thumbnail": thumb}, liStyle)
        elif mediatype == "A":
            liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(item["name"], thumbnailImage=thumb)
                infoLabels={"title": item["name"], "date": item["date"]})
            addLinkItem({"mode": "play",
                "title": item["name"].encode('utf8'),
                "uniquename": item["itemId"],
                "thumbnail": thumb,
                "mediatype": "RaiTv Media Audio Item"}, liStyle)
        elif mediatype == "P":
            (url, mediatype) = ondemand.getMediaUrl(item["itemId"])
            podcast = Podcast()
            poditems = podcast.getItems(url)
            for poditem in poditems:
                if poditem["thumbnail"] == "":
                    poditem["thumbnail"] = thumb
                labels = {"title": item["name"],
                    "plot": item["desc"],
                    "date": item["date"]}
                # Get length, if present
                if poditem["length"] != "":
                    labels["duration"]  = int(poditem["length"][:2]) * 60 + int(poditem["length"][3:5])
                liStyle = xbmcgui.ListItem(poditem["title"], thumbnailImage=poditem["thumbnail"])
                liStyle.setInfo(type="Audio", infoLabels=labels)
                addLinkItem({"mode": "play",
                    "title": poditem["title"].encode('utf8'),
                    "url": poditem["url"],
                    "thumbnail":  poditem["thumbnail"],
                    "mediatype": "RaiTv Media Audio Item"}, liStyle)
    #xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(handle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=handle, succeeded=True)