Ejemplo n.º 1
class StationViewApiTest(TestCase):
    Tests the Station View API
    station = None

    def setUp(self):
        self.antenna = AntennaFactory()
        self.encoder = JSONEncoder()
        self.station = StationFactory.create(antennas=[self.antenna])

    def test_station_view_api(self):

        ants = self.station.antenna.all()
        ser_ants = [" ".join([ant.band, ant.get_antenna_type_display()]) for ant in ants]

        station_serialized = {
            u'altitude': self.station.alt,
            u'antenna': ser_ants,
            u'created': self.encoder.default(self.station.created),
            u'description': self.station.description,
            u'id': self.station.id,
            u'last_seen': self.encoder.default(self.station.last_seen),
            u'lat': self.station.lat,
            u'lng': self.station.lng,
            u'location': self.station.location,
            u'min_horizon': self.station.horizon,
            u'name': self.station.name,
            u'observations': 0,
            u'qthlocator': self.station.qthlocator,
            u'status': self.station.get_status_display()}

        response = self.client.get('/api/stations/')
        response_json = json.loads(response.content)
        self.assertEqual(response_json, [station_serialized])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def default(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden
     # Handle Decimal NaN values
     if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal) and math.isnan(obj):
         return None
     return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def default(self, obj):
     # Handle Decimal NaN values
     if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal) and math.isnan(obj):
         return None
     return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class JSONEncoderTests(TestCase):
    Tests the JSONEncoder method

    def setUp(self):
        self.encoder = JSONEncoder()

    def test_encode_decimal(self):
        Tests encoding a decimal
        d = Decimal(3.14)
        assert d == float(d)

    def test_encode_datetime(self):
        Tests encoding a datetime object
        current_time = datetime.now()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()

    def test_encode_time(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone
        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()[:12]

    def test_encode_time_tz(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone aware timestamp

        class UTC(tzinfo):
            Class extending tzinfo to mimic UTC time
            def utcoffset(self, dt):
                return timedelta(0)

            def tzname(self, dt):
                return "UTC"

            def dst(self, dt):
                return timedelta(0)

        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        current_time = current_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC())
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_encode_date(self):
        Tests encoding a date object
        current_date = date.today()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_date) == current_date.isoformat()

    def test_encode_timedelta(self):
        Tests encoding a timedelta object
        delta = timedelta(hours=1)
        assert self.encoder.default(delta) == str(delta.total_seconds())

    def test_encode_uuid(self):
        Tests encoding a UUID object
        unique_id = uuid4()
        assert self.encoder.default(unique_id) == str(unique_id)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def default(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden
     # Handle Decimal NaN values
     if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal) and math.isnan(obj):
         return None
     return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class JSONEncoderTests(TestCase):
    Tests the JSONEncoder method

    def setUp(self):
        self.encoder = JSONEncoder()

    def test_encode_decimal(self):
        Tests encoding a decimal
        d = Decimal(3.14)
        assert self.encoder.default(d) == float(d)

    def test_encode_datetime(self):
        Tests encoding a datetime object
        current_time = datetime.now()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()
        current_time_utc = current_time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time_utc) == current_time.isoformat() + 'Z'

    def test_encode_time(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone
        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()

    def test_encode_time_tz(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone aware timestamp
        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        current_time = current_time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_encode_date(self):
        Tests encoding a date object
        current_date = date.today()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_date) == current_date.isoformat()

    def test_encode_timedelta(self):
        Tests encoding a timedelta object
        delta = timedelta(hours=1)
        assert self.encoder.default(delta) == str(delta.total_seconds())

    def test_encode_uuid(self):
        Tests encoding a UUID object
        unique_id = uuid4()
        assert self.encoder.default(unique_id) == str(unique_id)

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not coreapi, reason='coreapi is not installed')
    def test_encode_coreapi_raises_error(self):
        Tests encoding a coreapi objects raises proper error
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    def test_encode_object_with_tolist(self):
        Tests encoding a object with tolist method
        foo = MockList()
        assert self.encoder.default(foo) == [1, 2, 3]
class JSONEncoderTests(TestCase):
    Tests the JSONEncoder method
    def setUp(self):
        self.encoder = JSONEncoder()

    def test_encode_decimal(self):
        Tests encoding a decimal
        d = Decimal(3.14)
        assert self.encoder.default(d) == float(d)

    def test_encode_datetime(self):
        Tests encoding a datetime object
        current_time = datetime.now()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()
        current_time_utc = current_time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        assert self.encoder.default(
            current_time_utc) == current_time.isoformat() + 'Z'

    def test_encode_time(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone
        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_time) == current_time.isoformat()

    def test_encode_time_tz(self):
        Tests encoding a timezone aware timestamp
        current_time = datetime.now().time()
        current_time = current_time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_encode_date(self):
        Tests encoding a date object
        current_date = date.today()
        assert self.encoder.default(current_date) == current_date.isoformat()

    def test_encode_timedelta(self):
        Tests encoding a timedelta object
        delta = timedelta(hours=1)
        assert self.encoder.default(delta) == str(delta.total_seconds())

    def test_encode_uuid(self):
        Tests encoding a UUID object
        unique_id = uuid4()
        assert self.encoder.default(unique_id) == str(unique_id)

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not coreapi, reason='coreapi is not installed')
    def test_encode_coreapi_raises_error(self):
        Tests encoding a coreapi objects raises proper error
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    def test_encode_object_with_tolist(self):
        Tests encoding a object with tolist method
        foo = MockList()
        assert self.encoder.default(foo) == [1, 2, 3]
 def default(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, (Server, Tenant, QuotaSet)):
         return obj.to_dict()
     return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)