Ejemplo n.º 1
def stream():
	item_id = args.get('file', '0')
	Utils.log('Getting stream URL for file id: '+item_id[0])

	content = Api.getStreamUrl(item_id[0])
	if content and content['result'] == True:
		player = xbmc.Player()
		Utils.log('Stream URL is: '+content['url'])

		content['url'] = content['url'] + '|User-Agent='+urllib.quote(Utils.getUserAgent())+'&'

		# Sending cookies with the query
		cookies = Api.getCookies()
		if len(cookies) > 0:
			content['url'] = content['url'] + 'Cookie='
			for i in cookies:
				content['url'] = content['url'] + urllib.quote(i + '=' + cookies[i]+';')

		# Starting the playback

		# If video doesn't work, raising an error
		if not player.isPlayingVideo():
			xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification('+language(30019)+', '+language(30020)+',3000,' + addon_path + '/resources/images/error.png)')
		xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification('+language(30019)+', '+language(30020)+',3000,' + addon_path + '/resources/images/error.png)')
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __Call(self, url, params = {}):

		#xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification('+default.language(30015)+', '+language(30016)+',3000,' + default.addon_path +'/resources/images/success.png)')

		# Matching URL
		if not re.search('http(s)?://', url):
			url = self.api_url + '/' + url

		Utils.log('Requesting URL : '+url+'?'+urllib.urlencode(params))

		# Running request
			# Setting cookies default policy
			policy = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=False, allowed_domains=self.allowed_domains)
			cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar(policy=policy)

		 	# Starting the CookieJar handler
		 	opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) 

			# Starting the request
			req = urllib2.Request(url)
			req.add_header('User-Agent', Utils.getUserAgent())

			# Loading existing cookie(s) if applicable
			# Ignoring_discard  = True otherwise session cookies aren't sent
			if os.path.isfile(self.cookiejar):
				Utils.log('Loading existing cookies')
				cj.load(self.cookiejar, ignore_discard=True)

			# Running query
			response = urllib2.urlopen(req, urllib.urlencode(params))
			# Getting response
			content     = response.read()
			# Getting response informations
			infos    = response.info()

			# Checking the response content-type
			if infos['content-type']:
				# If response is a JSON, decoding JSON automatically
				if re.search('application/json', infos['content-type']):
					content = json.loads(content)

			# Saving private_key for later use
			for cookie in cj:
				self.cookies[cookie.name] = cookie.value

			# If unable to save the cookie jar file
			# Aborting execution, otherwise going into
			# An infinite loop
			if not os.path.isdir(self.cookiejar_dir):
				Utils.log('Warning: Cookiejar DIR does not exist') 
				xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(default.language(30023), '', default.language(30024))

			# Saving any cookie sent with the response
			# Ignoring_discard  = True otherwise session cookies aren't saved				
			cj.save(self.cookiejar, ignore_discard=True)    

			return content

		except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
			# Authentication issue, resetting the private key
			if e.code == 403:
				Utils.log('Got a 403 Forbidden, trying to login now')
				if default.Auth.Login():