Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_live_item(self, item):
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url,
        media_regex = 'data-media="([^"]+)"'
        media_info = Regexer.do_regex(media_regex, data)[0]
        media_info = HtmlEntityHelper.convert_html_entities(media_info)
        media_info = JsonHelper(media_info)
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()

        hls_url = media_info.get_value("streamUrl")
        if hls_url is not None and "m3u8" in hls_url:
            Logger.debug("Found HLS url for %s: %s",
                         media_info.json["streamName"], hls_url)

            for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(hls_url, self.proxy):
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)
                item.complete = True
            Logger.debug("No HLS url found for %s. Fetching RTMP Token.",
            # fetch the token:
            token_url = "%s/api/media/streaming?streamname=%s" \
                        % (self.baseUrl, media_info.json["streamName"])

            token_data = UriHandler.open(token_url,

            token_data = JsonHelper(token_data)
            token = token_data.get_value("token")
            Logger.debug("Found token '%s' for '%s'", token,

            rtmp_url = "rtmp://rtmp.rtbf.be/livecast/%s?%s pageUrl=%s tcUrl=rtmp://rtmp.rtbf.be/livecast" \
                       % (media_info.json["streamName"], token, self.baseUrl)
            rtmp_url = self.get_verifiable_video_url(rtmp_url)
            part.append_media_stream(rtmp_url, 0)
            item.complete = True

        item.isGeoLocked = not media_info.get_value(
            "geoLocRestriction", fallback="world") == "world"
        return item
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # now the mediaurl is derived. First we try WMV
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url)

        urls = Regexer.do_regex(
            '<a href="([^"]+.(?:wmv|mp4))">(High|Medium|Mid|Low|MP4)', data)
        media_part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        for url in urls:
            if url[1].lower() == "high":
                bitrate = 2000
            elif url[1].lower() == "medium" or url[1].lower() == "mid":
                bitrate = 1200
            elif url[1].lower() == "low" or url[1].lower() == "mp4":
                bitrate = 200
                bitrate = 0
                HtmlEntityHelper.convert_html_entities(url[0]), bitrate)

        item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_streams_from_f4m(url, headers=None):
        """ Parsers standard F4m lists and returns a list of tuples with streams and bitrates that can be used by
        other methods

        :param str url:                 The url to download.
        :param dict[str,str] headers:   Possible HTTP Headers.

        Can be used like this:

            part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
            for s, b in F4m.get_streams_from_f4m(url):
                item.complete = True
                # s = self.get_verifiable_video_url(s)
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)


        streams = []

        data = UriHandler.open(url, additional_headers=headers)
        Logger.debug("Processing F4M Streams: %s", url)
        needle = '<media href="([^"]+)"[^>]*bitrate="([^"]+)"'
        needles = Regexer.do_regex(needle, data)

        base_url_logged = False
        base_url = url[:url.rindex("/")]
        for n in needles:
            # see if we need to append a server path
            if "://" not in n[0]:
                if not base_url_logged:
                    Logger.trace("Using base_url %s for F4M", base_url)
                    base_url_logged = True
                stream = "%s/%s" % (base_url, n[0])
                if not base_url_logged:
                    Logger.trace("Full url found in F4M")
                    base_url_logged = True
                stream = n[0]
            bitrate = int(n[1])
            streams.append((stream, bitrate))

        Logger.debug("Found %s substreams in F4M", len(streams))
        return streams
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def add_clips(self, data):
        """ Add an items that lists clips.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Adding Clips Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        # if the main list was retrieve using json, are the current data is json, just determine
        # the clip URL
        clip_url = None
        if data.lstrip().startswith("{"):
            if self.parentItem.url.endswith("type=program"):
                # http://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos?format=6723&order=-airdate&type=program
                # http://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos?format=6723&order=-updated&type=clip" % (data_id,)
                clip_url = self.parentItem.url.replace("type=program",
            # now we determine the ID and load the json data
            data_id = Regexer.do_regex(r'data-format-id="(\d+)"', data)[-1]
            Logger.debug("Found FormatId = %s", data_id)
            program_url = \
                "http://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos?format=%s&order=-airdate&type=program" % (data_id,)
            data = UriHandler.open(program_url, proxy=self.proxy)
            clip_url = \
                "http://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos?format=%s&order=-updated&type=clip" % (data_id,)

        if clip_url is not None:
            clip_title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(
            clip_item = MediaItem("\a.: %s :." % (clip_title, ), clip_url)
            clip_item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
            clip_item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        data = UriHandler.open(item.url,

        url = Regexer.do_regex(self.mediaUrlRegex, data)[-1]
        part = MediaItemPart(item.name, url)

        Logger.info('finishing update_video_item. MediaItems are %s', item)

        if not item.thumb and self.noImage:
            # no thumb was set yet and no url
            Logger.debug("Setting thumb to %s", item.thumb)

        if not item.has_media_item_parts():
            item.complete = False
            item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __convert_json_subtitle_to_srt(json_subtitle):
        """Converts Json Subtitle format into SRT format:

        jsonSubtitle : string - Json Subtitle subtitle format

        SRT formatted subtitle:

            {"startMillis":80,"endMillis":4170,"text":"Ett Kanal 5:\nAlla gonblick i \"100 jdare!!!\"?","posX":0.5,"posY":0.9,"colorR":220,"colorG":220,"colorB":220}

            00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,400

        The format of the timecode is Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Ticks where a "Tick"
        is a value of between 0 and 249 and lasts 4 milliseconds.


        regex = r'"startMillis":(\d+),"endMillis":(\d+),"text":"(.+?)(?=["] *,)'
        subs = Regexer.do_regex(regex, json_subtitle)

        # Init some stuff
        srt = ""
        i = 1

        for sub in subs:
                start = SubtitleHelper.__convert_to_time(sub[0])
                end = SubtitleHelper.__convert_to_time(sub[1])

                text = sub[2].replace('\"', '"')
                text = JsonHelper.convert_special_chars(text)
                text = HtmlEntityHelper.convert_html_entities(text)
                srt = "%s\n%s\n%s --> %s\n%s\n" % (srt, i, start, end,
                i += 1
                Logger.error("Error parsing subtitle: %s", sub, exc_info=True)

        return srt
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_subtitle(self):
        """ Retrieves the URL of the included subtitle

        :return: The url for the subtitle
        :rtype: str


        regex = r'<param\W*name="subtitle"[^>]*value="([^"]+)'
        urls = Regexer.do_regex(regex, self.data)

        for url in urls:
            if "http:" in url:
                return url
                return "%s/%s" % (self.get_base_url().rstrip("/"),

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def extract_json(self, data):
        """ Extracts JSON data from pages

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        items = []
        recent = MediaItem("\a .: Recent :.", "https://www.een.be/deze-week")
        recent.type = "folder"
        recent.complete = True
        recent.dontGroup = True

        data = Regexer.do_regex(r'epgAZ\W+({"data"[\w\W]+?);<', data)[0]
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,
        if item.url.startswith("http"):
            data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)
            json_data = Regexer.do_regex(self.mediaUrlRegex, data)

            json = JsonHelper(json_data[0])
            mzid = json.get_value("mzid")
            if not mzid:
                item.url = json.get_value("source", "hls")
                return self.__update_from_source(item)
            mzid = item.url

        hls_over_dash = self._get_setting("hls_over_dash", 'false') == 'true'

        from resources.lib.streams.vualto import Vualto
        v = Vualto(self, "ketnet@prod")
        item = v.get_stream_info(item, mzid, hls_over_dash=hls_over_dash)
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_videos_and_bitrates(self):
        """ Retrieves all video's and bitrates in the Smil file.
        In this case:

            ["myStream500K@54552", "500000"]
            ["myStream900K@54552", "900000"]
            ["myStream1500K@54552", "1500000"]

        :return: A list of all video's and bitrates in the Smil file.
        :rtype: list[list[str,str]]


        regex = '<video src="([^"]+)"[^>]+system-bitrate="([^"]+)"'
        results = Regexer.do_regex(regex, self.data)
        if len(results) > 0:
            return results
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def extract_json_data(self, data):
        """ Extracts the JSON data from the HTML page and passes it back to Retrospect.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        json_data = Regexer.do_regex(r'("staticpages":\s*{[^<]+),\s*"translations":', data)[0]
        # We need to put it in a JSON envelop as we are taking JSON from the 'middle'
        return_data = "{{{0}}}".format(json_data)
        Logger.trace("Found Json:\n%s", return_data)
        return JsonHelper(return_data), items
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        data = UriHandler.open(item.url)
        m3u8_url = Regexer.do_regex('data-file="([^"]+)"', data)[0]

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        if AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(with_encryption=False):
            stream = part.append_media_stream(m3u8_url, 0)
            item.complete = True
            for s, b, a in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(m3u8_url, map_audio=True):

                if a and "-audio" not in s:
                    video_part = s.rsplit("-", 1)[-1]
                    video_part = "-%s" % (video_part,)
                    s = a.replace(".m3u8", video_part)
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)
                item.complete = True

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def extract_json_data(self, data):
        """ Extracts the JSON data for video parsing

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []
        json_text = Regexer.do_regex(
            r'ProgramDescription" data-react-props="([^"]+)', data)[0]
        json_text = HtmlEntityHelper.convert_html_entities(json_text)
        json_data = JsonHelper(json_text)

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return json_data, items
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __update_video(self, item, data):
        if not item.url.startswith("https://api.viervijfzes.be/content/"):
            regex = 'data-videoid="([^"]+)'
            m3u8_url = Regexer.do_regex(regex, data)[-1]
            # we either have an URL now or an uuid
            m3u8_url = item.url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

        if ".m3u8" not in m3u8_url:
            Logger.info("Not a direct M3u8 file. Need to log in")
            url = "https://api.viervijfzes.be/content/%s" % (m3u8_url, )

            # We need to log in
            if not self.loggedOn:

            # add authorization header
            authentication_header = {
                "authorization": self.__idToken,
                "content-type": "application/json"
            data = UriHandler.open(url,
            json_data = JsonHelper(data)
            m3u8_url = json_data.get_value("video", "S")

        # Geo Locked?
        if "/geo/" in m3u8_url.lower():
            # set it for the error statistics
            item.isGeoLocked = True

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        item.complete = M3u8.update_part_with_m3u8_streams(part,

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __update_video(self, item, data):
        regex = 'data-file="([^"]+)'
        m3u8_url = Regexer.do_regex(regex, data)[-1]

        if ".m3u8" not in m3u8_url:
            Logger.info("Not a direct M3u8 file. Need to log in")
            url = "https://api.viervijfzes.be/content/%s" % (m3u8_url, )

            # We need to log in
            if not self.loggedOn:

            # add authorization header
            authentication_header = {
                "authorization": self.__idToken,
                "content-type": "application/json"
            data = UriHandler.open(url,
            json_data = JsonHelper(data)
            m3u8_url = json_data.get_value("video", "S")

        # Geo Locked?
        if "geo" in m3u8_url.lower():
            # set it for the error statistics
            item.isGeoLocked = True

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(m3u8_url, self.proxy):
            if int(b) < 200:
                Logger.info("Skipping stream of quality '%s' kbps", b)

            item.complete = True
            part.append_media_stream(s, b)

        item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def add_pages(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions for data processing.

        Accepts an data from the process_folder_list method, BEFORE the items are
        processed. Allows setting of parameters (like title etc) for the channel.
        Inside this method the <data> could be changed and additional items can
        be created.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Adding pages")

        # extract the current page from:
        # http://www.foxsports.nl/video/filter/fragments/1/alle/tennis/
        current_pages = Regexer.do_regex(r'(.+filter/fragments)/(\d+)/(.+)',
        if not current_pages:
            return data, []

        current_page = current_pages[0]
        items = []

        url = "%s/%s/%s" % (current_page[0], int(current_page[1]) + 1,
        page_item = MediaItem(
            LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.MorePages), url)
        page_item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        page_item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        page_item.dontGroup = True

        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __convert_ttml_to_srt(ttml):
        """Converts sami format into SRT format:

        ttml : string - TTML (Timed Text Markup Language) subtitle format

        SRT formatted subtitle:

            00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,400


        pars_regex = r'<p[^>]+begin="([^"]+)\.(\d+)"[^>]+end="([^"]+)\.(\d+)"[^>]*>([\w\W]+?)</p>'
        subs = Regexer.do_regex(pars_regex, ttml)

        srt = ""
        i = 1

        for sub in subs:
                start = "%s,%03d" % (sub[0], int(sub[1]))
                end = "%s,%03d" % (sub[2], int(sub[3]))
                text = sub[4].replace("<br />", "\n")
                text = HtmlEntityHelper.convert_html_entities(text)
                text = text.replace("\r\n", "")
                srt = "%s\n%s\n%s --> %s\n%s\n" % (srt, i, start, end,
                i += 1
                Logger.error("Error parsing subtitle: %s",

        return srt
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get_mms_from_html(url, proxy=None, index=0):
        """Opens a URL with a MMS playlist and returns the first found stream
        in the MMS file. Searches for http://url and returns mms://url.

        url : string - the URL to a MMS playlist.

        Keyword Arguments:
        proxy : Proxy - Proxy info
        index : int   - The index of the item to retrieve

        The first found stream in a MMS playlist. If the <url> ends with .mms
        it is assumed to already be a single stream. In that case the URL
        is returned.


        Will return: mms://url.here.stream1


        if url.find(".mms") > 0:
            Logger.info("MMS found in url: %s", url)
            return url

        Logger.debug("Parsing %s to find MMS", url)
        data = UriHandler.open(url, proxy=proxy)
        urls = Regexer.do_regex(r"[Rr]ef\d=http://([^\r\n]+)", data)

        if len(urls) > index:
            return "mms://%s" % (urls[index],)
        elif len(urls) > 0:
            return "mms://%s" % (urls[0],)
            return url
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def select_video_section(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions for data processing

        :param str|unicode data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        end_of_section = data.rfind('<div class="ketnet-abc-index">')
        if end_of_section > 0:
            data = data[:end_of_section]

        # find the first main video
        json_data = Regexer.do_regex(self.mediaUrlRegex, data)
        if not json_data:
            Logger.debug("No show data found as JSON")
            return data, items

        json = JsonHelper(json_data[0])
        title = json.get_value("title")
        url = json.get_value("source", "hls") or ""
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.type = 'video'
        item.description = json.get_value("description", fallback=None)
        item.thumb = json.get_value("image", fallback=self.noImage)
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.complete = False

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # Get the MZID
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url,
        json_data = Regexer.do_regex(
            r'<script type="application/ld\+json">(.*?)</script>', data)
        json_info = JsonHelper(json_data[-1])
        video_id = json_info.get_value("video", "@id")
        publication_id = json_info.get_value("publication", -1, "@id")

        mzid = "{}${}".format(publication_id, video_id)
        return self.update_video_for_mzid(item, mzid)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def update_live_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_live_item for %s (%s)', item.name,
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url,
        stream_root = Regexer.do_regex(r'<media href="([^"]+\.isml)', data)[0]
        Logger.debug("Found Live stream root: %s", stream_root)

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        for s, b in F4m.get_streams_from_f4m(item.url, self.proxy):
            item.complete = True
            s = s.replace(".f4m", ".m3u8")
            part.append_media_stream(s, b)

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        Accepts an item. It returns an updated item. Usually retrieves the MediaURL
        and the Thumb! It should return a completed item.
        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # rtmpt://vrt.flash.streampower.be/een//2011/07/1000_110723_getipt_neefs_wiels_Website_EEN.flv
        # http://www.een.be/sites/een.be/modules/custom/vrt_video/player/player_4.3.swf

        # now the mediaurl is derived. First we try WMV
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        if "mediazone.vrt.be" not in item.url:
            # Extract actual media data
            video_id = Regexer.do_regex('data-video=[\'"]([^"\']+)[\'"]',
            url = "https://mediazone.vrt.be/api/v1/een/assets/%s" % (
                video_id, )
            data = UriHandler.open(url, proxy=self.proxy)

        json = JsonHelper(data)
        urls = json.get_value("targetUrls")

        for url_info in urls:
            if url_info["type"].lower() != "hls":

            hls_url = url_info["url"]
            for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(hls_url, self.proxy):
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)

        item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        data = UriHandler.open(item.url)
        streams = Regexer.do_regex(self.mediaUrlRegex, data)

        item.MediaItemParts = []
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        for stream in streams:
            part.append_media_stream(stream[0], stream[1])

        item.complete = True
        return item
    def extract_tv_show_list(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions and converts the dictionary to a proper list

        Accepts an data from the process_folder_list method, BEFORE the items are
        processed. Allows setting of parameters (like title etc) for the channel.
        Inside this method the <data> could be changed and additional items can
        be created.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        # Find the build id for the current CMS build
        build_id = Regexer.do_regex(r'"buildId"\W*:\W*"([^"]+)"', data)[0]
        data = UriHandler.open("https://www.tv4play.se/_next/data/{}/allprograms.json".format(build_id))

        json_data = JsonHelper(data)
        json_data.json["pageProps"]["initialApolloState"] = list(json_data.json["pageProps"]["initialApolloState"].values())
        return json_data, []
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)
        stream = Regexer.do_regex(r'data-file="([^"]+)+', data)[0]

        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        if ".mp3" in stream:
            item.complete = True
            part.append_media_stream(stream, 0)
        elif stream.endswith(".mp4"):
            item.complete = True
            part.append_media_stream(stream, 2500)
        elif ".m3u8" in stream:
            item.url = stream
            return self.update_live_urls(item)
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name,

        # get additional info
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)

        #<param name="flashvars" value="id=dj0xMDEzNzQyJmM9MTAwMDAwNA&amp;tags=source%253Dfreecaster&amp;autoplay=1" />
        # http://freecaster.tv/player/smil/dj0xMDEzNzQyJmM9MTAwMDAwNA -> playlist with bitrate
        # http://freecaster.tv/player/smil/dj0xMDEzNzQyJmM9MTAwMDAwNA -> info (not needed, get description from main page.

        you_tube_url = Regexer.do_regex(
            '"(https://www.youtube.com/embed/[^\"]+)', data)
        if you_tube_url:
            Logger.debug("Using Youtube video")
            part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
            you_tube_url = you_tube_url[0].replace("embed/", "watch?v=")
            for s, b in YouTube.get_streams_from_you_tube(
                    you_tube_url, self.proxy):
                item.complete = True
                part.append_media_stream(s, b)
            return item

        guid = Regexer.do_regex(
            r'<meta property="og:video" content="http://player.extreme.com/FCPlayer.swf\?id=([^&]+)&amp[^"]+" />',
        if len(guid) > 0:
            url = '%s/player/smil/%s' % (
            data = UriHandler.open(url)

            smiller = Smil(data)
            base_url = smiller.get_base_url()
            urls = smiller.get_videos_and_bitrates()

            part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
            for url in urls:
                if "youtube" in url[0]:
                    for s, b in YouTube.get_streams_from_you_tube(
                            url[0], self.proxy):
                        item.complete = True
                        part.append_media_stream(s, b)
                    part.append_media_stream("%s%s" % (base_url, url[0]),
                                             bitrate=int(url[1]) // 1000)
                item.complete = True

            Logger.trace("update_video_item complete: %s", item)
            return item

        # Try the brightcove
        bright_cove_regex = r'<object id="myExperience[\w\W]+?videoPlayer" value="(\d+)"[\w\W]{0,1000}?playerKey" value="([^"]+)'
        bright_cove_data = Regexer.do_regex(bright_cove_regex, data)
        if len(bright_cove_data) > 0:
                "BrightCove AMF is no longer supported (no Py3 library)")

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def pre_process_folder_list(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions for data processing.

        Accepts an data from the process_folder_list method, BEFORE the items are
        processed. Allows setting of parameters (like title etc) for the channel.
        Inside this method the <data> could be changed and additional items can
        be created.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str|unicode data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        # Add a klip folder only on the first page and only if it is not already a clip page
        if "type=clip" not in self.parentItem.url \
                and "&page=1&" in self.parentItem.url \
                and "node_nids=" in self.parentItem.url:
            # get the category ID
            cat_start = self.parentItem.url.rfind("node_nids=")
            cat_id = self.parentItem.url[cat_start + 10:]
            Logger.debug("Currently doing CatId: '%s'", cat_id)

            url = "https://api.tv4play.se/play/video_assets?platform=tablet&per_page=%s&" \
                  "type=clip&page=1&node_nids=%s&start=0" % (self.maxPageSize, cat_id,)
            clips_title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(
            clips = MediaItem(clips_title, url)
            clips.complete = True

        # find the max number of items ("total_hits":2724)
        total_items = int(Regexer.do_regex(r'total_hits\W+(\d+)', data)[-1])
        Logger.debug("Found total of %s items. Only showing %s.", total_items,
        if total_items > self.maxPageSize and "&page=1&" in self.parentItem.url:
            # create a group item
            more_title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(
            more = MediaItem(more_title, "")
            more.complete = True

            # what are the total number of pages?
            current_page = 1
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            total_pages = int(math.ceil(1.0 * total_items / self.maxPageSize))

            current_url = self.parentItem.url
            needle = "&page="
            while current_page < total_pages:
                # what is the current page
                current_page += 1

                url = current_url.replace("%s1" % (needle, ),
                                          "%s%s" % (needle, current_page))
                Logger.debug("Adding next page: %s\n%s", current_page, url)
                page = MediaItem(str(current_page), url)
                page.type = "page"
                page.complete = True

                if total_pages == 2:
                    items = [page]

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def update_video_item(self, item):
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data.

        Used to update none complete MediaItems (self.complete = False). This
        could include opening the item's URL to fetch more data and then process that
        data or retrieve it's real media-URL.

        The method should at least:
        * cache the thumbnail to disk (use self.noImage if no thumb is available).
        * set at least one MediaItemPart with a single MediaStream.
        * set self.complete = True.

        if the returned item does not have a MediaItemPart then the self.complete flag
        will automatically be set back to False.

        :param MediaItem item: the original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        Logger.debug('Starting update_video_item for %s (%s)', item.name, self.channelName)

        # noinspection PyStatementEffect
        data-video-title="Het journaal 1 - 25/04/13"

        # now the mediaurl is derived. First we try WMV
        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)
        data = data.replace("\\/", "/")
        urls = Regexer.do_regex(self.mediaUrlRegex, data)
        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        for url in urls:
            if url[0] == "src":
                flv = url[1]
                bitrate = 750
                flv_server = url[1]
                flv_path = url[2]

                if url[0] == "rtmp-server":
                    flv = "%s//%s" % (flv_server, flv_path)
                    bitrate = 750

                elif url[0] == "rtmpt-server":
                    # Not working for now
                    #flv = "%s//%s" % (flv_server, flv_path)
                    #flv = self.get_verifiable_video_url(flv)
                    #bitrate = 1500

                elif url[0] == "iphone-server":
                    flv = "%s/%s" % (flv_server, flv_path)
                    if not flv.endswith("playlist.m3u8"):
                        flv = "%s/playlist.m3u8" % (flv,)

                    for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(flv, self.proxy):
                        item.complete = True
                        part.append_media_stream(s, b)
                    # no need to continue adding the streams

                elif url[0] == "mobile-server":
                    flv = "%s/%s" % (flv_server, flv_path)
                    bitrate = 250

                    flv = "%s/%s" % (flv_server, flv_path)
                    bitrate = 0

            part.append_media_stream(flv, bitrate)

        item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __update_video_from_brightcove(self, item, data,
        """ Updates an existing MediaItem with more data based on an MPD stream.

        :param str data:                            Stream info retrieved from BrightCove.
        :param bool use_adaptive_with_encryption:   Do we use the Adaptive InputStream add-on?
        :param MediaItem item:                      The original MediaItem that needs updating.

        :return: The original item with more data added to it's properties.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
        # Then try the new BrightCove JSON
        bright_cove_regex = '<video[^>]+data-video-id="(?<videoId>[^"]+)[^>]+data-account="(?<videoAccount>[^"]+)'
        bright_cove_data = Regexer.do_regex(
            Regexer.from_expresso(bright_cove_regex), data)
        if not bright_cove_data:
            Logger.warning("Error updating using BrightCove data: %s", item)
            return item

        Logger.info("Found new BrightCove JSON data")
        bright_cove_url = 'https://edge.api.brightcove.com/playback/v1/accounts/' \
                          '%(videoAccount)s/videos/%(videoId)s' % bright_cove_data[0]
        headers = {

        bright_cove_data = UriHandler.open(bright_cove_url,
        bright_cove_json = JsonHelper(bright_cove_data)
        streams = [
            d for d in bright_cove_json.get_value("sources")
            if d["container"] == "M2TS"
        # Old filter
        # streams = filter(lambda d: d["container"] == "M2TS", bright_cove_json.get_value("sources"))
        if not streams:
            Logger.warning("Error extracting streams from BrightCove data: %s",
            return item

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        stream_url = streams[0]["src"]

        # these streams work better with the the InputStreamAddon because it removes the
        # "range" http header
        if use_adaptive_with_encryption:
            Logger.info("Using InputStreamAddon for playback of HLS stream")
            strm = part.append_media_stream(stream_url, 0)
            M3u8.set_input_stream_addon_input(strm, proxy=self.proxy)
            item.complete = True
            return item

        for s, b in M3u8.get_streams_from_m3u8(stream_url, self.proxy):
            item.complete = True
            part.append_media_stream(s, b)
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __update_embedded_video(self, item):
        """ Updates video items that are encrypted. This could be the default for Krypton!

        :param MediaItem item: The item to update.

        :return: An updated item.
        :rtype: MediaItem


        data = UriHandler.open(item.url, proxy=self.proxy)
        if UriHandler.instance().status.code == 404:
            title, message = Regexer.do_regex(
                r'<h1>([^<]+)</h1>\W+<p>([^<]+)<', data)[0]
            XbmcWrapper.show_dialog(title, message)
            return item

        start_needle = "var playerConfig ="
        start_data = data.index(start_needle) + len(start_needle)
        end_data = data.index("var talpaPlayer")
        data = data[start_data:end_data].strip().rstrip(";")

        json = JsonHelper(data)
        has_drm_only = True
        adaptive_available = AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(
            with_encryption=False, channel=self)
        adaptive_available_encrypted = AddonSettings.use_adaptive_stream_add_on(
            with_encryption=True, channel=self)

        for play_list_entry in json.get_value("playlist"):
            part = item.create_new_empty_media_part()
            for source in play_list_entry["sources"]:
                stream_type = source["type"]
                stream_url = source["file"]
                stream_drm = source.get("drm")

                if not stream_drm:
                    has_drm_only = False
                    if stream_type == "m3u8":
                        Logger.debug("Found non-encrypted M3u8 stream: %s",
                        item.complete = True
                    elif stream_type == "dash" and adaptive_available:
                        Logger.debug("Found non-encrypted Dash stream: %s",
                        stream = part.append_media_stream(stream_url, 1)
                        item.complete = True
                        Logger.debug("Unknown stream source: %s", source)

                    compatible_drm = "widevine"
                    if compatible_drm not in stream_drm or stream_type != "dash":
                        Logger.debug("Found encrypted %s stream: %s",
                                     stream_type, stream_url)

                    Logger.debug("Found Widevine encrypted Dash stream: %s",
                    license_url = stream_drm[compatible_drm]["url"]
                    pid = stream_drm[compatible_drm]["releasePid"]
                    encryption_json = '{"getRawWidevineLicense":' \
                                      '{"releasePid":"%s", "widevineChallenge":"b{SSM}"}' \
                                      '}' % (pid,)

                    headers = {
                        "Content-Type": "application/json",
                        "Origin": "https://embed.kijk.nl",
                        "Referer": stream_url

                    encryption_key = Mpd.get_license_key(

                    stream = part.append_media_stream(stream_url, 0)
                        stream, proxy=self.proxy, license_key=encryption_key)
                    item.complete = True

            subs = [
                s['file'] for s in play_list_entry.get("tracks", [])
                if s.get('kind') == "captions"
            if subs:
                subtitle = SubtitleHelper.download_subtitle(subs[0],
                part.Subtitle = subtitle

        if has_drm_only and not adaptive_available_encrypted:
        return item