def test_task_life_cycle(engine, client, refresh): with workers(engine): tasks = [] for user in ('Babar', 'Babar', 'Celeste'): res = client.put('/schedule-task/good_job?user={}'.format(user), upload_files=[('input_file', 'input.xml', b'the file', 'text/xml')] ) tid = int(res.body) t1 = Task.byid(engine, tid) t1.join() assert t1.raw_output == b'Well done !' res = client.get('/job_results/{}'.format(t1.tid)) assert res.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/zip' assert res.body == b'Well done !' tasks.append(t1) res = client.put('/schedule-task/bad_job?user=Celeste', upload_files=[('input_file', 'input.xml', b'the file', 'text/xml')] ) tid = int(res.body) t2 = Task.byid(engine, tid) t2.join() tasks.append(t2) res = client.get('/job_results/{}'.format(t2.tid)) assert res.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' assert res.body.startswith(b'Traceback') assert 'I am a little crasher.' in res.text results = [] for t in tasks: results.append(client.get('/delete-task/{}'.format(t.tid))) assert all(res.body == b'true' for res in results) res = client.get('/services-table') ipaddr = re.compile('^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}$') def edit(elt): if elt.text: if 'test_rui' in elt.text: elt.text = Path(elt.text).name elif ipaddr.match(elt.text): elt.text = 'HOSTNAME' if 'value' in elt.attrib and ipaddr.match(elt.attrib['value']): elt.attrib['value'] = 'HOSTNAME' return elt html = edittag(('td', 'input'), edit, res.text) refpath = DATADIR / 'services.html' if refresh: refpath.write_bytes(html) assert html == refpath.read_bytes()
def test_relaunch(engine, client): with workers(engine) as mon: res = client.put('/schedule-task/good_job?user=Babar', upload_files=[('input_file', 'input.xml', b'the file', 'text/xml')]) tid = int(res.body) t = Task.byid(engine, tid) t.join() res = client.put(f'/relaunch-task/{tid}') newtid = int(res.body) t2 = Task.byid(engine, newtid) t2.join()
def list_tasks(dburi, tracebacks=False, logcount=False): init() engine = create_engine(find_dburi(dburi)) opmap = dict( engine.execute('select id, name from rework.operation').fetchall()) sql = ('select id from rework.task order by id') for tid, in engine.execute(sql): task = Task.byid(engine, tid) stat = task.state print(Style.RESET_ALL + str(tid), Fore.GREEN + opmap[task.operation], status_color[stat] + stat, end=' ') if logcount: sql = 'select count(*) from rework.log where task = %(tid)s' count = engine.execute(sql, {'tid': task.tid}).scalar() print(Style.RESET_ALL + '{} log lines'.format(count), end=' ') finished = task._propvalue('finished') started = task._propvalue('started') print(Fore.WHITE + '[{}]'.format( task._propvalue('queued').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%Z')), end=' ') if started: print(Fore.WHITE + '→ [{}]'.format(started.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%Z')), end=' ') if finished: print(Fore.WHITE + '→ [{}]'.format(finished.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%Z')), end=' ') if tracebacks and task.traceback: print(Fore.YELLOW + task.traceback, end='') print()
def main_loop(self): runs = 0 while True: self.heartbeat() task = Task.fromqueue(self.engine, self.wid, self.domain) while task: # run count runs += 1 if self.maxruns and runs >= self.maxruns: return self.heartbeat() task = Task.fromqueue(self.engine, self.wid, self.domain) time.sleep(1)
def test_basic_task_operations(engine): api.schedule(engine, 'print_sleep_and_go_away', 21, metadata={'user': '******'}) known = [(name, Path(path).name) for name, path in engine.execute( 'select name, path from rework.operation order by name').fetchall()] assert [ ('allocate_and_leak_mbytes', ''), ('capture_logs', ''), ('flush_captured_stdout', ''), ('infinite_loop', ''), ('infinite_loop_long_timeout', ''), ('infinite_loop_timeout', ''), ('log_swarm', ''), ('normal_exception', ''), ('print_sleep_and_go_away', ''), ('raw_input', ''), ('run_in_non_default_domain', ''), ('stderr_swarm', ''), ('unstopable_death', ''), ] == known mon = Monitor(engine) wid = mon.new_worker() t = Task.fromqueue(engine, wid) assert t.output == 42 assert t.metadata == {'user': '******'} cdate = t._propvalue('queued') now = assert now.year == cdate.year assert now.month == cdate.month t2 = Task.byid(engine, t.tid) assert (t2.tid, t2.operation) == (t.tid, t.operation) t3 = Task.byid(engine, 42000) assert t3 is None with pytest.raises(Exception) as err: api.schedule(engine, 'no_such_task') assert err.value.args[0] == 'No operation was found for these parameters'
def track_timeouts(self): if not self.workers: return sql = ('select, task.started, timeout ' 'from rework.operation as op, ' ' rework.task as task ' 'where ' ' task.operation = and ' ' timeout is not null and ' ' task.worker in ({})').format(','.join( str(wid) for wid in self.wids)) with self.engine.begin() as cn: for tid, start_time, timeout in cn.execute(sql).fetchall(): start_time = start_time.astimezone(pytz.utc) delta = parse_delta(timeout) now = utcnow() if (now - start_time) > delta: Task.byid(self.engine, tid).abort()
def abort_task(dburi, taskid): """ immediately abort the given task This will be done by doing a preemptive kill on its associated worker. """ engine = create_engine(find_dburi(dburi)) task = Task.byid(engine, taskid) task.abort()
def test_abort(engine, client): with workers(engine) as mon: res = client.put('/schedule-task/abortme?user=Babar', upload_files=[('input_file', 'input.xml', b'the file', 'text/xml')]) tid = int(res.body) t = Task.byid(engine, tid) assert not t.aborted res = client.get(f'/abort-task/{tid}') mon.preemptive_kill() assert t.aborted
def abort_task(tid): if not has_permission('abort'): abort(403, 'You cannoy do that.') return t = Task.byid(engine, tid) if t is None: abort(404, 'NO SUCH JOB') if t.aborted: return json.dumps(False) t.abort() return json.dumps(True)
def relaunch_task(tid): if not has_permission('relaunch'): return json.dumps(0) t = Task.byid(engine, tid) if t is None: return json.dumps(0) op = select('name', 'host', 'domain').table('rework.operation').join( 'rework.task as task on (task.operation =').where( ' = %(tid)s', tid=t.tid).do(engine).fetchone() newtask = api.schedule(engine,, rawinputdata=t.raw_input, domain=op.domain,, metadata=t.metadata) return json.dumps(newtask.tid)
def buildrow(id, domain, status): job = Task.byid(engine, id) if job is None: # deleted return try: tid = job.tid operation = job.operation traceback = job.traceback queued = job._propvalue('queued') started = job._propvalue('started') finished = job._propvalue('finished') meta = job.metadata worker = job._propvalue('worker') state = job.state deathinfo = job.deathinfo except Exception as e: print(e) return rows.append( (tid, domain, status, operation, traceback, queued, started, finished, meta, worker, state, deathinfo) )
def log_task(dburi, taskid, fromid=None, watch=False): engine = create_engine(find_dburi(dburi)) task = Task.byid(engine, taskid) def watchlogs(fromid): lid = fromid for lid, line in task.logs(fromid=fromid): print(Fore.GREEN + line.strip()) return lid if not watch: watchlogs(fromid) if task.traceback: print(task.traceback) return while True: fromid = watchlogs(fromid) sleep(1) if task.status == 'done': break print(Style.RESET_ALL)
def schedule(engine, opname, inputdata=None, rawinputdata=None, hostid=None, module=None, domain=None, metadata=None): """schedule an operation to be run by a worker It returns a `Task` object. The operation name is the only mandatory parameter. The `domain` can be specified to avoid an ambiguity if an operation is defined within several domains. An `inputdata` object can be given. It can be any picklable python object. It will be available through `task.input`. Alternatively `rawinputdata` can be provided. It must be a byte string. It can be useful to transmit file contents and avoid the pickling overhead. It will be available through `task.rawinput`. Lastly, `metadata` can be provided as a json-serializable python dictionary. It can contain anything. """ if metadata: assert isinstance(metadata, dict) if inputdata is not None: rawinputdata = dumps(inputdata, protocol=2) q = select('id').table('rework.operation').where( name=opname ) if hostid is not None: q.where(host=hostid) if module is not None: q.where(modname=module) if domain is not None: q.where(domain=domain) with engine.begin() as cn: opids = if len(opids) > 1: if hostid is None: return schedule( engine, opname, rawinputdata=rawinputdata, hostid=host(), module=module, domain=domain, metadata=metadata ) raise ValueError('Ambiguous operation selection') if not len(opids): raise Exception('No operation was found for these parameters') opid = opids[0][0] q = insert( 'rework.task' ).values( operation=opid, input=rawinputdata, status='queued', metadata=json.dumps(metadata) ) tid = return Task(engine, tid, opid)
def join(): Task.byid(t.engine, t.tid).join(timeout=2)
def getjob(engine, jobid): try: return Task.byid(engine, int(jobid)) except: return None