Ejemplo n.º 1
def drape_to_surface(epc_file,
    """Return a new grid with geometry draped to a surface.
    Extend a resqml model with a new grid where the reference layer boundary of the source grid has been re-draped
    to a surface.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): if None, the epc_file is loaded and it should contain one ijk grid object
          (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       surface (surface.Surface object, optional): the surface to drape the grid to; if None, a surface is generated from
          the reference layer boundary (which can then be scaled with the scaling_factor)
       scaling_factor (float, optional): if not None, prior to draping, the surface is stretched vertically by this factor,
          away from a horizontal plane located at the surface's shallowest depth
       ref_k0 (integer, default 0): the reference layer (zero based) to drape to the surface
       ref_k_faces (string, default 'top'): 'top' or 'base' identifying which bounding interface to use as the reference
       quad_triangles (boolean, default True): if True and surface is None, each cell face in the reference boundary layer
          is represented by 4 triangles (with a common vertex at the face centre) in the generated surface; if False,
          only 2 trianges are used for each cell face (which gives a non-unique solution)
       cell_range (integer, default 0): the number of cells away from faults which will have depths adjusted to spatially
          smooth the effect of the throw scaling (ie. reduce sudden changes in gradient due to the scaling)
       offset_decay (float, default 0.5): the factor to reduce depth shifts by with each cell step away from faults (used
          in conjunction with cell_range)
       store_displacement (boolean, default False): if True, 3 grid property parts are created, one each for x, y, & z
          displacement of cells' centres brought about by the local depth shift
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the draped grid (& crs)

       new grid (grid.Grid object), with geometry draped to surface

       at least one of a surface or a scaling factor must be given;
       if no surface is given, one is created from the fault-healed grid points for the reference layer interface;
       if a scaling factor other than 1.0 is given, the surface is flexed vertically, relative to its shallowest point;
       layer thicknesses measured along pillars are maintained; cell volumes may change;
       the coordinate reference systems for the surface and the grid are assumed to be the same;
       this function currently uses an exhaustive, computationally and memory intensive algorithm;
       setting quad_triangles argument to False should give a factor of 2 speed up and reduction in memory requirement;
       the epc file and associated hdf5 file are appended to (extended) with the new grid, as a side effect of this function

    log.info('draping grid to surface')

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file)
         and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(
        epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert model is not None

    assert ref_k0 >= 0 and ref_k0 < source_grid.nk
    assert ref_k_faces in ['top', 'base']
    assert surface is not None or (scaling_factor is not None
                                   and scaling_factor != 1.0)

    if surface is None:
        surface = rgs.generate_untorn_surface_for_layer_interface(

    if scaling_factor is not None and scaling_factor != 1.0:
        scaled_surf = copy.deepcopy(surface)
        surface = scaled_surf

    # check that surface and grid use same crs; if not, convert to same
    surface_crs = rqc.Crs(surface.model, surface.crs_uuid)
    if source_grid.crs is None:
        source_grid.crs = rqc.Crs(source_grid.model, uuid=source_grid.crs_uuid)
    if surface_crs != source_grid.crs:
        surface_crs.convert_array_to(source_grid.crs, surface.points)

    # take a copy of the grid
    log.debug('copying grid')
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model)
    grid.cache_all_geometry_arrays()  # probably already cached anyway

    # todo: handle pillars with no geometry defined, and cells without geometry defined
    assert grid.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars(
    ), 'not all pillars have defined geometry'
    assert grid.geometry_defined_for_all_cells(
    ), 'not all cells have defined geometry'

    # fetch unsplit equivalent of grid points
    log.debug('fetching unsplit equivalent grid points')
    unsplit_points = grid.unsplit_points_ref(cache_array=True)

    # assume pillars to be straight lines based on top and base points
    log.debug('setting up pillar sample points and directional vectors')
    line_p = unsplit_points[0, :, :, :].reshape((-1, 3))
    line_v = unsplit_points[-1, :, :, :].reshape((-1, 3)) - line_p
    if ref_k_faces == 'base':
        ref_k0 += 1

    # access triangulated surface as triangle node indices into array of points
    log.debug('fetching surface points and triangle corner indices')
    t, p = surface.triangles_and_points(
    )  # will pick up cached crs converted copy if appropriate

    # compute intersections of all pillars with all triangles (sparse array returned with NaN for no intersection)
    log.debug('computing intersections of all pillars with all triangles')
    intersects = meet.line_set_triangles_intersects(line_p, line_v, p[t])

    # reduce to a single intersection point per pillar; todo: flag multiple intersections with a warning
        'selecting last intersection for each pillar (there should be only one intersection anyway)'
    picks = meet.last_intersects(intersects)

    # count the number of pillars with no intersection at surface (indicated by triple nan)
        'counting number of pillars which fail to intersect with surface')
    failures = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(picks)) // 3
    log.info('number of pillars which do not intersect with surface: ' +
    assert failures == 0, 'cannot proceed as some pillars do not intersect with surface'

    # compute a translation vector per pillar
    log.debug('computing translation vectors for pillars')
    translate = picks - unsplit_points[ref_k0, :, :, :].reshape((-1, 3))

    # shift all points by translation vectors
    _shift_by_translation_vectors(grid, translate)

    # check cell edge relative directions (in x,y) to ensure geometry is still coherent
    log.debug('checking grid geometry coherence')

    # build cell displacement property array(s)
    if store_displacement:
        log.debug('generating cell displacement property arrays')
        displacement_collection = _displacement_properties(grid, source_grid)
        displacement_collection = None

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid,
    if collection is None:
        collection = displacement_collection
    elif displacement_collection is not None:
            displacement_collection, copy_cached_arrays=False)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'grid flexed from ' + str(

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(
            rqet.find_nested_tags(source_grid.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fault_throw_scaling(epc_file,
    """Extends epc with a new grid with fault throws multiplied by scaling factors.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): if None, the epc_file is loaded and it should contain one ijk grid object
          (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       scaling_factor (float, optional): if present, the default scaling factor to apply to split pillars which do not
          appear in any of the faults in the scaling dictionary; if None, such pillars are left unchanged
       connection_set (fault.GridConnectionSet object): the connection set with associated fault feature list, used to
          identify which faces (and hence pillars) belong to which named fault
       scaling_dict (dictionary mapping string to float): the scaling factor to apply to each named fault; any faults not
          included in the dictionary will be left unadjusted (unless a default scaling factor is given as scaling_factor arg)
       ref_k0 (integer, default 0): the reference layer (zero based) to use when determining the pre-existing throws
       ref_k_faces (string, default 'top'): 'top' or 'base' identifying which bounding interface to use as the reference
       cell_range (integer, default 0): the number of cells away from faults which will have depths adjusted to spatially
          smooth the effect of the throw scaling (ie. reduce sudden changes in gradient due to the scaling)
       offset_decay (float, default 0.5): DEPRECATED; ignored
       store_displacement (boolean, default False): if True, 3 grid property parts are created, one each for x, y, & z
          displacement of cells' centres brought about by the fault throw scaling
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       inherit_gcs (boolean, default True): if True, any grid connection set objects related to the source grid will be
          inherited by the modified grid
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the derived grid (& crs)

       new grid (grid.Grid object), with fault throws scaled according to values in the scaling dictionary

       grid points are moved along pillar lines;
       stretch is towards or away from mid-point of throw;
       same shift is applied to all layers along pillar;
       pillar lines assumed to be straight;
       the offset decay argument might be changed in a future version to give improved smoothing;
       if a large fault is represented by a series of parallel minor faults 'stepping' down, each minor fault will have the
       scaling factor applied independently, leading to some unrealistic results

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file)
         and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(
        epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert model is not None

    assert source_grid.has_split_coordinate_lines, 'cannot scale fault throws in unfaulted grid'
    assert scaling_factor is not None or (connection_set is not None
                                          and scaling_dict is not None)

    if ref_k_faces == 'base':
        ref_k0 += 1
    assert ref_k0 >= 0 and ref_k0 <= source_grid.nk, 'reference layer out of range'

    # take a copy of the grid
    log.debug('copying grid')
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model)
    grid.cache_all_geometry_arrays()  # probably already cached anyway

    # todo: handle pillars with no geometry defined, and cells without geometry defined
    assert grid.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars(
    ), 'not all pillars have defined geometry'

    primaries = (grid.nj + 1) * (grid.ni + 1)
    offsets = np.zeros(grid.points_cached.shape[1:])

    if scaling_factor is not None:  # apply global scaling to throws
        _set_offsets_based_on_scaling_factor(grid, scaling_factor, offsets,
                                             ref_k0, primaries)

    if connection_set is not None and scaling_dict is not None:  # overwrite any global offsets with named fault throw adjustments
        _set_offsets_based_on_scaling_dict(grid, connection_set, scaling_dict,
                                           offsets, ref_k0)

    # initialise flag array for adjustments
    adjusted = np.zeros((primaries, ), dtype=bool)

    # insert adjusted throws to all layers of split pillars
    grid.points_cached[:, grid.split_pillar_indices_cached, :] += offsets[
        grid.split_pillar_indices_cached, :].reshape(1, -1, 3)
    adjusted[grid.split_pillar_indices_cached] = True
    grid.points_cached[:, primaries:, :] += offsets[primaries:, :].reshape(
        1, -1, 3)

    # iteratively look for pillars neighbouring adjusted pillars, adjusting by a decayed amount
    adjusted = adjusted.reshape((grid.nj + 1, grid.ni + 1))
    while cell_range > 0:
        newly_adjusted = _neighbourly_adjustment(grid, offsets, adjusted,
        adjusted = np.logical_or(adjusted, newly_adjusted)
        cell_range -= 1

    # check cell edge relative directions (in x,y) to ensure geometry is still coherent
    log.debug('checking grid geometry coherence')

    # build cell displacement property array(s)
    if store_displacement:
        log.debug('generating cell displacement property arrays')
        displacement_collection = _displacement_properties(grid, source_grid)
        displacement_collection = None

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid,
    if collection is None:
        collection = displacement_collection
    elif displacement_collection is not None:
            displacement_collection, copy_cached_arrays=False)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'grid with fault throws scaled by ' + str(scaling_factor) + ' from ' +  \

    gcs_list = []
    if inherit_gcs:
        gcs_uuids = model.uuids(obj_type='GridConnectionSetRepresentation',
        for gcs_uuid in gcs_uuids:
            gcs = rqf.GridConnectionSet(model, uuid=gcs_uuid)
            gcs_list.append((gcs, gcs.title))
        log.debug(f'{len(gcs_list)} grid connection sets to be inherited')

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        epc_file = new_epc_file
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(
            rqet.find_nested_tags(source_grid.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),

    if len(gcs_list):
            f'inheriting grid connection sets related to source grid: {source_grid.uuid}'
        _inherit_gcs_list(epc_file, gcs_list, source_grid, grid)

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tilted_grid(epc_file,
                source_grid = None,
                pivot_xyz = None,
                azimuth = None,
                dip = None,
                store_displacement = False,
                inherit_properties = False,
                inherit_realization = None,
                inherit_all_realizations = False,
                new_grid_title = None,
                new_epc_file = None):
    """Extends epc file with a new grid which is a version of the source grid tilted.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): if None, the epc_file is loaded and it should contain one ijk grid object
          (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       pivot_xyz (triple float): a point in 3D space on the pivot axis, which is horizontal and orthogonal to azimuth
       azimuth: the direction of tilt (orthogonal to tilt axis), as a compass bearing in degrees
       dip: the angle to tilt the grid by, in degrees; a positive value tilts points in direction azimuth downwards (needs checking!)
       store_displacement (boolean, default False): if True, 3 grid property parts are created, one each for x, y, & z
          displacement of cells' centres brought about by the tilting
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the tilted grid (& crs)

       a new grid (grid.Grid object) which is a copy of the source grid tilted in 3D space

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file) and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert model is not None

    # take a copy of the grid
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model)

    if grid.inactive is not None:
        log.debug('copied grid inactive shape: ' + str(grid.inactive.shape))

    # tilt the grid
    grid.cache_all_geometry_arrays()  # probably already cached anyway
    vec.tilt_points(pivot_xyz, azimuth, dip, grid.points_cached)

    # build cell displacement property array(s)
    if store_displacement:
        displacement_collection = _displacement_properties(grid, source_grid)
        displacement_collection = None

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid, inherit_properties, inherit_realization,
    if collection is None:
        collection = displacement_collection
    elif displacement_collection is not None:
        collection.inherit_imported_list_from_other_collection(displacement_collection, copy_cached_arrays = False)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'tilted version ({0:4.2f} degree dip) of '.format(abs(dip)) + str(

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        _write_grid(new_epc_file, grid, property_collection = collection, grid_title = new_grid_title, mode = 'w')
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(rqet.find_nested_tags(source_grid.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),
                    ext_uuid = ext_uuid,
                    property_collection = collection,
                    grid_title = new_grid_title,
                    mode = 'a')

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 4
def unsplit_grid(epc_file,
    """Extends epc file with a new grid which is a version of the source grid with all faults healed.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): if None, the epc_file is loaded and it should contain one ijk grid object
          (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the unsplit grid (& crs)

       a new grid (grid.Grid object) which is an unfaulted copy of the source grid

       the faults are healed by shifting the thrown sides up and down to the midpoint, only along the line of the fault;
       to smooth the adjustments away from the line of the fault, use the global_fault_throw_scaling() function first

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file)
         and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(
        epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert model is not None

    assert source_grid.has_split_coordinate_lines, 'source grid is unfaulted'

    # take a copy of the grid
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model)

    if grid.inactive is not None:
        log.debug('copied grid inactive shape: ' + str(grid.inactive.shape))

    # heal faults in the grid
    grid.cache_all_geometry_arrays()  # probably already cached anyway
    unsplit = source_grid.unsplit_points_ref()
    grid.points_cached = unsplit.copy()
    assert grid.points_cached.shape == (
        grid.nk + 1, grid.nj + 1, grid.ni + 1,
        3), 'unsplit points have incorrect shape'

    grid.has_split_coordinate_lines = False
    delattr(grid, 'split_pillar_indices_cached')
    delattr(grid, 'cols_for_split_pillars')
    delattr(grid, 'cols_for_split_pillars_cl')
    if hasattr(grid, 'pillars_for_column'):
        delattr(grid, 'pillars_for_column')

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid,
    # todo: recompute depth properties (and volumes, cell lengths etc. if being strict)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'unfaulted version of ' + str(

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(
            rqet.find_nested_tags(source_grid.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 5
def local_depth_adjustment(epc_file,
                           decay_shape = 'quadratic',
                           ref_k0 = 0,
                           store_displacement = False,
                           inherit_properties = False,
                           inherit_realization = None,
                           inherit_all_realizations = False,
                           new_grid_title = None,
                           new_epc_file = None):
    """Applies a local depth adjustment to the grid, adding as a new grid part in the model.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): a multi-layer RESQML grid object; if None, the epc_file is loaded
          and it should contain one ijk grid object (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       centre_x, centre_y (floats): the centre of the depth adjustment, corresponding to the location of maximum change
          in depth; crs is implicitly that of the grid but see also use_local_coords argument
       radius (float): the radius of adjustment of depths; units are implicitly xy (projected) units of grid crs
       centre_shift (float): the maximum vertical depth adjustment; units are implicily z (vertical) units of grid crs;
          use positive value to increase depth, negative to make shallower
       use_local_coords (boolean): if True, centre_x & centre_y are taken to be in the local coordinates of the grid's
          crs; otherwise the global coordinates
       decay_shape (string): 'linear' yields a cone shaped change in depth values; 'quadratic' (the default) yields a
          bell shaped change
       ref_k0 (integer, default 0): the layer in the grid to use as reference for determining the distance of a pillar
          from the centre of the depth adjustment; the corners of the top face of the reference layer are used
       store_displacement (boolean, default False): if True, 3 grid property parts are created, one each for x, y, & z
          displacement of cells' centres brought about by the local depth shift
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the adjusted grid (& crs)

       new grid object which is a copy of the source grid with the local depth adjustment applied

    log.info('adjusting depth')
    log.debug('centre x: {0:3.1f}; y: {1:3.1f}'.format(centre_x, centre_y))
    if use_local_coords:
        log.debug('centre x & y interpreted in local crs')
    log.debug('radius of influence: {0:3.1f}'.format(radius))
    log.debug('depth shift at centre: {0:5.3f}'.format(centre_shift))
    log.debug('decay shape: ' + decay_shape)
    log.debug('reference layer (k0 protocol): ' + str(ref_k0))

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file) and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert model is not None

    # take a copy of the grid
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model, copy_crs = True)

    # if not use_local_coords, convert centre_x & y into local_coords
    if grid.crs is None:
        grid.crs = rqc.Crs(model, uuid = grid.crs_uuid)
    if not use_local_coords:
        rotation = grid.crs.rotation
        if rotation > 0.001:
            log.error('unable to account for rotation in crs: use local coordinates')
        centre_x -= grid.crs.x_offset
        centre_y -= grid.crs.y_offset
    z_inc_down = grid.crs.z_inc_down

    if not z_inc_down:
        centre_shift = -centre_shift

    # cache geometry in memory; needed prior to writing new coherent set of arrays to hdf5
    if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
        reshaped_points = grid.points_cached.copy()
        nkp1, njp1, nip1, xyz = grid.points_cached.shape
        reshaped_points = grid.points_cached.copy().reshape((nkp1, njp1 * nip1, xyz))
    assert reshaped_points.ndim == 3 and reshaped_points.shape[2] == 3
    assert ref_k0 >= 0 and ref_k0 < reshaped_points.shape[0]

    log.debug('reshaped_points.shape: ' + str(reshaped_points.shape))

    log.debug('min z before depth adjustment: ' + str(np.nanmin(reshaped_points[:, :, 2])))

    # for each pillar, find x, y for k = reference_layer_k0
    pillars_adjusted = 0

    # todo: replace with numpy array operations
    radius_sqr = radius * radius
    for pillar in range(reshaped_points.shape[1]):
        x, y, z = tuple(reshaped_points[ref_k0, pillar, :])
        # find distance of this pillar from the centre
        dx = centre_x - x
        dy = centre_y - y
        distance_sqr = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy)
        # if this pillar is beyond radius of influence, no action needed
        if distance_sqr > radius_sqr:
        distance = maths.sqrt(distance_sqr)
        # compute decayed shift as function of distance
        shift = _decayed_shift(centre_shift, distance, radius, decay_shape)
        # adjust depth values for pillar in cached array
        log.debug('adjusting pillar number {0} at x: {1:3.1f}, y: {2:3.1f}, distance: {3:3.1f} by {4:5.3f}'.format(
            pillar, x, y, distance, shift))
        reshaped_points[:, pillar, 2] += shift
        pillars_adjusted += 1

    # if no pillars adjusted: warn and return
    if pillars_adjusted == 0:
        log.warning('no pillars adjusted')

    log.debug('min z after depth adjustment: ' + str(np.nanmin(reshaped_points[:, :, 2])))
    if grid.has_split_coordinate_lines:
        grid.points_cached[:] = reshaped_points
        grid.points_cached[:] = reshaped_points.reshape((nkp1, njp1, nip1, xyz))

#   model.copy_part(old_uuid, grid.uuid, change_hdf5_refs = True)   # copies the xml, substituting the new uuid in the root node (and in hdf5 refs)
    log.info(str(pillars_adjusted) + ' pillars adjusted')

    # build cell displacement property array(s)
    if store_displacement:
        log.debug('generating cell displacement property arrays')
        displacement_collection = _displacement_properties(grid, source_grid)
        displacement_collection = None

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid, inherit_properties, inherit_realization,
    if collection is None:
        collection = displacement_collection
    elif displacement_collection is not None:
        collection.inherit_imported_list_from_other_collection(displacement_collection, copy_cached_arrays = False)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'grid derived from {0} with local depth shift of {1:3.1f} applied'.format(
            str(rqet.citation_title_for_node(source_grid.root)), centre_shift)

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        _write_grid(new_epc_file, grid, property_collection = collection, grid_title = new_grid_title, mode = 'w')
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(rqet.find_nested_tags(source_grid.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),
                    ext_uuid = ext_uuid,
                    property_collection = collection,
                    grid_title = new_grid_title,
                    mode = 'a')

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_faults(epc_file,
    """Extends epc file with a new grid which is a version of the source grid with new curtain fault(s) added.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to; if source grid is None, model is loaded from this file
       source_grid (grid.Grid object, optional): if None, the epc_file is loaded and it should contain one ijk grid object
          (or one 'ROOT' grid) which is used as the source grid
       polylines (lines.PolylineSet or list of lines.Polyline, optional): list of poly lines for which curtain faults
          are to be added; either this or lines_file_list or full_pillar_list_dict must be present
       lines_file_list (list of str, optional): a list of file paths, each containing one or more poly lines in simple
          ascii format§; see notes; either this or polylines or full_pillar_list_dicr must be present
       lines_crs_uuid (uuid, optional): if present, the uuid of a coordinate reference system with which to interpret
          the contents of the lines files; if None, the crs used by the grid will be assumed
       full_pillar_list_dict (dict mapping str to list of pairs of ints, optional): dictionary mapping from a fault name
          to a list of pairs of ints being the ordered neigbouring primary pillar (j0, i0) defining the curtain fault;
          either this or polylines or lines_file_list must be present
       left_right_throw_dict (dict mapping str to pair of floats, optional): dictionary mapping from a fault name to a
          pair of floats being the semi-throw adjustment on the left and the right of the fault (see notes); semi-throw
          values default to (+0.5, -0.5)
       create_gcs (boolean, default True): if True, and faults are being defined by lines, a grid connection set is
          created with one feature per new fault and associated organisational objects are also created; ignored if
          lines_file_list is None
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with the source grid
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the unsplit grid (& crs)

       a new grid (grid.Grid object) which is a copy of the source grid with the structure modified to incorporate
       the new faults

       full_pillar_list_dict is typically generated by Grid.make_face_sets_from_pillar_lists();
       pillars will be split as needed to model the new faults, though existing splits will be used as appropriate, so
       this function may also be used to add a constant to the throw of existing faults;
       the left_right_throw_dict contains a pair of floats for each fault name (as found in keys of full_pillar_list_dict);
       these throw values are lengths in the uom of the crs used by the grid (which must have the same xy units as z units);

       this function does not add a GridConnectionSet to the model – calling code may wish to do that

    log.info('adding faults')

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    assert epc_file or source_grid is not None, 'neither epc file name nor source grid supplied'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file)
         and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    model, source_grid = _establish_model_and_source_grid(
        epc_file, source_grid)
    assert source_grid.grid_representation in [
        'IjkGrid', 'IjkBlockGrid'
    ]  # unstructured grids not catered for
    assert model is not None
    assert len([
        arg for arg in (polylines, lines_file_list, full_pillar_list_dict)
        if arg is not None
    ]) == 1

    # take a copy of the resqpy grid object, without writing to hdf5 or creating xml
    # the copy will be a Grid, even if the source is a RegularGrid
    grid = copy_grid(source_grid, model)
    grid.crs_uuid = source_grid.crs_uuid
    if source_grid.model is not model:
    grid.crs = rqc.Crs(model, uuid=grid.crs_uuid)

    if isinstance(polylines, rql.PolylineSet):
        polylines = polylines.convert_to_polylines()

    composite_face_set_dict = {}

    # build pillar list dict for polylines if necessary
    if full_pillar_list_dict is None:
        full_pillar_list_dict = {}
        _populate_composite_face_sets_for_polylines(model, grid, polylines,
                                                    lines_crs_uuid, grid.crs,

    else:  # populate composite face set dictionary from full pillar list
            source_grid, full_pillar_list_dict, composite_face_set_dict)

    # log.debug(f'full_pillar_list_dict:\n{full_pillar_list_dict}')

    _process_full_pillar_list_dict(grid, full_pillar_list_dict,

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, source_grid,
    # todo: recompute depth properties (and volumes, cell lengths etc. if being strict)

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'copy of ' + str(
                source_grid.root)) + ' with added faults'

    # write model
    if new_epc_file:
        ext_uuid = model.h5_uuid()


    # create grid connection set if requested
    _create_gcs_if_requested(create_gcs, composite_face_set_dict, new_epc_file,

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 7
def interpolated_grid(epc_file,
    """Extends an existing model with a new grid geometry linearly interpolated between the two source_grids.

       epc_file (string): file name to rewrite the model's xml to
       grid_a, grid_b (grid.Grid objects): a pair of RESQML grid objects representing the end cases, between
          which the new grid will be interpolated
       a_to_b_0_to_1 (float, default 0.5): the interpolation factor in the range zero to one; a value of 0.0 will yield
          a copy of grid a, a value of 1.0 will yield a copy of grid b, intermediate values will yield a grid with all
          points interpolated
       split_tolerance (float, default 0.01): maximum offset of corner points for shared point to be generated; units
          are same as those in grid crs; only relevant if working from corner points, ignored otherwise
       inherit_properties (boolean, default False): if True, the new grid will have a copy of any properties associated
          with grid_a
       inherit_realization (int, optional): realization number for which properties will be inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False
       inherit_all_realizations (boolean, default False): if True (and inherit_realization is None), properties for all
          realizations will be inherited; if False, only properties with a realization of None are inherited; ignored if
          inherit_properties is False or inherit_realization is not None
       new_grid_title (string): used as the citation title text for the new grid object
       new_epc_file (string, optional): if None, the source epc_file is extended with the new grid object; if present,
          a new epc file (& associated h5 file) is created to contain the interpolated grid (& crs)

       new grid object (grid.Grid) with geometry interpolated between grid a and grid b

       the hdf5 file used by the grid_a model is appended to, so it is recommended that the grid_a model's epc is specified
       as the first argument (unless a new epc file is required, sharing the hdf5 file)

    assert epc_file or new_epc_file, 'epc file name not specified'
    if new_epc_file and epc_file and (
        (new_epc_file == epc_file) or
        (os.path.exists(new_epc_file) and os.path.exists(epc_file)
         and os.path.samefile(new_epc_file, epc_file))):
        new_epc_file = None
    assert grid_a is not None and grid_b is not None, 'at least one source grid is missing'
    assert grid_a.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid' and grid_b.grid_representation == 'IjkGrid'
    assert 0.0 <= a_to_b_0_to_1 <= 1.0, 'interpolation factor outside range 0.0 to 1.0'
    assert tuple(grid_a.extent_kji) == tuple(
        grid_b.extent_kji), 'source grids have different extents'
    assert grid_a.k_direction_is_down == grid_b.k_direction_is_down, 'source grids have different k directions'
    assert grid_a.grid_is_right_handed == grid_b.grid_is_right_handed, 'source grids have different ijk handedness'
    assert grid_a.pillar_shape == grid_b.pillar_shape, 'source grids have different resqml pillar shapes'

    b_weight = a_to_b_0_to_1
    a_weight = 1.0 - b_weight

    model = grid_a.model

    if not bu.matching_uuids(grid_a.crs_uuid, grid_b.crs_uuid):
        crs_a = rqc.Crs(grid_a.model, uuid=grid_a.crs_uuid)
        crs_b = rqc.Crs(grid_b.model, uuid=grid_b.crs_uuid)
        assert crs_a.is_equivalent(crs_b),  \
            'end point grids for interpolation have different coordinate reference systems'

    log.info('loading geometry for two source grids')

    assert (grid_a.geometry_defined_for_all_cells()
            and grid_b.geometry_defined_for_all_cells()
            ), 'geometry not defined for all cells'
    # assert grid_a.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars() and grid_b.geometry_defined_for_all_pillars(),  \
    #     'geometry not defined for all pillars'

    work_from_pillars = _determine_work_from_pillars(grid_a, grid_b)

    # create a new, empty grid object
    grid = grr.Grid(model)

    # inherit attributes from source grid
    _inherit_basics(grid, grid_a, grid_b)

    if work_from_pillars:
        _interpolate_points_cached_from_pillars(grid, grid_a, grid_b, a_weight,
        _interpolate_points_cached_from_cp(grid, grid_a, grid_b, a_weight,
                                           b_weight, split_tolerance)

    collection = _prepare_simple_inheritance(grid, grid_a, inherit_properties,

    if new_grid_title is None or len(new_grid_title) == 0:
        new_grid_title = 'interpolated between two grids with factor: ' + str(

    if new_epc_file:
        ext_uuid, _ = model.h5_uuid_and_path_for_node(
            rqet.find_nested_tags(grid_a.root, ['Geometry', 'Points']),

    return grid