Ejemplo n.º 1
def am3_tuple(function, x0, x1, y0, n):

    csv_file_prey = open('results_prey.csv', 'w')
    csv_file_predator = open('results_predator.csv', 'w')
    prey_writer = csv.writer(csv_file_prey)
    predator_writer = csv.writer(csv_file_predator)

    h = (x1 - x0) / float(n)
    # Inicializacao
    x_k_minus_one = x0
    y_k_minus_one = y0

    # Primeiro ponto
    x_k = x0 + h
    y_k = rk2(function, x0, x_k, y0, 1)

    # Segundo ponto
    x_k_plus_one = x_k + h
    y_k_plus_one = rk2(function, x_k, x_k_plus_one, y_k, 1)

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        # Calcula temporarias para usar na conta
        temp_k_minus_one = multi_tuple(- 1 / float(12), function(x_k_minus_one,

        temp_k = multi_tuple(8 / float(12), function(x_k, y_k))

        predicted_y_k_plus_one = rk2(function, x_k, x_k_plus_one, y_k, 1)

        temp_k_plus_one = multi_tuple(5 / float(12), function(x_k_plus_one,

        # Calcula novo valor de Y
        new_y = add_two_tuples(y_k, multi_tuple(h, (add_many_tuples(
            temp_k_minus_one, temp_k, temp_k_plus_one))))

        # Atualiza os valores de X
        x_k_minus_one = x_k
        x_k = x_k_plus_one
        x_k_plus_one = x_k_plus_one + h

        # Atualiza os valores de Y
        y_k_minus_one = y_k
        y_k = y_k_plus_one
        y_k_plus_one = new_y

        # Salva nos arquivos csv
        prey_writer.writerow([x_k_plus_one, y_k_plus_one[0]])
        predator_writer.writerow([x_k_plus_one, y_k_plus_one[1]])

    return y_k_plus_one
Ejemplo n.º 2
def BC_caseI(omega):
    Finds the value of w_1(x) at the end point. x = L = 1 (m)

    L = 1.

    w0 = [0.0, 1.0, omega]
    w = rk2(w0, 0.0, 1, 0.001, caseI)
    return w[-1, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def long_ball(v0, theta0):
    Finds the distance traveled by a baseball with the initial velocity
    magnitude v0 and launched at angle theta0

    v0:     Initial velocity magnitude (m/s)

    that0:  Initial launch angle (degrees)

    d:  Distance the ball traveled (m)

    theta_r = np.radians(theta0)  #Convert the input angle into radians

    dt = 0.01  #time step size (s)

    #Initial conditions w0 = [x0, y0, vx0, vy0]
    w0 = [0, 0, v0 * np.cos(theta_r), v0 * np.sin(theta_r)]
    t0 = 0.0

    #This is my 'flag' condition. The program will keep checking what 'done' is.
    #When it gets set to True then the program will end.
    done = False

    while not done:
        w, t = rk2(w0, t0, t0 + 2 * dt, dt,
                   baseball)  #'tf' is set to t0+2*dt becasue I want
        #to take one step and then check to see
        #if we're done. The 2 is needed because
        #arange doesn't end at tf but at tf-dt

        w0 = w[1]
        t0 = t[1] + dt
        if w[1, 1] < 0:  #Checks if the 'y' position is in the ground or not
            done = True
        if t[-1] > 30:
            return print(
                'Something went wrong, baseball is in the air to long')

    #Baseball has it the ground in the last step
    if done:
        x0 = w[0, 0]
        y0 = w[0, 1]

        x1 = w[1, 0]
        y1 = w[1, 1]

        frac = y0 / (y0 - y1)
        d = x0 * frac + x1 * (1 - frac)
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 4
def am3_int(function, x0, x1, y0, n):
    h = (x1 - x0) / float(n)
    # Inicializacao
    x_k_minus_one = x0
    y_k_minus_one = y0

    # Primeiro ponto
    x_k = x0 + h
    y_k = rk2(function, x0, x_k, y0, n)

    # Segundo ponto
    x_k_plus_one = x_k + h
    y_k_plus_one = rk2(function, x_k, x_k_plus_one, y_k, n)

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        # Calcula temporarias para usar na conta
        temp_k_minus_one = -1 / 12 * function(x_k_minus_one, y_k_minus_one)
        temp_k = 8 / 12 * function(x_k, y_k)

        predicted_y_k_plus_one = rk2(function, x_k, x_k_plus_one, y_k, n)

        temp_k_plus_one = 5 / 12 * function(x_k_plus_one,

        # Calcula novo valor de Y
        new_y = y_k + h * (temp_k_minus_one + temp_k + temp_k_plus_one)

        # Atualiza os valores de X
        x_k_minus_one = x_k
        x_k = x_k_plus_one
        x_k_plus_one = x_k_plus_one + h

        # Atualiza os valores de Y
        y_k_minus_one = y_k
        y_k = y_k_plus_one
        y_k_plus_one = new_y

    return y_k_plus_one
Ejemplo n.º 5
## Import all of my methods
import euler
import rk2
import rk4
import se1
import se2
import sho1

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Execute the calculations of each one
euler.euler(euler.x, euler.v)
rk2.rk2(rk2.x, rk2.v)
rk4.rk4(rk4.x, rk4.v)
se1.se1(se1.x, se1.p)
se2.se2(se2.x, se2.p)

methods = [euler, rk2, rk4, se1, se2]
colors = ["r-", "y-", "g-", "b-", "c-"]

## Graphing area
for i, method in enumerate(methods):
    plt.plot(method.t_points, method.e_points, colors[i], label=method.name)
    plt.ylabel("total energy")
    plt.title("Energy Conservation")

plt.plot(sho1.t_points, sho1.e_points, "r--", label=sho1.name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from euler import eulerMethod 
from rk2 import rk2
from rk4 import rk4
from rrz2 import rrz2

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 7
import picard
import newton
import rk2

if __name__ == "__main__":