def _setAttributes(self): ### Sets Attributes of Object '''Sets Attributes of Object.''' ### ~ Basics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self.strlist = ['BackBase', 'PrevBase'] self.boollist = [] self.intlist = [] self.numlist = [] self.filelist = [] self.listlist = ['Output'] self.dictlist = [] self.objlist = [] ### ~ Defaults ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self._setDefaults(str='None', bool=False, int=0, num=0.0, obj=None, setlist=True, setdict=True, setfile=True) self.baseFile('slimsuite') self.setStr({ 'BackBase': 'slimsuite.%s' % rje.dateTime(dateonly=True), 'PrevBase': 'slimsuite' }) self.setBool({}) self.setInt({}) self.setNum({}) self.list['Output'] = string.split( 'release,history,updates,readme,dependencies', ',') ### ~ Other Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self._setForkAttributes() # Delete if no forking
def rmdHead(self,title=None,author=None,date=None,extra=[],setup=True,toc=True): ### Generate Rmd output file ''' Generate Rmd output file. Call self.rmdKnit(rmdfile) to convert to another format. >> rmdfile:str [self.str['RmdFile']] = Full/relative path to Rmd output file. >> header:dict {} = Dictionary of Rmd header elements. Will default to self.log.obj['Info'] and HTML. >> elements:list [] = List of tuples (type,content) to output into file. For R code, content will be a dictionary This method puts together the basic elements of an R markdown file into a text document that can be knitted into HTML or PDF using self.rmdKnit(). ''' try:### ~ [1] Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### rcode = '---\n' if not title: title = '%s - %s' % (self.prog(),self.basefile()) rcode += 'title: "%s"\n' % title if not author: author = self.log.obj['Info'].author rcode += 'author: "%s"\n' % author if not date: date = rje.dateTime(dateonly=True) rcode += 'date: "%s"\n' % date #07/02/2019 for (key,value) in extra: rcode += '%s: "%s"\n' % (key,value) rcode += 'output:\n html_document:\n css:\n' if toc: rcode += string.join([' toc: true',' toc_float: true',' toc_collapsed: false',' toc_depth: 3',' number_sections: true',''],'\n') rcode += '---\n\n' if setup: rcode += '%s\n\n<a name="Top" />\n\n' % setupTest self.debug(rcode) return rcode except: self.errorLog('%s.rmdOutput error' % self.prog())
def _setAttributes(self): ### Sets Attributes of Object '''Sets Attributes of Object.''' ### ~ Basics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self.strlist = ['BackBase','PrevBase'] self.boollist = [] self.intlist = [] self.numlist = [] self.filelist = [] self.listlist = ['Output'] self.dictlist = [] self.objlist = [] ### ~ Defaults ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self._setDefaults(str='None',bool=False,int=0,num=0.0,obj=None,setlist=True,setdict=True,setfile=True) self.baseFile('slimsuite') self.setStr({'BackBase':'slimsuite.%s' % rje.dateTime(dateonly=True),'PrevBase':'slimsuite'}) self.setBool({}) self.setInt({}) self.setNum({}) self.list['Output'] = string.split('release,history,updates,readme,dependencies',',') ### ~ Other Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### self._setForkAttributes() # Delete if no forking
def saveXGMML( self, filename=None, format='Cytoscape'): ### Saves object data to file in XGMML format ''' Saves object data to file in XGMML format. >> filename:str [None] = Output file. Will use name.xgmml if None. >> format:str [Cytoscape] = Target for output file ''' try: ### ~ [1] Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### if not filename or filename.lower() == 'none': filename = '%s.xgmml' %['Name'] self.log.printLog('#XGMML', 'Output of XGMML file %s for %s...' % (filename, format), log=False, newline=False) rje.backup(self, filename) date = rje.dateTime() OUT = open(filename, 'w') ### ~ [2] Output headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### OUT.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n') OUT.write( '<graph label="%s" id="%s" xmlns:dc="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xsi="">\n' % (['Name'],['Name'])) OUT.write(' <att name="documentVersion" value="1.0"/>\n') ## ~ [2a] Cytoscape format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## OUT.write(' <att name="networkMetadata">\n') OUT.write(' <rdf:RDF>\n') OUT.write( ' <rdf:Description rdf:about="">\n' ) OUT.write(' <dc:source>RJE_XGMML</dc:source>\n') OUT.write( ' <dc:format>Cytoscape-XGMML</dc:format>\n') OUT.write(' <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n' %['Description']) OUT.write(' <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n' % date) OUT.write(' <dc:type>%s</dc:type>\n' %['Type']) OUT.write(' <dc:identifier>N/A</dc:identifier>\n') OUT.write(' <dc:title>%s</dc:title>\n' %['Name']) OUT.write(' </rdf:Description>\n') OUT.write(' </rdf:RDF>\n') OUT.write(' </att>\n\n') ### ~ [3] Output Nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### size = 35.0 nodelist = rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Node']) (n, x, y) = (int(math.sqrt(len(nodelist))), 0, 0) for node in nodelist: try: ## ~ [3a] Basic node attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## OUT.write(' <node label="%s" id="%d">\n' % (node, nodelist.index(node))) except: self.errorLog('!') continue try: for att in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Node'][node]): if att not in self.dict['NodeAtt']: continue type = self.dict['NodeAtt'][att] value = string.replace( '%s' % self.dict['Node'][node][att], '&', 'and') OUT.write( ' <att type="%s" name="%s" label="%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (type, att, att, value)) ### ~ [3b] Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## #!# Add control for these at some point! #!# if node in self.dict['NodePos']: (nx, ny) = self.dict['NodePos'][node] try: nx * size except: self.errorLog('%s nodepos X = %s' % (node, nx)) nx = x try: ny * size except: self.errorLog('%s nodepos Y = %s' % (node, ny)) ny = y else: [nx, ny] = [x, y] if self.getBool('XGMMLAtt'): OUT.write( ' <graphics w="%.1f" h="%.1f" width="1" type="ellipse" outline="#000000" fill="#ff9999" y="%.1f" x="%.1f">\n' % (size, size, ny * 2 * size, nx * 2 * size)) OUT.write( ' <att name="cytoscapeNodeGraphicsAttributes">\n' ) OUT.write( ' <att name="nodeTransparency" value="1.0"/>\n' ) #OUT.write(' <att name="nodeLabelFont" value="Default-0-12"/>\n') OUT.write( ' <att name="borderLineType" value="solid"/>\n' ) OUT.write(' </att>\n') else: OUT.write(' <graphics y="%.1f" x="%.1f">\n' % (ny * 2 * size, nx * 2 * size)) OUT.write(' </graphics>\n') x += 1 if x > n: (x, y) = (0, y + 1) ### ~ [3c] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## except: self.errorLog('!') OUT.write(' </node>\n') ### ~ [4] Output Edges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### for etype in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Edge']): for edge in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Edge'][etype]): try: ## ~ [3a] Basic edge attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## id = '%s (%s) %s' % (edge[0], etype, edge[1]) OUT.write( ' <edge label="%s" id="%s" target="%d" source="%d">\n' % (id, id, nodelist.index( edge[1]), nodelist.index(edge[0]))) except: self.errorLog('!') continue try: OUT.write( ' <att type="string" name="canonicalName" label="canonicalName" value="%s"/>\n' % id) OUT.write( ' <att type="string" name="TYPE" label="TYPE" value="%s"/>\n' % etype) if 'interaction' not in self.dict['EdgeAtt']: OUT.write( ' <att type="string" name="interaction" label="interaction" value="%s"/>\n' % etype) OUT.write( ' <att type="string" name="EDGE_TYPE" label="EDGE_TYPE" value="DefaultEdge"/>\n' ) for att in self.dict['Edge'][etype][edge]: if att.lower() == 'type': continue if att not in self.dict['EdgeAtt']: continue type = self.dict['EdgeAtt'][att] value = string.replace( '%s' % self.dict['Edge'][etype][edge][att], '&', 'and') OUT.write( ' <att type="%s" name="%s" label="%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (type, att, att, value)) ### ~ [3b] Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## #!# Update these at some point! #!# #OUT.write(' <graphics width="1" fill="#0000ff">\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="cytoscapeEdgeGraphicsAttributes">\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="sourceArrow" value="0"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="targetArrow" value="0"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="edgeLabelFont" value="Default-0-10"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="edgeLineType" value="SOLID"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="sourceArrowColor" value="#000000"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="targetArrowColor" value="#000000"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="curved" value="STRAIGHT_LINES"/>\n') #OUT.write(' </att>\n') #OUT.write(' </graphics>\n') ### ~ [3c] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## except: self.errorLog('!') OUT.write(' </edge>\n') ### ~ [5] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### OUT.write('</graph>\n') OUT.close() self.log.printLog( '\r#XGMML', 'Output of XGMML file %s for %s complete.' % (filename, format)) except: self.log.errorLog(rje_zen.Zen().wisdom())
def makeHistory(self): ### Extracts history information from docstrings. '''Extracts history information from docstrings.''' try: ### ~ [0] Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### hdb = self.db('history') mdb = self.db('Module') pydoc = self.obj['PyDoc'] uhtml = [] # Update HTML text udir = '' ### ~ [1] Work through python modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### for mkey in mdb.dataKeys(): entry = pyfile = entry['File'] mod = entry['Module'] prev = '-' lastv = '' ## ~ [1a] Parse out history text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## history = [] # History lines updates = [] # Version number entries for mentry in self.db('Method').indexEntries('File', pyfile): if mentry['Method'] == 'history': try: history = string.split(mentry['DocString'], '\n') break except: history = [] self.errorLog('History parsing problem: %s' % mentry, printerror=False) for dline in history: if rje.matchExp('# (\d+\.\d+\.?\d*)\s?-\s(\S.+)$', dline): (v, text) = rje.matchExp('# (\d\.\d+\.?\d*)\s?-\s(\S.+)$', dline) if v == lastv: # Continuation of update if prev == lastv: continue # In previous release updates[-1]['Update'] += ' %s' % text continue lastv = v ventry = { 'Dir': entry['SourceDir'], 'Module': mod, 'Version': v, 'Update': text, 'Release': rje.dateTime(dateonly=True) } vkey = hdb.makeKey(ventry) if prev = v else: updates.append(ventry) ## ~ [1b] Assess/report updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## if prev != lastv: if entry['SourceDir'] != udir: uhtml.append('<h2>Updates in %s/:</h2>\n' % entry['SourceDir']) udir = entry['SourceDir'] if prev == '-' and lastv: self.printLog( '#VNUM', '%s: Creation -> Version %s' % (mod, entry['Version'])) uhtml.append( '<p><b>• %s:</b> <i>Created/Renamed/moved.</i>' % mod) elif prev not in ['-', lastv]: self.printLog( '#VNUM', '%s: Version %s -> Version %s' % (mod, prev, entry['Version'])) uhtml.append( '<p><b>• %s:</b> <i>Updated from Version %s.</i>' % (mod, prev)) for ventry in updates: self.printLog('#V%s' % ventry['Version'], ventry['Update']) uhtml.append('<br>→ Version %s: %s' % (ventry['Version'], ventry['Update'])) hdb.addEntry(ventry) if uhtml and uhtml[-1] != '</p>': uhtml.append('</p>') if lastv != entry['Version']: self.warnLog( 'Module %s Version %s but history() ends at %s' % (mod, entry['Version'], lastv)) self.deBug('>>>') if 'history' in self.list['Output']: hdb.saveToFile(backup=False) ### ~ [2] Make updates.html file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### if 'updates' in self.list['Output']: htmlfile = '%s.updates.html' % self.basefile() title = 'SLiMSuite updates' stylesheets = [] for css in pydoc.list['StyleSheets']: stylesheets.append(pydoc.getStr('StylePath') + css) htmlhead = rje_html.htmlHead( title, stylesheets, tabber=True, frontpage=False, nobots=False, keywords=pydoc.list['Keywords'], javascript=pydoc.getStr('StylePath')) htmlbody = string.join(['<h1>SLiMSuite updates</h1>'] + uhtml, '\n') htmltail = rje_html.htmlTail( '%s %s' % (pydoc.getStr('Author'), string.split(time.asctime(time.localtime( time.time())))[-1])) open(htmlfile, 'w').write(htmlhead + htmlbody + htmltail) self.printLog('#HTML', 'HTML update summary output to %s' % (htmlfile)) except: self.errorLog('Error in %s.makeHistory()' % self.prog())
def makeHistory(self): ### Extracts history information from docstrings. '''Extracts history information from docstrings.''' try:### ~ [0] Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### hdb = self.db('history') mdb = self.db('Module') pydoc = self.obj['PyDoc'] uhtml = [] # Update HTML text udir = '' ### ~ [1] Work through python modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### for mkey in mdb.dataKeys(): entry = pyfile = entry['File'] mod = entry['Module'] prev = '-' lastv = '' ## ~ [1a] Parse out history text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## history = [] # History lines updates = [] # Version number entries for mentry in self.db('Method').indexEntries('File',pyfile): if mentry['Method'] == 'history': try: history = string.split(mentry['DocString'],'\n'); break except: history = [] self.errorLog('History parsing problem: %s' % mentry,printerror=False) for dline in history: if rje.matchExp('# (\d+\.\d+\.?\d*)\s?-\s(\S.+)$',dline): (v,text) = rje.matchExp('# (\d\.\d+\.?\d*)\s?-\s(\S.+)$',dline) if v == lastv: # Continuation of update if prev == lastv: continue # In previous release updates[-1]['Update'] += ' %s' % text continue lastv = v ventry = {'Dir':entry['SourceDir'],'Module':mod,'Version':v,'Update':text,'Release':rje.dateTime(dateonly=True)} vkey = hdb.makeKey(ventry) if prev = v else: updates.append(ventry) ## ~ [1b] Assess/report updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## if prev != lastv: if entry['SourceDir'] != udir: uhtml.append('<h2>Updates in %s/:</h2>\n' % entry['SourceDir']); udir = entry['SourceDir'] if prev == '-' and lastv: self.printLog('#VNUM','%s: Creation -> Version %s' % (mod,entry['Version'])) uhtml.append('<p><b>• %s:</b> <i>Created/Renamed/moved.</i>' % mod) elif prev not in ['-',lastv]: self.printLog('#VNUM','%s: Version %s -> Version %s' % (mod,prev,entry['Version'])) uhtml.append('<p><b>• %s:</b> <i>Updated from Version %s.</i>' % (mod,prev)) for ventry in updates: self.printLog('#V%s' % ventry['Version'],ventry['Update']) uhtml.append('<br>→ Version %s: %s' % (ventry['Version'],ventry['Update'])) hdb.addEntry(ventry) if uhtml and uhtml[-1] != '</p>': uhtml.append('</p>') if lastv != entry['Version']: self.warnLog('Module %s Version %s but history() ends at %s' % (mod,entry['Version'],lastv)) self.deBug('>>>') if 'history' in self.list['Output']: hdb.saveToFile(backup=False) ### ~ [2] Make updates.html file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### if 'updates' in self.list['Output']: htmlfile = '%s.updates.html' % self.basefile() title = 'SLiMSuite updates' stylesheets = [] for css in pydoc.list['StyleSheets']: stylesheets.append(pydoc.getStr('StylePath')+css) htmlhead = rje_html.htmlHead(title,stylesheets,tabber=True,frontpage=False,nobots=False,keywords=pydoc.list['Keywords'],javascript=pydoc.getStr('StylePath')) htmlbody = string.join(['<h1>SLiMSuite updates</h1>'] + uhtml,'\n') htmltail = rje_html.htmlTail('%s %s' % (pydoc.getStr('Author'),string.split(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))[-1])) open(htmlfile,'w').write(htmlhead+htmlbody+htmltail) self.printLog('#HTML','HTML update summary output to %s' % (htmlfile)) except: self.errorLog('Error in %s.makeHistory()' % self.prog())
def saveXGMML(self,filename=None,format='Cytoscape'): ### Saves object data to file in XGMML format ''' Saves object data to file in XGMML format. >> filename:str [None] = Output file. Will use name.xgmml if None. >> format:str [Cytoscape] = Target for output file ''' try:### ~ [1] Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### if not filename or filename.lower() == 'none': filename = '%s.xgmml' %['Name'] self.log.printLog('#XGMML','Output of XGMML file %s for %s...' % (filename,format),log=False,newline=False) rje.backup(self,filename) date = rje.dateTime() OUT = open(filename,'w') ### ~ [2] Output headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### OUT.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n') OUT.write('<graph label="%s" id="%s" xmlns:dc="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xsi="">\n' % (['Name'],['Name'])) OUT.write(' <att name="documentVersion" value="1.0"/>\n') ## ~ [2a] Cytoscape format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## OUT.write(' <att name="networkMetadata">\n') OUT.write(' <rdf:RDF>\n') OUT.write(' <rdf:Description rdf:about="">\n') OUT.write(' <dc:source>RJE_XGMML</dc:source>\n') OUT.write(' <dc:format>Cytoscape-XGMML</dc:format>\n') OUT.write(' <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n' %['Description']) OUT.write(' <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n' % date) OUT.write(' <dc:type>%s</dc:type>\n' %['Type']) OUT.write(' <dc:identifier>N/A</dc:identifier>\n') OUT.write(' <dc:title>%s</dc:title>\n' %['Name']) OUT.write(' </rdf:Description>\n') OUT.write(' </rdf:RDF>\n') OUT.write(' </att>\n\n') ### ~ [3] Output Nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### size = 35.0 nodelist = rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Node']) (n,x,y) = (int(math.sqrt(len(nodelist))),0,0) for node in nodelist: try: ## ~ [3a] Basic node attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## OUT.write(' <node label="%s" id="%d">\n' % (node,nodelist.index(node))) except: self.errorLog('!'); continue try: for att in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Node'][node]): if att not in self.dict['NodeAtt']: continue type = self.dict['NodeAtt'][att] value = string.replace('%s' % self.dict['Node'][node][att],'&','and') OUT.write(' <att type="%s" name="%s" label="%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (type,att,att,value)) ### ~ [3b] Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## #!# Add control for these at some point! #!# if node in self.dict['NodePos']: (nx,ny) = self.dict['NodePos'][node] try: nx * size except: self.errorLog('%s nodepos X = %s' % (node,nx)); nx = x try: ny * size except: self.errorLog('%s nodepos Y = %s' % (node,ny)); ny = y else: [nx,ny] = [x,y] if self.getBool('XGMMLAtt'): OUT.write(' <graphics w="%.1f" h="%.1f" width="1" type="ellipse" outline="#000000" fill="#ff9999" y="%.1f" x="%.1f">\n' % (size,size,ny*2*size,nx*2*size)) OUT.write(' <att name="cytoscapeNodeGraphicsAttributes">\n') OUT.write(' <att name="nodeTransparency" value="1.0"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="nodeLabelFont" value="Default-0-12"/>\n') OUT.write(' <att name="borderLineType" value="solid"/>\n') OUT.write(' </att>\n') else: OUT.write(' <graphics y="%.1f" x="%.1f">\n' % (ny*2*size,nx*2*size)) OUT.write(' </graphics>\n') x += 1 if x > n: (x,y) = (0,y+1) ### ~ [3c] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## except: self.errorLog('!') OUT.write(' </node>\n') ### ~ [4] Output Edges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### for etype in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Edge']): for edge in rje.sortKeys(self.dict['Edge'][etype]): try: ## ~ [3a] Basic edge attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## id = '%s (%s) %s' % (edge[0],etype,edge[1]) OUT.write(' <edge label="%s" id="%s" target="%d" source="%d">\n' % (id,id,nodelist.index(edge[1]),nodelist.index(edge[0]))) except: self.errorLog('!'); continue try: OUT.write(' <att type="string" name="canonicalName" label="canonicalName" value="%s"/>\n' % id) OUT.write(' <att type="string" name="TYPE" label="TYPE" value="%s"/>\n' % etype) if 'interaction' not in self.dict['EdgeAtt']: OUT.write(' <att type="string" name="interaction" label="interaction" value="%s"/>\n' % etype) OUT.write(' <att type="string" name="EDGE_TYPE" label="EDGE_TYPE" value="DefaultEdge"/>\n') for att in self.dict['Edge'][etype][edge]: if att.lower() == 'type': continue if att not in self.dict['EdgeAtt']: continue type = self.dict['EdgeAtt'][att] value = string.replace('%s' % self.dict['Edge'][etype][edge][att],'&','and') OUT.write(' <att type="%s" name="%s" label="%s" value="%s"/>\n' % (type,att,att,value)) ### ~ [3b] Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## #!# Update these at some point! #!# #OUT.write(' <graphics width="1" fill="#0000ff">\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="cytoscapeEdgeGraphicsAttributes">\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="sourceArrow" value="0"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="targetArrow" value="0"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="edgeLabelFont" value="Default-0-10"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="edgeLineType" value="SOLID"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="sourceArrowColor" value="#000000"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="targetArrowColor" value="#000000"/>\n') #OUT.write(' <att name="curved" value="STRAIGHT_LINES"/>\n') #OUT.write(' </att>\n') #OUT.write(' </graphics>\n') ### ~ [3c] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## except: self.errorLog('!') OUT.write(' </edge>\n') ### ~ [5] Finish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### OUT.write('</graph>\n') OUT.close() self.log.printLog('\r#XGMML','Output of XGMML file %s for %s complete.' % (filename,format)) except: self.log.errorLog(rje_zen.Zen().wisdom())