Ejemplo n.º 1
def pip_install_package(source_name,
    """Install a pip-compatible python package as a rez package.
        source_name (str): Name of package or archive/url containing the pip
            package source. This is the same as the arg you would pass to
            the 'pip install' command.
        pip_version (str or `Version`): Version of pip to use to perform the
            install, uses latest if None.
        python_version (str or `Version`): Python version to use to perform the
            install, and subsequently have the resulting rez package depend on.
        mode (`InstallMode`): Installation mode, determines how dependencies are
        release (bool): If True, install as a released package; otherwise, it
            will be installed as a local package.

            List of `Variant`: Installed variants;
            List of `Variant`: Skipped variants (already installed).
    installed_variants = []
    skipped_variants = []

    pip_exe, context = find_pip(pip_version, python_version)

    # TODO: should check if packages_path is writable before continuing with pip
    packages_path = (config.release_packages_path
                     if release else config.local_packages_path)

    tmpdir = mkdtemp(suffix="-rez", prefix="pip-")
    stagingdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez_staging")
    stagingsep = "".join([os.path.sep, "rez_staging", os.path.sep])

    destpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "python")
    # TODO use binpath once https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3934 is approved
    binpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "bin")

    if context and config.debug("package_release"):
        buf = StringIO()
        print("\n\npackage download environment:", file=buf)

    # Build pip commandline
    cmd = [pip_exe, "install", "--use-pep517", "--target=%s" % destpath]

    if mode == InstallMode.no_deps:

    _cmd(context=context, command=cmd)
    _system = System()

    def pure_python_package(installed_dist):

        true_table = {"true": True, "false": False}

        packages = pkg_resources.find_distributions(destpath)
        dist = next(
             for package in packages if package.key == installed_dist.key),
        wheel_data = dist.get_metadata('WHEEL')
        # see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0566/#json-compatible-metadata
        wheel_data = Parser().parsestr(wheel_data)

        # see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#what-s-the-deal-with-purelib-vs-platlib
        return true_table[wheel_data["Root-Is-Purelib"]]

    # Collect resulting python packages using distlib
    distribution_path = DistributionPath([destpath])
    distributions = [d for d in distribution_path.get_distributions()]

    # moving bin folder to expected relative location as per wheel RECORD files
    staged_binpath = os.path.join(destpath, "bin")
    if os.path.isdir(staged_binpath):
        shutil.move(os.path.join(destpath, "bin"), binpath)

    for distribution in distribution_path.get_distributions():
        requirements = []
        if distribution.metadata.run_requires:
            # Handle requirements. Currently handles conditional environment based
            # requirements and normal requirements
            # TODO: Handle optional requirements?
            for requirement in distribution.metadata.run_requires:
                if "environment" in requirement:
                    if interpret(requirement["environment"]):
                            _get_dependencies(requirement, distributions))
                elif "extra" in requirement:
                    # Currently ignoring optional requirements
                        _get_dependencies(requirement, distributions))

        tools = []
        src_dst_lut = {}

        for installed_file in distribution.list_installed_files():
            # distlib expects the script files to be located in ../../bin/
            # when in fact ../bin seems to be the resulting path after the
            # installation as such we need to point the bin files to the
            # expected location to match wheel RECORD files
            installed_filepath = os.path.normpath(installed_file[0])
            bin_prefix = os.path.join('..', '..', 'bin') + os.sep

            if installed_filepath.startswith(bin_prefix):
                # account for extra parentdir as explained above
                installed = os.path.join(destpath, '_', installed_filepath)
                installed = os.path.join(destpath, installed_filepath)

            source_file = os.path.normpath(installed)

            if os.path.exists(source_file):
                destination_file = os.path.relpath(source_file, stagingdir)
                exe = False

                if is_exe(source_file) and destination_file.startswith("bin" +
                    _file = os.path.basename(destination_file)
                    exe = True

                data = [destination_file, exe]
                src_dst_lut[source_file] = data
                _log("Source file does not exist: " + source_file + "!")

        def make_root(variant, path):
            """Using distlib to iterate over all installed files of the current
            distribution to copy files to the target directory of the rez package
            for source_file, data in src_dst_lut.items():
                destination_file, exe = data
                destination_file = os.path.normpath(
                    os.path.join(path, destination_file))

                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destination_file)):

                shutil.copyfile(source_file, destination_file)
                if exe:
                    shutil.copystat(source_file, destination_file)

        # determine variant requirements
        variant_reqs = []

        pure = pure_python_package(distribution)

        if not pure:
            variant_reqs.append("platform-%s" % _system.platform)
            variant_reqs.append("arch-%s" % _system.arch)

        # Add the python version requirement. Note that we specify python to
        # minor version because of environment markers - these often mean that
        # you cannot use a loose python requirement (ie major version only)
        # because then the package requirements would not be correct for all
        # versions of python within that major version.
        # This is not perfect. It means that often we will overspecify the required
        # python version; and theoretically there could be markers that specify
        # python down to the patch version. However, accurately varianting on
        # python based on markers may be overly complicated, and may also
        # result in odd varianting cases.
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#environment-markers
        if context is None:
            # since we had to use system pip, we have to assume system python version
            py_ver = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
            python_variant = context.get_resolved_package("python")
            py_ver = python_variant.version.trim(2)

        variant_reqs.append("python-%s" % py_ver)

        name = pip_to_rez_package_name(distribution)

        with make_package(name, packages_path, make_root=make_root) as pkg:
            pkg.version = pip_to_rez_version(distribution.version)
            if distribution.metadata.summary:
                pkg.description = distribution.metadata.summary

            pkg.variants = [variant_reqs]
            if requirements:
                pkg.requires = requirements

            commands = []

            if tools:
                pkg.tools = tools

            pkg.commands = '\n'.join(commands)

        installed_variants.extend(pkg.installed_variants or [])
        skipped_variants.extend(pkg.skipped_variants or [])

    # cleanup

    return installed_variants, skipped_variants
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: pip.py Proyecto: oktomus/rez3
def pip_install_package(source_name, pip_version=None, python_version=None,
                        mode=InstallMode.min_deps, release=False):
    """Install a pip-compatible python package as a rez package.
        source_name (str): Name of package or archive/url containing the pip
            package source. This is the same as the arg you would pass to
            the 'pip install' command.
        pip_version (str or `Version`): Version of pip to use to perform the
            install, uses latest if None.
        python_version (str or `Version`): Python version to use to perform the
            install, and subsequently have the resulting rez package depend on.
        mode (`InstallMode`): Installation mode, determines how dependencies are
        release (bool): If True, install as a released package; otherwise, it
            will be installed as a local package.

            List of `Variant`: Installed variants;
            List of `Variant`: Skipped variants (already installed).
    installed_variants = []
    skipped_variants = []

    pip_exe, context = find_pip(pip_version, python_version)

    # TODO: should check if packages_path is writable before continuing with pip
    packages_path = (config.release_packages_path if release
                     else config.local_packages_path)

    tmpdir = mkdtemp(suffix="-rez", prefix="pip-")
    stagingdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez_staging")
    stagingsep = "".join([os.path.sep, "rez_staging", os.path.sep])

    destpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "python")
    binpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "bin")
    incpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "include")
    datapath = stagingdir

    if context and config.debug("package_release"):
        buf = StringIO()
        print >> buf, "\n\npackage download environment:"

    # Build pip commandline
    cmd = [pip_exe, "install",
           "--install-option=--install-lib=%s" % destpath,
           "--install-option=--install-scripts=%s" % binpath,
           "--install-option=--install-headers=%s" % incpath,
           "--install-option=--install-data=%s" % datapath]

    if mode == InstallMode.no_deps:

    _cmd(context=context, command=cmd)
    _system = System()

    # Collect resulting python packages using distlib
    distribution_path = DistributionPath([destpath], include_egg=True)
    distributions = [d for d in distribution_path.get_distributions()]

    for distribution in distribution_path.get_distributions():
        requirements = []
        if distribution.metadata.run_requires:
            # Handle requirements. Currently handles conditional environment based
            # requirements and normal requirements
            # TODO: Handle optional requirements?
            for requirement in distribution.metadata.run_requires:
                if "environment" in requirement:
                    if interpret(requirement["environment"]):
                        requirements.extend(_get_dependencies(requirement, distributions))
                elif "extra" in requirement:
                    # Currently ignoring optional requirements
                    requirements.extend(_get_dependencies(requirement, distributions))

        tools = []
        src_dst_lut = {}

        for installed_file in distribution.list_installed_files(allow_fail=True):
            source_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(destpath, installed_file[0]))

            if os.path.exists(source_file):
                destination_file = installed_file[0].split(stagingsep)[1]
                exe = False

                if is_exe(source_file) and \
                        destination_file.startswith("%s%s" % ("bin", os.path.sep)):
                    _, _file = os.path.split(destination_file)
                    exe = True

                data = [destination_file, exe]
                src_dst_lut[source_file] = data
                _log("Source file does not exist: " + source_file + "!")

        def make_root(variant, path):
            """Using distlib to iterate over all installed files of the current
            distribution to copy files to the target directory of the rez package
            for source_file, data in src_dst_lut.items():
                destination_file, exe = data
                destination_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, destination_file))

                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destination_file)):

                shutil.copyfile(source_file, destination_file)
                if exe:
                    shutil.copystat(source_file, destination_file)

        # determine variant requirements
        # TODO detect if platform/arch/os necessary, no if pure python
        variant_reqs = []
        variant_reqs.append("platform-%s" % _system.platform)
        variant_reqs.append("arch-%s" % _system.arch)
        variant_reqs.append("os-%s" % _system.os)

        if context is None:
            # since we had to use system pip, we have to assume system python version
            py_ver = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
            python_variant = context.get_resolved_package("python")
            py_ver = python_variant.version.trim(2)

        variant_reqs.append("python-%s" % py_ver)

        name, _ = parse_name_and_version(distribution.name_and_version)
        name = distribution.name[0:len(name)].replace("-", "_")

        with make_package(name, packages_path, make_root=make_root) as pkg:
            pkg.version = distribution.version
            if distribution.metadata.summary:
                pkg.description = distribution.metadata.summary

            pkg.variants = [variant_reqs]
            if requirements:
                pkg.requires = requirements

            commands = []

            if tools:
                pkg.tools = tools

            pkg.commands = '\n'.join(commands)

        installed_variants.extend(pkg.installed_variants or [])
        skipped_variants.extend(pkg.skipped_variants or [])

    # cleanup

    return installed_variants, skipped_variants
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_rez_requirements(installed_dist, python_version, name_casings=None):
    """Get requirements of the given dist, in rez-compatible format.

    Example result:

            "requires": ["foo-1.2+<2"],
            "variant_requires": ["future", "python-2.7"],
            "metadata": {
                # metadata pertinent to rez

    Each requirement has had its package name converted to the rez equivalent.
    The 'variant_requires' key contains requirements specific to the current

    TODO: Currently there is no way to reflect extras that may have been chosen
    for this pip package. We need to wait for rez "package features" before this
    will be possible. You probably shouldn't use extras presently.

        installed_dist (`distlib.database.InstalledDistribution`): Distribution
            to convert.
        python_version (`Version`): Python version used to perform the
        name_casings (list of str): A list of pip package names in their correct
            casings (eg, 'Foo' rather than 'foo'). Any requirement whose name
            case-insensitive-matches a name in this list, is set to that name.
            This is needed because pip package names are case insensitive, but
            rez is case-sensitive. So a package may list a requirement for package
            'foo', when in fact the package that pip has downloaded is called 'Foo'.
            Be sure to provide names in PIP format, not REZ format (the pip package
            'foo-bah' will be converted to 'foo_bah' in rez).

        Dict: See example above.
    _system = System()
    result_requires = []
    result_variant_requires = []

    # create cased names lookup
    name_mapping = dict((x.lower(), x) for x in (name_casings or []))

    # requirements such as platform, arch, os, and python
    sys_requires = set(["python"])

    # assume package is platform- and arch- specific if it isn't pure python
    is_pure_python = is_pure_python_package(installed_dist)
    if not is_pure_python:
        sys_requires.update(["platform", "arch"])

    # evaluate wrt python version, which may not be the current interpreter version
    marker_env = {
        "python_full_version": str(python_version),
        "python_version": str(python_version.trim(2)),
        "implementation_version": str(python_version)

    # Note: This is supposed to give a requirements list that has already been
    # filtered down based on the extras requested at install time, and on any
    # environment markers present. However, this is not working in distlib. The
    # package gets assigned a LegacyMetadata metadata object (only if a package metadata
    # version is not equal to 2.0) and in that code path, this filtering
    # doesn't happen.
    # See: vendor/distlib/metadata.py#line-892
    requires = installed_dist.run_requires

    # filter requirements
    for req_ in requires:
        reqs = normalize_requirement(req_)

        for req in reqs:
            # skip if env marker is present and doesn't evaluate
            if req.marker and not req.marker.evaluate(environment=marker_env):

            # skip if req is conditional on extras that weren't requested
            if req.conditional_extras and not \
                    (set(installed_dist.extras or []) & set(req.conditional_extras)):

            if req.conditional_extras:
                    "Skipping requirement %r - conditional requirements are "
                    "not yet supported", str(req))

            # Inspect marker(s) to see if this requirement should be varianted.
            # Markers may also cause other system requirements to be added to
            # the variant.
            to_variant = False

            if req.marker:
                marker_reqs = get_marker_sys_requirements(str(req.marker))

                if marker_reqs:
                    to_variant = True

            # remap the requirement name
            remapped = name_mapping.get(req.name.lower())
            if remapped:
                req.name = remapped

            # convert the requirement to rez equivalent
            rez_req = str(packaging_req_to_rez_req(req))

            if to_variant:

    # prefix variant with system requirements
    sys_variant_requires = []

    if "platform" in sys_requires:
        sys_variant_requires.append("platform-%s" % _system.platform)

    if "arch" in sys_requires:
        sys_variant_requires.append("arch-%s" % _system.arch)

    if "os" in sys_requires:
        sys_variant_requires.append("os-%s" % _system.os)

    if "python" in sys_requires:
        # Add python variant requirement. Note that this is always MAJOR.MINOR,
        # because to do otherwise would mean analysing any present env markers.
        # This could become quite complicated, and could also result in strange
        # python version ranges in the variants.
        sys_variant_requires.append("python-%s" % str(python_version.trim(2)))

    return {
        "requires": result_requires,
        "variant_requires": sys_variant_requires + result_variant_requires,
        "metadata": {
            "is_pure_python": is_pure_python
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: pip.py Proyecto: shiyi9/rez
def pip_install_package(source_name,
    """Install a pip-compatible python package as a rez package.
        source_name (str): Name of package or archive/url containing the pip
            package source. This is the same as the arg you would pass to
            the 'pip install' command.
        pip_version (str or `Version`): Version of pip to use to perform the
            install, uses latest if None.
        python_version (str or `Version`): Python version to use to perform the
            install, and subsequently have the resulting rez package depend on.
        mode (`InstallMode`): Installation mode, determines how dependencies are
        release (bool): If True, install as a released package; otherwise, it
            will be installed as a local package.

            List of `Variant`: Installed variants;
            List of `Variant`: Skipped variants (already installed).
    installed_variants = []
    skipped_variants = []

    py_exe, context = find_pip(pip_version, python_version)

    # TODO: should check if packages_path is writable before continuing with pip
    packages_path = (config.release_packages_path
                     if release else config.local_packages_path)

    tmpdir = mkdtemp(suffix="-rez", prefix="pip-")
    stagingdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez_staging")
    stagingsep = "".join([os.path.sep, "rez_staging", os.path.sep])

    destpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "python")
    # TODO use binpath once https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3934 is approved
    binpath = os.path.join(stagingdir, "bin")

    if context and config.debug("package_release"):
        buf = StringIO()
        print("\n\npackage download environment:", file=buf)

    # Build pip commandline
    cmd = [
        py_exe, "-m", "pip", "install", "--use-pep517",
        "--target=%s" % destpath

    if mode == InstallMode.no_deps:

    _cmd(context=context, command=cmd)
    _system = System()

    # determine version of python in use
    if context is None:
        # since we had to use system pip, we have to assume system python version
        py_ver_str = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info))
        py_ver = Version(py_ver_str)
        python_variant = context.get_resolved_package("python")
        py_ver = python_variant.version

    # moving bin folder to expected relative location as per wheel RECORD files
    staged_binpath = os.path.join(destpath, "bin")
    if os.path.isdir(staged_binpath):
        shutil.move(os.path.join(destpath, "bin"), binpath)

    # Collect resulting python packages using distlib
    distribution_path = DistributionPath([destpath])
    distributions = list(distribution_path.get_distributions())
    dist_names = [x.name for x in distributions]

    # get list of package and dependencies
    for distribution in distributions:
        # convert pip requirements into rez requirements
        rez_requires = get_rez_requirements(installed_dist=distribution,

        # log the pip -> rez translation, for debugging
        _log("Pip to rez translation information for " +
             distribution.name_and_version + ":\n" +
                 "pip": {
                     "run_requires": map(str, distribution.run_requires)
                 "rez": rez_requires

        # iterate over installed files and determine dest filepaths
        tools = []
        src_dst_lut = {}

        for installed_file in distribution.list_installed_files():
            # distlib expects the script files to be located in ../../bin/
            # when in fact ../bin seems to be the resulting path after the
            # installation as such we need to point the bin files to the
            # expected location to match wheel RECORD files
            installed_filepath = os.path.normpath(installed_file[0])
            bin_prefix = os.path.join('..', '..', 'bin') + os.sep

            if installed_filepath.startswith(bin_prefix):
                # account for extra parentdir as explained above
                installed = os.path.join(destpath, '_', installed_filepath)
                installed = os.path.join(destpath, installed_filepath)

            source_file = os.path.normpath(installed)

            if os.path.exists(source_file):
                destination_file = os.path.relpath(source_file, stagingdir)
                exe = False

                if is_exe(source_file) and destination_file.startswith("bin" +
                    _file = os.path.basename(destination_file)
                    exe = True

                src_dst_lut[source_file] = [destination_file, exe]
                _log("Source file does not exist: " + source_file + "!")

        def make_root(variant, path):
            """Using distlib to iterate over all installed files of the current
            distribution to copy files to the target directory of the rez package
            for source_file, data in src_dst_lut.items():
                destination_file, exe = data
                destination_file = os.path.normpath(
                    os.path.join(path, destination_file))

                if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destination_file)):

                shutil.copyfile(source_file, destination_file)
                if exe:
                    shutil.copystat(source_file, destination_file)

        # create the rez package
        name = pip_to_rez_package_name(distribution.name)
        version = pip_to_rez_version(distribution.version)
        requires = rez_requires["requires"]
        variant_requires = rez_requires["variant_requires"]
        metadata = rez_requires["metadata"]

        with make_package(name, packages_path, make_root=make_root) as pkg:
            # basics (version etc)
            pkg.version = version

            if distribution.metadata.summary:
                pkg.description = distribution.metadata.summary

            # requirements and variants
            if requires:
                pkg.requires = requires

            if variant_requires:
                pkg.variants = [variant_requires]

            # commands
            commands = []

            if tools:
                pkg.tools = tools

            pkg.commands = '\n'.join(commands)

            # Make the package use hashed variants. This is required because we
            # can't control what ends up in its variants, and that can easily
            # include problematic chars (>, +, ! etc).
            # TODO: https://github.com/nerdvegas/rez/issues/672
            pkg.hashed_variants = True

            # add some custom attributes to retain pip-related info
            pkg.pip_name = distribution.name_and_version
            pkg.from_pip = True
            pkg.is_pure_python = metadata["is_pure_python"]

        installed_variants.extend(pkg.installed_variants or [])
        skipped_variants.extend(pkg.skipped_variants or [])

    # cleanup

    return installed_variants, skipped_variants