Ejemplo n.º 1
class BindRequestTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.cp = UEPConnection(username="******", password="******", insecure=True)

        consumerInfo = self.cp.registerConsumer("test-consumer", "system", owner="admin")
        self.consumer_uuid = consumerInfo['uuid']

    @patch.object(Restlib, 'validateResponse')
    @patch('rhsm.connection.drift_check', return_value=False)
    @patch('httplib.HTTPSConnection', auto_spec=True)
    def test_bind_no_args(self, mock_conn, mock_drift, mock_validate):


        # verify we called request() with kwargs that include 'body' as None
        # Specifically, we are checking that passing in "" to post_request, as
        # it does by default, results in None here. bin() passes no args there
        # so we use the default, "". See  bz #907536
        for (name, args, kwargs) in mock_conn.mock_calls:
            if name == '().request':
                self.assertEqual(None, kwargs['body'])

    @patch.object(Restlib, 'validateResponse')
    @patch('rhsm.connection.drift_check', return_value=False)
    @patch('httplib.HTTPSConnection', auto_spec=True)
    def test_bind_by_pool(self, mock_conn, mock_drift, mock_validate):
        # this test is just to verify we make the httplib connection with
        # right args, we don't validate the bind here
        self.cp.bindByEntitlementPool(self.consumer_uuid, '123121111', '1')
        for (name, args, kwargs) in mock_conn.mock_calls:
            if name == '().request':
                self.assertEqual(None, kwargs['body'])