Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_fields(self):
     fields = super(HyperlinkedModelSerializer, self).get_fields()
     if api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME in fields:
         # replace HyperlinkedIdentityField with one that's namespaceable
         fields[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME] = HyperlinkedIdentityField(
             help_text="object detail API URL",
             **get_url_kwargs(getattr(self.Meta, 'model')))
     return fields
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ArticleSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
    url = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(**get_url_kwargs(Article))
    original_url = serializers.CharField(source='url')

    class Meta:
        model = Article
        fields = (
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_fields(self):
        declared_fields = copy.deepcopy(self._declared_fields)

        ret = OrderedDict()
        model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
        fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'fields', None)
        exclude = getattr(self.Meta, 'exclude', None)
        depth = getattr(self.Meta, 'depth', 0)
        extra_kwargs = getattr(self.Meta, 'extra_kwargs', {})

        assert not (fields and exclude), "Cannot set both 'fields' and 'exclude'."

        extra_kwargs = self._include_additional_options(extra_kwargs)

        # Retrieve metadata about fields & relationships on the model class.
        info = model_meta.get_field_info(model)

        # Use the default set of field names if none is supplied explicitly.
        if fields is None:
            fields = self._get_default_field_names(declared_fields, info)
            exclude = getattr(self.Meta, 'exclude', None)
            if exclude is not None:
                for field_name in exclude:

        # Determine the set of model fields, and the fields that they map to.
        # We actually only need this to deal with the slightly awkward case
        # of supporting `unique_for_date`/`unique_for_month`/`unique_for_year`.
        model_field_mapping = {}
        for field_name in fields:
            if field_name in declared_fields:
                field = declared_fields[field_name]
                source = field.source or field_name
                    source = extra_kwargs[field_name]['source']
                except KeyError:
                    source = field_name
            # Model fields will always have a simple source mapping,
            # they can't be nested attribute lookups.
            if '.' not in source and source != '*':
                model_field_mapping[source] = field_name

        # Determine if we need any additional `HiddenField` or extra keyword
        # arguments to deal with `unique_for` dates that are required to
        # be in the input data in order to validate it.
        hidden_fields = {}
        unique_constraint_names = set()

        for model_field_name, field_name in model_field_mapping.items():
                model_field = model._meta.get_field(model_field_name)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:

            # Include each of the `unique_for_*` field names.
            unique_constraint_names |= set([

        unique_constraint_names -= set([None])

        # Include each of the `unique_together` field names,
        # so long as all the field names are included on the serializer.
        for parent_class in [model] + list(model._meta.parents.keys()):
            for unique_together_list in parent_class._meta.unique_together:
                if set(fields).issuperset(set(unique_together_list)):
                    unique_constraint_names |= set(unique_together_list)

        # Now we have all the field names that have uniqueness constraints
        # applied, we can add the extra 'required=...' or 'default=...'
        # arguments that are appropriate to these fields, or add a `HiddenField` for it.
        for unique_constraint_name in unique_constraint_names:
            # Get the model field that is refered too.
            unique_constraint_field = model._meta.get_field(unique_constraint_name)

            if getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now_add', None):
                default = CreateOnlyDefault(timezone.now)
            elif getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now', None):
                default = timezone.now
            elif unique_constraint_field.has_default():
                default = unique_constraint_field.default
                default = empty

            if unique_constraint_name in model_field_mapping:
                # The corresponding field is present in the serializer
                if unique_constraint_name not in extra_kwargs:
                    extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name] = {}
                if default is empty:
                    if 'required' not in extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name]:
                        extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name]['required'] = True
                    if 'default' not in extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name]:
                        extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name]['default'] = default
            elif default is not empty:
                # The corresponding field is not present in the,
                # serializer. We have a default to use for it, so
                # add in a hidden field that populates it.
                hidden_fields[unique_constraint_name] = HiddenField(default=default)

        # Now determine the fields that should be included on the serializer.
        for field_name in fields:
            if field_name in declared_fields:
                # Field is explicitly declared on the class, use that.
                ret[field_name] = declared_fields[field_name]

            elif field_name in info.fields_and_pk:
                # Create regular model fields.
                model_field = info.fields_and_pk[field_name]
                field_cls = self._field_mapping[model_field]
                kwargs = get_field_kwargs(field_name, model_field)
                if 'choices' in kwargs:
                    # Fields with choices get coerced into `ChoiceField`
                    # instead of using their regular typed field.
                    field_cls = ChoiceField
                if not issubclass(field_cls, ModelField):
                    # `model_field` is only valid for the fallback case of
                    # `ModelField`, which is used when no other typed field
                    # matched to the model field.
                    kwargs.pop('model_field', None)
                if not issubclass(field_cls, CharField):
                    # `allow_blank` is only valid for textual fields.
                    kwargs.pop('allow_blank', None)

            elif field_name in info.relations:
                # Create forward and reverse relationships.
                relation_info = info.relations[field_name]
                if depth:
                    field_cls = self._get_nested_class(depth, relation_info)
                    kwargs = get_nested_relation_kwargs(relation_info)
                    field_cls = self._related_class
                    kwargs = get_relation_kwargs(field_name, relation_info)
                    # `view_name` is only valid for hyperlinked relationships.
                    if not issubclass(field_cls, HyperlinkedRelatedField):
                        kwargs.pop('view_name', None)

            elif hasattr(model, field_name):
                # Create a read only field for model methods and properties.
                field_cls = ReadOnlyField
                kwargs = {}

            elif field_name == api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME:
                # Create the URL field.
                field_cls = HyperlinkedIdentityField
                kwargs = get_url_kwargs(model)

                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    'Field name `%s` is not valid for model `%s`.' %
                    (field_name, model.__class__.__name__)

            # Check that any fields declared on the class are
            # also explicity included in `Meta.fields`.
            missing_fields = set(declared_fields.keys()) - set(fields)
            if missing_fields:
                missing_field = list(missing_fields)[0]
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    'Field `%s` has been declared on serializer `%s`, but '
                    'is missing from `Meta.fields`.' %
                    (missing_field, self.__class__.__name__)

            # Populate any kwargs defined in `Meta.extra_kwargs`
            extras = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
            if extras.get('read_only', False):
                for attr in [
                    'required', 'default', 'allow_blank', 'allow_null',
                    'min_length', 'max_length', 'min_value', 'max_value',
                    'validators', 'queryset'
                    kwargs.pop(attr, None)

            if extras.get('default') and kwargs.get('required') is False:


            # Create the serializer field.
            ret[field_name] = field_cls(**kwargs)

        for field_name, field in hidden_fields.items():
            ret[field_name] = field

        return ret