Ejemplo n.º 1
def import_champs():
    w = RiotWatcher(os.environ.get('RIOT_API_KEY'))
    champs = w.static_get_champion_list()

    new_champs = {}
    for champ in champs['data'].itervalues():
        new_champs[champ['id']] = champ['name']

    return new_champs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fill_champions(c, api_key):
	api = RiotWatcher(api_key)
		all_champions = api.static_get_champion_list(None, None, None, None, "image")
		print("Error getting all champions:", sys.exc_info()[0])

	for _, champion in all_champions["data"].iteritems():
		wiki_url = "http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/" + champion["name"]

		splash_image = champion["key"] + "_0.jpg"

			INSERT INTO Champion (Id, Name, Title, WikiLink, Image, SplashImage)
			VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
		''', (champion["id"], champion["name"], champion["title"],
			wiki_url, champion["image"]["full"], splash_image))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Request:
    def __init__(self):
        self.riot = RiotWatcher(LoL.API_KEY)
        self.champions = self._getChampions()

    def _getChampions(self):
        champion_list = {}
        champions = self.riot.static_get_champion_list()
        for champion in champions["data"]:
            champion_list[champions["data"][champion]["id"]] = champion
        return champion_list

    def _checkRequestStatus(self):
        return self.riot.can_make_request()

    def retrievePlayerData(self, playerId):
        while not self._checkRequestStatus():
            player = {}
            player["id"] = playerId
            player["summoner"] = self.riot.get_summoner(name=playerId)
            player["match_history"] = self.riot.get_match_history(player["summoner"]["id"])
            return player
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def on_ready(bot):

    # Obtain all static data required
    watcher = RiotWatcher(bot.configurations['discrank.py']['token'])
    if not watcher.can_make_request():
        raise BotException(ErrorTypes.STARTUP, EXCEPTION,
            "The given Riot API token cannot get requests.")

    # Add champions by ID and name, and skills by ID
    champions = watcher.static_get_champion_list(data_by_id=True)['data']
    champions_named = watcher.static_get_champion_list()['data']
    champions_named = dict(
            (key.lower(), value) for key, value in champions_named.items())
    spells = watcher.static_get_summoner_spell_list(data_by_id=True)['data']

    # Add game modes by queue type and name
    modes = {
        "0": "Custom",
        "8": "Normal 3v3",
        "2": "Normal",
        "14": "Normal Draft",
        "4": "Dynamic Queue",
        "6": "Dynamic Queue",
        "9": "Ranked 3v3",
        "41": "Ranked 3v3",
        "42": "Ranked 5v5",
        "16": "This Gamemode doesn't even exist anymore",
        "17": "Same with this one",
        "7": "Co-op vs AI",
        "25": "Co-op vs AI",
        "31": "Co-op vs AI",
        "32": "Co-op vs AI",
        "33": "Co-op vs AI",
        "52": "Co-op vs AI (3v3)",
        "61": "Team Builder",
        "65": "ARAM",
        "70": "One For All",
        "72": "Magma Chamber 1v1",
        "73": "Magma Chamber 2v2",
        "75": "Hexakill",
        "76": "URF",
        "83": "Co-op vs AI (URF)",
        "91": "Doom Bots Lv 1",
        "92": "Doom Bots Lv 2",
        "93": "Doom Bots Lv 3",
        "96": "Ascension",
        "98": "Hexakill",
        "100": "Bilgewater",
        "300": "Legend of the Poro King",
        "313": "Bilgewater ARAM",
        "400": "Team Builder",
        "410": "Dynamic Queue",
        "CUSTOM": "0",
        "NORMAL_3x3": "8",
        "NORMAL_5x5_BLIND": "2",
        "NORMAL_5x5_DRAFT": "14",
        "RANKED_SOLO_5x5": "4",
        "RANKED_PREMADE_5x5*": "6",
        "RANKED_PREMADE_3x3*": "9",
        "RANKED_TEAM_3x3": "41",
        "RANKED_TEAM_5x5": "42",
        "ODIN_5x5_BLIND": "16",
        "ODIN_5x5_DRAFT": "17",
        "BOT_5x5*": "7",
        "BOT_ODIN_5x5": "25",
        "BOT_5x5_INTRO": "31",
        "BOT_5x5_BEGINNER": "32",
        "BOT_5x5_INTERMEDIATE": "33",
        "BOT_TT_3x3": "52",
        "GROUP_FINDER_5x5": "61",
        "ARAM_5x5": "65",
        "ONEFORALL_5x5": "70",
        "FIRSTBLOOD_1x1": "72",
        "FIRSTBLOOD_2x2": "73",
        "SR_6x6": "75",
        "URF_5x5": "76",
        "BOT_URF_5x5": "83",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK1": "91",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK2": "92",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK5": "93",
        "ASCENSION_5x5": "96",
        "HEXAKILL": "98",
        "BILGEWATER_ARAM_5x5": "100",
        "KING_PORO_5x5": "300",
        "COUNTER_PICK": "310",
        "BILGEWATER_5x5": "313",
        "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_UNRANKED_5x5": "400",
        "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_RANKED_5x5": "410"

    bot.data['discrank.py'] = [watcher, champions, spells, modes]
Ejemplo n.º 5
BOT_ID = token_file.readline()
BOT_ID = BOT_ID.rstrip()
#BOT_ID = os.environ.get("BOT_ID")
print "Starting with BOT_ID = '" + BOT_ID + "'"

# constants

AT_BOT = "<@" + BOT_ID + ">"
COMMAND_LIST = ["add", "print", "remove", "pbe"]

#Get Rito games client
riot_token = open("riot_token", "r").readline().rstrip()
riot_client = RiotWatcher(riot_token)
#Might as well generate a useful list once..
champ_json = riot_client.static_get_champion_list()
champ_json = champ_json['data']
for i in champ_json:
    string_name = champ_json[i]['name'].encode('utf-8')

#Summoner/slack map

#SurrenderAt20 Current PBE Balance Changes URL
PBE_CHANGE_URL = "http://www.surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes.html"

def handle_command(command, channel):
        Receives commands directed at the bot and determines if they
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Lol:
    def __init__(self, key, default_region=EUROPE_WEST):
        self.lol_watcher = RiotWatcher(key, default_region=default_region)
        self.champion_list = self.lol_watcher.static_get_champion_list(

    def wait(self):
        while not self.lol_watcher.can_make_request():

    def test_map(self, _id):
        if _id == 1:
            return "Summoner's Rift"
        elif _id == 2:
            return "Summoner's Rift"
        elif _id == 3:
            return "The Proving Grounds (tuto)"
        elif _id == 4:
            return "Twisted Treeline"
        elif _id == 8:
            return "The Crystal Scar"
        elif _id == 10:
            return "Twisted Treeline"
        elif _id == 11:
            return "Summoner's Rift"
        elif _id == 12:
            return "Howling Abyss"
        elif _id == 14:
            return "Butcher's Bridge"

    def test_queue(self, _id):
        if _id == 0:
            return "Custom"
        elif _id == 2:
            return "Normal 5v5 blind"
        elif _id == 4:
            return "Ranked Solo 5v5"
        elif _id == 6:
            return "Ranked Premade 5v5"
        elif _id == 7:
            return "Coop vs ia 5v5"
        elif _id == 8:
            return "Normal 3v3"
        elif _id == 9:
            return "Ranked flex"
        elif _id == 14:
            return "Normal Draft 5v5"
        elif _id == 16:
            return "Odin 5v5 Blind"
        elif _id == 17:
            return "Odin 5v5 Draft"
        elif _id == 25:
            return "Coop vs ia 5v5"
        elif _id == 31:
            return "Coop vs ia (intro)"
        elif _id == 32:
            return "Coop vs ia (beginner)"
        elif _id == 33:
            return "Coop vs ia (Intermediate)"
        elif _id == 41:
            return "Ranked Team 3v3"
        elif _id == 52:
            return "Ranked Team 5v5"
        elif _id == 61:
            return "GROUP_FINDER_5v5"
        elif _id == 65:
            return "Aram"
        elif _id == 70:
            return "One For All"
        elif _id == 72:
            return "FIRSTBLOOD_1v1"
        elif _id == 73:
            return "FIRSTBLOOD_2v2"
        elif _id == 75:
            return "Hexakill"
        elif _id == 76:
            return "URF"
        elif _id == 78:
            return "One For All"
        elif _id == 83:
            return "Bot URF"
        elif _id == 91:
            return "DOOM Bot (rank 1)"
        elif _id == 92:
            return "DOOM Bot (rank 2)"
        elif _id == 93:
            return "DOOM Bot (rank 5)"
        elif _id == 96:
            return "Ascension"
        elif _id == 98:
            return "Hexakill"
        elif _id == 100:
            return "BILGEWATER_ARAM_5v5"
        elif _id == 300:
            return "Poro King"
        elif _id == 310:
            return "COUNTER_PICK"
        elif _id == 313:
            return "BILGEWATER_5v5"
        elif _id == 315:
            return "Siege"
        elif _id == 317:
            return "Definitly Not Dominion"
        elif _id == 318:
            return "Aram URF"
        elif _id == 400:
            return "Normal Draft"
        elif _id == 410:
            return "Ranked"
        elif _id == 420:
            return "Ranked Solo/Duo"
        elif _id == 440:
            return "Ranked Flex"

    def test_champ(self, _id):
        temp = []
        for k in self.champion_list:
        temp = [nb for nb in temp if nb['id'] == _id]
        return temp[0]['name']

    def test_ranked_stats(self, stats, key):

        stats = stats['champions']
        stats = [nb for nb in stats if nb['id'] == 0]
        stats = stats[0]['stats']
        return stats[key]

    def test_team(self, _id):
        if _id == 100:
            return ":large_blue_circle:"
            return ":red_circle:"

    def check_lol(self, player, region):
            return self.lol_watcher.get_summoner(name=player, region=region)
        except LoLException as e:
            if e == error_429:
                return ":x: Resseye dans {} secondes.".format(
            elif e == error_404:
                return ":x: Summoner inconnu : {}".format(player)

    def message_lol(self, summoner):
        message = ":information_source: {} :video_game:\n\n".format(
        message += " :information_source: Général Stats\n"
        message += " **ID**: {}\n".format(summoner['id'])
        message += " **Level**: {}\n".format(summoner['summonerLevel'])
        temp = self.lol_watcher.get_league(summoner_ids=[summoner['id']])
        rank = []
        for i in temp[str(summoner['id'])]:
            rank.append(i['queue'] + " " + i['tier'])
        message += " **Rank**: {}\n".format(rank)
        #message += " **Mastery Levels**: {}\n".format()
        #message += " **Mastery Points**: {}\n".format()
        #message += " **Mastery Tokens**: {}\n".format()
        player_stats = self.lol_watcher.get_stat_summary(
        player_stats = [
            nb for nb in player_stats
            if nb['playerStatSummaryType'] == 'Unranked'
        player_stats = player_stats[0]
        message += " **Wins**: {}\n".format(player_stats['wins'])
        message += " **Kills**: {}\n".format(
        message += " **Assistances**: {}\n".format(
        message += " **Creeps tués**: {}\n".format(
        message += " **Tourelles détruite**: {}\n\n".format(
        #message += " **Dernière connexion**: {}\n\n".format()
        message += ":information_source: Ranked Stats :\n"
            ranked_stats = self.lol_watcher.get_ranked_stats(summoner['id'])
            message += " **Win:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalSessionsWon'))
            message += " **Loose:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalSessionsLost'))
            message += " **Kill:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalChampionKills'))
            message += " **Assistance:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalAssists'))
            message += " **Damages infligés:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalDamageDealt'))
            message += " **Damages Reçus:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalDamageTaken'))
            message += " **Argent gagné:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalGoldEarned'))
            message += " **Creeps tués:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalMinionKills'))
            message += " **Tourelles détruites:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalTurretsKilled'))
            message += " **Double kills:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalDoubleKills'))
            message += " **Triple kills:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalTripleKills'))
            message += " **Quadra kills:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalQuadraKills'))
            message += " **Penta kills:** {}\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'totalPentaKills'))
            message += " **Total Killing Spree:** {}\n\n".format(
                self.test_ranked_stats(ranked_stats, 'killingSpree'))

            message += "**Aucune Stats de Ranked n'a été trouvée !**\n\n"

        message += ":information_source: Game en cours :\n"

            temp = self.lol_watcher.get_current_game(summoner['id'])
            message += " **ID Partie:** {}\n".format(temp['gameId'])
            message += " **GameMode:** {}\n".format(temp['gameMode'])
            message += " **GameType:** {}\n".format(temp['gameType'])
            message += " **ID Queue:** {}\n".format(
            message += " **ID Platform:** {}\n".format(temp['platformId'])
            message += " **ID Map:** {}\n".format(self.test_map(temp['mapId']))

            for i in temp['participants']:
                message += "  " + i['summonerName'] + " (" + self.test_champ(
                    i['championId']) + ") Team: " + self.test_team(
                        i['teamId']) + "\n"

            message += "**Aucune game en cours...**"

        return message
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def on_ready(bot):

    # Obtain all static data required
    watcher = RiotWatcher(bot.configurations['discrank.py']['token'])
    if not watcher.can_make_request():
        raise BotException(ErrorTypes.STARTUP, EXCEPTION,
                           "The given Riot API token cannot get requests.")

    # Add champions by ID and name, and skills by ID
    champions = watcher.static_get_champion_list(data_by_id=True)['data']
    champions_named = watcher.static_get_champion_list()['data']
    champions_named = dict(
        (key.lower(), value) for key, value in champions_named.items())
    spells = watcher.static_get_summoner_spell_list(data_by_id=True)['data']

    # Add game modes by queue type and name
    modes = {
        "0": "Custom",
        "8": "Normal 3v3",
        "2": "Normal",
        "14": "Normal Draft",
        "4": "Dynamic Queue",
        "6": "Dynamic Queue",
        "9": "Ranked 3v3",
        "41": "Ranked 3v3",
        "42": "Ranked 5v5",
        "16": "This Gamemode doesn't even exist anymore",
        "17": "Same with this one",
        "7": "Co-op vs AI",
        "25": "Co-op vs AI",
        "31": "Co-op vs AI",
        "32": "Co-op vs AI",
        "33": "Co-op vs AI",
        "52": "Co-op vs AI (3v3)",
        "61": "Team Builder",
        "65": "ARAM",
        "70": "One For All",
        "72": "Magma Chamber 1v1",
        "73": "Magma Chamber 2v2",
        "75": "Hexakill",
        "76": "URF",
        "83": "Co-op vs AI (URF)",
        "91": "Doom Bots Lv 1",
        "92": "Doom Bots Lv 2",
        "93": "Doom Bots Lv 3",
        "96": "Ascension",
        "98": "Hexakill",
        "100": "Bilgewater",
        "300": "Legend of the Poro King",
        "313": "Bilgewater ARAM",
        "400": "Team Builder",
        "410": "Dynamic Queue",
        "CUSTOM": "0",
        "NORMAL_3x3": "8",
        "NORMAL_5x5_BLIND": "2",
        "NORMAL_5x5_DRAFT": "14",
        "RANKED_SOLO_5x5": "4",
        "RANKED_PREMADE_5x5*": "6",
        "RANKED_PREMADE_3x3*": "9",
        "RANKED_TEAM_3x3": "41",
        "RANKED_TEAM_5x5": "42",
        "ODIN_5x5_BLIND": "16",
        "ODIN_5x5_DRAFT": "17",
        "BOT_5x5*": "7",
        "BOT_ODIN_5x5": "25",
        "BOT_5x5_INTRO": "31",
        "BOT_5x5_BEGINNER": "32",
        "BOT_5x5_INTERMEDIATE": "33",
        "BOT_TT_3x3": "52",
        "GROUP_FINDER_5x5": "61",
        "ARAM_5x5": "65",
        "ONEFORALL_5x5": "70",
        "FIRSTBLOOD_1x1": "72",
        "FIRSTBLOOD_2x2": "73",
        "SR_6x6": "75",
        "URF_5x5": "76",
        "BOT_URF_5x5": "83",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK1": "91",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK2": "92",
        "NIGHTMARE_BOT_5x5_RANK5": "93",
        "ASCENSION_5x5": "96",
        "HEXAKILL": "98",
        "BILGEWATER_ARAM_5x5": "100",
        "KING_PORO_5x5": "300",
        "COUNTER_PICK": "310",
        "BILGEWATER_5x5": "313",
        "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_UNRANKED_5x5": "400",
        "TEAM_BUILDER_DRAFT_RANKED_5x5": "410"

    bot.data['discrank.py'] = [watcher, champions, spells, modes]