Ejemplo n.º 1
class TicketMessage(ModifiedMixin, PaginationMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'ticket_message'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    ticket_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey(Ticket.id))
    member_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('member.id'))
    text = Field(Unicode())

    is_answer = Field(Boolean(), default=False)

    _attachment = Field(TicketAttachment.as_mutable(JSON), nullable=True, protected=True)

    ticket = relationship(Ticket, lazy='select', uselist=False, protected=True)

    def attachment(self):
        return self._attachment.locate() if self._attachment else None

    def attachment(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            self._attachment = TicketAttachment.create_from(value)
            self._attachment = None

    def to_dict(self):
        result = super().to_dict()
        result['attachment'] = self.attachment
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
class City(FilteringMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'city'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    state_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('state.id'))

    name = Field(Unicode(50))

    state = relationship('State', uselist=False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class State(FilteringMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'state'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    country_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('country.id'))

    name = Field(Unicode(50))

    country = relationship('Country', uselist=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class PaymentGateway(DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'payment_gateway'

    name = Field(Unicode(30), primary_key=True)
    fiat_symbol = Field(Unicode(10), ForeignKey('fiat.symbol'))

    # # TODO: Will be deprecated and replaced by tiers
    cashin_min = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00001000'))
    cashin_max = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('100.00000000'))
    cashin_static_commission = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000000'))
    cashin_commission_rate = Field(Unicode(10), default="0.000")
    cashin_max_commission = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000000'))

    # # TODO: Will be deprecated and replaced by tiers
    cashout_min = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00010000'))
    cashout_max = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('100.00000000'))
    cashout_static_commission = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000000'))
    cashout_commission_rate = Field(Unicode(10), default="0.005")
    cashout_max_commission = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000000'))

    fiat = relationship('Fiat')

    def to_dict(self):
        result = super().to_dict()
        # TODO: Get the current user's fiat_tier_policy about this currency
        # result['tirePolicy'] = {}
        result['cashoutMin'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashout_min)
        result['cashoutMax'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashout_max)
        result['cashoutStaticCommission'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashout_static_commission)
        result['cashoutMaxCommission'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashout_max_commission)
        result['cashinMin'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashin_min)
        result['cashinMax'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashin_max)
        result['cashinStaticCommission'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashin_static_commission)
        result['cashinMaxCommission'] = self.fiat.normalized_to_output(self.cashin_max_commission)
        return result

    def calculate_cashout_commission(self, amount: Decimal) -> Decimal:
        commission = self.cashout_static_commission
        if self.cashout_commission_rate != Decimal(0):
            commission += amount * Decimal(self.cashout_commission_rate)
        return min(
            commission, self.cashout_max_commission
        ) if self.cashout_max_commission != Decimal(0) else commission

    def calculate_cashin_commission(self, amount: Decimal) -> Decimal:
        commission = self.cashin_static_commission
        if self.cashin_commission_rate != Decimal(0):
            commission += amount * Decimal(self.cashin_commission_rate)
        return min(
            commission, self.cashin_max_commission
        ) if self.cashin_max_commission != Decimal(0) else commission
Ejemplo n.º 5
class BankingTransaction(ModifiedMixin, OrderingMixin, FilteringMixin, PaginationMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'banking_transaction'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    fiat_symbol = Field(Unicode(10), ForeignKey('fiat.symbol'))
    member_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('member.id'))  # FIXME: Change the name to `member_id`
    payment_gateway_name = Field(Unicode(30), ForeignKey('payment_gateway.name'))
    amount = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8))  # Value without commission
    commission = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal(0))
    error = Field(Unicode(), nullable=True)
    reference_id = Field(Unicode(260), nullable=True)
    banking_id_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('banking_id.id'), protected=True)

    payment_gateway = relationship('PaymentGateway')
    banking_id = relationship('BankingId')

    type = Field(Unicode(50))

    member = relationship('Member')

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__,
        'polymorphic_on': type
Ejemplo n.º 6
class BankingId(TimestampMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'banking_id'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    client_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('client.id'))

    is_verified = Field(Boolean(), default=False)
    error = Field(Unicode(), nullable=True)

    client = relationship('Client', lazy='select', protected=True)

    type = Field(Enum('bank_account', 'bank_card', name='banking_id_type'))

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__,
        'polymorphic_on': type
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Ticket(ModifiedMixin, PaginationMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'ticket'

    id = Field(Integer(), primary_key=True)

    title = Field(Unicode())
    member_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('member.id'))
    department_id = Field(Integer(), ForeignKey('ticket_department.id'))

    closed_at = Field(DateTime(), nullable=True)

    department = relationship('TicketDepartment', uselist=False)

    def is_closed(self):
        return self.closed_at is not None

    def is_closed(self, value):
        self.closed_at = datetime.now() if value else None

    def is_closed(self):
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        return self.closed_at.isnot(None)

    def import_value(cls, column, v):
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        if column.key == cls.is_closed.key and not isinstance(v, bool):
            return str(v).lower() == 'true'
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        return super().import_value(column, v)

    def to_dict(self):
        result = super().to_dict()
        first_message = DBSession.query(TicketMessage) \
            .filter(TicketMessage.ticket_id == self.id) \
            .order_by(TicketMessage.created_at) \
        result['firstMessage'] = first_message.to_dict() if (first_message is not None) else None
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Market(OrderingMixin, FilteringMixin, DeclarativeBase):
    Currency pairs are sometimes then written by concatenating the ISO currency codes (ISO 4217) of the base currency
    and the counter currency, separating them with a slash character. Often the slash character is omitted,
    alternatively the slash may be replaced by and etc. A widely traded currency pair is the relation of the euro
    against the US dollar, designated as EUR/USD. The quotation EUR/USD 1.2500 means that one euro is exchanged for
    1.2500 US dollars. Here, EUR is the base currency and USD is the quote currency(counter currency). This means that
    1 Euro can be exchangeable to 1.25 US Dollars.

    Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_pair

    __tablename__ = 'market'

    name = Field(Unicode(20),
                 primary_key=True)  # e.g. btc_usd

    base_currency_symbol = Field(Unicode(),
    quote_currency_symbol = Field(Unicode(),

    base_currency = relationship('Currency',
    quote_currency = relationship('Currency',

    buy_amount_min = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000100'))
    buy_amount_max = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('100.00000000'))

    sell_amount_min = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('0.00000100'))
    sell_amount_max = Field(DECIMAL(18, 8), default=Decimal('100.00000000'))

    taker_commission_rate = Field(Unicode(10), default='0.4')
    maker_commission_rate = Field(Unicode(10), default='0.1')

    # taker_static_commission = Field(BigInteger(), default=0)
    # taker_permille_commission = Field(Integer(), default=0)
    # taker_max_commission = Field(BigInteger(), default=0)

    # maker_static_commission = Field(BigInteger(), default=0)
    # maker_permille_commission = Field(Integer(), default=0)
    # maker_max_commission = Field(BigInteger(), default=0)

    def to_dict(self):
        result = super().to_dict()
        # TODO: Get the current user's wallet_tier_policy about this currency
        # result['tirePolicy'] = {}
        result['buyAmountMin'] = self.base_currency.normalized_to_output(
        result['buyAmountMax'] = self.base_currency.normalized_to_output(
        result['sellAmountMin'] = self.base_currency.normalized_to_output(
        result['sellAmountMax'] = self.base_currency.normalized_to_output(
        return result

    def get_last_price(self):
            return Decimal(stexchange_client.market_last(self.name))
        except StexchangeException as e:
            raise stexchange_http_exception_handler(e)

    def validate_ranges(self, type_, total_amount, price=None):

        # TODO: Review and rewrite the price threshold validator
        # threshold = Decimal(settings.trader.price_threshold_permille)
        # price_rate = Decimal(1000 * (price or self.get_last_price()) / self.get_last_price()) - Decimal(1000)

        if type_ == 'buy':
            # if price_rate > threshold:
            #     raise HttpBadRequest('Price not in valid range', 'price-not-in-range')

            if total_amount < self.buy_amount_min or \
                    (self.buy_amount_max != 0 and total_amount > self.buy_amount_max):
                raise HttpBadRequest('Amount not in range',

        elif type_ == 'sell':
            # if price_rate < -threshold:
            #     raise HttpBadRequest('Price not in valid range', 'price-not-in-range')

            if total_amount < self.sell_amount_min or \
                    (self.sell_amount_max != 0 and total_amount > self.sell_amount_max):
                raise HttpBadRequest('Amount not in range',