Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _fileFeatures(filePath):
        """ From a filepath, construct a dictionary of file features. """
        # pylint: disable=W0702
        log_debug(3, filePath)
        if not filePath:
            raise rhnFault(17, "While looking for file: `%s'"
                               % os.path.basename(filePath))
            s = os.stat(filePath)
            s = None
        if not s:
            l = 0
            lastModified = 0
            l = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
            lastModified = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
        del s

        # Build the result hash
        result = {}
        result['name'] = os.path.basename(filePath)
        result['length'] = l
        result['path'] = filePath
        if lastModified:
            result['lastModified'] = rfc822time(lastModified)
            result['lastModified'] = None
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getPackage(self, pkgFilename, *args):
        """ Get rpm package. """
        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        if args:
            pkg_spec = [pkgFilename] + list(args)
            pkg_spec = pkgFilename

        redirectsSupported = 0

        # If we are talking to a proxy, determine whether it's a version that
        # supports redirects.
        proxyVersionString = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-proxy-version')
        if proxyVersionString:
            redirectsSupported = 1
            # Must be a client.  We'll determine the redirect capability via
            # the x-rhn-transport-capability header instead.
            transport_cap = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-transport-capability')
            if transport_cap:
                transport_cap_list = transport_cap.split('=')
                redirectsSupported = transport_cap_list[
                    0] == 'follow-redirects' and transport_cap_list[1] >= 2

        if redirectsSupported:
            log_debug(3, "Client supports redirects.")
            filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec, 1)
            #older clients just return the hosted url and download the package
            filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec)

        return self._getFile(filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getPackage(self, pkgFilename, *args):
        """ Get rpm package. """
        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        if args:
            pkg_spec = [pkgFilename] + list(args)
            pkg_spec = pkgFilename

        redirectsSupported = 0

        # If we are talking to a proxy, determine whether it's a version that
        # supports redirects.
        proxyVersionString = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-proxy-version')
        if proxyVersionString:
            redirectsSupported = 1
            # Must be a client.  We'll determine the redirect capability via
            # the x-rhn-transport-capability header instead.
            transport_cap = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-transport-capability')
            if transport_cap :
                transport_cap_list = transport_cap.split('=')
                redirectsSupported = transport_cap_list[0] == 'follow-redirects' and transport_cap_list[1] >= 2

        if redirectsSupported:
            log_debug(3, "Client supports redirects.")
            filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec, 1)
            #older clients just return the hosted url and download the package
            filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec)

        return self._getFile(filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _fileFeatures(filePath):
        """ From a filepath, construct a dictionary of file features. """
        # pylint: disable=W0702
        log_debug(3, filePath)
        if not filePath:
            raise rhnFault(
                "While looking for file: `%s'" % os.path.basename(filePath))
            s = os.stat(filePath)
            s = None
        if not s:
            l = 0
            lastModified = 0
            l = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
            lastModified = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
        del s

        # Build the result hash
        result = {}
        result['name'] = os.path.basename(filePath)
        result['length'] = l
        result['path'] = filePath
        if lastModified:
            result['lastModified'] = rfc822time(lastModified)
            result['lastModified'] = None
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def timer(last):
    a lame timer function for pretty logs
    if not last:
        return 0
    log_debug(2, "Request served in %.2f sec" % (time.time() - last, ))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def timer(last):
    a lame timer function for pretty logs
    if not last:
        return 0
    log_debug(2, "Request served in %.2f sec" % (time.time() - last, ))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def cleanupHandler(self, req):
     clean up this session
     self.lang = "C"
     self.clientVersion = self.proxyVersion = 0
     # clear the global flags
     return self._cleanup_request_processor()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def getPackageSource(self, pkgFilename):
     """ Get srpm packrge. """
     log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
     # Sanity check:
     l = pkgFilename.split('.')
     #6/23/05 wregglej 154248, Don't mangle the filename if it's a nosrc package.
     if l[-2] != "nosrc":
         l[-2] = 'src'
     pkgFilename = '.'.join(l)
     filePath = self.getSourcePackagePath(pkgFilename)
     return self._getFile(filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def getPackageSource(self, pkgFilename):
     """ Get srpm packrge. """
     log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
     # Sanity check:
     l = pkgFilename.split('.')
     #6/23/05 wregglej 154248, Don't mangle the filename if it's a nosrc package.
     if l[-2] != "nosrc":
         l[-2] = 'src'
     pkgFilename = '.'.join(l)
     filePath = self.getSourcePackagePath(pkgFilename)
     return self._getFile(filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, channelName = None):
     log_debug(2, channelName)
     self.channelName = channelName
     # Default visible functions.
     self.compress_headers = 1
     self.functions = [
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def cleanupHandler(self, _req):
     clean up this session
     self.lang = "C"
     self.clientVersion = self.proxyVersion = 0
     # clear the global flags
     return self._cleanup_request_processor()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, channelName=None):
     log_debug(2, channelName)
     self.channelName = channelName
     # Default visible functions.
     self.compress_headers = 1
     self.functions = [
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _getFile(self, filePath):
     """ Returns xmlrpclib file object to any file given a path to it.
         IN:  filePath: path to any file.
         OUT: XMLed rpm or source rpm, or an xmlrpc file object.
     log_debug(3, filePath)
     features = self._fileFeatures(filePath)
     filePath = features['path']
     length = features['length']
     lastModified = features['lastModified']
     return rpclib.transports.File(open(filePath, "rb"), length, name=filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setlang(self, lang, domain):
     An entry point for setting the language for the current sesstion
     self.lang = lang
     self.domain = domain
     # If the language presented by the client does not exist, the
     # translation object falls back to printing the original string, which
     # is pretty much the same as translating to en
     log_debug(3, self.lang, self.domain)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def setlang(self, lang, domain):
     An entry point for setting the language for the current sesstion
     self.lang = lang
     self.domain = domain
     # If the language presented by the client does not exist, the
     # translation object falls back to printing the original string, which
     # is pretty much the same as translating to en
     log_debug(3, self.lang, self.domain)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _set_last_modified(self, last_modified, extra_headers={}):
     log_debug(4, last_modified)
     if not last_modified:
         return None
     # Set a field with the name of the header
     transport = rhnFlags.get('outputTransportOptions')
     if last_modified:
         # Put the last-modified info too
         if type(last_modified) in (types.IntType, types.FloatType):
             last_modified = rfc822time(last_modified)
         transport['Last-Modified'] = last_modified
     for k, v in extra_headers.items():
         transport[str(k)] = str(v)
     return transport
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _getFile(self, filePath):
     """ Returns xmlrpclib file object to any file given a path to it.
         IN:  filePath: path to any file.
         OUT: XMLed rpm or source rpm, or an xmlrpc file object.
     log_debug(3, filePath)
     features = self._fileFeatures(filePath)
     filePath = features['path']
     length = features['length']
     lastModified = features['lastModified']
     return rpclib.transports.File(open(filePath, "rb"),
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def headerParserHandler(self, req):
        after a request has been received, first thing we do is to create the
        input object
        # pylint: disable=R0911

        self.start_time = time.time()
        # Decline if this is a subrequest:
        if req.main:
            return apache.DECLINED
        log_debug(4, req.method, req.path_info, req.headers_in)

        # Clear the global flags.
        # Init the transport options.
        rhnFlags.set('outputTransportOptions', UserDictCase())
        # Init the session token dictionary.
        rhnFlags.set("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN", UserDictCase())

        ret = self._init_request_processor(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        ret = self._set_client_info(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        # Check the protocol version
        if req.proto_num < 1001:
            # HTTP protocols prior to 1.1 close the connection
            rhnFlags.get('outputTransportOptions')["Connection"] = "close"

        ret = self._set_proxy_info(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        # Need to run _set_other first, since _set_lang needs RoodDir set
        ret = self._set_other(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        ret = self._set_lang(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        return apache.OK
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def headerParserHandler(self, req):
        after a request has been received, first thing we do is to create the
        input object
        # pylint: disable=R0911

        self.start_time = time.time()
        # Decline if this is a subrequest:
        if req.main:
            return apache.DECLINED
        log_debug(4, req.method, req.path_info, req.headers_in)

        # Clear the global flags.
        # Init the transport options.
        rhnFlags.set('outputTransportOptions', UserDictCase())
        # Init the session token dictionary.
        rhnFlags.set("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN", UserDictCase())

        ret = self._init_request_processor(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        ret = self._set_client_info(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        # Check the protocol version
        if req.proto_num < 1001:
            # HTTP protocols prior to 1.1 close the connection
            rhnFlags.get('outputTransportOptions')["Connection"] = "close"

        ret = self._set_proxy_info(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        # Need to run _set_other first, since _set_lang needs RoodDir set
        ret = self._set_other(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        ret = self._set_lang(req)
        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

        return apache.OK
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _set_last_modified(last_modified, extra_headers=None):
     log_debug(4, last_modified)
     if not last_modified:
         return None
     # Set a field with the name of the header
     transport = rhnFlags.get('outputTransportOptions')
     if last_modified:
         # Put the last-modified info too
         if type(last_modified) in (types.IntType, types.FloatType):
             last_modified = rfc822time(last_modified)
         transport['Last-Modified'] = last_modified
     if extra_headers:
         for k, v in extra_headers.items():
             transport[str(k)] = str(v)
     return transport
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def handler(self, req):
        a handler - not doing much for the common case, but called from
        classes that inherit this one.
        # Set the lang in the output headers
        if self.lang != "C":
            req.headers_out["Content-Language"] = self.getlang()

        log_debug(4, "URI", req.unparsed_uri)
        log_debug(4, "CONFIG", req.get_config())
        log_debug(4, "OPTIONS", req.get_options())
        log_debug(4, "HEADERS", req.headers_in)
        return apache.OK
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def handler(self, req):
        a handler - not doing much for the common case, but called from
        classes that inherit this one.
        # Set the lang in the output headers
        if self.lang != "C":
            req.headers_out["Content-Language"] = self.getlang()

        log_debug(4, "URI", req.unparsed_uri)
        log_debug(4, "CONFIG", req.get_config())
        log_debug(4, "OPTIONS", req.get_options())
        log_debug(4, "HEADERS", req.headers_in)
        return apache.OK
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def getPackageHeader(self, pkgFilename):
        """ Get rpm header.
            XXX: stock 8.0 clients could not compress headers, we need to either
            change the function name, or version the protocol
        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        pkg = pkgFilename.split('.')
        # Basic sanity checks:
        if pkg[-1] not in ["hdr", 'rpm']:
            raise rhnFault(21, "'%s' not a valid RPM header name" % pkgFilename)

        pkgFilename = ".".join(pkg[:-1]) + '.rpm'
        filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkgFilename)
        data = self._getHeaderFromFile(filePath)
        # XXX: Interesting. Found that if returned just data, this
        #      function works fine. Investigate later.
        return rpclib.transports.File(cStringIO.StringIO(data), len(data))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def getPackageHeader(self, pkgFilename):
        """ Get rpm header.
            XXX: stock 8.0 clients could not compress headers, we need to either
            change the function name, or version the protocol
        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        pkg = pkgFilename.split('.')
        # Basic sanity checks:
        if pkg[-1] not in ["hdr", 'rpm']:
            raise rhnFault(21,
                           "'%s' not a valid RPM header name" % pkgFilename)

        pkgFilename = ".".join(pkg[:-1]) + '.rpm'
        filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkgFilename)
        data = self._getHeaderFromFile(filePath)
        # XXX: Interesting. Found that if returned just data, this
        #      function works fine. Investigate later.
        return rpclib.transports.File(cStringIO.StringIO(data), len(data))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _setSessionToken(headers):
        """ Pushes token into rhnFlags. If doesn't exist, returns None.
            Pull session token out of the headers and into rhnFlags.
        token = UserDictCase()
        if headers.has_key('X-RHN-Server-Id'):
            token['X-RHN-Server-Id'] = headers['X-RHN-Server-Id']
            # This has to be here, or else we blow-up.
            return None
        prefix = "x-rhn-auth"
        tokenKeys = [ x for x in headers.keys() if x[:len(prefix)].lower() == prefix]
        for k in tokenKeys:
            token[k] = headers[k]

        rhnFlags.set("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN", token)
        return token
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _setSessionToken(headers):
        """ Pushes token into rhnFlags. If doesn't exist, returns None.
            Pull session token out of the headers and into rhnFlags.
        token = UserDictCase()
        if headers.has_key('X-RHN-Server-Id'):
            token['X-RHN-Server-Id'] = headers['X-RHN-Server-Id']
            # This has to be here, or else we blow-up.
            return None
        prefix = "x-rhn-auth"
        tokenKeys = [x for x in headers.keys() if x[:len(prefix)].lower() == prefix]
        for k in tokenKeys:
            token[k] = headers[k]

        rhnFlags.set("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN", token)
        return token
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def _getHeaderFromFile(self, filePath, stat_info=None):
        """ Utility function to extract a header from an rpm.
            If stat_info was already passed, don't re-stat the file
        log_debug(3, filePath)
        if stat_info:
            s = stat_info
            s = None
                s = os.stat(filePath)
                raise rhnFault(
                    17, "Unable to read package %s" %
                    os.path.basename(filePath)), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        lastModified = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
        del s  # XXX: not neccessary?

        # Get the package header from the file
        # since we stat()ed the file, we know it's there already
        fd = os.open(filePath, os.O_RDONLY)
        h = rhn_rpm.get_package_header(fd=fd)
        if h is None:
            raise rhnFault(17, "Invalid RPM %s" % os.path.basename(filePath))
        stringIO = cStringIO.StringIO()
        # Put the result in stringIO
        del h  # XXX: not neccessary?

        pkgFilename = os.path.basename(filePath)
        pkg = pkgFilename.split('.')
        # Replace .rpm with .hdr
        pkg[-1] = "hdr"
        pkgFilename = ".".join(pkg)
        extra_headers = {
            'X-RHN-Package-Header': pkgFilename,
        self._set_last_modified(lastModified, extra_headers=extra_headers)
        rhnFlags.set("AlreadyEncoded", 1)
        return stringIO.getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _getHeaderFromFile(self, filePath, stat_info=None):
        """ Utility function to extract a header from an rpm.
            If stat_info was already passed, don't re-stat the file
        log_debug(3, filePath)
        if stat_info:
            s = stat_info
            s = None
                s = os.stat(filePath)
                raise rhnFault(17, "Unable to read package %s"
                                   % os.path.basename(filePath)), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        lastModified = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
        del s # XXX: not neccessary?

        # Get the package header from the file
        # since we stat()ed the file, we know it's there already
        fd = os.open(filePath, os.O_RDONLY)
        h = rhn_rpm.get_package_header(fd=fd)
        if h is None:
            raise rhnFault(17, "Invalid RPM %s" % os.path.basename(filePath))
        stringIO = cStringIO.StringIO()
        # Put the result in stringIO
        del h # XXX: not neccessary?

        pkgFilename = os.path.basename(filePath)
        pkg = pkgFilename.split('.')
        # Replace .rpm with .hdr
        pkg[-1] = "hdr"
        pkgFilename = ".".join(pkg)
        extra_headers = {
            'X-RHN-Package-Header' : pkgFilename,
        self._set_last_modified(lastModified, extra_headers=extra_headers)
        rhnFlags.set("AlreadyEncoded", 1)
        return stringIO.getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def getPackage(self, pkgFilename, *args):
        """ Get rpm package. """
        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        if args:
            pkg_spec = [pkgFilename] + list(args)
            pkg_spec = pkgFilename

        redirectsSupported = 0

        # If we are talking to a proxy, determine whether it's a version that
        # supports redirects.
        proxyVersionString = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-proxy-version')
        if proxyVersionString:
            # Convert the version string to a number format that we can compare.
            versionParts = proxyVersionString.split('.')
            proxyVersionStringBaked = \
                "%s.%s" % (versionParts[0], string.join(versionParts[1:], ''))

            # Check the proxy version.  To maintain backward compatibility, we 
            # won't redirect to proxies < v4.1.0.
            log_debug(3, "Detected proxy version " + proxyVersionStringBaked)
            if float(proxyVersionStringBaked) >= 4.1:
                redirectsSupported = 1
            # Must be a client.  We'll determine the redirect capability via
            # the x-rhn-transport-capability header instead.
            transport_cap = rhnFlags.get('x-rhn-transport-capability')
            if transport_cap :
                transport_cap_list = transport_cap.split('=')
                redirectsSupported = transport_cap_list[0] == 'follow-redirects' and transport_cap_list[1] >= 2

        if redirectsSupported:
            log_debug(3, "Client supports redirects.")
	    filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec, 1)	
            #older clients just return the hosted url and download the package
            filePath = self.getPackagePath(pkg_spec)
        return self._getFile(filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def logHandler(self, req):
     A dummy log function
     return apache.OK
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def logHandler(_req):
     A dummy log function
     return apache.OK