Ejemplo n.º 1
class Subject(BaseMixIn, Base):
    """ subjects """

    __tablename__ = 'subjects'

    code = Column(types.String(24), unique=True, nullable=False)
    yearofbirth = Column(types.Float, nullable=False)
    gender = Column(types.String(1), nullable=False)
    notes = deferred( Column(types.Text(), nullable=False, server_default='') )

    ## optional fields, unique personal identity
    name = Column(types.String(48), nullable=False, server_default='')
    birthday = Column(types.Date)
    birthplace = Column(types.String(32), nullable=False, server_default='')
    idnumber = Column(types.String(32), nullable=False, server_default='')

    nationality_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    nationality = EK.proxy('nationality_id', '@REGION')

    ## custom fields

    int1 = Column(types.Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0')        # custom usage
    int2 = Column(types.Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0')        # custom usage
    string1 = Column(types.String(16), nullable=False, server_default='')  # custom usage
    string2 = Column(types.String(16), nullable=False, server_default='')  # custom usage
    flags = Column(types.Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0')

    __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint( 'code', 'gender', 'yearofbirth' ), {} )

    def search( code, gender=None, yearofbirth=None, auto=False, dbsession=None ):
        assert dbsession
        q = Subject.query().filter( and_( Subject.code == code, Subject.gender == gender,
                Subject.yearofbirth == yearofbirth ) )
        r = q.all()
        if len(r) == 0:
            if auto:
                subject = Subject( code = code, gender = gender, yearofbirth = yearofbirth )
                dbsession.add( subject )
                return subject
            return None
        return r[0]

    def autocode():
        return '#%08x' % random.randrange(256**4)

    def update(self, d):

        if type(d) == dict:
            if not self.nationality_id:
                self.nationality = ''
            if d.get('nationality', None) is not None:
                self.nationality = d['nationality']
                cerr('set nationality to %s' % d['nationality'])

            raise NotImplementedError('can only update from dict')
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SubjectStringData(Base):

    __tablename__ = 'subjectstrings'
    id = Column(types.Integer, primary_key=True)
    subject_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('subjects.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    key_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    key = EK.proxy('key_id', '@EXTFIELD')
    value = Column(types.String(64), nullable=False)

    __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('subject_id', 'key_id'), {} )
Ejemplo n.º 3
class PathoSample(get_dbhandler_class().Sample):
    """ PlasmogenSample - Plasmodium Sample

        This class contains information about Plasmodium samples

    passive_case_detection = Column(types.Boolean, nullable=True)

    symptomatic_status = Column(types.Boolean, nullable=True)

    imported_case = Column(types.Boolean, nullable=True)

    nationality_status = Column(types.Boolean, nullable=True)

    storage_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    storage = EK.proxy('storage_id', '@BLOOD-STORAGE')
    """ sample storage method """

    method_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    method = EK.proxy('method_id', '@BLOOD-WITHDRAWAL')
    """ blood withdrawal method """

    pcr_method_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    pcr_method = EK.proxy('pcr_method_id', '@PCR-METHOD')
    """ PCR method for detection """

    pcr_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    pcr = EK.proxy('pcr_id', '@SPECIES')
    """ species identification based on PCR """

    microscopy_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('eks.id'), nullable=False)
    microscopy = EK.proxy('microscopy_id', '@SPECIES')
    """ species identification based on microscopy """

    parasitemia = Column(types.Float, nullable=False, server_default='-1')

    recurrent = Column(types.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
    """ if this a recurrent case """

    subject_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('subjects.id'), nullable=False)
    subject = relationship(Subject, uselist=False,
            backref=backref("samples", lazy='dynamic', passive_deletes=True))
    """ link to subject/individual """

    day = Column(types.Integer, nullable=False, server_default = '0')
    """ sampling day for a particular subject/individual """

    __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 2 }

    def update(self, obj):

        if type(obj) == dict:
            if obj.get('storage') is not None:
                self.storage = obj.get('storage')   # blood storage
            if obj.get('method') is not None:
                self.method = obj.get('method')     # blood withdrawal method
            if obj.get('pcr_method') is not None:
                self.pcr_method_id = EK._id(obj.get('pcr_method'), grp = '@PCR_METHOD',
                                    dbsession = object_session(self), auto=True)
            if obj.get('pcr') is not None:
                self.pcr = obj.get('pcr')
            if obj.get('microscopy') is not None:
                self.microscopy = obj.get('microscopy')
            if obj.get('type') is not None:
                self.type = obj.get('type')
            if obj.get('day') is not None:
                self.day = int(obj.get('day'))
            if self.day == 0 and self.type == '':
                self.type = 'P'

            if obj.get('case_detection') is not None:
                self.passive_case_detection = obj.get('case_detection').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('symptomatic_status') is not None:
                self.symptomatic_status = obj.get('symptomatic_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('nationality_status') is not None:
                self.nationality_status = obj.get('nationality_status').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('imported_case') is not None:
                self.imported_case = obj.get('imported_case').lower().startswith('y')

            if obj.get('parasite_density') is not None:
                self.parasitemia = int(obj.get('parasite_density', -1))

            # deals with subject
            subject_code = obj.get('subject_code', None)
            related_sample = obj.get('related_sample', None)

            session = object_session(self)

            if subject_code:
                # find subject
                subject = Subject.search(code=subject_code, dbsession = session)
                self.subject_id = subject.id
            elif related_sample:
                # find sample
                sample = self.batch.search_sample(related_sample)
                if sample is None:
                    raise RuntimeError('ERROR for sample code %s: related sample code %s does not exist' % (self.code, related_sample))
                self.subject_id = sample.subject_id
            elif not self.subject:
                # create new subject
                while True:
                    code = '#' + random_string(8)
                    # we need to check subject code first !
                    if Subject.query(session).filter(Subject.code == code).count() == 0:
                subject = Subject( code = code, gender = obj['gender'],
                                    yearofbirth = obj['yearofbirth'] )
                subject.update( obj )
                cerr('subject %s nationality_id %d' % (subject.code, subject.nationality_id))
                self.subject = subject

            #self.subject_id = 0

            # now if subject_code &


            raise NotImplementedError('PROG/ERR - not implemented yet')

        super().update( obj )

    def search( subject_id = None, code=None, collection_date=None, location_id=None,
            batch_id = None, auto=False, _q = None ):
        if not _q:
            _q = PlasmoSample.query()
        if code:
            _q = _q.filter( PlasmoSample.code == code )
        if collection_date:
            _q = _q.filter( PlasmoSample.collection_date == collection_date )
        if location_id:
            _q = _q.filter( PlasmoSample.location_id == location_id )
        if batch_id:
            _q = _q.filter( PlasmoSample.batch_id == batch_id )
        #q = q.filter( and_( *filters ) )
        r = _q.all()
        if len(r) == 0:
            if auto:
                if not batch_id:
                    raise RuntimeError('Sample searching with auto-creation must be supplied '
                                        'with batch_id' )
                sample = PlasmoSample( subject_id=subject_id, code=code,
                        location_id=location_id, collection_date=collection_date,
                        batch_id = batch_id)
                #raise RuntimeError(collection_date)
                print('Creating sample with code: %s with batch_id: %d' %
                        (sample.code, sample.batch_id))
                dbsession.add( sample )
                return sample
            return None
        if len(r) == 1:
            return r[0]
        return r

    def csv2dict( *args, **kwargs ):
        return dictfmt.csv2dict( *args, **kwargs )