def test_one_cycle_down(self): class_count = 4 x = np.array([4, 2, 3, 1]) x_max = 4 x_min = 1 class_width, \ class_offset = self.class_param(x, class_count) hysteresis = class_width * 0.99 enforce_margin = 0 # First and last data point may be excluded in tp use_HCM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not HCM use_ASTM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not ASTM residual_method = 0 # No processing on residue spread_damage = 0 # No damage spreading res = rfcnt.rfc(x, class_count=class_count, class_width=class_width, class_offset=class_offset, hysteresis=hysteresis, residual_method=residual_method, enforce_margin=enforce_margin, use_HCM=use_HCM, use_ASTM=use_ASTM, spread_damage=spread_damage) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"].sum(), 1) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][2 - 1, 3 - 1], 1) self.assertTrue((res["res"].flatten() == [4, 1]).all())
def test_empty_series(self): class_count = 100 x = np.array([]) x_max = 1 x_min = -1 class_width, \ class_offset = self.class_param(x, class_count) hysteresis = class_width enforce_margin = 0 # First and last data point may be excluded in tp use_HCM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not HCM use_ASTM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not ASTM residual_method = 0 # No processing on residue spread_damage = 0 # No damage spreading res = rfcnt.rfc(x, class_count=class_count, class_width=class_width, class_offset=class_offset, hysteresis=hysteresis, residual_method=residual_method, enforce_margin=enforce_margin, use_HCM=use_HCM, use_ASTM=use_ASTM, spread_damage=spread_damage) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"].sum(), 0) self.assertEqual(len(res["res"]), 0)
def test_small_sample(self): class_count = 6 x = np.array([2, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]) x_max = x.max() x_min = x.min() class_width, \ class_offset = self.class_param(x, class_count) hysteresis = class_width enforce_margin = 0 # First and last data point may be excluded in tp use_HCM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not HCM use_ASTM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not ASTM residual_method = 0 # No processing on residue spread_damage = 0 # No damage spreading res = rfcnt.rfc(x, class_count=class_count, class_width=class_width, class_offset=class_offset, hysteresis=hysteresis, residual_method=residual_method, enforce_margin=enforce_margin, use_HCM=use_HCM, use_ASTM=use_ASTM, spread_damage=spread_damage) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"].sum(), 7) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][5 - 1, 3 - 1], 2) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][6 - 1, 3 - 1], 1) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][1 - 1, 4 - 1], 1) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][2 - 1, 4 - 1], 1) self.assertEqual(res["rfm"][1 - 1, 6 - 1], 2) self.assertTrue((res["res"].flatten() == [2, 6, 1, 5, 2]).all())
def test_long_series(self): try: import pandas as pd except ImportError as err: print("This test requires module 'pandas'!") raise err class_count = 100 class_offset = -2025 class_width = 50 x = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.get_script_path(), "long_series.csv"), header=None) x = x.to_numpy().squeeze() hysteresis = class_width use_HCM = 0 enforce_margin = 1 # Enforce first and last data point included in tp use_HCM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not HCM use_ASTM = 0 # Use 4 point method, not ASTM residual_method = 0 # 0=RFC_RES_NONE, 7=RFC_RES_REPEATED spread_damage = 1 # 0=RFC_SD_HALF_23, 1=RFC_SD_RAMP_AMPLITUDE_23 res = rfcnt.rfc(x, class_count=class_count, class_width=class_width, class_offset=class_offset, hysteresis=hysteresis, residual_method=residual_method, enforce_margin=enforce_margin, use_HCM=use_HCM, use_ASTM=use_ASTM, spread_damage=spread_damage) # With residuum: pd == 9.8934e-06 (repeated) # Without residuum: pd == 1.1486e-07 self.assertTrue( np.absolute(res["tp"][:, 2].sum() / res["damage"] - 1) < 1e-10) spread_damage = 8 # 7=RFC_SD_TRANSIENT_23, 8=RFC_SD_TRANSIENT_23c res = rfcnt.rfc(x, class_count=class_count, class_width=class_width, class_offset=class_offset, hysteresis=hysteresis, residual_method=residual_method, enforce_margin=enforce_margin, use_HCM=use_HCM, use_ASTM=use_ASTM, spread_damage=spread_damage) #assert(abs(sum(dh) / pd - 1) < 1e-10) self.assertEqual("%.4e" % res["damage"], "1.1486e-07") self.assertEqual(res["rfm"].sum(), 640) self.assertEqual(len(res["res"]), 10) test = np.absolute( res["res"].flatten() - [0, 142, -609, 2950, -2000, 2159, 1894, 2101, 1991, 2061]) self.assertTrue(test.sum() < 1e-3)
def example_1(): try: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec import seaborn as sns except ImportError as err: print( "This example requires modules 'pandas', 'matplotlib' and 'seaborn!'" ) raise err data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(__get_script_path(), "long_series.csv"), header=None) data = data.to_numpy().squeeze() class_count = 50 class_range = data.max() - data.min() class_width = class_range / (class_count - 1) class_offset = data.min() - class_width / 2 res = rfcnt.rfc( data, class_count=class_count, class_offset=class_offset, class_width=class_width, hysteresis=class_width, use_HCM=0, use_ASTM=0, #spread_damage=0, # RFC_SD_HALF_23 spread_damage=8, # RFC_SD_TRANSIENT_23c #residual_method=0, # RFC_RES_NONE residual_method=7, # RFC_RES_REPEATED wl={ "sd": 1e3, "nd": 1e7, "k": 5 }) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) gs = GridSpec(nrows=3, ncols=2, width_ratios=[1, 2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) sns.heatmap(res["rfm"], cmap="YlOrRd", ax=ax1) ax1.invert_yaxis() plt.grid(which="both") plt.xlabel("Class # (to)") plt.ylabel("Class # (from)") r = utils.rpplot_prepare(sa=res["rp"][:, 0] / 2, counts=res["rp"][:, 1]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) sns.lineplot(x=r["counts"].cumsum(), y=r["sa"], drawstyle='steps-pre', ci=None, ax=ax2) plt.xscale("log") plt.ylim(bottom=0, top=2000) plt.xlim(left=0.9) plt.grid(which="both") plt.xlabel("N (log) [1]") plt.ylabel("$S_a$") ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :]) sns.lineplot(x=np.arange(len(res["dh"])), y=res["dh"].cumsum(), ax=ax3) plt.grid(which="both") plt.xlabel("Sample #") plt.ylabel("Damage (cumulative)") ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :]) sns.lineplot(x=np.arange(len(data)), y=data, ax=ax4) plt.grid(which="both") plt.xlabel("Sample #") plt.ylabel("Value") fig.tight_layout()