Ejemplo n.º 1
 def displayPolyline(poly):
     # 根据对象实例, 在gh中绘制polyline, rectangle继承polyline
     if not isinstance(poly, Polyline): return
     start_pt_x, start_pt_y = poly.start_pt.x, poly.start_pt.y
     vec_lst = poly.vec_lst[:]
     pt = rs.CreatePoint(start_pt_x, start_pt_y)
     pt_lst = [pt]
     for vec in vec_lst:
         start_pt_x += vec.x; start_pt_y += vec.y
         pt = rs.CreatePoint(start_pt_x, start_pt_y)
     poly = rs.AddPolyline(pt_lst)
     return poly
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def displaypolyveclength(polyline):
     corner_list = [] #角点列表
     vector_list = [] #向量列表 
     txt_length = [] #长度txt列表
     median_point = [] #文字标记点得列表
     for i in range(0,len(polyline.vec_lst)):
         temp_point = polyline.pt_lst[i]
         temp_vec = polyline.vec_lst[i]
     return corner_list,vector_list,txt_length,median_point
def GeneratePoints(mesh_faces, random_coordinates):
    #create a list to hold the points generated
    pointcloud = []
    #extract the value of each vertexs coordinate
    for mesh_face in mesh_faces:
        #get the vertices of the triangular face
        vertex_a = mesh_face[0]
        vertex_b = mesh_face[1]
        vertex_c = mesh_face[2]
        #for each random coordinate in the list of random coordinates
        for random_coordinate in random_coordinates:
            #calculate the 3d point equivalent to the random normalized coordinate
            #determine the r1 and r2 values (should be equal to 2 of (s,r,t))
            r1 = random_coordinate.Y
            r2 = random_coordinate.Z
            #calculate the 3d cartesian equivalent
            point_x = (1 - math.sqrt(r1)) * vertex_a.X + math.sqrt(r1) * (
                1 - r2) * vertex_b.X + math.sqrt(r1) * r2 * vertex_c.X
            point_y = (1 - math.sqrt(r1)) * vertex_a.Y + math.sqrt(r1) * (
                1 - r2) * vertex_b.Y + math.sqrt(r1) * r2 * vertex_c.Y
            point_z = (1 - math.sqrt(r1)) * vertex_a.Z + math.sqrt(r1) * (
                1 - r2) * vertex_b.Z + math.sqrt(r1) * r2 * vertex_c.Z
            #create a new point to hold the 3d point equivalent
            point = rs.CreatePoint(point_x, point_y, point_z)
            #add that point to the point cloud (CHECK IF THE POINT EXISTS ON THE SURFACE OF THE MESHFACE)
            #return the pointcloud as a list of pointcloud lists
    if (len(pointcloud) == len(mesh_faces) * len(random_coordinates)):
        #return the pointcloud (list of points)
        return pointcloud
        #return false to indicate an error
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setObjZPair(obj):

    if rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
        # pt = rs.CreatePoint(obj)
        return [obj, round(objBBPts(obj)[0].Z, 3)]

    elif rs.IsCurve(obj):
        return crvPtZpair(obj)

    elif rs.IsPolysurfaceClosed(obj):
        return brepPtZPair(obj)

    elif rs.IsSurface(obj):
        return srfPtZPair(obj)

    elif rs.IsPoint(obj):
        pt = rs.CreatePoint(obj)
        return [obj, round(pt.Z, 3)]

    # elif rs.IsBlockInstance(obj):
    #     # pt = rs.CreatePoint(obj)
    #     return [obj, round(objBBPts(obj)[0].Z, 3)]

Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_distance(self,x,y,z):
     p = rs.CreatePoint(x,y,z)
     param=rs.CurveClosestPoint(self.c, p)
     dv = map_values(param,self.c.Domain[0],self.c.Domain[1],0,1)
     r = (1-dv)*self.r1 + dv*self.r2
     d = rs.Distance(p,cp) - r
     return d
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeFirstLevel(_num):
    for x in range(_num):
        for y in range(_num):
            if random.random() > 0.1:
                newPt = rs.CreatePoint((x, y, 0))
                rs.AddSphere(newPt, 1.0)
    return pts
Ejemplo n.º 7
def firstLine(quantity):
    myPoints = []

    for x in range(quantity):
        myTempPoint = rs.CreatePoint(
            (x * quantity, 0, quantity * random.random()))
    return myPoints
Ejemplo n.º 8
def makeLevels(_points, _z, _num, _probability):
    levels = _z
    for point in _points:
        for x in range(_num):
            for y in range(_num):
                currentPt = rs.CreatePoint((x, y, 0))
                if point == currentPt:
                    if random.random() > _probability:
                        newPt = rs.CreatePoint((x, y, _z))
                        rs.AddSphere(newPt, 1.0)
    levels = levels + 1
    _probability = _probability + 0.2
    if levels < 5:
        makeLevels(lv1, levels, 10, _probability)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def setObjZPair(obj):
    if rs.IsCurve(obj):
        return crvPtZpair(obj)
    elif rs.IsSurface(obj):
        return srfPtZPair(obj)
    elif rs.IsPoint(obj):
        pt = rs.CreatePoint(obj)
        return [obj, round(pt.Z, 3)]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, PQ, user):
     self.id = 'P{0:05}'.format(PQ)
     self.activity = user.nextactivity
     self.color = ACTIVITIES_COLORS[self.activity]
     self.user = user.nr
     self.nextlocation = user.nextlocation
     self.departed = False
     self.todiscard = False
     x = random.randint(0, boxSIZE)
     y = random.randint(0, boxSIZE)
     height = boxSIZE * 2
     self.coordinates = rs.CreatePoint(x, y, height)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def followingLines(currentLine, quantity, y, count):
    myPoints = []
    for point in currentLine:
        print point.X
        myTempPoint = rs.CreatePoint(
            (point.X, count * quantity, point.Z + random.random() * 2))

    for point in myPoints:
        rs.AddSphere(point, quantity)
    count = count + 1
    if (count < target):
        followingLines(myPoints, quantity, count, count)
def moveToOrigin(input):
    x = []
    y = []
    z = []

    for i in input:

    output = []
    for i in input:
        output.append(rs.CreatePoint(i.X - min(x), i.Y - min(y), i.Z - min(z)))
    return (output)
def FindCentroidOfPoints(ids):

    if not ids: return

    # first point
    pt_sum = rs.PointCoordinates(rs.CreatePoint(ids[0]))

    # sum rest of points
    for i in xrange(1, len(ids)):
        pt_sum += rs.PointCoordinates(ids[i])

    # divide with amount of points to get average
    pt_sum = pt_sum / len(ids)

    return pt_sum
Ejemplo n.º 14
def add_attr_bld():
    # set current working dir

    # Add attributes to plots
    with open(proc_attributes_path, "r") as input_handle:
        rdr = csv.reader(input_handle)

        # read attribure labels (first row)
        attribute_labels_list = next(rdr)

        # get x, y, z attributes indices
        x_idx, y_idx, z_idx = attribute_labels_list.index(
            "Position X"), attribute_labels_list.index(
                "Position Y"), attribute_labels_list.index("Position Z")

        # get all objects in plots layer
        building_objs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(relevant_layers_dict["buildings"])

        for attributes_row in rdr:
            x_val, y_val, z_val = float(attributes_row[x_idx]), float(
                attributes_row[y_idx]), float(attributes_row[z_idx])

            related_building_pnt = rs.CreatePoint(x_val, y_val, z_val)

            for building_obj in building_objs:
                if rs.IsCurve(building_obj) and rs.IsCurveClosed(building_obj):
                    crv = rs.coercecurve(building_obj)
                    if rs.PointInPlanarClosedCurve(related_building_pnt, crv):
                        for attr_label, attr_val in zip(
                                attribute_labels_list, attributes_row):

                            # if NUM_APTS_C already set, add to it
                            num_of_apts_label = "NUM_APTS_C"
                            if attr_label == num_of_apts_label:
                                num_of_apts_val = rs.GetUserText(
                                    building_obj, num_of_apts_label)
                                if num_of_apts_val != None:
                                    attr_val = int(attr_val)
                                    attr_val += int(num_of_apts_val)

                            rs.SetUserText(building_obj, attr_label, attr_val)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def process(objs, grade, func):

    isUG = trp.boolToggle(grade)
    groups = trp.groupByElevation(objs, isUG)

    trp.setLevel(groups, isUG, func)
    """setting lvldbdict as ordered for some reason
    levels = [trp.createObjDict(x[0][0]) for x in groups]

    lvlk = [x['level'] for x in levels]
    lvldict = dict(zip(lvlk, levels))
    lvlpt = [rs.CreatePoint((0, 0, float(x['elevation']))) for x in levels]
    lvlptdict = dict(zip(lvlk, lvlpt))
    # pts = [" ".join(map(str,[0,0,float(x['elevation'])]))]
    # lvlptdict
    sc.sticky['lvlptdict'] = lvlptdict
    sc.sticky["lvldict"] = lvldict
    sc.sticky["levels"] = json.dumps(levels)
    rs.SetDocumentUserText("lvldict", json.dumps(lvldict))
    rs.SetDocumentUserText("levels", json.dumps(levels))
Ejemplo n.º 16
        def DomeAxisOrigo(treeIn, treeOut, axisIn, origoIn):
            for i in range(treeIn.BranchCount):
                treeBranch = treeIn.Branch(i)
                treePath = treeIn.Path(i)

                for j in range(treeBranch.Count):
                    elem = treeBranch[j]
                    x = elem.X
                    y = elem.Y
                    z = elem.Z
                    if axisIn == 0:
                        x2 = z
                        y2 = x
                        z2 = y

                    elif axisIn == 1:
                        x2 = y
                        y2 = z
                        z2 = x

                        x2 = x
                        y2 = y
                        z2 = z

                    origoIn = rs.coerce3dpoint(origoIn)
                    Ox = origoIn.X
                    Oy = origoIn.Y
                    Oz = origoIn.Z

                    x3 = x2 + Ox
                    y3 = y2 + Oy
                    z3 = z2 + Oz

                    ujelem = rs.CreatePoint(x3, y3, z3)
                    treeOut.Add(ujelem, treePath)
def GenerateCoordinate(coordinate_count):
    #list to hold the random points generated
    random_coordinates = []
    random_coordinate = []
    random_normal_coordinate = []
    #generate 3 random values from 0 - 1
    for i in range(coordinate_count):
        r = random.uniform(0, 1)
    #if the correct amount of ordinates have been generated
    if (len(random_coordinate) == coordinate_count):
        #calculate the sum of the random_coordinate
        s = sum(random_coordinate)
        for coordinate in random_coordinate:
            #normalize the coordinate value by dividing by the sum
            normalized = coordinate / s
        #if the length of the normal coordinate list is full
        if (len(random_normal_coordinate) == coordinate_count):
            #create a point object from the normalized random coordinate
            normal_point = rs.CreatePoint(random_normal_coordinate[0],
    return normal_point
Ejemplo n.º 18
    return int(100 * (i.X**2 + i.Y**2 + i.Z**2)**0.5)

def sortPoints(listInput):
    listOutput = []
    for input in listInput:
        dist = []
        listOutput.append(sorted(input, key=dist_from_origin))
    return listOutput

def comparePoints(input1, input2):
    similar = True

zeroPoint = rs.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0)
rotationAxis = rs.CreateVector(0, 0, 1)

import math

def rotate(input):
    result = []
    for ii in [0, 90, 180, 270]:
        list = []
        for i in input:
            v = rs.CreateVector(i)
            v.Rotate(math.radians(int(ii)), rotationAxis)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 19
#some vector math stuff with user prompts
#vector add + sub + dot + cross
#command line prompts, message box, listbox

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

#create and origin point, the default is 0, 0, 0
origin = rs.GetPoint("Select Origin", (0, 0, 0))
#if we don't get an origin for some reason, make it 0, 0, 0
if origin == None:
    origin = rs.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0)
originPt = rs.AddPoint(origin)

#prompt user for a first point
pt1 = rs.GetPoint("Pick First Point", origin)

#create a vector between the origin and the point, represent this with a colored line
vector1 = rs.VectorCreate(pt1, origin)
rs.ObjectColor(rs.AddLine(origin, pt1), (255, 0, 0))

#prompt the user for a second point
pt2 = rs.GetPoint("Pick a second point", origin)

#create a vector between the origin and the point, represent this with another colorerd line
vector2 = rs.VectorCreate(pt2, origin)
rs.ObjectColor(rs.AddLine(origin, pt2), (0, 0, 255))

#create some options for Vector operations and prompt user for input with List of options
options = ("Vector Addition", "Vector Subtraction", "Vector Dot Product", "Vector Cross Product")
Ejemplo n.º 20
PODS_Occupancy_inTIME = []

avrageCOMMUTEdistance_inTIME = []
avrageCOMMUTEtime_inTIME = []

users_ACTIVITIES_inTIME = []
TEXT_coordinate_inTIME = []
TEXT_inTIME = []  # to delete!
PRINT_LOG = [str(), str(), str(), str(), str()]
TIME = []

iNR = 0
Vzero = rs.CreateVector(0, 0, 0)
Pzero = rs.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0)
hbS = boxSIZE / 2  # half of box size
pheryphery_border1 = squeezing_area * hbS
pheryphery_border2 = boxSIZE - pheryphery_border1
squeezing_multiplier = squeezingPOWER / (pheryphery_border1)**2
maxHALOsize = BUILDINGS_Halo
maxflow = 0

def IDcomponent(cooridante):
    id_component, distance = divmod(cooridante, module)
    id_component = int(id_component)
    id_component = min(id_component, partitions - 1)
    id_component = max(id_component, 0)
    return id_component
Ejemplo n.º 21
__author__ = "tanya"
__version__ = "2021.03.17"

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino as rh
import scriptcontext as sc

sc.doc = rh.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc

all_objs = rs.AllObjects()

#obj_crv = rs.coercecurve(all_objs[0])

#pnt = rs.CreatePoint(float(-22), float(-1), float(0))
pnt = rs.CreatePoint(float(42), float(-3), float(0))

counter = 0
for obj in all_objs:
    crv = rs.coercecurve(obj)
    in_curve = rs.PointInPlanarClosedCurve(pnt, crv)

    counter += 1

    if (in_curve):
        print(counter, "Tada")

    points = rs.PolylineVertices(curve)
    pnt = rs.CreatePoint(float(235), float(240), float(0))
    rs.SetUserText(curve, "PartNo", "KM40-4960")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    op = lambda x, y: x * y + y + 1
''' Center of form '''
pcenter = .5 * p1 + .5 * p2
''' Square of radius '''
rad2 = rad * rad
''' create list of points '''
pt = []
dx = (p2.X - p1.X) / (rx - 1)
ry = int(0.5 + (p2.Y - p1.Y) / dx)
for i in range(0, ry + 1):
    for j in range(0, rx):
        x = p1.X + j * dx
        y = p1.Y + i * dx

        if op(i, j) % mod == 0:
            p = rs.CreatePoint(x, y, 0.0)
            d = dist2(p, pcenter)
            if d < rad2:
                z = 0.02 * d
                pt.append(rs.CreatePoint(x, y, z))

a = pt
''' create list of lines '''
ln = []
d2 = dist * dist
for j in range(0, len(pt)):
    for i in range(0, len(pt)):
        if i != j and dist2(pt[i], pt[j]) < d2:
            ln.append(rs.AddLine(pt[i], pt[j]))

b = ln
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def get_distance(self, x, y, z):
     p = rs.CreatePoint(x, y, z)
     param = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(self.s, p)
     cp = rs.EvaluateSurface(self.s, param[0], param[1])
     d = rs.Distance(p, cp) - self.t / 2.0
     return d
Ejemplo n.º 24
relevant_layers_dict = {"buildings": "2200", "plots": "chelkot lines"}

# remove all redundant layers
for layer_name in rs.LayerNames():
    if layer_name not in relevant_layers_dict.values:

# get all objects in building layer
building_objs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(relevant_layers_dict["buildings"])

#obj_crv = rs.coercecurve(all_objs[0])

#pnt = rs.CreatePoint(float(-22), float(-1), float(0))
pnt = rs.CreatePoint(float(0), float(0), float(0))

counter = 0
for obj in building_objs:
    crv = rs.coercecurve(obj)
    in_curve = rs.PointInPlanarClosedCurve(pnt, crv)

    counter += 1

    if (in_curve):
        print(counter, "Tada")

    rs.SetUserText(obj, "PartNo12", "3")

    print(rs.GetUserText(obj, "PartNo14"))
    print(counter, crv)
Ejemplo n.º 25
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

from compas_vol.primitives import VolSphere, VolBox
from compas_vol.combinations import Union,Subtraction
from compas.geometry import Sphere, Box, Frame
from compas.rpc import Proxy

s = VolSphere(Sphere((0, 0, 0), 6))
b = VolBox(Box(Frame.worldXY(), 10, 10, 10), 1.5)
u = Union(s, b)
t = Subtraction(b, s)

p = Proxy('compas_vol.utilities')
#p = Proxy('compas_vol.utilities')

bounds = ((-25,25,100), (-25,25,100), (-25,25,100))
vs,fs = p.get_vfs_from_tree(str(t), bounds, 1.0)

mesh = rg.Mesh()
for v1, v2, v3 in vs:
    mesh.Vertices.Add(v1, v2, v3)
for f in fs:
    if len(set(f))>2:
        mesh.Faces.AddFace(f[0], f[1], f[2])

a = mesh
b = [rs.CreatePoint(v1,v2,v3) for v1, v2, v3 in vs]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def objPtPair(obj):
    return obj, rs.CreatePoint(obj)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    x_idx, y_idx, z_idx = attribute_labels_list.index(
        "Position X"), attribute_labels_list.index(
            "Position Y"), attribute_labels_list.index("Position Z")

    # get all objects in building layer
    building_objs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(relevant_layers_dict["buildings"])

    out_loop_counter = 0
    xy_found = 0

    for attributes_row in rdr:
        out_loop_counter += 1
        x_val, y_val, z_val = float(attributes_row[x_idx]), float(
            attributes_row[y_idx]), float(attributes_row[z_idx])

        related_building_pnt = rs.CreatePoint(x_val, y_val, z_val)

        xy_found = False
        in_loop_counter = 0
        for building_obj in building_objs:
            in_loop_counter += 1
            if rs.IsCurve(building_obj) and rs.IsCurveClosed(
                    building_obj) and (rs.CurveArea(building_obj)[0] >
                crv = rs.coercecurve(building_obj)
                if rs.PointInPlanarClosedCurve(related_building_pnt, crv):
                    xy_found = True
                    for attr_label, attr_val in zip(attribute_labels_list,
                        rs.SetUserText(building_obj, attr_label, attr_val)
        if not xy_found:
Ejemplo n.º 28
            centroid.Y = Y_mean

        print('Iteration {}'.format(iteration + 1))

    Centroid_X_values = []
    Centroid_Y_values = []

    for centroidPoint in centroidPoints:

    return (Centroid_X_values, Centroid_Y_values)

# Final loop
pointXs = []
pointYs = []
outputPoints = []
for point in PointsRaw:
    px, py = DeconstructPoint(point)

CXs, CYs = K_means(NumberOfsubdivisionClasses, pointXs, pointYs,

for i in range(len(CXs)):
    point = rs.CreatePoint(CXs[i], CYs[i], 0)
a = outputPoints
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def center_point(self):
     cps = [ ghc.Area(tfa_srfc).centroid for tfa_srfc in self.space_tfa_surfaces ]
     cp = ghc.Average(cps)
     return rs.CreatePoint(*cp)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    for jj in range(3):
        while counter2[ii][jj] < len(AllIntCoord[ii][jj]) - 1:
            if AllIntCoord[ii][jj][counter2[ii][jj]] == AllIntCoord[ii][jj][
                    counter2[ii][jj] + 1]:
                del AllIntCoord[ii][jj][counter2[ii][jj]]
                counter2[ii][jj] = counter2[ii][jj] + 1

# Create the matrix with all the points
for ii in range(N_blocks):
    for zz in range(len(AllIntCoord[ii][2])):
        for yy in range(len(AllIntCoord[ii][1])):
            for xx in range(len(AllIntCoord[ii][0])):
    AllIntPts[ii] = rs.SortPoints(AllIntPts[ii], order=5)  # respectively z,y,x

# Sort all IntPoints indexes
for ii in range(N_blocks):
    N_subBlock[ii] = (len(AllIntCoord[ii][0]) - 1) * (
        len(AllIntCoord[ii][1]) - 1) * (len(AllIntCoord[ii][2]) - 1)
    for jj in range(N_subBlock[ii]):
        if jj == 0:
            IndOpenSees[ii][0][jj] = [
                len(AllIntCoord[ii][0]), 0, 1,
                len(AllIntCoord[ii][0]) + 1
            IndOpenSees[ii][1][jj] = [
                len(AllIntCoord[ii][0]) * len(AllIntCoord[ii][1]) +